Food Circle Plug-in Emperor

Chapter 1157: Medicinal meals cannot be made casually

 After Liu Yongping talked to Yao Shi on the phone, he drove directly to the Science and Technology Expo Center.

 When he arrived at the stall, he called Fu Yu out, and the two sat in the corner of the dining area and talked about the matter.

Liu Yongping asked Fu Yu: "You can also make medicated meals, which is quite useful. Boss Duan from Jushantang just contacted me and wanted to invite you to help customize medicated meals. I was very surprised at the time! You kid, you know a lot. , tell me quickly, what is going on?"

Fu Yu smiled and truthfully told his previous experience.

Liu Yongping did not comment on the fact that he worked part-time in a music restaurant while working at Chollima. His focus was on Fu Yu's development in medicinal diet.

Liu Yongping asked: "Since you have won awards at the International Medicinal Diet Exchange Conference, why don't you just go all out and continue to work in the medicated diet industry?"

Although herbal cooking is far less developed than Hongan in the food circle, as long as the level is high and the strength is real, it is not difficult to become famous and make a lot of money.

Especially because Fu Yu has such a strong resume, he should be a talent that is being recruited by major herbal restaurants and restaurants in the herbal cuisine circle.

If you have money on hand, you can just open a herbal restaurant, and you don’t have to worry about not being able to run it.

 After all, even the boss of Jushantang came here specifically, which shows that Fu Yu has both strength and recognition from people in the industry.

Fu Yu said: “My mother’s influence on herbal cooking was the reason I learned a little bit about it. Later, I studied and learned more about the theory of traditional Chinese medicine, and then I improved my cooking skills in this area.”

“However, the basis of medicated food cooking is actually a red table operation. How to make medicated food delicious is the key to bringing customers therapeutic enjoyment.”

“To be honest, after receiving so many honors and getting to know many seniors in the industry, I felt that my cooking skills were indeed very good and my level was very high.”

"But after I actually arrived in the capital, I really understood what it means that there are people outside the world, and there is a sky outside the world. During this period of cooking exchanges with Chef Li and Chef Yang in the back kitchen, I really benefited a lot, and I was exposed to all new ideas and I really admire you for your cooking creativity."

“It’s really amazing to be able to turn the fish feast from my hometown into a gourmet specialty that has been applied for World Heritage status!”

“So I cherish this opportunity to come to Fucheng Chun for further study. I hope I can learn more about cooking!”

Liu Yongping looked at Fu Yu and did not expect to hear such heartfelt words: "Your idea is right. Cooking is not like other skills. Only by having a solid foundation, expanding the scope of your cuisine, and learning more cooking methods can you be better." Okay, let’s make a medicated banquet.”

Fu Yu nodded: "I think so too. I haven't thought about how it will develop in the future. I just plan to take care of the present first."

Liu Yongping praised: "That's right, Xiao Fu, you take your time step by step, don't rush it."

Fu Yu smiled: "Well, I will study hard with Chef Li now. At least I can't let this opportunity for further study go down."

“Cook Liu, I’m actually very grateful to you for allowing me to come here for further study. If it weren’t for you, how would I have had such a good opportunity to learn so many cooking skills and meet such an outstanding senior as Chef Li!”

Liu Yongping wants to say that with your qualifications and such awareness, your future will definitely be limitless.

 For further studies, just ask if you want to learn anything. I would be very happy to be able to help you when you are still in your infancy.

Fu Yu talked about his thoughts from the bottom of his heart: "I want to hone my cooking skills now. If I can learn as much as I can, I will always benefit from it in the future."

 When he really mastered the cooking skills and had more abundant funds, that was the day he started his own business.

Since he has this plug-in, he will definitely have this strength in the future, so why not just get there in one step and start from the bottom step by step.

He wants to be like his masters Liu Yunong and Liu Yongping, and in the future he will open a nationally renowned catering company and become one of the top figures in the industry.

 Fu Yu has always had his own thoughts in mind.

As people grow up, their wings will harden, and they will have the ambition to leave the nest and start a family.

 After Liu Yongping talked with Fu Yu, he turned around and called Duan Yao.

 Knowing that Fu Yu could go to Jushantang to customize herbal meals, Duan Yao sincerely thanked him and rushed to the Fucheng Chun stall in the Science and Technology Center that afternoon to meet Liu Yongping and Fu Yu who were waiting in advance.

Liu Yongping saw that Duan Yao came alone and asked, "Didn't your friend come with you?"

Duan Yao explained: "No, my friend's wife had particularly severe morning sickness today. I originally wanted to take it over and have a look together, but she really couldn't get out of bed."

“It was so difficult for them to conceive this baby. They had to undergo in vitro fertilization eight times. They suffered all kinds of sins, and now they are finally pregnant.”

“I didn’t expect that I’m already in the middle and late stages of pregnancy and I’m still suffering from morning sickness!”

“Later on, I really vomited so much that I couldn’t eat anything. I went to the hospital for a checkup and was told that it was hyperemesis gravidarum. I had been receiving infusions for a while, and it was just two days before I started having trouble again today.”

“When I came here just now, my friend called me specifically to say that if we needed anything, they would definitely cooperate.”

 Ever since he started making medicated diet, Fu Yu has gained some understanding in this aspect.

Morning sickness like this is usually an early reaction during pregnancy. Now that we are in the middle and late stages, it is really miserable to still have such severe symptoms.

Fu Yu understood the customer's embarrassment very well, nodded and said: "It's okay. Since I want to customize the medicinal diet, I have to know more about her situation first. If it is convenient, it is best to collect all her medical records and cases. Give me one."

Although Fu Yu's level of Chinese medicine is average, he has the backing of two veteran Chinese doctors, Ren Yuchang and Li Zongming. Fu Yu dares to deal with ordinary problems.

Duan Yao nodded quickly: "It's convenient, I'll call them now."

 After saying that, Duan Yao quickly dialed the number over there.

 Not long after, his friend picked up: "Brother Duan, how are you?"

“My wife just finished vomiting. Oops, I’m sweating. I didn’t eat much at noon, and I just vomited again!”

 “I’ll tell you, if it doesn’t work, I’ll be hospitalized directly, but she won’t do it!”

 The phone was on speakerphone, and both Fu Yu and Liu Yongping heard it!

Duan Yao’s friend was really worried and spoke in a helpless and painful tone.

At this time, his friend was a little anxious: "I keep vomiting like this, and my body can't handle it. I'm not going to go to the hospital to prescribe a few bottles of nutritional solution, otherwise the child will not be nutritious."

"Now, I don't want my wife to have milk to feed the child. As long as she can eat, she can keep up with her nutrition first."

"I really have no choice. My mother and her mother tried different ways to make food at home, but it didn't work. She really couldn't take a bite, so she had to eat it reluctantly, and she had to vomit it out after a while."

After Duan Yao comforted him, his friend hurriedly found the medical records, took photos and sent them all quickly. Fu Yu took a look at it first. She was already 6 and a half months pregnant. The baby is currently healthy, but underweight. The pregnant woman is a little anemic, but the nutrition is okay. Moreover, because it is a test-tube baby, in order to protect the fetus in the early stage, she does not dare to move casually while lying down. , coupled with too much psychological pressure, I also suffered from symptoms of urticaria.

After reading all the case information carefully, Fu Yu suddenly frowned!

Hyperemesis gravidarum and urticaria?

This medicinal diet really cannot be made casually.

Fu Yu had relatively little knowledge in this area, but he did not mention this matter in front of Duan Yao.

 Fu Yu carefully saved the photos of the cases into a photo album, and then said to Duan Yao: "I understand all about your friend's situation."

Duan Yao immediately asked with concern: "How is it? Can you customize the medicinal diet?"

Fu Yu nodded: "Medicinal diet can be customized, but in your friend's case, I still recommend going to the hospital for formal treatment first. After all, medicated diet is dietary therapy. You must first be able to eat something and make sure not to vomit it out, or only vomit a small amount. OK."

"Well, I'll go back today and help make a list of some home-cooked recipes that are good for pregnancy. When your friend's lover is in a better condition, you can cook and eat some at home. If the situation is still not good, wait until the baby is born. One month is not too late for me to nurse her back.”

 The main thing was that he had to first ask two old Chinese medicine doctors what foods and medicinal materials should be avoided in this situation, and then customize the medicinal diet according to the situation.

 This is a pregnant woman, so you must not deal with it carelessly.

When Duan Yao heard it, he thought it made sense.

 He himself runs a herbal cuisine restaurant and is very knowledgeable about this aspect.

Medicated diet actually mainly relies on dietary therapy for body conditioning. It is a conditioning method that is slow-acting, causes relatively little harm to the body, and is relatively safe.

His friend's daughter-in-law is in really bad condition right now. Even if she takes the medicated diet, the effect cannot be seen immediately. On the contrary, the regular treatment in the hospital will be effective faster.

 Duan Yao used to be concerned and confused. His friends and his wife had just been discharged from the hospital not long ago. Seeing that their condition was getting better, they urgently asked for custom-made medicinal meals.

 He was so anxious that he forgot all the professional knowledge.

 Now that I was reminded by Fu Yu, I realized that this was indeed the case.

Duan Yao knew that Fu Yu was studying at Fucheng Chun stall and usually worked in the kitchen. Now was a rare rest time in the day, so Fu Yu promised to help customize some suitable items after get off work. After cooking a simple medicinal recipe for home cooking, he didn't bother anymore.

Duan Yao looked at Fu Yu gratefully and said: "Fu Chu, thank you so much this time. I will talk to my friend about this matter when I get back. If the condition is really bad, it is better to go to the hospital for treatment first. The medicine and food will be waiting here. When you feel better, start eating again.”

“By the way, Fu Chu, let’s add WeChat so that we can contact you more easily in the future.”

Fu Yu readily agreed.

When Duan Yao left, Liu Yongping said goodbye to him warmly, and Fu Yu specially accompanied him to the exit of the food area.

Duan Yao smiled and said: "Fu Chu, my friend may have to trouble you for a while."

Fu Yu said understandingly: "Boss Duan, you're welcome. If you need anything, just contact me directly."

 Duan Yao really didn’t have the opportunity to interact with Fu Yu before, and he didn’t know much about this person. He only knew that he was very young and was very good at making medicinal meals.

Now after getting in touch with him, I found that this person is actually very kind and easy to get along with, and the most important thing is that he is very warm-hearted. He is not an arrogant or young and energetic person. He is very down-to-earth and calm.

 Duan Yao had a good impression of Yu, and now he really wanted to ask for help from others, so his attitude seemed very sincere.

“Hey, after what happened today, we will all be friends from now on. Why should we call me boss? I am so much older than you. If you don’t mind, just call me brother!”

 Fu Yu has always welcomed this opportunity to expand his network of contacts.

 He responded readily: "Okay, Brother Duan!"

Duan Yao said with a smile: "You are a new arrival here and you probably don't have many acquaintances here in the capital. If you need help in the future, just come to me directly! And I am now running a medicinal food restaurant. If you need it in the future, You can also tell me."

Fu Yu smiled at Duan Yao and said, "Okay, then I'll thank you in advance!"

Although the words seemed to be polite, Fu Yu instantly understood the meaning of Duan Yao's words.

He came to Fuchengchun for further study. He had no problem cooking red wine in the kitchen, but it was inconvenient to make herbal meals.

Not only is it inconvenient to purchase ingredients and medicinal materials, but also there is no place for him to cook and receive customers.

 Duan Yao himself runs a herbal restaurant. If he encounters special circumstances in the future and wants to customize herbal meals for others, he can go to Jushantang. Ready-made ingredients and cooking utensils are available, which is very convenient.

Fu Yu said goodbye to Duan Yao warmly, and then went back to the stall to continue working.

In his spare time, he sent all the case information in the photo album to Ren Yuchang and Li Zongming.

Neither of them responded to messages in time, and Fu Yu himself was busy preparing dishes and taking orders for cooking.

With this busy schedule, I can no longer take care of the medicinal food and dishes.

When he got off work in the evening, Fu Yu was about to stop the car when he received a call from Ren Yuchang.

 The two communicated in detail about some foods and Chinese medicinal materials that pregnant women should avoid. After Fu Yu had an idea, he chatted a few more about each other's situation before finally hanging up the phone.

Halfway through the car, he received another long voice message from Li Zongming. The two chatted for a while, and finally came to the same conclusion as Ren Yuchang said.

Based on the content provided by the two of them, Fu Yu finally finalized several medicinal dishes suitable for home cooking.

He sent the recipes to Duan Yao. They were all relatively common home-cooked dishes. They were simple and easy to make and should not be difficult.

Duan Yao converted the message into text and sent it to his friend. After the two communicated, he sent a message back to Fu Yu, thanking him very much.

In fact, Duan Yao can make this medicinal meal in his own restaurant. However, his friend attaches too much importance to the child in his wife's belly and just wants to be safe in everything.

 Duan Yao was helpless, but who is his friend? At the critical moment, even if it is necessary to stab someone at both sides, he has to do it. There is no other way! (End of chapter)

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