Food Circle Plug-in Emperor

Chapter 118: a big thick leg

  Chapter 118 A thick leg

  Crabs must be fresh and alive. The crab meat is not only firm and easy to peel, but also slightly sweet to eat.

  Customers who come to Maxima to eat seafood are drawn to this fresh and unique cooking technique.

  Fu Yu steamed eight crabs in two pots.

  The most important thing about steamed crabs is the heat.

  The length of time can directly determine the taste of the crab.

   The time is short, the bacteria will not be sterilized, and the crab paste will not solidify.

   After a long time, the crab meat is dry and the umami taste is lost.

  So when Fu Yu learned steaming crabs from Zhao Meng, Zhao Meng always emphasized that steaming crabs must be based on the size of the crabs and the heat and time.

  But now with the blessing of the fire mastering skill, he is really handy in steaming crabs.

  The crabs went into the steamer.

  Fu Yu turned his head and began to search for fried crabs with golden garlic in the typhoon shelter.

   For this dish, the store has always used Shijiahong.

  The crab body of Shijiahong is not as plump as that of the swimming crab, but the meat quality of the crab claws is very delicious.

  Fu Yu smashed Shi Jiahong's crab claws, and divided the crab body into four parts.

  Drain the water, add salt, monosodium glutamate and mix well.

  Pour oil into the pot, heat it to 70% heat, put down the crab pieces and fry them until they are cooked, then take them out.

  Fry minced garlic in hot oil until crispy.

  Add green pepper flakes, red pepper flakes, minced ginger, tempeh, crab cubes, Shaoxing wine in turn, add minced garlic and light soy sauce and stir-fry until fragrant.

  Finally add salt, sugar, monosodium glutamate to taste.

   A fried crab with golden garlic from the typhoon shelter came out of the pot. Fu Yu first changed the heat of steaming the crab from high heat to medium heat and continued to steam.

  Then start to arrange the plate.

  When arranging this dish, there are a lot of things to pay attention to. The main reason is that the crab body is broken. If you want to look beautiful and attractive visually, you have to use your brains on the side dishes.

   Fu Yu turned his head and glanced at Sun Qingning.

  Sun Qingning just finished setting up a plate of lemon chicken feet, and was looking at it carefully.

  Fu Yu greeted: "Qing Ning!"

  Sun Qingning hurriedly turned around: "Ah? What do you need?"

   Fu Yu said: "Come here and watch me make this dish."

  Sun Qingning's eyes lit up when he heard it.

Fu Yu said as he moved: "When arranging this dish, pay attention to the angle when splicing the crabs, so that the fracture cannot be exposed. Also, when sprinkling shredded chili and peppercorns, pay attention to the quantity, as long as it is just enough to cover the crab. Fractures are fine, but too many will affect the appearance."

   "For the crab claws, try not to use peppercorns, or they will easily get stuck in the broken part of the crab shell. It is best to decorate with shallots and pepper shreds."

   Fu Yu just finished speaking!

  A thought suddenly flashed in my mind.

  Since the improved processing of salt and pepper goby has been praised by customers, is it possible to use this processing method in other hard-shell seafood dishes for the convenience of customers?

   When you have time, you can think about this matter carefully.

  Sun Qingning listened carefully, keeping a close eye on Fu Yu's movements, for fear that he might miss any details.

Seeing that he was studying seriously, Fu Yu specifically explained: "Actually, the essence of this dish lies in minced garlic. The minced garlic in our restaurant has a unique flavor. It tastes sweet and burnt, crispy but not burnt. The combination of spiciness and soy flavor has achieved a balance of flavors. Cooked with crab, the taste is particularly harmonious and very delicious.”

  Sun Qingning nodded, inexplicably feeling like listening to a teacher in class.

   And he found that Fu Yu's expression was particularly precise.

  Whether it is the description of the dishes or the emphasis on details, they are always very straightforward.

   Very concise, and very easy to understand!

  Of course he didn't expect it. This is the experience that Fu Yu summed up and explored with the blessing of various awesome skills.

  It may seem ordinary, but in fact every sentence is the essence extracted.

  When Fu Yu is arranging the plate now, the green line will still appear, but the number has decreased significantly.

   This gave him a sense of accomplishment. When he taught Sun Qingning the skills of arranging dishes, he also revealed a little bit of arranging skills that he discovered in the process.

   For example, how to arrange the plate is more convenient and quick, and how to operate it to present a more perfect effect.

  Fu Yu basically talked while arranging the plate, and his movements were very fast, but through the description, Sun Qingning could also directly and clearly understand all the precautions and see the whole process of arranging the plate clearly.

  Sun Qingning also listened very carefully, almost concentrating on it, thinking while listening.

   A plate of Fried Crab with Golden Garlic in the Typhoon Shelter, Fu Yu only took three minutes to finish arranging the plate.

  He did it seriously and spoke very carefully.

  Sun Qingning also raised some questions about details halfway through.

   It's not difficult to answer, but the angle of the question makes Fu Yu feel a little unexpected.

   are details that he usually ignores.

  The two people have questions and answers, so that both sides benefit from each other.

   Busy and busy, the dishes on the three tables were finally put on the table one after another, and then the orderer came over twice to inform the customer of the order.

   The busier Fu Yu was, the faster he was.

  Sun Qingning was excited to help the cook beside him.

   Fu Yu's guidance to him today brought a full sense of shock!

  If he was in admiration and admiration when facing Fu Yu before, now it has become respect and yearning.

   After all, when you find that there is a gap between yourself and others, if the gap is not big, you may be unconvinced, jealous, envious, and unwilling.

  But when you find that the gap between yourself and others is insurmountable, then you will completely lose the desire to compare.

  Sun Qingning now has a very clear understanding of himself.

  So he completely realized that Fu Yu had very thick and long thighs!

   Now this thigh is placed in front of him.

   It is a fool not to rush forward and hug him!

  Sun Qingning secretly made up his mind that he would not care about anything else in the future and only concentrate on helping Fu Yu in the kitchen.

  Study hard and be on call, only Fu Yu obeys orders.

  Sun Qingning happily cleaned the kitchen utensils and cleaned the kitchen table, full of excitement and excitement.

   All along, he has been doing odd jobs.

   It was rare that when Fu Yu was resting, he was summoned by Zhao Meng once. It was almost like being indebted to Long En. He was careful not to make mistakes, and he didn't dare to ask. He was often taught to be puzzled.

  But the few skills that Fu Yu gave him today made him feel eager to try.

  He later discovered that Zhao Meng's original arrangement was actually thoughtful. If it weren't for Zhao Meng's wise arrangement, he would not have been able to hug Fu Yu's thigh!

  The two tables have been answered correctly, and for the remaining tables, as long as the two hard dishes are served first, so that customers can wait while eating, the remaining dishes can be cooked interspersed with several tables.

   Actually, this is relatively easy for Fu Yu.

  He now has the blessing of hand speed and cooking skills, as long as he operates according to the normal process.

  Especially Sun Qingning

  Fu Yu smiled with satisfaction.

   This person is actually very smart and has a good eye. As long as he is willing to concentrate on work, with him helping the kitchen, he can really relax a lot.

  Seeing Sun Qingning washing the kitchen utensils, Fu Yu was standing by the side, looking as if he was on standby, and said, "Is there anything you don't understand about what I told you just now?"

   "No!" Sun Qingning said gratefully: "Even Zhao Chu can understand what he said, and what you said is so detailed, I can even listen to it."

   In front of the kitchen counter next to him, Zhao Meng who happened to turn around and was about to speak: "."


   The 100 starting point coins rewarded by Snake Syndrome mad! Thank you!



  (end of this chapter)

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