Food Circle Plug-in Emperor

Chapter 1181: What does boss mean?

With one sentence, Yang Ming was immediately speechless. He shook his head and couldn't help but laugh.

I have always heard Li Dongxu say before that if you want to learn good cooking skills, the most important thing is talent. People without talent will be difficult to achieve a truly high level of cooking no matter how hard they work.

 Fu Yu is not only amazingly talented, but most importantly, he also works extremely hard.

Yang Ming looked at Fu Yu, and all he could think of was "convinced"!

As long as today's hot and sour soup was cooked by Li Dongxu on a temporary basis, he wouldn't think anything of it.

I really don’t know what else to say to someone like this who can quickly complete cooking just by describing it, handle all the detailed operations, and even temporarily master a whole new set of skills and operations, except to be amazed. .

Yang Ming smacked his lips, and finally after savoring the unique rich taste of the hot and sour soup, he couldn't help but sigh: "I have learned a lot today! If I had known this, I should have recorded the cooking process just now, and I can record it at any time in the future. Observe.”

After hearing this, Fu Yu smiled.

This soup is useless to observe the video. With the speed of his stuffing and pinching **** just now, even if the lens is slow, it should be difficult to see the famous hall inside.

While they were chatting, a waiter from the front hall came to report that the customer suddenly cried after tasting the soup.

Upon hearing this, everyone in the kitchen was stunned.

 The waiter quickly explained.

The hot and sour soup was brought to the dining area. When the customers saw the soup bowl, they nodded in surprise without even trying it, and said, "Yes, this is the soup!"

 Then he started to drink the soup. As a result, he finished half the bowl of soup. When he looked up again, the man was already crying.

Sun Lihua was startled and hurried forward to ask questions, fearing that the customer would do something wrong again.

 As a result, the customer was in tears, choking while drinking the soup.

 After drinking most of the bowl of soup, he muttered: "This is the taste, go home, I want to go home."

This time, the customer did not stay any longer and left directly after finishing the soup.

 Everyone in the front hall breathed a sigh of relief.

Sun Lihua is an old man after all, so she is quite capable if she can come over and manage the stall waiters on her behalf.

 She was sure that the customer was gone, so she hurriedly sent someone to the back kitchen to report the news.

If it weren't for Fu Yu's help, today's matter would definitely not have been solved so smoothly.

Until now, Sun Lihua no longer dares to look at Fu Yu in a sexual way like before.

Although he is a trainee, Fu Yu must be able to make great achievements both in terms of his level and as a person.

Moreover, no one in the store could tell that the boss really valued him, and Li Dongxu got along very well with him.

Such a person, it’s too late to flatter him in private, and then he takes the initiative to find trouble. Isn’t that just a disease?

Sun Lihua now has no prejudice against Yu at all, and is even thinking about finding some opportunity to restore the relationship.

 At the kitchen end, they all breathed a sigh of relief when they heard that the matter was resolved smoothly.

It's best if the customers leave, otherwise it might cause some bad effects if they really make a fuss.

Yang Ming put his hand on Fu Yu's shoulder and said sincerely: "Fu Chu, it's really thanks to you today, otherwise, this matter would definitely not have been resolved so smoothly."

The customer is frustrated and emotionally broken, and if his requirements cannot be met, he may go to extremes and do something unexpected.

Yang Ming followed beside him and echoed: "Yes, yes! Thank you for your hard work, Chef Fu!"

Fu Yu looked at them, his heart warmed, and he couldn't help but smile.

 The trouble in the front office was successfully solved and everyone was very happy.

The one who gained the most today was undoubtedly Yang Ming. Fu Yu's cooking operation just now, to be honest, he didn't actually learn any operating methods or skills, but it gave him a very profound warning.

Yang Ming was in high spirits at this time!

 It seemed as if Fu Yu's performance had broken the shackles, and he suddenly broke through.

 It is not about the improvement of personal skills, but the spirit of learning cooking skills.

 He has always thought that he was very talented. Taking advantage of this advantage, he began to slack off unknowingly.

He happened to be favored by Li Dongxu in the kitchen, and was praised and praised by others. After a long time, he didn't even realize that his state at this time had actually begun to become lazy.

Now, he regained his energy and decided to learn from Fu Yu in the future.

 Look at Fu Yu, he is more talented than me and works harder than me.

 I usually work diligently and without complaint, and I will seize the time to observe and learn whenever I have the opportunity. I deserve to be better and better, and my cooking skills are getting higher and higher.

Yang Ming put his arm around Fu Yu's shoulders and couldn't help but say: "Fu Chef, to be honest, your behavior today taught me a lesson! I'm going to use you as a target in the future!"

Yang Zhichao was listening and couldn't help but smile and nod. He didn't think there was anything wrong with this.

 After all, in his opinion, Yang Ming was speaking from his heart.

Fu Yu smiled: "Actually, I performed pretty well today and my cooking status was particularly good. However, I still need to continue learning in soup making."

Yang Ming nodded: "Yes, let's work hard and study together."

 Fu Yu nodded.

At this time, when the dining area was crowded with customers, Yang Ming said a few words with a smile, and hurried back to continue taking orders.

Fu Yu turned around and followed, took two more orders, quickly sorted out the types of dishes, and then began to order Yang Zhichao to prepare the dishes.

After getting off work in the evening, Fu Yu took a taxi back to the community. While visiting the supermarket, he sent a message to Liu Yuqing to ask if she had any food she wanted to eat. He happened to buy the food by the way.

 Liu Yuqing quickly replied to the message: "I ate salty food at noon. I am not too hungry at night. I want to drink soup."

When Fu Yu heard this, he immediately laughed.

He specially bought a piece of cut fish and selected fresh pork, planning to make spicy and sour fish ball soup for Liu Yuqing to try in the evening.

Liu Yuqing came back a little late in the past two days. The teacher in the supplementary class will assign several very typical questions every day.

 She now has a deskmate with a top student, and she discusses with him every day to analyze the answers.

Fu Yu looked at Liu Yuqing's obviously thin cheeks and felt particularly distressed. However, there was really nothing he could do to help with his studies, so he could only try to cook as many dishes as Liu Yuqing liked when cooking every morning and evening, so as to strive for more meals. Get some nutrition.

 Liu Yuqing just wanted to drink soup at night, so Fu Yu simply kneaded some more meatballs.

 It was too late, and this meal could only be used as a late-night snack. Eating too much would make it difficult to digest.

By the time Liu Yuqing got home, the meatballs in Fu Yu's soup pot were also floating.

He poured all the soup and meatballs into the seasoned soup bowl before serving it to the table.

Liu Yuqing looked at the crystal clear meatballs inside and said in surprise: "Hey, this is fish ball soup, right? It looks really appetizing."

 As soon as I took a sip, I became more and more surprised.

This soup has a very rich taste, sour and spicy, which is very appetizing.

 Her lunch was a bit salty and her appetite was not very good. Now she took a mouthful of soup and suddenly felt her appetite was increased.

 When I tasted another fresh fish ball, I couldn’t help but feel even more joyful. These meatballs are so exquisitely made. They look pure white from the outside, but there is something going on inside!

Liu Yuqing ate two meatballs in a row before she stopped and praised seriously: "What's the name of this soup? It's so delicious! The meatballs are also delicious, they're so chewy and very fresh!"

Fu Yu also served a bowl of soup himself. He didn't taste it when it was cooked before, but he knew how it should taste.

Now that I tasted it myself, I suddenly squinted my eyes with satisfaction.

I have to say that the customers are quite good at eating. This soup is indeed more delicious than the authentic hot and sour soup from my hometown. With the addition of meatballs, the texture is much richer.

Fu Yu smiled and said: "This is called hot and sour soup, but I think it should be called hot and sour fish ball soup."

 He told what happened at the stall today.

Liu Yuqing’s attention suddenly shifted from the delicious meatball soup to the customer’s experience.

“It’s really crazy to have the technology you worked so hard to develop be plagiarized and kicked out by the same team!”

However, after Liu Yuqing sighed with emotion, she couldn't help but complain: "However, it seems that his nature is not very good, otherwise he would definitely not be able to do such an embarrassing thing!"

Liu Yuqing has previous service experience as an intern at Qianlima, and she is most disgusted with such messy customers.

 No matter how much you feel wronged, you should not vent your emotions to innocent people.

And the ones being bullied are hotel staff whose job is to provide quality service.

Based on this alone, no matter how miserable the customer’s experience is, they do not deserve sympathy.

 Fu Yu and Liu Yuqing have always held the same position in this regard.

 The two of them drank soup and complained at the same time.

 After dinner, we rushed to clean up the kitchen. One of us started to stay up late to study the questions, and the other stayed with me to watch cooking videos on his mobile phone. In fact, he looked through classic old recipes and studied cooking with all his heart.

Until late at night, my body couldn't bear it any longer, so we hugged each other and fell asleep.

 The next day, Li Dongxu called everyone in the kitchen together and held an impromptu small meeting.

 He went back to the store yesterday and chatted with Liu Yongping about the work at the stall.

 Liu Yongping put forward several requirements regarding the work of kitchen staff at that time.

Li Dongxu carefully conveyed the boss's intention in front of everyone.

 After everyone listened, they each made corrections as required.

Through this meeting, Li Dongxu also took a closer look at some of the difficulties encountered by everyone in the kitchen and some of the more noteworthy issues.

After the meeting ended, Li Dongxu avoided others and called his boss Liu Yongping.

The two discussed the content of the meeting and the problems discovered in detail. All that needed to be discussed was done. When Liu Yongping was about to hang up the phone, Li Dongxu suddenly said: "Boss, regarding Fu Yu's participation in training activities, Is it possible for us to get a spot? After all, he is only a trainee now."

After Liu Yongping heard this, he immediately smiled and said: "I will definitely get the quota!"

Li Dongxu was a little surprised: "Has the news come out yet?"

 After all, the number of places for this event is limited, and the requirements for those who can participate are relatively high.

Seeing this, Liu Yongping simply said: "Actually, Fu Yu is already well-known internationally. He is not only good at red cases, he is also very good at medicinal diet. I have something to be busy with now. I will have time later. Okay, I’ll send you a video, just in time to have a good discussion.”

 After saying that, Liu Yongping hung up the phone directly.

Li Dongxu was left staring and speechless.

 What does the boss's words mean?

 Fu Yu is well-known internationally?

 And the medicinal diet is very good?

This red pill and medicated diet are completely different things. What did the boss mean by what he just said?

Li Dongxu subconsciously glanced at Fu Yu who was preparing dishes in the kitchen, feeling extremely curious.

But since Liu Yongping had never mentioned this matter in public before, he probably didn’t want to make it public.

Li Dongxu put away his mobile phone and walked towards Fu Yu.

When he got closer, he said with a smile: "I just talked to the boss on the phone. He said that your cooking skills are very good. This time, the list of applying to participate in the international cooking training exchange event has been submitted. You are very hopeful that you can participate. .”

“During this period, you should practice cooking carefully. If you don’t understand anything, you can ask me.”

Fu Yu nodded and smiled: "Thank you, Chef Li."

Li Dongxu nodded pleasantly, patted Fu Yu on the shoulder and turned to leave.

This series of operations made the people around him so envious that they cried.

 This is too speechless.

Li Dongxu, a cold-faced man, still has such a warm spring breeze.

However, Li Dongxu's attitude towards Yu Shuangbiao was only one aspect. What really shocked others was what he said later.

This Fu Yu actually has the opportunity to participate in international training activities?

That’s awesome!

Especially since he was still a trainee at this time, the boss was actually willing to give such a precious place to Fu Yu.

 Everyone suddenly became more thoughtful.

Among the people, to be honest, Yang Ming was really happy for Fu Yu.

 For a long time, except for a few chefs at the flagship store, there are basically no chefs like him who are truly outstanding.

 Compared to the talents trained at the head office, their cooking abilities are not very strong.

 Yang Ming had never really realized this fact before.

But now, Yang Ming suddenly discovered that his mentality had changed since Fu Yu came.

 Since this time, he and Fu Yu have been observing each other’s cooking, communicating and learning, and his progress in cooking and understanding of skills have improved significantly.

 This made him very happy.

 Similarly, I am getting closer to Yu.

 He himself knew that he was definitely not qualified to participate in such an event.

And if Fu Yu has the strength to squeeze out the people at the main store and grab a spot on behalf of the flagship store, in his opinion, it will be something to be proud of.

 After all, Fu Yu is studying here at the flagship store. Even if it is true, he is from their side.

Thinking about it this way, Yang Ming felt very happy. He had made great achievements, and he also felt proud of it.

 I feel particularly energetic when I work. (End of chapter)

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