Food Circle Plug-in Emperor

Chapter 1194: It's so shocking

Here, after Fu Yu finished preparing the side dishes and placing them on the plates, Li Dongxu and Yang Zhichao were also ready!

Fu Yu glanced at Li Dongxu, who was about to step forward, and couldn't help but said: "Cook Li, let me serve the fish!"

According to the system's consistent style, the development of this matter may determine which task will be suddenly triggered in the end.

 Since the most difficult cooking operation has been successfully completed, there is nothing wrong with this last step!

Li Dongxu was stunned for a moment!

Even Yang Zhichao looked at Fu Yu with a puzzled expression.

 Li Dongxu is back, so this dish is the perfect way for him to finish the meal.

After all, the fish is being cooked in three stages. Who knows how it tastes? If anything goes wrong, whoever is in charge must be responsible.

Now that Li Dongxu is willing to help with the finishing touches, it stands to reason that Fu Yu should be happy to hand over the work.

 But now he asked himself to complete the presentation of the dish independently.

Li Dongxu was actually a little surprised, but he didn’t think much about it.

 He knew Fu Yu's skill in cooking. The fish had been stewed and only the final plating was left. As long as he was careful not to scatter the fish, the dish would be considered perfect.

However, it is actually quite difficult to hold fish.

 After all, the three pieces of fish are in different positions. Even if the stewing degree is similar, the fish will easily loosen when it is overcooked.

When serving, you have to be very careful to ensure that the whole fish comes out of the pan intact and is put together on the tray. That is so that customers can see the whole fish at a glance, before they use their chopsticks to pick up the meat. , you can’t even notice that the fish has been broken into three pieces. This is the highlight of the dish.

Li Dongxu nodded: "Okay, but be careful when serving fish so as not to scatter the fish meat."

 Fu Yu quickly responded: "Okay, I'll pay attention!"

This can be considered a precautionary measure. What if the system task is really triggered?

 It’s just that there is no way to explain these things to Li Dongxu.

Now that Li Dongxu is willing to trust him, Fu Yu is actually quite touched.

When filling the fish, Li Dongxu stepped forward to help support the tray, and Fu Yu was not polite. After all, he could only take care of the fish segments when filling. When adjusting the position, someone still needed to move the tray to adjust the angle.

 Li Dongxu arranged the trays perfectly, turned his head and glanced at Fu Yu: "We can start."

 Fu Yu nodded!

Yang Zhichao also hurried forward and helped hold the tray on the other side.

The river carp is really too big. The tray is placed directly across the kitchen counter with various side dishes placed on it. It looks very grand.

Fu Yu took aim at the angle, preparing to place the fish head first, then the fish body and tail.

 This process is very difficult and stressful!

Due to a slight deviation, the position of the fish segments will be different when they are assembled. If you want to move and adjust them, the placement of the side dishes will be affected.

Moreover, the fish is easily loosened when it is picked up from the side dish.

However, once the placement is successful, there is no need to worry even if the system is suddenly triggered.

In fact, if I think about it carefully, it seems that since I came to Fuchengchun for further training, the system has gradually stopped issuing tasks in advance. He triggered the task content by accident and received the rewards subsequently.

The dishes this time are quite difficult to cook. If the task can really be triggered, the reward will definitely be very generous.

 Thinking about this, Fu Yu suddenly became more and more looking forward to it.

 He took a deep breath and started preparing the plate!

No matter how relaxed he said, Fu Yu was actually under a lot of pressure at this time. Not to mention how big the river carp was, it was now stewed in three pots. When splicing, he had to be careful not to damage the fish and also take care of the fish. According to the placement position.

Li Dongxu and Yang Zhichao were already holding the tray on the left and right.

Fu Yu first picked up the iron pot for stewing fish heads. It was heavy. If you look closely, you will find that the soup in the pot does not move at all during the movement, which shows how amazing his arm strength is and how steady his technique is.

Li Dongxu and Yang Zhichao looked at Fu Yu. To be honest, they were both worried.

It has nothing to do with trust.

 Mainly because I’m afraid that the food will be cooked and the final presentation will be messed up.

The fish is too big to be scooped out with a shovel as you usually do when stewing.

Fu Yu has brought the iron pot steadily to the side of the tray. The edge of the pot is tilted and aligned with the position where the side dishes are placed, and he adjusts it from time to time.

 This is the preparation work. Once the position of the fish head is determined, you can directly place the pot and slide the fish head onto the tray.

After carefully aiming at the position to place the fish head, Fu Yu needed to start tilting the edge of the pot. At this time, the peculiarity of the angle and the difficulty of the placement were suddenly revealed.

Yang Zhichao glanced at Fu Yu nervously. From the fresh fish cutting and stewing just now, he was sure that Fu Yu's fish stew technique was very good.

 However, the next most critical thing is the setting of the plate, which is the most difficult.

Fu Yu gently shook the pot handle, and the fish head began to slide back and forth slightly, slowly moving from the bottom of the pot to the edge of the pot.

 “This fish’s mouth must be facing the tofu!”

Yang Zhichao's heart swayed along with Fu Yu's movements, and he couldn't help but say something.

Li Dongxu didn't say anything, but he stared at the two neatly arranged rows of tofu.

When I was serving the dishes, I didn’t take a close look at them. Now I took a closer look and suddenly realized that there were ten pieces of tofu in total, five on each side. They were stewed very smoothly without any damage.

Arranged on the plate, the neat arrangement looks very comfortable.

The position Fu Yu is aiming at now should be to press the fish head on the tofu, so that the tofu on both sides can be exposed, and the fish head is lined with side dishes, and it looks layered and the color is very distinct.

 However, it is difficult to place the fish head accurately in this position

Because the tofu itself is soft and slippery, the fish head hit hard and the tofu had to be crushed.

Moreover, the tofu itself is placed too flat, and the fish head is slightly skewed, which is particularly obvious when placed on the plate.

Li Dongxu also discovered at this time that Fu Yu was a little too meticulous in the presentation.

It is clear that when he was instructing the cooking, he said that when placing the side dishes on the plate, he should try to put the same type of side dishes together, but he did not require them to be placed so neatly.

At this time, Fu Yu shook the pot significantly more, and then suddenly brought the edge of the pot close to the tray. With a flick of his wrist, the whole fish head fell directly on top of the side dishes, pressing the two rows of tofu tightly. The whole process was fast. It was so accurate that Li Dongxu was speechless!

 This. Can you really aim at the position?

Even Yang Zhichao on the side was a little surprised. He knew how to control this strength, right?

 “Hey! You are a potato!”

At this time, Li Dongxu suddenly discovered that the placement of these potatoes was actually stacked on top of each other, forming a groove in the slide. When the fish head fell, it just hit the potatoes, and the height of the potatoes happened to be higher than the tofu. So I blocked it in advance.

 The tofu was not directly stressed, so it was not damaged at all, while the potato strips were thick enough and did not break even after being hit.

At this time, Fu Yu took a closer look at the position where the fish head had fallen, then picked up a pair of chopsticks and adjusted them slightly.

 As the fish head moves, the potatoes bear most of the force. The position of the fish head is adjusted and all the side dishes remain motionless.

 This provides enough space for Fu Yu to adjust the angle!

soon! It didn’t take Fu Yu too long to place the fish heads!

Without wasting any time, he quickly picked up the iron pot for stewing the fish body.

The fish body is different from the fish head, so it is less difficult to place. As long as it fits perfectly with the cross-section of the fish head, the effect of the presentation will be very good.

 With the previous experience of placing fish heads, Fu Yu has better control over the sliding angle when placing the fish body.

But just placing the fish body on the tray is not the purpose. He must make the fish body and the fish head completely fit together.

 At least visually it should feel like the fish has not been cut off.

Then the cross-sections of the two places need to be completely joined together, and the lines on the fish skin that were just poured with hot oil must be completely connected.

 Shake the pot back and forth to adjust the position of the fish.


  A bit biased!

 The lines of the texture are too messy and I can’t aim accurately!

what to do?

 Fu Yu suddenly had an idea and used "Precision Eye Drops"!

 In an instant!

Fu Yu felt that the scene in front of him had changed.

His eyesight has always been good, and he could see things very clearly before, but now it feels like the resolution has been increased again.

 The scenery in front of you all becomes more vivid in color, and the clarity is particularly high.

  It's like being adjusted from the standard playback mode to the ultra-high definition mode.

 He ​​looked at the connection between the cross-section of the fish head and the body of the fish. It seemed like a neat fit at first, but now he could clearly see the misaligned angle.

At this time, Fu Yu held the chopsticks and adjusted them quickly!

 Li Dongxu and Yang Zhichao on the side were already stunned!

They didn’t expect that Fu Yu would have to make adjustments after finishing the plating.

The most jaw-dropping thing, apart from this, is that the kitchen utensils Fu Yu used to make adjustments turned out to be chopsticks!

This fish meat is so well cooked that even if you use a shovel to hold it, it will fall apart. Now Fu Yu is pushing it here and there with chopsticks, moving it back and forth several times.

The contact surface of the chopsticks is so narrow that if you are not careful, the fish will be damaged.

However, Fu Yu's operation speed was very fast. The fish's body was adjusted a few times. Not only was there no damage at all, it actually moved as he expected.

 Fu Yu’s attention was entirely focused on the arrangement of the dishes.

 Place the fish body and the fish head closely together, and seize the time to slide the fish tail from the pot into the tray.

 This time, his placement speed was faster, and the fit between the fish tail and the fish body was better.

 Precision eye drops.

 This was Fu Yu's first time using it, and the effect was so good that he was shocked.

 The angle of the fish tail is adjusted properly.

This whole "two-person lift" iron pot stew of river carp can be carried and served to the table.

Originally, two waiters were asked to serve this dish, but at this time, Fu Yu suddenly said: "Chef Li, while my skills are particularly stable now, let me follow you to deliver the dish!"

Li Dongxu was stunned!

 “Are you going to deliver food?”

This dish is named because it is so large that it requires two people to carry it on the table.

However, the kitchen is usually busy with work, and the food is always served directly by the waiter after cooking.

Fu Yu suddenly proposed to deliver the dishes in person.

Li Dongxu was a little surprised: "Fu Yu, you are not needed for this job."

Fu Yu was actually a little reluctant to use precision eye drops to make beautifully plated dishes, but the waiter carried them unsteadily and moved the ingredients, ruining his efforts for excellence.

 But this cannot be said directly.

All he could say was: "It took a lot of effort to put this dish on the plate, but now that I have a steady hand, I can help put the dish on the table!"

After hearing this, Li Dongxu suddenly understood what Fu Yu was thinking.

  Basically, chefs will feel this way.

The dishes you have worked so hard to prepare, especially after you have carefully arranged them, are afraid that others will not pay attention and ruin them.

However, this usually happens when you first enter the industry.

 Fu Yu's reaction at this time made Li Dongxu feel like he hadn't seen him for a long time.

Li Dongxu felt that this kind of innocent heart was very valuable, so he thought about it and said: "Okay, then I will join hands with you, and take it out directly now."

 In the dining area, Deputy Director Guan and Lao Luo cooperated, chatting enthusiastically with the person in charge of the technology company while eating.

 The food is served very quickly at Fuchengchun. Because the order is made in advance, dishes are constantly being delivered from the moment we sit down.

 Among the people in the technology company, there are two serious people who have never tasted authentic northern cuisine.

This plate of extremely large and affordable dishes was brought to the table, and I was immediately surprised.

 After tasting it, I was full of praise!

 Eating became smoother, and my attitude became noticeably more relaxed when chatting.

The person in charge first praised the deliciousness of the dishes, and then chatted with Deputy Director Guan about matters related to the exhibition activities.

While chatting in a lively manner, I heard the waiter coming over to announce the names of the dishes, and there were newly cooked dishes on the table.

After hearing the name of the dish clearly, Deputy Director Guan, who was actively communicating with the person in charge, suddenly said in surprise: "Hey! The highlight I mentioned before is here!"

Hearing this, other people turned their heads to look. They were all stunned when they saw it!

I saw two people in chef uniforms walking over carrying a large tray.

 The waiter has quickly adjusted the position of the dishes on the table, freeing up the center area to place the new dish.

 The whole dish was served steadily.

Several people present raised their heads and took a look, and their eyes suddenly lit up.

 Especially those from technology companies, they have never seen such an elegant way of serving food.

The stewed fish placed on the tray looks as big as three or four ordinary fresh fish put together. Plus various side dishes on the bottom, it looks really shocking!

Especially since this dish was served by two chefs themselves, the surrounding customers turned their heads to look at it.

  It actually made their table the center of attention.

The person in charge looked at Deputy Director Guan in surprise, and the flatterment on his face was very obvious.

Deputy Director Guan did not expect that Li Dongxu would give himself such face. The effect of the dish is really great! (End of chapter)

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