Food Circle Plug-in Emperor

Chapter 1216: The most important thing is to contact Fu Yu

 The VIP reception box in the catering center is very distinctive in design.

 There is only a transparent glass between the kitchen where the people cook and the room where the customers eat.

 When the chef is serving the dishes, customers can clearly see all the operations.

Customers can have a panoramic view of the entire process of how a dish is cooked.

The purpose of this arrangement was originally to reflect the cleanliness and tidiness of the kitchen, but later it became a platform for chefs to display their superb cooking skills.

 After all, the customers who come to dine are either rich or noble, and it is a very honorable thing to be able to show one's level in front of these people.

 After customers enjoy such amazing cooking skills before dining, they will also be affected by this amazing mood when they actually taste it, and they will be even more impressed by the deliciousness of the dishes.

 The customer who ordered the custom-made banquet was a well-known local aristocrat, and the banquet was for his cousins. Since it was a family dinner, the atmosphere was very warm and harmonious.

 He is a frequent visitor to the catering center and is very familiar with the special dishes.

This time the dishes ordered are all signature dishes.

 However, because his cousin came from out of town, he had special taste requirements for the dishes.

At this time, the family was sitting around the dining table, facing the kitchen. Through the large transparent glass, you could see the workers working busy and orderly.

The person standing next to serve was the front office manager of the catering center. She personally led people to take charge of the dining service for this table.

 As Eric entered the kitchen, everyone at the table looked up to watch the cooking progress.

Eric has long been accustomed to this kind of scene. These rich and prestigious people are often very curious about areas that they are not good at. They obviously know nothing about it, but they still pretend to be knowledgeable.

 Eric didn't pay attention to the people outside through the glass, but seriously began to prepare for cooking.

Mujiangzi Beef Tongue is their specialty signature dish. The cooking requirements are very high, because beef tongue is not like other ingredients. Once the operation is wrong, the taste will be greatly affected.

However, Eric was not worried. After all, he had cooked this dish so many times over the years.

Even though everyone is staring at him now, he is confident enough to cook this dish in the best possible condition.

 At the beginning of cooking, Eric added water to the pot. After it boiled, he put all the accessories and seasonings into the pot and simmered over low heat.

 This step of operation seems simple, but in fact there are many details that need to be paid attention to during operation.

For example, there should be no deviation in the order in which auxiliary ingredients and seasonings are placed.

Furthermore, beef tongue is cooked in slices. It is easy to stick to each other in the early stages of cooking, so it needs to be put in separately when putting it into the pot.

 At this time, please note that the cooking time of each piece of beef tongue needs to be adjusted according to the size and thickness.

 Cooking work is particularly difficult.

Chef Eric Rao is experienced and skilled in cooking, and he also needs to pay attention to every step of the operation carefully.

With all the ingredients and seasonings put into the pot, Eric finally succeeded in cooking the beef tongue. However, the operation that needs to be done now is the most difficult step in the cooking process of the entire dish.

 The cooked condiments and accessories need to be filtered out, then apply the sauce on the beef tongue and wood **** seeds, put them into a vacuum bag, and cook them with 80-degree water at low temperature.

The thickness and size of the beef tongue determine the amount of sauce used.

 Because it needs to be cooked at low temperature in separate bags with a certain proportion of **** seeds, the degree of blending of the two flavors needs to be very accurately controlled.

 It is too difficult to achieve the most perfect level.

Even Eric only relied on his past cooking experience to control the details of the entire cooking operation.

 The lack of control over fire skills was immediately apparent.

 The experience is very rich, but the accuracy lacks a standard control.

 Eric carefully brushed the beef tongue and mujiang seeds with the sauce and put them into the vacuum bag. He sighed at the same time. At this time, the heat control was not good. If you are not careful, the texture and taste of the beef tongue will be affected.

This means that he has been cooking for many years and has rich experience, but it would be difficult for anyone with a slightly lower level to cook authentic Mujiangzi beef tongue.

If he retires in the future, I'm afraid there really won't be anyone in their organization who can cook dishes of his level.

Thinking of this, Eric felt very sorry.

 He has several apprentices under his command, but he has limited experience in cooking, and he doesn’t know when he will be able to master his cooking skills.

At the moment when this thought flashed across his mind, Eric suddenly recalled the summary of cooking skills he saw today!

 Part of the content is an analysis of how to use the fire control skills more accurately in handling the details of the current cooking situation.

It seems that there is a way to judge the preparation of the heat and the control of time based on the state of the ingredients and the degree of heat of the water in the pot.

Thinking of this, Eric suddenly made a move and turned around to look at his cook.

 This is Daniel, his favorite disciple and carefully trained successor.

“Daniel, come closer. Listen to what I say next and observe it carefully.”

Daniel was stunned for a moment and hurriedly took a step forward.

 He glanced at Eric's face and saw that Eric's face was very serious at this time. What was he going to say?

 Are there any cooking skills that you want to teach yourself?

 “Okay, Chef Eric.”

Daniel hurriedly pricked up his ears, fearing that he might miss some key points.

Eric tried hard to recall the content of the information he saw today and said: "I am now going to put the beef tongue into a vacuum bag. The thickness of the beef tongue is not consistent, and the proportion of seasonings such as **** seeds needs to be adjusted appropriately. , based on these, customize the cooking time.”

“Look, the order in which I placed the beef tongue slices is based on their thickness. Do you see that?”

"Next, I have to adjust the heat. You see, in terms of time, I have to wait until the water boils to this point. Oh my god, have you seen it? The melted state of the sauce can still be vaguely seen at this time!"

When Eric put the vacuum bag into hot water, the sauce evenly spread on the beef tongue obviously began to melt and flow. This scene was very similar to the state recorded in the data.

 When the cooking time begins to extend, the ingredients in the vacuum bag are slowly covered by the heat, and this is when the real time begins!

At this moment, Eric felt an overwhelming surprise.

The details of the operation that I had always been unable to understand suddenly became clear to me!


Not only Eric, but also Daniel, who watched carefully at close range, was also shocked!

He looked at the vacuum bag cooking in the pot in disbelief. Did he really make the accurate prediction of the cooking time just now by himself?

 I. Am I so powerful? Daniel swallowed his saliva

 His weakest skill in cooking operations is his fire control skill.

However, this is also where other small workers at the same time are most troubled.

 Because skills like this not only require talent, but also require more cooking and accumulation. Only with time can one slowly master the skills.

 Relying on accumulated experience and cooking experience to thoroughly master the operation of this skill.

 But now, Daniel was surprised to find that he had a closer understanding of this cooking skill.

When he watched Chef Eric perform the cooking operation, he actually judged the cooking time of the ingredients in the pot very confidently based on the other person's cooking explanation, as well as the precise control of the heat.

Eric turned around and asked: "Daniel, when I was adjusting the heat just now, did you have any ideas?"

Daniel said truthfully: "I followed the operation method you just mentioned. When I see the changes in the ingredients in the vacuum bag, I can accurately judge the specific time to adjust the heat."

 After hearing this, Eric took a deep breath and tried to calm himself down.

 Daniel’s words completely expressed his feelings!

The scene he had just operated made him suddenly realize that the mysterious chef Fu Yu, whom he had never met before, was far more powerful than he had expected.

 The skill of controlling heat is indeed a basic cooking skill.

 However, everyone underestimates its importance. Over the years, no one has worked hard in this area and completely mastered it.


 It’s really awesome!

At this time, Eric had no intention of cooking anymore. He just wanted to contact Ronald quickly, because he had a lot of ideas at this time and hoped to communicate with Chef Fu Yu.

With such eagerness, Eric quickly cooked several other dishes.

 One of them is beef tendon braised in red wine, which is also their signature dish.

Eric has taught several apprentices how to cook this dish before. Among them all, Daniel was the best, but he couldn't cook it completely independently.

 While cooking, Eric also needs to be there to remind and guide.

But this time, Eric was in charge of the cooking, but asked Daniel to judge the control of the heat based on the cooking skills he just talked about.

 As a result, Daniel performed very well.

Eric glanced at Daniel: "Next time you encounter a similar operation, you will be able to master it accurately, right?"

Daniel nodded: “Yes!”

For a moment, Daniel looked at Eric with eyes full of admiration. He couldn't help but sigh, maybe this is the gap between him and Chef Eric!

 The customers sitting in the box through the transparent glass also laughed after seeing Eric's superb cooking skills.

 “Chef Eric is really awesome!”

 “As expected of the chief chef, the level is just different!”

The front office manager was standing by, looking at the several distinguished guests sitting at the dining table with a friendly smile on his face, and thinking in his heart, "You guys know nothing."

 Finished dishes began to be brought out one after another.

After deeply realizing the practicality of this cooking information, Eric couldn't help but try to follow the cooking instructions in the information while holding the spoon.

 Obviously, the operation is still the same as before, but in terms of detail processing, it is obviously more comfortable!

Eric’s cooking skills were already very high, and now with the support of information, he has brought the cooking operation of the entire table to the extreme!

 The operation was smooth, and the cooking time began to be shortened significantly. It took a full 20 minutes earlier than usual to finish cooking the dishes for the entire table!

Eric carefully completed the final arrangement of the dishes, with smooth and rapid movements.

In the eyes of the customers, Eric was very charming at this time, and they were even more looking forward to tasting the dishes.

 The final finishing work is completed and the dishes are brought to the table by the waiter.

Eric politely greeted the customers through the glass window, then turned and left the kitchen.

He left in a hurry. He didn't even bother to explain his work to the cook, so he left in a hurry.

When the front office manager and customers saw this scene, they all smiled in unison.

“Chef Eric is usually very busy, so he is able to come and take charge this time because of his distinguished status as a customer!”

“Oh, thank you very much for serving this table. We will definitely enjoy it!”

Eric had no time to communicate with this distinguished guest at this time. All he could think about now was contacting Ronald as soon as possible.

 In his opinion, getting in touch with Fu Yu and having a good exchange of cooking experiences is more important than anything else.

 Coming out of the special cooking kitchen, Eric hurried back

Going back to the kitchen where he usually works, Eric told others not to come and disturb him, and then dialed Ronald's number directly.

"Ronald, I take back what I said before. I think the information you entrusted Chef Yu to help improve and compile can be directly summarized into a guide. Moreover, this guide is far more content than the one completed by your research team before. It also needs to be enriched and more practical.”

“This cooking guide can even be promoted directly.”

After hearing the news, Ronald was stunned.

 Eric's attitude changed so quickly that he was caught off guard.

Eric continued: "As for promotion, I can help you get in touch. If you need me to do anything, just tell me directly. By the way, Ronald, can you give me the contact information of Chef Fu Yu? ?I hope to communicate with him about cooking operations!"

Ronald agreed repeatedly.

However, after hanging up the phone, he did not immediately send Fu Yu's contact information. Instead, he turned around and called Fu Yu.

Ronald told Fu Yu in detail about Eric, and after confirming that Fu Yu had no objection, he forwarded the contact information to Eric.

 He himself looked down at the information in his hand.

 The members of the group also discussed and exchanged this just now, and everyone agreed that the information modified and supplemented by Fu Yu was obviously better than what they had compiled before.

This is also consistent with Ronald's thinking.

 It’s just that he didn’t expect Eric to praise this information so much, but this is a good thing. (End of chapter)

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