Food Circle Plug-in Emperor

Chapter 1241: Directly replace ingredients

Chapter 1241 Directly replace ingredients

 It’s just that before we really draw a conclusion, some things really shouldn’t be said too decisively.

However, Fu Yu's evaluation of this fish soup just now made Lu Zhanlong feel a little calmer.

 In fact, he also thinks that this fish soup is delicious and tastes good, but the only drawback is that the taste of the fish and side dishes is somewhat unsatisfactory.

If there is any problem with the cooking process, I really haven’t found it yet.

During the cooking demonstration just now, Lu Zhanlong also observed it carefully. It must be said that the chef himself is indeed very skilled in cooking and has a very high level for daring to submit an application for innovative dishes to the National Food Association.

 However, although there is obviously no problem with the overall operation process, the cooked soup is slightly defective. This is actually quite abnormal.

Lu Zhanlong also thought carefully about it just now, and he really didn't have a clue for a while.

 As a result, they were all observing the same situation, but when Fu Yu felt the problem existed, he quickly thought of a solution.

 The taste of fish is poor because the stew time is too short.

Fresh fish itself has thick meat, so if you want to stew it to taste, it must be simmered for a long time.

 But in this way, the taste of the fish soup will indeed become rich and fragrant, but the texture of the fish will become dull and no longer so tender.

 The mushrooms in the side dishes have a fishy smell, which is also because the cooking time is too short.

Since it is whole fish, the doneness of the fish must be taken into consideration when stewing. If the mushrooms are simmered for too long, the taste of the fish will be heavier than the special aroma of the mushrooms.

 Both must be considered, but in the end it will be counterproductive.

 It was precisely because of the discovery of this problem that Fu Yu began to think along this direction.

How can we not only ensure the deliciousness of fish soup, but also make the taste of mushrooms completely odorless?

The only way to extend the stewing time of fish is to extend the cooking time. At the same time, side dishes such as mushrooms can also be cooked for a long time.

 Fu Yu had this idea and began to think about it again and again.

 Select the size of fresh fish, whether it is fat or thin, and change the thickness of mushroom side dishes when cutting.

 These will affect the taste of the soup.

However, after careful consideration of all these attempts, Fu Yu finally felt that this matter should be solved fundamentally.

Since the whole fish meat is too thick and the stewing time is difficult to control, you can simply use the fish head and bones to make the soup.

Who stipulates that fish soup must be stewed in fish?

As long as the soup tastes good and the side dishes taste delicious, that's enough.

Soon, everyone finished tasting the fish soup and put down their dishes.

He Jie also saw that something was wrong with everyone's expressions, but the chef in charge was also there at this time, so he didn't say anything more.

 Wait until the chef finished delivering the fish soup and was taken away from the meeting room.

He Jie then said to everyone present: "Come on, there are no outsiders now. Everyone can express their opinions and talk about the final evaluation of this innovative soup, but it doesn't matter! I invite everyone here today just to brainstorm. I’d like to ask for your opinions and we can use them as a reference.”

As soon as he finished speaking, people began to express their comments and thoughts about the fish soup.

 Almost everyone’s comments are similar.

The soup is very delicious and tastes very good, but the texture of the fish is average and the side dishes are not cooked under enough heat, which is a failure.

However, when it came to how to correct it, no one spoke for a while.

If you want to cook the fish soup to such a delicious level, there should be no problem in selecting the ingredients.

Furthermore, when I observed the cooking operation just now, the chef's cooking process was also very exquisite, without any glitches.

 However, the fish soup cooked in this way is a bit unsatisfactory.

Although when tasting fish soup, one must mainly drink the soup, but since there are ingredients in the soup, one must also taste it as well.

 The taste of the ingredients is not good, which actually affects the quality of the fish soup.

However, if all the ingredients are removed, it is impossible to serve the soup directly to the table, which will look too shabby.

 For a while, the discussion reached a stalemate.

He Jie is actually quite worried. The innovative soup he applied for is actually very good, both in terms of the concept and the taste of the final product.

 It’s just that the cooking taste of the ingredients is always a little bit different.

After repeated discussions, the review team members of the Food Association agreed that as long as this flaw can be improved, this soup will become a very successful improved dish.

 At the beginning, they also discussed and analyzed for a long time but could not come up with a good improvement plan, so they thought of holding a small cooking exchange meeting to see if they could pool the strengths of everyone and find a good solution.

No one here could provide any valuable suggestions for a while. He Jie subconsciously looked at Fu Yu, who had been sitting quietly and listening to others speak, silently.

Lu Zhanlong was also looking at Fu Yu at this time and asked in a low voice: "Fu Chu, what did you think of the idea of ​​not using whole fish for ingredients just now? There are no outsiders here, so you can speak freely."

Fu Yu shook his head: "I think since the taste of fresh fish is not very good when stewed in soup, it is better to remove it directly. After all, this is an innovative soup, and the main thing is to ensure the taste of fish soup."

After Lu Zhanlong heard this, he would definitely not believe Fu Yu's excuse.

Through this period of contact, he had already discovered that Fu Yu always meant what he said. Since he expressed such an opinion, he must think that this kind of improvement operation is more appropriate.

Thinking of this, Lu Zhanlong raised his head and winked at He Jie.

He Jie was paying attention to what was happening on Fu Yu's side. When he saw Lu Zhanlong's expression, he immediately understood and said quickly: "Xiao Fu, would you like to share your opinion? Since it is an exchange meeting, everyone should talk about it. Let’s talk, talk freely!”

Suddenly being called upon, Fu Yu hurriedly sat up straight, and other people around him looked over.

Fu Yu could only say: "I think the best way to improve it is to directly replace the ingredients when cooking."

 One sentence!

 Suddenly the scene fell silent!

 Lu Zhanlong was shocked.

 No, just now it was said that fish meat was removed. How come it has become a replacement of ingredients now?

The fresh fish soup that the chef applied for is made from fresh fish. Now that the ingredients have been replaced, wouldn’t the soup have completely changed? Ingredients substitution?

The real downfall of this soup is the taste of the fish and side dishes.

 But it cannot be denied that the fish soup tastes really delicious and unique.

 If the ingredients are directly replaced, the taste will definitely be different.

 So, when He Jie heard Fu Yu say this, he immediately frowned!

The surrounding group of senior chefs in the food circle looked at Fu Yu disapprovingly. After all, he was still too young and his thinking was inevitably not thorough.

However, Lu Zhanlong still said at this time: "Let's listen to Xiao Fu's opinion first. If the replacement of ingredients can not only ensure the quality of the fish soup, but also improve the taste of the ingredients, that would be a good thing."

 However, this statement cannot be recognized by everyone.

Someone immediately said directly: "After the ingredients are replaced, is it still fish soup? The innovative dish submitted is this soup, and even the ingredients have been changed. What is the significance of this innovation?"

“Yes, I also think this suggestion is not very good. Since the taste of the soup is good, but the difference is in the texture of the ingredients, we should still think of ways to improve the cooking heat and time.”

 Listening to everyone's speech, Lu Zhanlong felt a little complicated for a while.

Although he didn't say it with his mouth, he actually agreed with everyone's statement in his heart.


Fu Yu’s words made him unable to help but think about them.

 If the ingredients are replaced, should the fresh fish be replaced directly, or should it be replaced with another variety of fresh fish?

Hearing everyone's objections, Fu Yu couldn't help but sigh. He would have stopped saying it if he had known it.

At this time, He Jie did not directly deny or appease the proposal like everyone else.

He is the vice-president of the Food Association and the person in charge of the innovative dishes approval group. It is his responsibility to approve or reject the application. He certainly cannot express his opinion casually, let alone approve or reject the application easily.

Furthermore, he now has a certain understanding of Fu Yu, and he also knows that Fu Yu will definitely not be aimless.

After everyone had finished expressing their opinions, He Jie looked directly at Fu Yu and asked: "Xiao Fu, can you elaborate on your idea of ​​replacing ingredients?"

 When Fu Yu spoke just now, he was rushing to the shelves. He only had a general idea and did not think deeply about it.

However, after everyone’s discussion just now, he slowly straightened out his thoughts.

Fu Yu thought about it and said, "Through the cooking observation just now, I carefully paid attention to the details of the operation and the entire cooking process, and found that the chef has a very high level of cooking skills and has no problem handling the details. "

"It stands to reason that the taste of this soup should be impeccable, but in fact the fish soup is really delicious, and the idea of ​​using soy milk instead of water to cook it is also very creative. But after tasting it carefully, I found the taste of the fish It’s not tender enough, because the soup itself is very bland, and the meat of the grass carp is too fat, which also results in a lack of flavor in the middle part, which affects the experience of drinking the soup.”

“At the same time, the mushrooms used as side dishes are not delicious enough because the stewing time needs to match the cooking time of the fish, so the delicious taste of the mushrooms is not cooked out.”

“If the ingredients remain unchanged, it would be very difficult to improve the taste of the soup through heat and time.”

"So, I thought that since the main problem of stewed taste difference lies in fresh fish, I would simply remove the fish meat and use fish heads and fish bones to make soup. And since fish heads and fish bones are used to make soup, So silver carp is far superior to grass carp in terms of deliciousness and fineness of meat, especially the head of silver carp is larger, rich in colloid, and the soup produced is thicker.”

“Using silver carp heads and fish bones to make soup, and then stewing it with mushroom side dishes, you can extend the cooking time without any worries.”

“In this way, I can better weigh the taste and texture of the ingredients and soup, which is also the main factor I consider when making ingredient substitutions.”

Fu Yu’s remarks extend from the taste problem of fish soup to the factors that cause the problem, to the difficulties in cooking the entire soup, and the benefits and improvements that will be brought about by making changes.

 Be well-founded and explain your point of view very well.


The entire conference room fell silent, even those who had been doubting it just now were silent.

He Jie couldn't help but want to clap his hands and praise him. This cooking thought was extremely meticulous, and he was even better than these master chefs present!

Lu Zhanlong felt like he was on a roller coaster in his heart. It was a roller coaster with ups and downs. Before his emotions calmed down, the next wave of heights hit him again.

He really felt that Fu Yu's idea was a bit too simple before. He only thought about how to improve the taste of the soup, but ignored the original intention of submitting the soup itself to apply for the quota of innovative dishes.

Looking at it now, it turns out that I was too narrow-minded.

 Who said that by replacing ingredients, you must change the cooking process and taste of the soup?

 As expected of Fu Yu!

 Lu Zhanlong felt deeply ashamed for his previous doubts about Yu.

He Jie made a decision directly and said: "There happens to be cooking conditions here. Let's prepare the ingredients according to Xiao Fu's instructions. Let's cook and see. When making soup, it is difficult to make an accurate judgment without tasting it. ”

So, He Jie turned around and told Cheng Muyun to contact the purchaser and prepare the ingredients. He also called the chef who submitted the application to come to the conference room and communicated in detail about his suggestions and ideas for replacing the ingredients.

 The chef was very surprised. Unexpectedly, after they held an exchange meeting, they decided to replace the cooking ingredients.

However, regarding the taste of the soup, the chef himself also knows it well.

 As for the taste of fish and side dishes, ordinary customers will not notice such subtle problems at all when dining.

This means that all the chefs present are experienced chefs, so they can find out the problem with the soup in one sentence.

 The chef has no objection to He Jie’s decision. Anyway, as long as this innovative dish can pass the review, he will still be the one to submit the innovation application.

  When the display area calls to report, all the ingredients are ready.

He Jie specially sent Cheng Muyun to take Fu Yu and the chef to the exhibition area.

Others stayed in the conference room and waited for a while to observe the cooking demonstration.

Soon, Fu Yu and the chef following him appeared on the big screen.

Everyone in the conference room was staring at the big screen intently. Although everyone felt that what Fu Yu said was quite reasonable, it was still hard to believe that no matter what, fresh fish would definitely be more delicious than fish soup made from fish heads. Bar?

How can you remove all the fish meat?

 (End of this chapter)

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