Food Circle Plug-in Emperor

Chapter 377: can you do this

  Chapter 377 Can you do this?

   "Yaoyao, show your face and ask Chef Fu to check it for you, okay?"

  The little girl was obviously hesitant, but in the end she obediently reached out and tucked the bangs on both sides of her face behind her ears, revealing her entire face.

  She raised her head to face Fu Yu, but her gaze drooped slightly, avoiding Fu Yu's gaze.

  Zhang Zhen turned to Fu Yu and said, "Chu Fu, please help her take a look."

   Fu Yu walked up to him and carefully observed the little girl's face.

  According to the classroom experience of teaching practice, he can almost judge at a glance that her acne belongs to the third grade of moderate, acne plus inflammatory papules, and even pustules have appeared.

   No matter how much more, he will not be very clear.

   After all, what the eyes can see is the surface of the skin.

  However, the little girl's situation is a bit serious, because she obviously has the habit of popping pimples, and several pimples on her face were popped out before they were mature.

  Because of the infection, those areas of the skin are now obviously inflamed.

  Fu Yu carefully inspected the acne marks on the little girl's face, and based on limited experience, judged the degree of damage caused by inflammation to the skin after infection.

   Fu Yu doesn't know much about medicine, but he knows a lot about medicinal diet conditioning.

  The little girl is now in puberty, and acne is a normal physiological phenomenon. It is precisely because of this that the acne on the face can be treated or even cured, but it is definitely impossible to prevent it from recurring.

   After Fu Yu finished the examination for the little girl, he excused himself to think about the arrangement of the medicinal diet, and quickly went through in his mind some ingredients and medicines that he had learned in the previous teaching practice class, such as clearing lung heat, dehumidifying toxins, and regulating endocrine.

  Acne is actually acne, which is a chronic inflammatory pilosebaceous gland disease and is one of the most common diseases in adolescence.

  Acne can cause inflammation of the sebaceous glands or hair follicles on the human skin, and local lesions will produce spiny papules that can squeeze out white or milky white broken rice-like powder juice.

  Just try to keep your face and body clean every day.

   Keep a good mood and get enough sleep. Pay attention to diet, eat more vegetables and fruits, and eat less fried, high-calorie and spicy foods.

  It can effectively improve human endocrine, promote body metabolism, and have a good effect on improving and preventing recurrent acne.

  But these official statements seem simple, but they are actually very difficult to implement.

  Fu Yu discovered that treating acne is completely different from simply wanting to beautify the skin, nourish qi and blood!

   There are many things to consider when planning a well-cured medicated diet for a little girl.

  First of all, the first thing is the combination of medicine and ingredients.

   Followed by the cooking method of the medicated diet and the arrangement of the sequence of diet therapy.

  Finally, how to subtly adjust the little girl's inferiority complex after taking the medicinal diet.

   After all, the existence of acne has obviously cast a shadow over the little girl's puberty, not only affecting her external beauty, but even her mental health.

  The good or bad mood will directly lead to endocrine disorders.

  If you only use medicinal diet for diet therapy and cannot adjust your mentality at the same time, then this kind of treatment is completely treating the symptoms but not the root cause. You don’t even need to try it, you can know that it will definitely have little effect.

  However, if you want to carry out psychological counseling, the first and most important point is to let the little girl have confidence in curing acne, so that she can see the hope of recovery.

  How should acne be treated with medicated diet?

  In fact, the most important thing is to change the usual eating and living habits.

   Usually eat less high-sugar foods, high-fat foods, spicy and other irritating foods.

   It sounds like as long as you work hard to control it will be fine, but in fact it is very difficult to avoid eating.

   First of all, little girls at this age generally love sweets, chocolate cakes and the like can no longer be eaten.

   There are also delicious fried foods, potato chips, and drinks, all of which must be avoided.

  Furthermore, chili, onion, **** and garlic, these seasoning ingredients must also be removed from the recipe.

   And eat more vegetables and fruits every day.

Many teenagers are in the puberty period. If they blindly pursue a light diet, their growth and development will also be affected. Therefore, a reasonable diet should be high in protein, vitamins, and minerals, such as lean meat, fish, eggs, fruits, and milk. Wait.

  This requires Fu Yu to take these points into consideration when arranging the ingredients of the medicinal diet, and combine effective medicinal materials with these foods for cooking.

  In addition, you also need to eat more foods containing long fibers to keep the stomach smooth, which is effective in preventing and treating acne.

  In this way, there are certain restrictions on the ingredients, and it is best to be rich in long fibers.

   All kinds of green vegetables and fruits flashed through Fu Yu's mind like a movie, but the medicinal materials that can be used for cooking are often unable to blend together in terms of taste.

  It is difficult to list a set of medicinal diet recipes suitable for little girls!

   And he tried his best to help the little girl adjust her diet.

  The little girl herself needs to cooperate as much as possible.

  After all, ensure adequate sleep, adjust the function of the digestive system, and maintain a good positive attitude, all of which are helpful for the cure of acne.

  But Zhang Zhen also said before that the little girl is currently in a busy stage of study.

  When Fu Yu was studying, he often heard the teacher talk about it. Now the most difficult thing is the high school entrance examination. As long as he can be admitted to a key high school, it means that one foot has officially stepped into the gate of a campus.

  With heavy schoolwork to follow, presumably even if the little girl wanted to ensure sleep, the actual situation would not allow it.

  And acne is the most taboo to squeeze facial pimples, acne, and pustules with your fingers to prevent scars.

  But the little girl has obviously developed this bad habit.

   Popping pimples is a very addictive thing.

  Fu Yu also had this habit back then.

   But luckily, he didn't have oily skin in the first place, and he didn't burst beans very much.

  In the later stage, I squeezed a few hands, but because of the skin quality, I didn't leave any obvious traces.

   It is precisely because he has had the same experience that he understands how hard it is to resist the urge to squeeze the beans off his face.

  In addition, it is also important to eat regularly and quantitatively, and not to be hungry or full.

  Fu Yu still has his own job to complete, and he can only use one day off every week to make medicinal meals. He has no time and energy to watch his customers strictly follow the requirements.

  Adults like Wang Xueli will have stronger self-control, and because they are motivated by the love of beauty, they can insist on controlling their diet.

  But at the age of a little girl, can she do this?

   However, to develop a more reasonable and scientific diet is a crucial magic weapon for the prevention and treatment of "acne".

  (end of this chapter)

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