Food Circle Plug-in Emperor

Chapter 535: the one on central avenue

  Chapter 535 The kind on Central Avenue

  Eleven thirty in the evening.

   After socializing, Liu Yunong dragged his exhausted body back home.

   Pushing open the door, I saw that the living room had deliberately left a light on, and I couldn't help but feel warm.

  She deliberately kept her movements light, and was about to go back to the house to find a change of clothes, but when she passed by her sister Liu Yuqing's room, she found a light shining through the crack of the door.

   Liu Yunong knocked on the door: "Xiao Qing? Are you still asleep?"

  The sound of clacking keyboards came from the room.

   Liu Yunong stretched out his hand to open the door and walked in, only to find that Liu Yuqing was focusing on documents while wearing earphones.

   "What are you busy with?"

   Liu Yunong approached and glanced at the computer screen.

  Liu Yuqing hadn't had time to reply yet.

   Liu Yunong has already seen clearly that the video on the left of the screen is a cooking video of a certain chef during the competition, while the document on the right contains a lot of relevant information.

   Liu Yunong was a little surprised: "What are you doing with this?"

  Liu Yuqing took off her earphones, she was so sleepy that she couldn't open her eyes, and said casually: "Fu Yu is going to participate in the cooking video competition of the Food Association, and I will help him with the video editing."

   When Liu Yunong heard this, he became angry immediately!

   How dare you order my sister around!

  I am not even willing to order it myself!

   How unreasonable!

  Liu Yunong took a deep breath, and said in a gentle tone: "Okay, there is nothing urgent, go to bed early, don't you have to go to work tomorrow?"

   After finishing speaking, I couldn't help grinding my back molars, and made up my mind that I must have a good talk with Fu Yu later.

   As the saying goes: "Old yin and yang, less cook."

  The work of the chef is very hard, not only the workload is heavy, but also heavy.

  Whether it is processing, cutting and matching, or cooking near the stove, it requires a lot of physical strength.

   It is unbearable without a healthy physique.

   Furthermore, the chef must have a strong tolerance.

   A chef job is different from a normal job.

   It is often that people go to work in front of people and get off work after people.

  Do before others, eat after others.

   Sometimes the business is so busy that I can't even have a complete meal.

  In addition, it has to withstand the high temperature in front of the furnace, the fuming of oil fume, etc.

  In the words of Fu Yu and others in the industry, if you want to do a good job in this job, you must be able to bear the "four gains".

   That is full, hungry, hot, cold.

   In addition to this, you have to deal with various unexpected events that follow.

  Sometimes, everyone in the back kitchen would rather live a dull and boring life than too exciting.

   Fu Yu was too excited last night. He watched the video until the early morning. When he got up in the morning, he didn't know if it was because his physical strength had been strengthened, but he didn't feel tired.

   Zhang Luo, who moved quickly, had a good breakfast, finished eating with everyone, and started his daily work.

  Today it's their turn to pickle the side dishes.

  Zhao Meng went to check the storage room in person, and couldn't be idle for a moment.

   Busy all morning.

   When it was time for lunch, Fu Yu almost got stuck in the barbecue area and couldn't move.

   The order for takeaway has exploded, and there are a lot of regular customers ordering.

   The owner, Dong Juntian, was delighted with the booming business of barbecue takeaway.

  When the capital was raised this month, there was a reward in Fu Yu's salary, and the title was the commission of the food delivery.

   There are more than seven thousand.

   Fu Yu was pleasantly surprised, only to find out that although the barbecue takeaway is the same as the red case's order, the commission is calculated according to the noodles, but the barbecue takeaway here is roasted faster, and the commission is higher.

  The salary he received exceeded expectations, and Fu Yu's attitude when baking became obviously enthusiastic.

  In the temporary baking area, although a ceiling fan was added later, the temperature in front of the oven is still very impressive.

  Fu Yu is busy with the baking work at hand.

  Liu Yuqing trotted over to deliver the order.

   "Chu Fu, Sister Jiang wants you to carefully read the notes on this order."

  Fu Yu turned the saury over, then took the takeaway order and glanced at the dishes on it.

   All the special dishes in the store are ordered.

  The customer wrote two lines on the remark request: the squid should be grilled whole, choose a fatter one, the last time it was grilled wrong, this time I want to change the taste, I want the one on Central Avenue!

  Fu Yu frowned: "What do you mean by the one on Central Avenue?"

   Liu Yuqing explained: "The customer said that he wants the whole piece of squid. It is crispy and fragrant, very spicy, but not spicy to the mouth."

   It’s the same as not saying it.

Liu Yuqing continued: "I asked you specifically, the customer had eaten there once, it was very delicious, and the memory is still fresh. But it is too far away, so there is no chance to go there. She found us through the video of the takeaway evaluation. Shopkeeper, I tried to order it last time, and the baked one was different from what she wanted, so I came here to try my luck again this time."

  Fu Yu understood this time, and couldn't help asking: "Isn't Jiang Mo answering the takeaway call? Let me answer it this time?"

  Liu Yuqing shook her head: "No, this customer came to the store to order food, and they just stayed in the waiting area."

   Fu Yu was about to use his mobile phone to check how the grilled squid on Central Avenue is grilled.

  Hearing this, I couldn't help being taken aback: "Is the customer coming to the store to order?"

  Liu Yuqing nodded.

  Fu Yu checked the saury in his hand, then turned his head and told Zhang Jinyu: "Go and call Chef Sun, and ask him to come over and keep an eye on it for me."

  Zhang Jinyu agreed, and trotted over to the red case to deliver a message.

   Liu Yuqing asked curiously: "You are not going to meet customers in the front hall, are you?"

   Fu Yu nodded: "Well, since I ordered food last time, I'm a regular customer who came here again this time. I'll bake it after I ask her what flavor she wants."

   Liu Yuqing looked at Fu Yu and gave a thumbs up: "Fu Chu, you are so serious and responsible!"

  As soon as the chatterbox was opened, it couldn't be closed immediately.

   During the two minutes of waiting for Sun Qingning to come over, Liu Yuqing's little mouth kept chattering!

   "Fu Chu, what if you don't know how to cook what the customer ordered later?"

   "Fu Chu, you already have a solution, right?"

   "Chu Fu, you can cook the grilled squid she mentioned, right?"

   "Fu Chu."

  Fu Yu couldn't help but take another look at Liu Yuqing.

   It is said that a woman is equal to 500 ducks. It stands to reason that he should feel very annoyed by being so inked.

   But the strange thing is that he inexplicably tasted a little bit of admiration and recognition for him from these words.

   Fu Yu raised his eyebrows, looking at Liu Yuqing's pretty face, he felt that it was pleasing to the eye and quite useful.

  So he said with a smile: "Do you know how to retain customers?"

  “In addition to good service, the most important thing is to be able to cook dishes that suit the tastes of customers.”

   "If this customer can visit the store twice for one dish, then he may continue to patronize for this dish."

   "As long as I can make the barbecue she wants according to her heart, she will become my regular customer in the future."

   Liu Yuqing's worship expression: Wow! It makes sense!

  (end of this chapter)

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