Chapter 0075 – There is Ginger, There is Duck, and the homonym Jiang Ziya, so I named it Jiang Zi Duck!

Before it was time to eat a late-night snack, someone couldn’t help but come to the kitchen and tell Fang Qi about the melons of the two men.

Fang Qi was shocked when he heard it, and his eyes were full of surprise.

“Groove, really fake?”

“I don’t know, anyway, we all saw that after the two men came out, their mouths were swollen, and one of them was tearful, and he was bullied and bullied at a glance.”

“Hiss~ exciting, it’s a pity that I didn’t see the live version, next time there is a melon remember to call me to watch the live version!”

Fang Qi sighed rather pityfully.

How exciting this is, he has not seen a warrior who welcomes a man.

“Poof, boss, don’t listen to their nonsense, I received the two men when they came in, and one of them thought that ordering was a girl, excited no, not gay.”

“And they ordered crayfish, it is estimated that they can’t eat spicy, and the spicy mouth is swollen.”

Ellie came to the kitchen to get something to eat after busy, and when she heard everyone talking about it, she explained with some amusement.

“Hey, that’s not interesting!”

“You hindered my rotten soul.”

“Oh, what a terrible thing you are.”

“Night club 16 Many men and women are men and women, boss, you be careful, according to your rich and handsome appearance, I don’t know how many people are worried about you behind your back.”

When Fang Qi heard this, the hand holding the kitchen knife trembled a little.

“It’s okay, I usually stay in the kitchen and don’t go out, no guests.”

When the girls saw Fang Qi so stubborn, they couldn’t laugh.

“The boss is still young, don’t scare him.”

“Hey, you newcomers don’t know, the boss knows a lot, it’s very sullen, how do you think the way to order food came from, but it’s not arranged by the boss, who can understand the bad taste of the boss.”

It is also Fang Qi’s young appearance that dominates, looking like a college student who has not left society, and there is a trace of clear stupidity in his eyes from time to time.

It makes people look and feel like a bully, and they don’t move anything.

In fact, there are many eyes, and one who does not pay attention will be easily pitted.

This is because the girls have been getting along with Fang Qi for so long, they have been pitted a lot, and now this person is bad.

Fang Qi heard them talking about themselves, and did not pick up the stubble, smiled and put the lychee meat in the pot on a plate, and he could eat.

As the last dish arrives on the table, a large table full of dishes dazzles those who watch.

This is the first time Fang Qi has made so many dishes, and it is still a serious dish.

“This lychee meat is so beautiful!”

Fang Qi brought the lychee meat to the table, and the eyes of a group of people focused on the lychee meat in his hand.

The litchi flesh on the plate is as colored as lychee, and from the appearance, it is a perfect replica of the shape of the lychee, making people unable to tell whether it is fresh lychee or a cooked dish for a while.

The red yeast powder used here is to make Min Pai rice wine, dyeing the meat slices a deep red; secondly, it is shaped like a lychee, and the meat slices are cut with a cross knife, and then wrapped in horseshoes and fried into a lychee shape; It’s like this shell.

“How is this done, the shell turns out to be so similar.”

The girl’s kind words were like not wanting money.

Fang Qi was surrounded in the middle and had to explain the practice to satisfy everyone’s curiosity.

“It is fried with a tenderloin knife, a cross knife, cut into oblique pieces, the depth of the shave, the width needs to be uniform and appropriate, and after frying, it will curl up into the shape of a lychee.”

“Then use tomato paste, white vinegar, white sugar, soy sauce and other spices to make a juice, hang it on the shell, because the raw materials include white water chestnuts and pork cut into cross knives, and after hanging the color, it is the shape of a lychee.”

With Fang Qi’s explanation, there were already people who couldn’t wait to pick up the chopsticks and were about to eat.

“Don’t look at it, saliva will drip into the dish, taste it quickly.”

A table of dishes, so many people eat, everyone has a number in their hearts, just try the taste

So each hand carries a rice bowl and eats it with rice.

Lychee meat smells sweet and sour, and in summer, even if there is no appetite, a plate of sweet and sour lychee meat can instantly restore appetite.

Those who tasted it first, a bite of lychee meat was delivered to the mouth, sweet and sour, the taste was crisp, and the eyes lit up at once.

Fang Qi’s lychee meat is very authentic, the texture of the horseshoe is crisp and juicy, and the pork forms a tooth difference, crispy outside and crispy inside, that feeling is very wonderful, not like lychee is better than lychee!

And eat into the mouth, sweet and sour taste delicious and harmonious, you have me and I have you, no matter which one is slightly unbalanced, the taste is not so delicious.

This sweet and sour taste completely opens the appetite in one bite.

Fang Qi also made a lot, a large pot of lychee meat, one for each person, there are still leftovers.

“Sweet but not greasy, sour but not cool, light but not thin, damn it, this lychee meat is amazing!”

It may be that the lychee meat was finally served, and it was still steaming hot just out of the pot, and everyone gathered around the front of the table, and the first thing to eat was this lychee meat.

After eating, my appetite was completely opened, and looking at the plate of vegetarian vegetables and lotus pond moonlight, they were full of appetite.

“This vegetarian dish goes so well.”

The girls who pay attention to their figures, after eating a bite of lychee meat, they look at the moonlight of the lotus pond next to them, the rich and cool color, the night snack in the big night, it is really not greasy at all.

Pick up a chopstick casually, eat it in your mouth and feel the refreshing but not thin taste, making people feel like they are in the moonlight of the 533 lotus pond, which is very cool.

“Vegetarian dishes are clear and eat it, this golden soup fat beef, braised beef, ginger duck, eating meat is not happy!”

Men’s focus is definitely on meat, especially Fang Qi’s dishes, which are not plated, and the portions of these dishes are all potted, which makes people look appetizing.

“Why is this duck called Ginger Duck?”

A large pot of ginger duck is a duck fried with ginger, so it is called ginger duck.

“There is ginger, there is duck, and the homonym ginger is the tooth, so it is named ginger duck.”

This explanation is really nobody, and everyone actually thinks it makes sense.

I can only say that this name is well chosen!

“Two cold dishes, six hot dishes, two desserts, one dish, a table of eight people, almost enough to eat, as a banquet dish.”

After Zhang Yongming tried each dish, he felt that it was no problem to launch this menu, and his brain immediately turned.

“Then it will be officially sold from tomorrow, and a maximum of ten tables will be reserved every day, and if there are more, it will not work, and the dishes will be adjusted according to the chef.”

Fang Qi nodded while eating, and his work arrangement was clear.

“In other words, do we have days off?”

Fang Qi thought that he had taken over the clubhouse for a month, and he hadn’t seen the employees rest, which was obviously abnormal…

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