Chapter 0083: I Don’t Want to Have a Sweet Tooth Today!

The sweet taste flows on the tip of the nose, coupled with the small and cute shape of the mooncake, it has a brown-red oily feeling, not to mention anything else, the appearance is already a full score.

In the name of the Tianshui Club, it’s perfectly fine to take it out and cut a wave of leeks, but is the boss that kind of person?

As the head chef, Wang Jun was the first to pick up the mooncake and send it to his mouth, he was originally going to eat two bites, and then chew it and swallow it, but he knew that he was immediately shocked when it was just delivered to his mouth.

The crispy skin, not at all imaginary dry and hard greasy, a light bite, scattered in the mouth, mixed with the taste of various nuts, with chewing in the mouth, with the unique sweetness of the nuts, full of fragrant, but not greasy at all, only make people feel mouthful, endless aftertaste.

The red and green silk made of rose shreds and green plum compote, which is not difficult to eat at all, but makes the filling more of the fragrance of roses, with the delication of preserves, everything is just perfect.

Sugar osmanthus and sugar roses are also added to it, and the floral aroma glides on the tongue with the crispiness of the nuts…

“Is this really a five-kernel mooncake?”

Wang Jun still couldn’t believe that what he was eating was really Wuren mooncakes.

Seeing his surprised expression, others also sent mooncakes to their mouths, and in the next second, exclamations arose one after another, and they, like Wang Jun, had a skeptical expression on the mooncakes in their hands.

“Eh, this skin is not dry and hard, it’s so crispy!”

Yuanyuan’s eyes widened in surprise and she took another bite.

“So when these nuts are put together, will they produce such a delicious feeling?”

I can’t believe it.

She stopped talking and decisively joined Wang Jun’s mooncake eating ranks.

Others have long been eating mooncakes, just caring about eating, for fear that if they slow down, they will be robbed of the food in front of them by others.

“Woo hoo, boss, you are a man who can create miracles, I love you, and I love Wuren mooncakes even more.”

Satsuki took a sip and took a bite of the mooncake.

In fact, Xiao Yue first heard that she was going to eat Wuren mooncakes tonight, and she already planned to come to the kitchen, but a guest took her hand and strongly recommended that Fang Qi make double yellow lotus mooncakes, and said a lot of things that she hadn’t eaten delicious mooncakes for many years.

Xiao Yue was blinded by his enthusiasm, so he had to come to the kitchen, ready to tell Fang Qi about this, who knew that he just happened to encounter the scene of trying mooncakes.

After this mouthful, where did she remember what double yellow lotus rong, her mind was full of the idea that such a delicious mooncake must eat two more pieces.

As for whether you will get fat, joke, it’s a big deal not to eat at night, it’s good to just eat mooncakes, I haven’t seen people who eat mooncakes as food.

Yuanyuan eats the fastest, don’t look at her small look, the speed of eating is sharper than anyone, the action is elegant not to say, the eating appearance is particularly good-looking, this time has eaten the second, after drinking a sour plum soup, Yuanyuan asked the question that everyone wanted to ask.

“Boss, are you sure that you are the method of making Wuren mooncakes, not other mooncakes, and you misunderstood them for Wuren mooncakes?”

Facing a bunch of eyes full of curiosity, Fang Qi decided to popularize Wuren mooncakes with everyone.

“I’m pretty sure that this is how the five-kernel mooncake is made, it’s just that the five-kernel mooncakes you ate before are just unauthentic pirated goods, the so-called five-ren can’t be replaced by any other nut, from the beginning, the most perfect match…”

“Really, it still feels weird.”

The front hall is busy, and the tasting in the back kitchen continues.

There are many little sisters because they heard that it is a five-kernel mooncake, they all pretend that they didn’t hear it, continue to work seriously, serve, order, and sing, well, tonight they are a working machine, no feelings.

After a while, Satsuki rubbed her little belly, which was a little bulging, and walked over with a sad face.

Seeing this, Ai Li was very puzzled: “Although the Wuren mooncake is really not delicious, you don’t have to do this, the boss’s cooking skills are so good, at least it is not difficult to eat.” ”

Satsuki snorted, originally wanting to tell Ai Li that the authentic Wuren mooncake was too delicious, but after thinking about it, a sly smile appeared on her face.

“Yes, it’s not delicious, but the boss requires that everyone must eat two, how bad it is to refuse, Ai Li, you go and bring your two over, I’ll help you take it home for my mother to eat, my mother likes to eat Wuren mooncakes.”


There are indeed people who love to eat Wuren mooncakes, although Ai Li does not quite understand, let Satsuki stare at the box, and Ai Li walks all the way to the kitchen.

“It’s delicious and delicious, I won’t hate Wuren mooncakes again in the future.”

“Ellie, it’s not enough not to go to mooncakes, but also to send them to guests.”

“Ellie, I ate too fast, I haven’t tasted enough, how about you divide me half?”

Along the way, constantly hearing the sisters say this, Elle sensed that something was wrong, had already walked to the corridor, and suddenly grabbed a mooncake and sent it to her mouth.

Then, almost immediately, she was impressed by the deliciousness of the mooncakes.

Ai Li had never liked sweets before, and since eating Fang Qi’s meal snacks, Ai Li felt that she was wrong, she just didn’t like to eat sweets made by others, except for Fang Qi.

“Well, Xiao Yue, you actually dare to lie to me, see that I don’t eat your face one by one, I want to make you jealous to death.”

In the kitchen, half of the baked mooncakes have been eaten by everyone.

Fang Qi said to Zhang Yongming: “The rest of these, give them to the guests to taste, one per person, how many people are in the box, it should be enough, if the customer asks, tell them, you can book.” ”

Zhang Yongming was simply impressed by Fang Qi, and now Fang Qi listened to whatever he said.

“Tomorrow, arrange someone to purchase a bunch of mooncake ingredients, strictly according to my requirements to choose, after tonight, I think mooncakes will definitely be in short supply until the end of the Mid-Autumn Festival.”

Indeed, this taste of mooncakes, who doesn’t like it, the deep-rooted unpalatable feeling brought by Wuren mooncakes, was completely broken by Fang Qi tonight.

Zhang Yongming thought about it and asked Fang Qi.

“Then this mooncake, how should it be priced?”

This Fang Qi had already thought about it.

“There is only one kind of five-kernel filling, and the others are not accepted for orders, a box of six pieces, 1999.”

“Okay, that’s it.”

Zhang Yongming didn’t think about whether a box of 1999 was expensive or not

As long as the things are delicious, I am afraid that no one will buy them, Tianshui Club is a high-end clubhouse, so delicious, the price is cheap is not a loss.

At this time, the door of a private room was opened, and Zhao Jianjun shouted at Xiao Yue: “Waiter, I didn’t ask you to tell your boss about making double yellow lotus mooncakes, how did you ask?” ”

Xiao Yue quickly walked over and said with a smile: “Guest, there is no double yellow lotus mooncake, we only sell Wuren mooncakes at present, because it is a new product, we will give guests a free copy later.” ”

Zhao Jianjun didn’t expect to be able to bypass Wuren mooncakes, and suddenly lacked interest: “I’ll give one less here, I don’t want to eat sweets today.” ”

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