The latest chapter of the football emperor, the first volume of the sword has not been sheathed has become a front 408 rainy day, floating astronomy
    May 28th

    Qin Xiong and Freddy arrived at Beijing Capital International Airport.

    Outside the internationally-exported Airport exit, hordes of fans welcome Qin Xiong back here.

    Compared with the previous year, Qin Xiong's prestige broke through again!

    Arsenal FC is a bigger competitive platform than AFC Ajax. The popularity index in the Asia region is unmatched by AFC Ajax. In particular, Chinese Fans can't see the English Premier League from CCTV, but can still watch it from some local stations. Real-time competitions with Qin Xiong in the English Premier League.

    This has made many local stations profitable, and more fans continue to pay attention to Qin Xiong's performance in the English Premier League while the season is going on.

    After spending a season like a madman, with Head Coach and Fleet Street ball critics: Qin Xiong has become enchanted by Assists.

    This allowed many fans to fall for Qin Xiong's heroism on the court.

    His support and love has reached the level of blindness and madness.

    Qin Xiong stepped out of the exit, and there was a shadow from the side. Qin Xiong seemed to have foreseen that the shoulder bag on his shoulder slipped to the ground. He turned his side and turned the man around. Laughing: "I still want to attack?"

    The nature that rushed to him was Sylvia. She didn't expect Qin Xiong to predict her appearance. After she landed, she didn't wait for her to send a kiss. Qin Xiong probed her soft lips.

    There was a scream in the outside, and there were quite a few female fans coming to the Airport. They already knew that Qin Xiong had a Netherlands girlfriend, and the couple loved them very much, and from time to time they would show great love.

    There are four bodyguards on both sides of the left and right to separate Qin Xiong from the fans, on the outer road. Parked a high-end Mercedes Benz. Tang Le stood in front of the car and smiled at Qin Xiong and his party.

    Qin Xiong grabbed Sylvia in one hand. The other hand waved to the left and right fans, thanking them for their warm welcome, then went to the side of the road, greeted Tang Le and opened the door and Sylvia got into the car. Freddy took the co-pilot and Tang Le drove himself.

    This time, Qin Xiong first went to the Xianghe National Men's Football Training Base to report to the World Championships in the Asian Regional Finals.

    Tang Le drives a car. I asked: "After the end of the World Cup in mid-June, you officially entered the summer vacation. Are you planning to go out to play or stay in China?"

    Qin Xiong is now well-fed, wherever he wants to go anywhere in the world, but he still turned to Sylvia: "Where do you want to go?"

    Sylvia smiled and said, "Listen to you."

    "Then stay in the country."

    Tang Le continued to ask: "Is that a hotel or not?"

    Qin Xiong has no real estate in China, but this is not a problem. Tang Le just wants to determine the idea of ​​Qin Xiong to help him arrange the arrangement.

    Qin Xiong said after a moment of thinking: "Help me see the suite in Jiangcheng. Maybe after retirement in the future, I will be pensioned in Jiangcheng."

    "Yes. It was just over the last two years that a villa area was being built. Yes, I will say hello to you in advance. Since you decide to stay in the country, some business activities require you to show up. ”

    Qin Xiong has never forgotten the company he formed with Tang Le last summer. After a year of preparation, Freddy told him that his company would officially open in the summer before he returned.

    Tang Le is inevitably hoping to make a big difference when opening the business. Qin Xiong is of course the biggest sign.

    Freddy turned from the front row and said: "You have some other arrangements for your holiday, you have to cooperate."

    "Okay, I am unconditional!"

    Qin Xiong is a well-informed person, Tang Le or Freddy. He is a direct beneficiary around his commercial planning. Moreover, he would have liked to take a rest this summer to prepare for the start of the season.

    After coming to Tang Le for a hotel reserved for Qin Xiong and Freddy, Tang Le agreed to talk to Qin Xiong after the end of the June preliminaries, and then everyone had a meal and then again.

    On the moon, Qin Xiong was soaked in the bathtub in the hotel suite. Sylvia was lying in his arms. He sniffed the smell of Sylvia's hair, and it was intoxicating and tempting.

    Sylvia twisted his head against his cheek, sighing like a blue, softly said: "Why are you always inhaling?"

    "Because I like your taste."

    "Hey, how do you become so funny?"

    "Because I have no one but you."

    Sylvia turned to wink like a silk, leaned over Qin Xiong and slowly rubbed his body, making Qin Xiong breathe out and breathe out a long breath.

    Qin Xiong had almost no sleep this night. He had been chatting with Sylvia. From work to life to the future, especially his career, Freddy gave him advice and thought that Qin Xiong should have his own investment plan, except for Agent. In addition to helping him manage his finances, part of his income should also be his own.

    The most common method is definitely to put the money in the bank, but Qin Xiong remembers that Tang Le said that although bank deposits have interest, China is in high-speed development, and the annual inflation rate is also high. In fact, it is devalued.

    Therefore, Qin Xiong needs to consider making some investment in the money.

    He can't finance anything, he doesn't understand.

    In particular, the investment in the real industry, to manage the business, he still does not understand, to be a slap in the hands of the treasurer is not practical, after all, he can not find a friend who can still rely on and ability.

    In this regard, Qin Xiong is conservative in thinking. Freddy and Tang Le are all people he absolutely trusts. Others, even if they have the ability, Thaksin Shinawatra will not easily cooperate with others or establish interests. .

    Sylvia gave him some advice that sounded worth considering.

    If the investment is to preserve value, the luxury goods such as gold diamonds will have value-for-money investment value and may appreciate.

    In Europe and the United States, the investment industry is very prosperous, like wine, art and antiques, are investors' very interested investment products, but the premise is patience, basically it is impossible to have obvious returns within three to five years, if it is longer The investment plan, then these are the first choices.

    This gave Qin Xiong the inspiration. He thought of a banquet for attending Tang Tian. Some people said that Maotai before the youngster is too high. Now it’s a high price. How much is a bottle of wine?

    It seems that doubling the value is a horrible number.

    Qin Xiong is stunned by Sylvia's sleep at five in the morning. He will go to discuss with Freddy's friends. He feels that this investment can be done by himself.

    The most important thing is that you don't worry about it!

    When you want to support your old age in the future, you may be able to pay for a few years of living expenses if you come up with some of the current investment products. (To be continued ……

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