Football’s First Defender

Chapter 491: Stamford Bridge "True King"

Chelsea's world-class defense has caused Liverpool's attack today to be treated as a bronze wall. The delayed attack failed. Instead, it was Chelsea's counterattack that constantly threatened Liverpool's rear defense.

Defensive counterattack tactics are fundamental to Mourinho's coaching.

Back then, it was possible to lead a "not influential" team like Porto to win the Champions League, relying on iron-blooded defense and excellent counterattack success rate.

Today, Chelsea’s midfield can not achieve the full defense in Mourinho’s mind. However, because Liverpool’s own offensive threat is limited, Chelsea is more inclined to the offensive midfield. Instead, it can be bigger. Play.

Liverpool's offense could not go in, and Chelsea's counterattack came immediately.

Although Eto'o has scored a goal before, it is also true that he is there for years.

Experience and technology cannot compensate for the decline in motor function caused by age.

Chelsea’s counterattack lacked the front-most speed burst and the support point that could receive the backcourt pass.

Coupled with Yang Feng's defensive characteristics, Chelsea is the one who has learned the most.

I would rather go on the ground and delay a little more time, "wasting" the advancing time, and cannot give the ball back to Liverpool for nothing.

Oscar, Hazard, and William all have very good ground fast advancing capabilities, and even David Luiz can sometimes even display his Brazilian offensive nature, striding forward with the ball in the counterattack.

Chelsea's counterattack threat is the main force in the second half of the threat attack data contribution.

Liverpool has always been in the second half, but it is difficult to create shot opportunities.

While Chelsea do not have much possession of the ball, they have been using counterattacks to threaten Liverpool's defense.

Fortunately, even Chelsea are counterattacking from the ground, unable to let Yang Feng give full play to his defensive characteristics.

But Yang Feng, who has entered the mid-term of his career, is no longer the original central defender with distinctive characteristics, but has grown into an extremely comprehensive defender.

The threat of Chelsea's counterattack on the ground is extremely threatening with the interspersed by several quick-spirited players. However, Yang Feng patiently commanded his teammates and continued to compress the defense line, but tried to limit Chelsea's counterattack to a minimum every time.

Both Hazard and William, relying on their excellent personal abilities, broke through Liverpool's defense in the counterattack and wanted to further threaten the goal.

But Yang Feng, who has been guarding at the end, will always make up for defense at critical moments, or directly complete the grab and take on the defensive task, or when the opponent shoots, Yang Feng will directly block and complete a certain fight. Door angle limit.

Be active, active, run at all costs, and make several dangerous clearances.

In the second half, Yang Feng solved Chelsea's many dangerous counterattacks with almost one person, keeping Chelsea's lead at one goal, but could not be further expanded to seal the victory.

As far as countless Chelsea fans are concerned, the opponent who is now dressed in red on the court, also dressed in blue a few years ago, fought **** battles for Chelsea on the court.

When the two figures overlap, fans still miss the years when they won the Premier League trophy together and won the Champions League together...

Yang Feng's outstanding performance almost relied on his own strength to complete Liverpool's defense against Chelsea in the second half.

It's just that, despite the desperate efforts of the defensive players, the score is still tenaciously maintaining a one-goal gap, but what about Liverpool's offense?

In the final stage of the game, Rogers had limited offensive adjustments in his hands. He could only send in Aspers and Moses to further strengthen the offense for a final desperate fight.

Sterling and Lucas were replaced, Liverpool began to gradually abandon the defense and put more power on the offensive end.

However, after 80 minutes of the game, there are not too many offensive tactics to speak of. Liverpool still rely more on the players' personal performance to complete the offense.

Long shots or crosses from the wing have become Liverpool's main offensive weapons, but in the face of Chelsea's David Luiz's three-back system after the withdrawal, Liverpool did not get any sweetness on the offensive end.

In the 87th minute of the game, Moses made a personal foul on the wing and made Azpilicueta's personal foul.

Moses, who was really physically strong, took over Sterling's position and continued to use the constant side impact to completely deplete Azpilicueta's physical energy.

Fouling to give Liverpool a free kick is always less threatening than letting Moses break into the penalty area.

Liverpool's free kick opportunity.

In the comparison of height, Liverpool is quite disadvantaged.

With three central defenders in Chelsea, plus Ivanovic, who is a central defender, it is conceivable that Liverpool are at a disadvantage.

On Liverpool's side, the two high points of Yang Feng and Skrtel, as well as the all-around striker like Suarez, are naturally the targets of Chelsea's focus.

Although Chelsea's header advantage is more obvious, for Liverpool, in the final moments of the game, the opportunity to set the ball may also be their only opportunity to score.

Yang Feng, a player who can always contribute headers at critical moments, is naturally tightly defended by Chelsea players.

Cahill, who is physically strong, and David Luiz, who is more mobile, double-teamed Yang Feng to ensure that Yang Feng could not get the opportunity to jump and complete the header.

Several players in the penalty area have been guarded by Chelsea, so for the free throw Coutinho, who will he choose to send his pass?


Coutinho did a full run-up, but in the end he chose to turn the ankle and quickly slew the ball to the middle.


The arrogant catches the ball near the penalty area line and has a chance to hit the goal directly.

Chelsea shifted their defensive attention to the top players in the penalty area, but ignored the defense outside the penalty area.

When Henderson made a long-range shot, the Chelsea players in the penalty area came crazy to block.

And Henderson didn't shoot out from a long distance, and he picked up a pass, which surprised everyone again.

The direction of picking is within the small restricted area from right to left.

There, there is Yang Feng!

David Luiz’s defensive choice was wrong When Coutinho completed the pass, David Luiz thought that Yang Feng’s threat was gone, and moved forward quickly, wanting to go forward. Pounce blocked Henderson's kick.

But he did not consider that when Yang Feng and Cahill were 1v1, Cahill was not dominant.

Henderson’s challenge came, and Yang Feng and Cahill had been fighting for a better position.

But in the end, Yang Feng had the advantage.

It is better to judge the position of the landing point, and to better seize the advantage of the body position. Even when Yang Feng took off, the small movements of Cahill's hand were not small, which lowered Yang Feng's take-off height.

However, Yang Feng is already familiar with this kind of Premier League-level confrontation intensity, and he has strong adjustment ability.

Leaning back slightly, he did not choose to directly shake his head to attack the goal. Instead, when Cahill was dragged by Cahill to lose his balance, Yang Feng chose to exert force on his neck and stretched his header forward, pushing out a parabola.

Move the ball from the left to the top right corner of the goal.

The advantage of the parabola is that even if Cech has already taken off and is flying above the line of the ball, at the height of the ball, Cech's raised palm cannot touch the ball.

The ball crossed Cech and then fell.

Everyone is staring at the falling football.

In the end, the ball hits directly at the junction of the beam and the post, and then rebounds into the net.

2 to 2! At the last moment of the game, Yang Feng stood up and saved Liverpool on the edge of the cliff.

At Stamford Bridge, Yang Feng is still the "Dad Yang Feng" who can make the team's defense at ease on the defensive end. The difference is that he has grown into an offensive "daddy" who can always come forward in times of crisis.

Even if the jersey changes from blue to red, tonight, Yang Feng is still the "true king" of Stamford Bridge.

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