For a Prosperous World

Chapter 305: : Do not want to go to the second place

The wind roars, and the cold wind blows over people's cheeks coldly. If the knife cuts, it makes the face feel pain.

It may be that the cold wind stiffened people's faces, and everyone's faces were expressionless, silent there.

The horse's hoof stepped on the frozen soil, making a disturbing tapping sound, and the horse's mane was blown open by the cold wind.

Thousands of soldiers held flags and swordsmen, standing in chilled armor.

Gu Nan was standing in front of a horse with a horse. She didn't know how long she hadn't stood in the army. But no matter how long, the military uniforms are always the same, silent.

"Can Mr. Gu ride a horse? The war horse is fierce, and Mr. Gu needs to be careful."

Cao Cao on the side exhorted him. On this day, he also had few words. Most of the time he looked at the direction of the west.

However, it seems that the worry about him is not the crusade against Dong Zhuo. After all, although the war has not yet begun, there is no chance of winning, and he understands this.

There seemed to be something else about his worry.

Gu Nan looked at the horses around him and reached out and patted the horse's neck. The horse's mane felt rough in his hands.

"It's been a long time, but I haven't completely forgotten to ride."

Turning on the horse's back while pulling the reins, the horses were still agitated.

But as Gu Nan pulled his reins tightly and straddled the horse's belly, no matter how the horse pulled, the horse couldn't stand still. It didn't take long for the horse to sigh and settle down.

The general on the side looked at Gu Nan's movements and sweated slightly. He couldn't see it on weekdays. Mr. Gu's strength was so strong that he could hold the war horse.

"Haha, sir is different from those who are sour, so that's the way to drive a horse."

Cao Hong didn't think about it so much. He just felt that driving a horse should be so refreshing, and there were so many grinds.

"Speaking of which I am from a military background," Gu Nan answered with a smile.

Cao Cao raised an eyebrow and glanced up at Gu Nan's thin body. Naturally, he didn't believe it. He shook his head with a smile: "Mr. laughed again."

Cao Ren, who looked back behind him, said: "Zi Xiao, the war is chaotic. You bring a guard next to Mr. Mo Rong."

Cao Ren salutes his face with a straight face: "Yes."

Cao Ren was cautious and cautious because of his calmness. Before that, he always guarded Cao Cao.

At the command of Cao Cao, a group of people were pulled over the horse's head and walked to Gu Nan's side.

Gu Nan was a little puzzled immediately, and I don't know why no one believed it to be honest.


Cao Cao drove the horse and said, walking in front of the army first, the commander next to him raised the flag and shook it for a while, and the army behind began to march slowly.

Gu Nan also urged the horses and glanced at the army formation behind him.

She didn't bring Ling Qi, after all, she was too young.

When she came out in the morning, she felt a little suffocated, but the child's anger should come and go fast, just bring some things with her on the way back.

The atmosphere in the army behind was a little dignified.

Cao Ren, who was riding on Gu Nan's side, glanced at Gu Nan and saw Gu Nan looking at the army.

"Mr. march?"

Gu Nan turned his head back and thought for a moment before he said softly, "It's OK."

"Really." Cao Ren held the reins and smiled rare, but unfortunately it was a bitter smile.

"I've been to that kind of place once, and I really don't want to go again."

Did not continue to pick up Cao Ren's words.

The army formations passed over the ground, and heavy footsteps stepped out of the hard cold soil, leaving a chaotic footprint.

That kind of place really makes people not want to go a second time, but there are always countless people rushing towards it.

As for why, few people usually know.



A gust of wind in the courtyard rolled up, rolling the sand and dust on the ground, and as the strong wind swept through, the grass in the courtyard was also pressed to the ground.


Before a gust of wind blew, it was another gust of wind, a figure standing in the courtyard.

Wearing a thick set of black armor, wearing a dangling crown, dancing in his hands is a piece of Fang Tianji higher than the human body.

The halberd was golden and black, and the figure was reflected in the sharp halberd.

The halberd made a sound of breaking wind under the heavy wave of the man.

The force was heavy, and the strong wind in the courtyard was brought up there.

The cold light shone, and the halberd waved a piece of light and shadow, and finally lifted it up and fell heavily.

"Bang!" The halberd was smashed into the ground in the courtyard, with a sound of bang, sinking deep into the mud and splashing a piece of earth and stone.

"Whew, whew."

The man in the courtyard gasped, sweat dripping from his eyebrows, running across his cheeks, and dripping between the soil.

A deep pit was smashed under the halberd, and the earth and stones splashed into the air fell back to the ground piece by piece, making a falling sound.

The man released the halberd, and left the halberd to stand in the courtyard. He went straight to the side of the house and sat down.

As the person sat down, the armor made a noise, and the man sitting in front of the room picked up a cloth and wiped the sweat on his face.

He raised his eyes and looked at the courtyard, not sure what he was looking at.

In the courtyard there was nothing but the halberd standing obliquely. The halberd was sunk in the soil and cast a tilted shadow on the ground.

It makes people feel that there are some people who are empty, without the wielding sword, the strong wind just passed, only a little breeze is still wandering, and the blades of grass on the ground have risen again, slightly undulating.

The man in front of the room lowered his eyes and exhaled.

He stretched out his armour and pulled off his shoulder and breastplates.

Jiayu was dropped to one side with her hands down, her head bowed, and sweat dripped to the tip of her nose.

He was relieved a lot, and his breathing slowly subsided.

He was alone in the court ~ ~ Sitting for a while, the sweat on his body began to dry, and it felt a little cold with the light wind blowing.

He took an object out of his arms, held it lightly in his hand, and quietly looked in front of his eyes.

The object was a little cloth man, the appearance of a little man wrapped in cloth with cloth inside.

The villain looked like a general, with armor on his body and big characters on his hands and feet. It's not good looking, it even looks funny.


The man looked at the cloth man in his hand but suddenly laughed as if he was being amused, his cold face was loosened a little, and his eyes were slightly lighter.

Rough palms were raised, and some strangely touched the cloth man's face.

The general who was supposed to fight with the swordsman on the battlefield was laughing with a cloth man at this time, and it seemed to be a bit offensive.

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