For a Prosperous World

Chapter 393: : Shame

"Sir, you, what do you look at me like this?"

In front of the barracks, the atmosphere between Li Dian and Gu Nan was strange for a long time.

Until Gu Nan slowly lowered his head and covered both hands with his face.

"Nothing ..." With one finger to the barracks behind him: "The general said to discuss matters, you go ahead."

"Huh, huh, okay." Li Dian answered, and fled into the barracks.

Gu Nan was left alone, covering his face.

She didn't know, she just felt that she had no face to face.

"General, plead guilty to offense." Zhang Liao stood in the camp and bowed to Lu Bu.

In this battle, he lost really ugly.

"It's nothing, losing to her is not your fault." Lu Bu waved his hands, and Zhang Liao had already reported to him everything in the war. In his opinion, Zhang Liao was already pretty good without being beheaded.

"You go down first." Said to Zhang Liao, Lu Bu sat in his seat and wiped Fang Tianji.

Although Gu Nan was not expected to play, his takeover of this war was also expected. If Zhang Liao really defeated the Qingzhou Army, he would be surprised.

Several generals under Cao Cao's men had some fights when they were in Huolaoguan. Among them were some good players, not Zhang Liao who could easily beat them.

"General Xie." After completing the ceremony, Zhang Liao turned and walked out of the camp.

Outside the tent.

Zhang Liao stopped and looked down at his right hand.

The tiger's mouth cracked, and the wound was sealed with internal interest. It was considered to stop the blood, but he could still see his right hand shaking slightly.

For that shot, as long as he was one minute slower, he was hurt more than this hand.

"Wen Yuan." Zhang Liao aside, a faint voice called to him.

He looked sideways and was a general in black armor with a clean face.

Wearing a special helmet, the armor on the helmet is like a beast, with a pale face.

The figure is not tall in the army, not even burly. But no one dares to underestimate this person. The feeling of this person standing there is like a sharp sword coming out of a sheath.

This is the case for every military unit under his control. If he is a sword alone, then standing with his military unit is a forest of swords and mountains.

"Bo Ping." Zhang Liao's face was slightly relieved.

Gao Shun's word Bo Ping, he and he are old friends.

"Um." Gao Shun didn't say much, nodded toward Zhang Liao, and walked to Zhang Liao's side.

"I heard you lost?"

They have known each other for so many years, of course, Zhang Liao's martial arts he is very clear.

Hearing that Zhang Liao suffered a terrible defeat, he came to see it specifically.

"Um." Zhang Liao responded helplessly, lamenting that the news in the army was spreading so fast. Only at this time, even this cricket knew.

He stretched out his disfigured right hand and said.

"one move."

Gao Shun looked at Zhang Liao's right hand in front of himself, and frowned: "A trick?"

"This is the world unparalleled?"

Cao Cao was pursuing Dong Zhuo's battle of Puyang. He was not present. At that time, he was arranged to guard beside Tianzi. So he just heard about that person.

Zhang Liao can be made like this in one stroke, and even Lu Bu can't.

"Yes." Zhang Liao did not deny that, in his opinion, that person definitely deserved the title.

Put your hands down.

"If you run into her next battle, be careful."

Gao Shun still had no expression on his face. If the man really did like Zhang Liao said, the two armies would fight, and letting the army go will be chaotic if left unattended.

"Next time, I will lead her to stop her."

It is the same to fight for life.

As he spoke, he took a look at Zhang Liao: "It can be considered revenge for you."

He was a taciturn person, and he uttered a word like a joke, making it impossible to hear the meaning of joke.

"Haha." Zhang Liao gave a smile to Gao Shun's shoulder, smiled, and sighed.

"When that happens, call me. Look at you and me, plus seven hundred traps, can you stop this world unparalleled."

By then, there must be a deadly battle.


The fog a few days ago finally brought overcast rain. The wet weather in winter made people's hands and feet freeze.

The gloomy clouds are densely covered with the sky, so that the sun cannot shine, and even at noon, the sky may not be bright.

Because it was raining, many of the torches on the wall were useless, and there was no light in the sky. Some soldiers standing on the city's head could not see the situation outside the city.

The rain was not small, and the drops of water formed a line, which wet the eaves of the barracks in the barracks. There is standing water on the ground, and the ripples are hit by the rain, and the reflections in it have become chaotic.

Gu Nan was standing in front of the barracks door, with some chills in her sleeves, of course, it was only slightly cold for her.

This rain has been going on for two days. The winter is already cold. There are not many warm clothes for the soldiers. In addition, there is a rain like headless. Because of this weather, it is rare that the morale can not be maintained too much. Long.

Looking up, Gu Nan looked at the unpleasant weather.

It is already the seventh day, and counting the time, the Xuzhou Army should also arrive.

At the same time, another member of the Luzhou Army was thinking about the same thing.

Chen Gong sits dumbly in his seat, playing with a brush boringly.

Tao Qian really can not let him rest assured ~ ~ Xuzhou soldiers are not here, Luzhou is not good to act rashly.

What Tao Qian was thinking, he knew that Xuzhou could not reach the soldiers, and the battle could only be dragged on.

It was rainy and rainy, holding Yidu City lightly, and the soldiers and horses on both sides were silent. During the battle, it was rare to see the same pond standing still and calm.

But everyone knows that they are waiting for a willow leaf to fall to disturb the lake, and then the standing water will be endless.


On the path to Yidu, a team of soldiers and horses is slowly moving. This kind of weather generally will not march, but this soldier and horse did not intend to stop and camp.

The soldier's armor was wet with rain, and the spear in his hand was also covered with water droplets. The road in the rain, especially this path, became more difficult to walk. Rain and mud are mixed together. When you walk over, your feet will sink into the mud.

"Mother, this rain is really annoying." A riding general muttered to himself, pulled his collar, and the clothes cushioned inside could squeeze water out.

This general has a burly figure and looks sturdy, holding a high mace.

He moved his shoulders, showing a little impatience in the evil eyes, and shouted at the soldiers behind him.

"But some light rain made you like this. You are all girls, you can't do it. Let me go faster!"

The tone was harsh, surprisingly, the soldiers behind him were not dissatisfied, but answered in unison: "Yes!"

The speed of the march was slightly faster with the naked eye.


The rain was lighter, but there was no meaning to stop.

Yiqi Qingqi ran from the rain and drove his horse, all the way into the camps of Luzhou, stopping at the Chinese army.

Jumping off Malay, the robe was still dripping water, and standing in front of the camp tentatively reported.

"Report to General, Xuzhou soldiers are here!"

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