Forced Chivalry

Chapter 127

East jungle.

The rays of light of the six-pointed star array bloomed to the extreme, the ray of light, and the six-story silhouette all pushed the power to the maximum, pouring into the most central altar.

The black light in the altar was rolling, and the strange and whistling, a mysterious atmosphere continued to flow from the altar, as if it echoed something in the dark, suddenly, in the distance, an azure light hit, stroke Breaking through the night sky, as fast as lightning, directly rushed into the altar.


Azure light hit and the black altar was shaken on the spot.

The six silhouettes were all shaken by the body, the blood qi tumbling, and the mouth was bleeding.

There is a glimpse of azure ancient lights on the ground, like lotus blooms, ancient mystery, and the surface is covered with strange patterns.

“Get it, go!”

One of them hurriedly grabbed the azure ancient lamp and shouted it.

A group of people also hurriedly got up and left.

The silences of all around also got orders, and they hurriedly dispersed to the distance.

But at this moment, the man suddenly shocked his body, stopped, and his eyes widened, revealing stunned.

“what happened?”

The five suddenly stopped and looked toward him.

“Lamp” `The wick is gone. ”

The man’s voice trembled.


“How can this be?”

The five-person complex changed, hurriedly came over and looked at the azure ancient lamp.

At first glance, all suck in a cold breath.

Within the blue light, it is dark.

The original wick position, leaving only a mysterious hole.

“Not good, the wick is still in the seal, it’s going.”

One of them suddenly reacted and opened up shouted.

Continued Soul Lamp, no wick, no difference with scrap iron.

All functions must be maintained by the wick!

Six people are rushing to the sky.

at this time!

Li Xiaosheng came, terrifying, and the two Heaven Ranking silhouettes carried an incomparable terrifying breath and instantly rushed over.

At the same time, there were also shouts from the north, white light, like a meteor, and attacked six people.

“You stop them, Daoist Wu and I go looking for the wick.”

A silhouette of the mouth is drunk.

Immediately, four people rose to the sky and greeted the three people who had been chasing them.

The rest of the two bodies squatted and rushed to the valley in the distance.


The young man with a singularity, the waist of Pei Yu, looked dull and looked at the yellow cloth in his hands, still difficult to react.

Dragon-Subduing 18 Palms actually took the initiative to fall into his hands?

Is this to recognize him as the main?

Even in the past, I calmed down and calmed down. At this moment, I couldn’t help but shake my hands and I was very excited.

The middle-aged man next to it was shocked and suddenly reacted. He said: “I know, you are practicing Purple Glow Divine Art, and you are upright, like Zixia East, representing the world to the righteousness. It was sensed by Divine Art and automatically rushed.”


Tough barely fell, a group of Jianghu guest eyes flushed, all rushed over.

At the forefront is a silhouette wearing a mask of evil spirits. It is almost at the extreme, and the palm of the hand is taken.

Middle-aged man sighed: “Bold thief, dare and mad!”

The body was vertical and the palm of the hand greeted the past.


A face-to-face, middle-aged man was shocked and spurted on the spot, flying back a dozen meters.

Zhang Yuan only has 30% palm force, but he can instill the middle-aged man directly with the second-order success that Ren Xingyun has instilled in him.

The squad of middle-aged man, his body is not reduced, as fast as the light and shadow, continue to rush toward the young man who is so arrogant, and is also a palm shot.

I can’t help the brother, Dragon-Subduing 18 Palms. I will borrow it for two days and I will definitely return you in the future.

Seeing Zhang Yuan, a companion in the palm of his hand, the youth complex changed, screaming, the internal force was transported to the maximum, the palm of the hand was filled with purple, the breath was long and heavy, and a palm greeted Zhang Yuan.


It was a muffled sound, and the young man squirted blood and flew on the spot.

The yellow cloth in the hand directly rose into the sky, and Zhang Yuan jumped into the hand and grabbed it in his hand.

Other Jianghu guests hurriedly rushed to him.

“Let’s put down Divine Art, don’t you die!”

“It is him, he is Ouyang Feng, everyone is careful about his palm force!”

Suddenly, there was a big drink in the crowd.

Jiang Zuo Sun Clan’s group of strong people also rushed over and recognized Zhang Yuan’s mask and figure.


The yellow cloth just arrived, and suddenly there was a strong sound of breaking inside. It seemed that someone was using a slap in the palm of his hand and was coming towards him.

Zhang Yuan’s body rotates rapidly in midair and avoids it in an instant.

Hong long!

A layer of terrifying palm force passed him and instantly rushed into the distant jungle, knocking down the pieces of trees.

Zhang Yuan landed on both feet, unwilling to entangle, hurriedly exerted speed and rushed toward the distance.

Under the strength of the second-order Dacheng, the speed is unfolding and it is almost impossible to describe.

Although it is not as Shrink The Land Into An Inch like Ren Xingyun, it is not as fast as before.


A flash of silhouette rushed into the depths of the jungle.

An angry drink came behind him, and many powerful people were working hard to chase after Zhang Yuan.

The former youth, who vomited blood and paled his face, was shocked by a palm, and shivered, making no effort.

“Damn, my Dragon-Subduing 18 Palms.”

His eyes are red and almost mad.


There was an angry roar in the ground, and a terrifying loud bang swayed. Suddenly, the surface blew up, and the previously washed silhouette quickly rushed over.

“Damn, Dragon-Subduing 18 Palms?”

“Continued Soul Lamp was also called away. Who is calculating?”

They are angry and shake the world.

Suddenly, there were two silhouettes in the distance rushing towards the valley.

Ren Xingyun and others all gave birth to the senses, and they shot the light in their eyes and quickly looked at the past.

Suddenly, I noticed the azure ancient lamp in one of the hands.

“Continued Soul Lamp!”

A white silhouette around him screamed and took the lead.

Then everyone rushed out and breathed.

Zhang Yuan’s heart peng pen jumps wildly and is difficult to contain.

In any case, the Dragon-Subduing 18 Palms got so easy.

However, there was a hint of awkwardness in my heart.

Is this really good, is it really good?

Forget it, the person who grabs it is Ouyang Feng, not my Overturning Heavens Hand Zhang Yuan.

I am Overturning Heavens Hand, I am eager to do justice, how can I do this kind of thing?

I quickly figured it out and rushed forward more excitedly.

The whistling sound behind him was quickly approaching. His speed was fast, but he was followed by some third-order masters.

“Bold Ouyang Feng, leave me here!”

Suddenly, a scream came, and a warrior rose up, with a long knife in his hand, waving and standing straight behind him.

Hong long!

A dozen meters long knife rushed to catch up, terrifying unpredictable, along the way, the jungle on both sides continued to blast.

In the midst of a thousand miles, Zhang Yuan hurriedly avoided.

“And I am more than a knife, old man teaches you what is a knife!”

Zhang Yuan voice hoarse, quickly turned back, took out the snow drink, palm force shocked, a white light.

Directly smashed down.

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