Forced Chivalry

Chapter 523

Under the bombardment of the crowd, the bronze giant door below was finally unable to withstand, and only the remaining ten runes were shattered.

The old door rumbling and rumbling was finally opened by everyone.


As soon as it was opened, there was a blazing blood light inside, which was like a blood color, and it was drowned out to everyone.

The complexion big change was thrown out on the spot by the blazing blood light.

Everyone was flying a few miles.

Even Zhang Yuan is no exception.

The blood light below is vast and surging, exuding the power of terrifying, and it took a while to finally stop.

The eyes of the people were inconspicuous and observed for a while before they were rushed out again.

Everyone else did not have the slightest hesitation and immediately followed.

Rays of light 璀璨, a path of flashing light, and soon everyone rushed into the huge bronze portal.

As soon as they came in, everyone could not help but change their eyes.

This is a huge palace.

All of them are all a dry body. Each body has a wide, eccentric shape, at least five or six meters high.

These corpses are all like fossils, and they don’t move, they don’t feel the slightest vitality.

The body is dry like firewood.

In the entire great hall, there are hundreds of such terrifying corpses in the densely packed disk, and the unspeakable gloomy and oppressiveness permeates here.

Soon, everyone’s face began to change.

Here, the instinct of their with the body is suppressed and deprived, uncontrolled, and leaked out along the pores.

Even Zhang Yuan is also changing his eyes.

Even if he is only the body of the demon, he feels unnatural, and there is a force around it that suppresses everything, giving him a feeling of shackles.

Even the demon spirit began to shrink and dim, and the surrounding magic has spread.

His eyes sparkled with scarlet rays of light, looking at all around.

These corpses within the great hall are all demon?

Are they blocked?

After thousands of years of suppression, they were completely depleted by the power of dragon veins and the power of the twelve gold people. They have not felt the slightest vitality.

But in this case, why is there Monster Qi outside?

He frowned and looked into the temple.

The other strongmen in the temple also shot around.

Although they noticed Zhang Yuan, they were all just not looking good and did not continue to shoot him.

They all know that this is the mark of the Buddha, and it is almost indestructible.

How to shoot him again is just a waste of effort.

Suddenly, Zhang Yuan noticed the depths of the great hall, and there was a corridor of gloom. On both sides of the corridor were huge stone chambers, and the stone chambers were also firmly sealed.

Many strong people blinked and noticed there.

A god-level Supreme Elder brows slightly wrinkle, striding forward and pushing directly toward the gate of the stone chamber.


In the rumble of the rumble, the gate of the stone chamber was opened.

There was a more awkward, more dry corpse hanging in the body, seven or eight meters long, and was worn by the gods in the gold, hanging high in the stone chamber.

The stone chamber is engraved with a special rune on both sides to seal everything.

There is no physical qi in the entire stone chamber, and there is no energy that can be absorbed.

After everyone saw the situation in the stone chamber, the face changed.

The seal power inside this stone chamber is obviously more terrifying than the outside.

Subsequently, they began to open other stone chambers one after another.

A burst of low sounds, the remaining stone chambers are also opened by one after another.

Without exception, all of them are dry bodies, some of them have begun petrification, and half of them have become hard rock.

Every corpse is worn with a cheekbone, and it is firmly sealed here. It doesn’t feel alive.

“Terifying, really terrifying, these are the demons of the last dark age, and they can be crushed here, at least the giants, but even the giants can’t survive the eternal years.”

Supreme Elder, a god-level sigh, sighed.

Everyone else is dignified nodded.

After so many years, they can also feel the terrifying of the seal power in the stone chamber.

If they are sealed inside, they will be reduced to slag in less than a few decades.

At the forefront, there is one last stone gate left, standing quietly and looking thicker and larger than the other stone gates.

The people did not hesitate and joined forces to blast the last stone door.

Zhang Yuan was suddenly owned, and the body of the fairyland was seen through the mirror and saw a strange scene.

In a stone chamber, a dead body has been smashed, and the heart suddenly jumped.

Extremely weak, just beating a bit and then calming again.

Moreover, the picture in the mirror began to change and turned to other directions. He could not judge which body in the stone chamber was beating.

His eyes changed and he immediately acted and swept toward a stone chamber.

But after reading all the stone chambers, the corpses inside are still the same as before, without any change, and I can’t feel the slightest vitality.

This made him reveal a dignified color.

Not an illusion, just not an illusion!

It is really a corpse that has moved a bit.

But he can’t judge which one?

Is there a demon giant that has not been killed?


At this time, the last stone door began to roar, and there was a burst of low voice, and a piece of suppressed terrifying breath swept out from the rear of Shimen.

The last stone gate was finally opened.

His magical spirit quickly rushed over.

The scene inside the last stone gate is more terrifying.

This is a high body of severe ten meters, dry and thin, huddled together, like a severe dozen meters high dry meat ball, can not see the face, can not see the body structure, can only see huge.

In his body is full of chains, a path of the chain has been shining with the glare of the sun, each of them has the same thickness as the bucket, and as soon as the stone door opens, everyone is stabbed.

There are at least hundreds of such large chains on the body.

A group of powerful powers can not help but be shocked.

“This… this is the king of the king!”

“God, there are hundreds of such kings.”

They are unbelievable.

The value of this thing is hard to imagine.

Even in the fairy world, it is rare to see, it is a perfect thing for casting, even if it is a giant, it is difficult to find much.

But here, there are hundreds of them.


Someone sacrificed the flying sword and smashed at the chains that were savage.

A piece of Mars splattered, and the flying swords were pulled out of the gap, but these chains were not damaged.

This makes everyone color.

Good terrifying the fairy king Jin Jing.

Others have also begun to try and slash these chains.

Zhang Yuan eyes are dignified and suddenly feels unusual.

Far away from the body of the fairy world, once again saw a corpse in a slight beating.

These things will not die?

He was shy and cautious, leaning against the door and looking towards the huge body, while his eyes were sweeping toward the other stone chambers at the rear.

When everyone was slashing, the shrinking meat ball seemed to be inflated and began to swell slowly. As he expanded a little, the many chains on his body began to sway and shone. the sound of.

The complexion changed, and I noticed the anomaly and immediately looked at it.

The meat ball swells more quickly, the jaws are shaking, and the chains on the body are all vibrating.

“Not good, he is still alive!”

I don’t know who shouted, and many people rushed toward the meatball.


Piece of violent power surged out and instantly disappeared into the surface of the meat ball.

The power of the bombardment was swallowed up in an instant.

It’s like a sponge that has dried up for countless years. When any force is close, it will be absorbed by the moment.

“Don’t shoot, go, tell the Lord!”

Someone shouted.

They took the initiative and immediately flew back.

However, the speed at which the meatballs swelled was too fast, especially after getting the strength just started.

Zhang Yuan’s face changed dramatically and she rushed out the first time.

After the crowd rushed out, they immediately slammed into Shimen, trying to reclose the stone door.

At this moment, there was a bang in the stone chamber, and several large chains broke down, shimmering with glare, and hitting the stone door like a tentacle.


Shimen was crushed on the spot and turned into stone chips.

Everyone was stunned and they were all flying back.

After the chains shattered the stone gates, they immediately rushed toward the crowd at an unimaginable speed. The speed of everyone was simply unbearable in front of the chain.

噗pu pu!

A chain of chains penetrated the body of a strong man, and a group of people mourned and was directly dragged into the stone door.


It was terrible and quickly disappeared.

The rest of the people were even more astonished, all fleeing in madness.

At the same time, the bodies in other Shimen have all changed.

The heart of all the bodies is beating.

Even the petrified bodies, the heart began to beat.

It was still very weak at first, but the more it jumped, the more it jumped terrifying, like the ancient dark drums, which ringed in the human mind, and the blood vessels of people were cracked.

Dong! dong! dong! dong!

More and more loud, more and more rhythm.

Many people suddenly yelled, squirting blood, the heart was unbearable, and was directly shattered.

Their bodies suddenly rushed, and suddenly a mysterious force involved the blood of their with the body, rushing toward the stone chamber.

At this time, in the last big stone chamber, the mutation is more terrifying.

Inside, the sound of bèng bèng bèng was heard, and all the chains in all directions were shaken.

The dried meat ball swelled even more. Suddenly, the head of the cockroach cocked with a wilted head, the eyes were sunken, the nose and mouth were moldy, dark, and the ears were even petrified.

The skull of the skull opened a black cracked mouth and sucked hard.


The entire palace was turbulent and the wind whistled.

Everyone who was escaping was all stunned and felt an unimaginable terrifying force that instantly locked their bodies.

Their bodies seemed to be out of control, and then they yelled and began to fly away toward the rear.

Everyone is no exception.

What the Son, the King of God, this moment is like a scorpion ant, become a straw, in front of the terrifying suction, there is no resistance.

Even the devil of Zhang Yuan is the same, suffering from the influence of terrifying suction, and quickly flies backward toward the rear.

This scene is simply terrifying!

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