Forced to Date a Big Shot

Chapter 629: Useful for small-fashioned

In the laboratory.

The three are still arguing.

Xue Xi looked at the people outside, and they all craned their necks and looked towards this side, with an uneasy look on their faces.

She knew that this was shaken.

Although the project has only been underway for a month and a half, it has been stuck in the current process for half a month.

She looked back at the person who was in a positive mood and was arguing with Li Zixia, and suddenly said, "Okay."

The two words stunned the three of them.

Everyone looked at her together.

Xue Xi walked out of the office altogether, opened the door and looked outside. Her gaze swept across the sleeping mathematics students, and then towards the other ignorant and perturbed people, and then said: "Everyone, Who else wants to leave, you can just say, I will settle the subsidy for you this month."

As soon as the words came out, the others were stunned.

Li Zixia's eyes widened: "Sister Xi..."

Xie Yingying wanted to speak too, but Xue Xi shook her head slightly and signaled her not to speak, and then slowly opened her mouth: "I initiated the project. In the past two months, the project has not made progress. It is indeed my responsibility. Great, I know that some of you are under a lot of pressure, including those from families and those from the future. I didn’t consider your feelings well. So, if you want to leave, I will ask the four deans Take you to do better projects."

Throughout the laboratory, there was no sound.

The students had red eyes.

Sister Xi knows.

She knows everything.

When they came to participate in this project, they came under great external pressure. They were hesitating about the future, and they were persuaded by relatives and friends around them, but they still came because they were convinced of Xi's personal charm.

But this kind of belief is the easiest to collapse.

When they discovered that even Sister Xi couldn't help solve the math problem within half a month, their mentality collapsed.

And this collapse is contagious.

Someone lowered their heads and wiped the tears from the corners of their eyes.

But some people said, "Sister Xi, don't blame yourself! They are leaving, not because of you at all! It is because they have a better place to go!"

Xue Xi was slightly taken aback when she heard this.

However, Li Zixia seemed to understand something, and suddenly furious: "What's the matter?"

The man opened his mouth: "In the past few days, a person named Li Xuelei applied for a project, and this project is more profitable! And, I heard that his family gave support, and he is now collecting people at high prices! They also specifically said that if the people in our past, he will give twice the subsidy! Sister Xi, if you don’t believe me, just ask Liu Xiu, he must know!"

Liu Xiu was the first person who offered to leave.

Xue Xi looked at him.

Xie Yingying said angrily: "Okay, I said why you stopped doing it all of a sudden, it turns out that you have found a next home! Then you get out, we don't want people like you!"

Liu Xiu was scolded from embarrassed to anger, and immediately said: "Don't want me? I don't want you! The other party not only doubled the subsidy, but the project is also very simple, and it is the most profitable mobile phone business now! Why am I? If you don’t do such a good project, follow you to do something that is impossible to accomplish?"

He simply looked at the rest of the people: "Since everything has been said here, let me also say that Li Xuelei next door is hiring people, and the subsidy is twice that of ours. As long as you pass, there will be absolutely no problem! People follow me?"

Xue Xi's laboratory subsidy has reached five thousand per month.

This is equivalent to one month's salary for fresh graduates, and relatively speaking, it is the highest in school projects.

It is twice as much as here, that is 10,000 per month?

This temptation is too big!

Although they are all students of Huaxia University, everyone is from an ordinary family after all. When Chen Xiu said this, several people were shaken.

Those who can gather here, and those left by Xue Xi are all elites in the school.

If they are all poached, how can they recruit people?

Li Zixia roared: "Enough of you! The light source machine, this project is so great! It is already a blessing in life to be able to participate in this project, don't you want to let your resume shine? "

Liu Xiu laughed: "Is it one more resume? This project can't be done! China has been chasing foreign technology for so many years, but it has not been able to catch up. How could it be completed! Sister, I want to realize a dream, but now that the dream wakes up, we should also continue our lives."

Li Zixia: "You...!"

At this time, Zheng Zhi appeared at the door, and he gave a cold voice: "Want to go? Do you think it is that simple? Don't forget, we have signed an agreement! You can go, let's pay three times the liquidated damages first!"

Liu Xiu was furious: "How can you do this?"

Zheng Zhi was wearing a suit, his body straightened up, and his eyes looked at Liu Xiu with cold eyes: "Stupid ordinary people, they signed this agreement in the first place, just to guard against today!"

Liu Xiu: "..."

Those who wanted to leave just now showed an angry look, and they became dissatisfied one by one.

Liu Xiu looked at Xue Xi: "We are still students! It is impossible to sign a labor contract. There is absolutely a problem with your agreement! We can go to the court to sue you!"

The court?

Zheng Zhi sneered.

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