Yan Shiting is still missing.

She recalled the dream she made last night, and now her heart is still hurting as if it was empty.

It's ridiculous that, in such a painful dream, she actually felt a tender embrace inexplicably at the back, like Yan Shiting holding her tenderly and affectionately, sincerely distressed and cherished.

Looking around the room without even his trace, the living room didn't make any noise.

Apparently he "run out" her body and threw it like a rag, but never returned, how could she hold her tenderly?

She doesn't need his arms anymore.

Thinking of his torture, I wish I could stab him to death!


He gave her a little treasure, if he didn't kill him, he was treated as a favor.

She walked into the bathroom naked, turned on the shower head, drenched her body with a shower gel and rubbed her body vigorously. Before going to bed, she wanted to thoroughly wash away the sperm he left in her body. Wash away all the kiss marks he branded to her!

Disgusted with any traces he left on her, she almost rubbed herself off and washed her hair several times before drying herself out of the bathroom.

After changing to clean clothes, she walked to the living room. She was so hungry that she put her noodles close to her back. She quickly ate a bowl of noodles and cooked a bowl of frozen dumplings. This made her feel alive.

I didn't see Xiaobao in three days. She picked up her phone and dialed Xiaobao's phone. After two rings, the phone was disconnected.

She called again, and Xiaobao's cell phone turned off.

She suddenly became anxious. Yan Shiting already knew that she was the woman who strengthened him. Did he find that Xiaobao was his biological son?

The house is particularly large, a few hundred square meters, she feels empty by herself, which makes her lonely afraid.

She couldn't imagine how she would live if Yan Shiting robbed Xiaobao?

She will never allow Xiaobao to separate from herself, and never give him Xiaobao!

Picking up her mobile phone to make a reflective call to Yan Shiting, the last digit had not been dialed out, and she calmed down again.

In case he didn't know that Xiaobao was his son... she questioned so hurriedly, she would only have no silver here.

Xiaobao was pregnant with the frozen embryo of her test-tube baby after she forced him halfway.

As long as he didn't expect her to do a test tube, it should be unwitting...

After some consideration, she decided to test his reaction.

After dialing his phone, the phone rang a dozen times before he answered it slowly, "What's the matter?"

The phone was slow to answer, with an obviously impatient attitude.

There was a sneer on her lips, "Do you think I want to call you? Where did you take my son?"

"He is my son, of course in my house." The cold male voice was not warm.

Her heart almost jumped out of her chest.

He got it!

She looked shocked, pretending to be calm, "I'm going to pick up Xiaobao."

"I allow you to take it?" What else did he want to say, her roar came over the phone, "Yan Shiting, what the **** do you want!"

"What do you think?" He was a little surprised by her overreaction. Isn't it just to let Xiaobao live in the suburban villa for a few days, he is better than her in the two-person world, she didn't know a few days ago?

"Xiaobao is my son!" she emphasized.

"It's mine too." His tone condensed. He was already married to her, and of course he regarded Xiaobao as his own.

She was silent for a long while, only calmly said, "I want to see Xiaobao."

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