Four Skills for All

Vol 2 Chapter 414: 1 video

In the early morning, Mo Xiu was about to set off. He did not choose a train to travel. At this time, he was standing on the roof of the strongest group building.

Behind him was Cao Fenglin, and Mu Mu was already busy.

Cao Fenglin said, "Mo Xiu, how long will I go this time?"

"It won't be long, but it may not be a long time to come back to see you."

Cao Fenglin had a foreboding that Mo Xiu came to the strongest group early in the morning and seemed to be in a hurry. If it weren't for time, he wouldn't choose such a way to determine the direction of the strongest group.

There is also that video. Whenever Mo Xiu has time, he will definitely hold another press conference to personally express his thoughts instead of using video recording.

"Mo Xiu, I have always had something to say to you since the Heat Weapon War, but I can't take this face off."

Mo Xiu said half jokingly: "What? Can you pull your face down now?"

Cao Fenglin said: "A person like you will be the focus on any stage. I want to prepare for the battle after leaving this time. I'm afraid I won't have a chance to speak."

"Then talk about it!"

Cao Fenglin said with difficulty, "Thank you, thank you very much for your teaching. I used to be your teacher. At that time, you were still very simple. After that, regardless of the thermal weapons war or the strongest group, you have taught me a lot. It’s not an exaggeration to say that you are my teacher."

Mo Xiu raised his hand to summon the holy sword and stood up.

Turning back, he said, "Old Cao, although I call you Old Cao now, you will always be my teacher. Without your teaching, I might not be able to play any role in the heat weapon war. We are just learning from each other now."

After speaking, Yujian left to the north.

Cao Fenglin was left alone on the rooftop and muttered to himself: "Do you learn from each other? I have already been distanced."

Mo Xiu who was flying in the air also had some doubts in his heart.

Back then, on the eve of the thermal weapons war, Cao Fenglin hadn't figured it out clearly.

But when all the clues surfaced, there was such a plan in my mind. After thinking about it, I got the whole plan.

This plan was something Mo Xiu came up with, but it appeared so suddenly that even Mo Xiu felt abrupt.

Mo Xiu had excellent game-breaking ability before, but he didn't have such excellent layout ability, just like he grew up overnight.


At noon of the same day, all sales outlets of the strongest group closed down, and applications for preferential policies were also stopped.

The announcement given by the strongest group is that the liquid medicine-related business will be suspended for one day for rectification and adjustment.

This behavior confuses the people. The liquid medicine is selling well, and there is no quality problem. Why should we stop the adjustment?

To say that there were too many people in line at the time of the first sale, it is possible to close the business.

But now the sales have stabilized, the number of sales points in various places has increased, and the people's desire to buy is not so crazy. It is time to consider their financial resources.

All kinds of speculations flew all over the sky for a while, but the media chose not to speak out.

In any case, the strongest group is now in full swing. When there is no clear news, no one dares to report indiscriminately, otherwise they may lose their jobs.

Until two o'clock in the afternoon, the strongest group released a video on various platforms, which caused an uproar.

The emotions of the people were ignited again.

Only one person appeared in the entire video, Mo Xiu, who said two things.

The video is different from the press conference, there is no emotional mobilization, and there is no singing voice.

Even Mo Xiu was the only one speaking, which seemed a bit monotonous.

But the two things Moxiu said, each of them hits the hearts of the people

Only then did the people know that plain words can also make people emotional.

The video is like this.

At the beginning of the video, the camera was pointed at a table, and Mo Xiu appeared in the camera two seconds later, sitting at the table.

"Hello everyone, I'm Mo Xiu. I think everyone has some impression of me. This video can be regarded as an announcement from the strongest group to all mankind."

"It's not a press conference. There is no need to say something that is useless. Let's just talk about the main point. When you saw this video, all offline medicinal liquid sales points should be closed, and the online preferential policy application channel was also suspended. , Don’t worry, we are not going bankrupt, but decided to serve the public better."

"Since the first sale of the liquid medicine, we have received a lot of help and support, and it is also inseparable from your purchase. To this day, our strongest company has sold hundreds of millions of liquid medicine. This is just my estimate. It should actually be better than this. More. We made some money, but not much."

"You can also see from the price that our profit is very limited, but we are still grateful for such an achievement. Today, on behalf of the strongest group, I announce that the price of the liquid medicine will be reduced again. As for the price, everyone Guess differently."

Mo Xiu paused for a while, took a sip of water from the cup beside him, and sold it off.

But not long after, Mo Xiu spoke again.

Every time Moxiu made his decision, he never disappointed the So during this pause, most people did not guess, but looked forward to the price announced by Moxiu.

"The emergence of liquid medicine is beneficial to everyone. I am proud that our company can have such an invention. This is the gospel of all mankind, but we use it for business. Even if the price is already low, I still feel that it is not enough. "

"I think a lot these days. Is it true that this is true? Liquid medicine can help humans grow. In the future, it may be a necessity for everyone, so... I decided... ···"

Moxiu paused again, but the audience could almost guess what to say next, and was excited by the answer they guessed.

The liquid medicine is likely to be sold at a cost price in the future, and the strongest group intends not to make a profit through this project.

"From tomorrow, all the preferential policies will be cancelled because they are no longer available. I announced that the liquid medicines are all free. The specific collection process can be checked on the official website of the strongest group."

Everyone who saw this was shocked, whether it was the low-level people or the middle-level high-level people.

Mo Xiu did this to be charity, but it was medicinal liquid, how could it be free of charge for things linked to herbal medicine? How much money does the strongest group have to pay?

Only a few people would think of this step, and most of them applauded for Mo Xiu, especially the people at the bottom, with excitement beyond words.

Amidst the laughter, Mo Xiu in the video spoke again.

"This decision is undoubtedly difficult for the strongest group. Thanks to the support of various companies, the first batch of companies supporting assistance is the Xiao Group..."

Mo Xiu read the advertisement on the spot, and the crowd understood it only after the crowd reacted.

Every name in the advertisements advertised at this time is worth a thousand dollars.

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