Four Skills for All

Vol 2 Chapter 477: 8 kings rule

The fox's skills are not only that, after being charmed, it can seize control of the body, read and delete memories.

Combined with Rongbang's description, it can be easily summarized.

The most terrifying thing is that the fox's skills don't need to lock the target, the ubiquitous fragrance is like tentacles.

The closer you get to the fox, the more tentacles. The fox can use skills wherever the tentacles can touch.

The range has reached an astonishing entire Fox 1 City!

Mo Xiu couldn't delay getting the information about the Beastmaster's skills. Although he was in retreat, he still had to tell Xi Bei the news.

Xi Bei was not in the royal family at this time. Mo Xiu directly sent a message to him, explaining the skills of the Beast King Fox and having a son with the two big Beast Kings, which may be a threat.

Of course, the source of the news cannot be said that Mo Li went to Fox 1 City. Without a detailed explanation, he said it.

Xi Bei would not doubt such an important matter. Mo Xiu didn't need to lie, so he didn't pursue the source of the news.

After Xi Bei received the news, he returned a message to Mo Xiu.

The individual combat effectiveness of the fox may not be the strongest, but it is the most lethal to humans.

Back then, the generation of Elder Tang didn't fight against the beast king of the fox tribe. The reason was that every beast king of the fox tribe would surely be killed by the supreme as soon as possible.

The fox clan is cunning and very ambitious, and in order to achieve the goal by any means, they abandon their original form in order to rule the Western Regions together with the ape clan.

Even supreme must first kill the beast king of the fox clan. Once the fox releases its charm in a human city, it is directly a disaster for a city.

Also, Xi Bei answered Mo Xiu's question all the time.

That is, in the previous records, it was mentioned many times that each race had a beast king, and the period of the beast victory was the fifteen tribes and eight kings.

Now there are only eight races, it is a situation of eight clans and seven kings. If Xiao Fushun returns to the cat clan, he will be the eight clans and eight kings.

Why is there only one king for each race? Can't a race have multiple kings?

Xi Bei’s answer is that this question was once discussed by the old man of Tianji, indicating that the beasts can only have eight beast kings. Before the race reaches eight or less, there can only be one king of a race.

The specific reason did not say what it was, the old man of Tianji never said half of what he said.

According to Xibei's own analysis, the ancestors of the Xi family once said that between beasts of the same race, the beast king has the blood to suppress ordinary beasts.

There is no bloodline suppression in human beings, so it is not very easy to understand.

Simply put, every beast is wild, bloodthirsty and manic.

It stands to reason that the beasts are more difficult to manage. The infighting between the same races should be very serious, but during the war, there will be occasional frictions between the various races of the beasts. As long as there is a Beastmaster between the same races, there has never been infighting.

The bloodline is suppressed, things that are difficult to explain, but they are real.

Mo Xiu remembered what happened in the room on the left in Fox 1 City. The mother and daughter did not resist when they died. This might be a kind of bloodline suppression.

If the rule of eight kings is true, the cat tribe should be the most miserable tribe, because the sky-eaters have been chased and killed by humans for generations, and they have never risen.

It can also explain why the fox is a little unhappy when he hears the appearance of the beast. On the one hand, he is afraid of the strength of the beast, and on the other hand, he wants to occupy the place of the beast king. After all, the son of the fox and the ape is most likely to become a new one. Beastmaster.

After understanding clearly, Mo Xiu released the clone skill again, creating Mo Li.

Mo Li happened to take the second group of people to the Beast Territory, and the identity certificate was almost there, and the mission could officially begin.

Mo Xiu continued to practice. He had just been charmed by a fox, and his injuries were more serious. After he recovered, he was repeatedly treated with holy flames, but he still couldn't return to his peak state.

That bit of blood was painstaking, the injury was too close, and even the sacred inflammation could only be relieved but could not be cured.

It can only recover slowly by passively ‘self-healing’.

This is a difficult thing to imagine. The Beastmaster Fox was seriously injured tens of thousands of miles away from Mo Xiu.

Mo Xiu was unable to cope with his strength, which further strengthened his determination to retreat and practice hard.

At this time, the core skill that was impacting, whether it was the **** of war or the authority of God, was too important for Mo Xiu.

After the upgrade is successful, Mo Xiu will practice comprehension in the room to avoid only upgrading the level without comprehension in place.


On the other side, Mo Li set off again, and all his injuries were added to his body Mo Xiu.

As a skill, Mo Li was in an undamaged state when he was released again. At this time, he took the second team to the beast territory.

People along the way are constantly surprised.

The first is the captain of the second team, "Mo Lee? Are you back? When did you come back? We haven't heard from it."

Then came the big brothers, the king looked at Mo Li in shock, didn't he see Mo Li come back? Why did you go out from the royal family again? Does the royal family have other entrances and exits besides the bronze mirror?

Dasongbi asked, "Mo Li, are you doing magic? Not only can you change your appearance, but you can also instantly move into the royal space?"

When he came to the border and met Xiao Lao Bai, he was the most shocked, because his skill is space. When did Mo Li go back? Shouldn't he not know Could it be that Mo Li would do a foolish detour?

Mo Li responded with a smile along the way. He would never explain if he didn't follow up. When he met a follow-up question, he would say something meaningful. Do you know what is the relationship between my brother Mo Xiu and Mr. Tang? What is the relationship between Elder Tang and the manager?

There was no clear explanation, but the problem was pushed to the manager, Lao Bai, and these people mistakenly believed that the manager helped Mo Li return to the royal family.

That said, everyone believes that only the little old white at the border will be suspicious, but it is not easy to follow up.

Just let Mo Li fool around.

The next thing is a repeat of the previous few days, that is, the route has changed.

Mo Li led the team to Ape 69 City, where the Nong Zhang was located, and then handed it over to the ten people of Nong Zhang.

The reason for this change of course is that the poor ghost of Xibei mostly has no money. Without money, he can't afford a mobile phone, and doing things will be more troublesome.

I came to Nongzhang for money, and went directly to the owner of the thin ape to mention a hundred mobile phones.

After Mo Li distributed all of them, he left 30 mobile phones to Nong Zhang.

Nong Zhang handed over his identity certificate to Mo Li, and said, "Sixth Brother Ape is very efficient. It takes five days to get down, and it will be done in three days."

Mo Li took the certificate and said, "It's great, you can act."

I wanted to wait for a few days in Yuan 69 City. When the certificate came down, I went straight to find King Xi, and then went to one of the top ten cities.

Now that the credentials are in his hand, Mo Li can leave immediately.

Take the remaining fifteen people and ride bicycles to the city where Xi Wang is located.

After arriving, the five people stayed near the gate of the city, and the remaining ten were disbanded after entering the city. This time everyone has a mobile phone, so just give the phone number to King Xi.

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