Fox of France

Chapter 287: , International students

In the end, Lucien turned down the matter of making this plan. This is not because he is the busiest among the brothers, requiring twenty-four hours of work. But Joseph really couldn't believe in his scientific literacy.

This matter was finally handed over to Joseph to take charge, of course, the specific person in charge is actually Mong Ri. His scientific research results have been kept secret for a long time, and he is very experienced in this area.

After about a month of research and demonstration, some scientific papers related to electricity began to be published in the journal Nature of the French Academy of Sciences.

With the publication of these papers, two other things are advancing rapidly.

The first thing is the patent application and approval. Patent related technologies are to be disclosed to the society, so when relevant knowledge is still confidential, some technologies naturally have not applied for patents. But at this time, since the relevant scientific knowledge has been disclosed, the corresponding technology will naturally need to apply for a patent, such as a propeller.

In fact, although the British are already testing propellers, and the propellers look very simple, the propellers and propellers are still completely different. With different configurations and different speeds, the efficiency of the propeller is much different. In addition, the requirements for manufacturing accuracy of propellers are actually quite high. Therefore, if the British propellers are actually used for commercial use, at least for now, they are not competitive at all. And if the competitiveness is not enough, you will naturally not get the order, and if you do not get the order, there will naturally be no more money that can be invested in scientific research. So the performance gap will be continuously widened. The most is their navy.

Considering that on the European continent, France, the Netherlands, the Rhine Union, and Prussia have all signed mutual recognition agreements with France. Now that the propeller patent has been successfully applied for a patent in France, it means that the British built For every ship that uses propellers to enter the ports of these countries, it must pay a patent fee to the French. The end result will be that the money invested by the British on the propellers cannot be recovered, and they can only be supported by the state.

The second thing that is rapidly advancing is that France began to put a series of products including electric motors into the market. Many new power stations have begun to be constructed in other parts of Europe.

These power stations are naturally the business of military-industrial complexes. They can not only make more money for the military-industrial complex, but also squeeze out most of the other sources of power in this area. In this way, almost all industries in this area will depend on these power plants in the future, and the military-industrial complex that controls these power plants will have a huge influence on the economy of these regions.

In addition, a few months ago, in the Sudeten area of ​​Prussia, the new open-pit copper mine began to produce large amounts of copper. This is the best copper mine in Europe, with shallow burial and high grade. Its large-scale mining, coupled with the newly built copper smelter next to it, has almost increased European copper output by a quarter. And there is room for further increase.

The development of this copper mine has caused the price of copper in Europe, which had been terribly high, to fall. This also makes electricity more competitive.

On the other hand, the development of this copper mine gave Prussia a big breath. Originally Prussia was overwhelmed financially due to the issue of war reparations. Now the commissioning of this large copper mine has quickly brought Prussia a large amount of income. This also brings another problem to Prussia, that is, the Prussian economy has begun to rely more and more on mining.

Another effect of this move by the French is that the number of international students studying in France has begun to increase. Although the French government has not given many places in the electricity they most want to learn and know the most. However, a series of public scientific research results in electric power have further strengthened people's impression that "France has the highest scientific level in Europe". Therefore, the number of students coming to learn other aspects of technology has also increased significantly.

This is what Joseph is very happy to see. Some people have raised objections to this, believing that too many international students have learned these sciences and technologies, which will cause France to lose its advantage over other countries in terms of science. But this kind of disagreement was immediately criticized by Joseph.

Joseph pointed out that for every foreign student who comes to France to study, his tuition is enough to allow more than 20 children to receive compulsory education, or two to three French youths to receive higher education on scholarships. Counting this way, it must be France who got along. And many outstanding foreign students with academic success will stay in France. In this way they became part of the power of France.

"The more students come from and backward regions, the more so. Because they learn a lot of things, there is not much use in their own country. Unless the hero is extremely patriotic and willing to endure all kinds of pain. , Otherwise, most of them will stay in France.

This is especially true for international students studying law, art, and literature. After they return to their country, they will only find that their country is incompatible with the France they are used to. Moreover, we can fully educate them to make them identify with us ideologically and with our European Union thought of. "Joseph said so.

Joseph said this because he was in another time and space in his previous life and he had seen it with his own eyes. A-mei, you see using similar methods to treat the entire Third World as a fish pond for talents, and almost wiped out their best students. So as to establish their own huge scientific and technological advantages. In those years, almost half of the best students in the two best schools in a big eastern country ended up working in various universities and research institutes. And overseas students from another "largest democracy" are full of Silicon Valley.

On the other hand, Amei, you can see the same follow, let his standard, his view of right and wrong, rise to the world's view of right and wrong, become the so-called "universal value", and gained a lot of fanaticism supporter.

If there are no high-quality fry salvaged from these fish ponds, Amei, you see it will be very difficult to maintain its scientific and technological advantages. Especially after it embarked on the evil road of playing finance and going to industrialization.

Andrei Obranski is an international student from Russia. In France, there are not a few Russian students abroad, and French universities actually like these Russian students very much. Of course, this is not because French and Russians are more friendly, but because Russian students are generally richer. Because almost all the students studying in Russia are nobles.

This also makes Russian students have another characteristic, that is, most of them can learn various arts. Because compared with complicated science and complicated law, art is really suitable for aristocratic students.

Generally speaking, art students always have free time, so every weekend, in places like the Moulin Rouge, you can always see a lot of Russian students who speak French with an accent.

But Andre is different from them. Andre is here to learn electricity.

In January, in St. Petersburg, Andrei saw the latest issue of "Nature" from his teacher, Mr. Serpukhovskoy. At that time, Andre, who wanted to go to England to learn steam engine technology, was fascinated by the new stuff like electricity. So he made up his mind to come to France to study electricity.

Andrei's family are descendants of the Lyulich royal family. Half of the nobles of Petersburg, even the czar, are actually relatives of their family. But to study electricity in France, his background is basically useless. Because there are not many full-time teachers for this subject, most teachers are actually engineers in the military-industrial complex. In addition, a large number of study places are occupied by the French, so it is very difficult for foreigners to obtain the qualifications for this subject. They must defeat more than 90% of their competitors in the exam.

But André still won the exam with his real strength, so he became an international student in the "Electrical Engineering" subject at the University of Paris.

The teacher who taught him is said to be a certain science student. He is always in a hurry. Every time he finishes a class, he immediately picks up the handouts and leaves, leaving everyone with a lot of ~These homework often keep people busy until midnight. According to seniors, this is their teacher giving back to society. Because it is said that the big cow also likes to assign a lot of difficult homework to the students.

But this also made Andre's life extraordinarily fulfilling, and he himself clearly felt the rise of his academic level.

Of course, this kind of fulfilling life also made him a laughing stock for many students who also came from Russia.

"Andre, you have been in Paris for a while, and tomorrow is Sunday again. You won't be assigned a lot of homework by the teacher again, and you can't even get out of the door?" Andre's friend Anatole was right. He smiled.

"Not this time. In fact, the teacher did not assign us homework this time. It is said that the assistant teacher Mr. Thenardier was ill. You know, all the homework the teacher gave us was reviewed by Mr. Thenardier. It is said that Because no one is reviewing the homework, and the teacher is not willing to let our homework backlog, this time we simply did not assign homework."

"Ah, he is really stupid, he can just throw a standard answer for you." Anatole said, "Yes, that means you have time tomorrow? Ah, I think, you are here in Paris. For so long, I'm afraid I haven't even been to the Moulin Rouge, right?"

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