Fragrance Returned

Chapter 133 Capture

Ding Xiang had a very good memory in her previous life. Because she learned painting, she was particularly good at observing things around her, and she remembered the people and things she noticed very well.

This time Ding Xiang didn't dare to hide her clumsiness, so she drew a very similar figure and pointed at the gap in the man's right ear to emphasize it.

She is not used to painting with a brush and would draw better with a hard pen.

Seeing the two lifelike heads on the paper, Ding Zhao and others' eyes were full of surprise. They were much better than the heads painted by the yamen painter. They knew Lilac was good at painting, but they didn't expect it to be so good.

Most people will never reach this level even if they practice for a lifetime. Ding Lichun and Ding Lilai are among these ordinary people, but Ding Zhao and Ding Liren will not be able to draw so well even if they practice hard for five years.

The most important thing is that Ding Xiang remembered the two people so clearly after just one glance.

Ding Zhao told him, Xiangxiang has this painting skill. Don't tell anyone. Xiangxiang also has to hide his clumsiness. Tomorrow I will secretly show this painting to the county magistrate, tell him that I painted it, and then beg him not to tell us. .With this portrait, and knowing that a piece of the man’s ear is missing, the group will definitely be caught.”

Mrs. Zhang wanted to take Ding Xiang to her kang to rest.

Ding Xiang didn't want to, she wanted to dream about finding the approximate location of the two traffickers.

When I grow up, I want to sleep by myself.

Mrs. Zhang was very stubborn this time and took Ding Xiang to her room and sat beside her to accompany her.

Ms. Zhang was so frightened that she almost lost her daughter. She was snatched away by those evil people and she didn't know how much she would suffer.

I need to watch my daughter even more closely from now on.

Ding Liren and Ding Lilai were also frightened, and they both sat on the kang to accompany their sister.

Ding Xiang was depressed. What I thought was an ordinary day turned out to be like this. I thought Zhang was too cautious before, but I didn't expect that the old woman was probably a human trafficker.

Ding Zhuang went home after dinner.

Hearing about this incident, he became furious and gave Ding Zhao and Ding Lichun two big slaps each.

Useless things, didn't you say you would take good care of Xiangxiang?

Ding Zhao said, We were careless...

He took out two more pictures and talked about the scene outside the latrine.

Ding Zhuang was very satisfied with Zhang's performance and rewarded Zhang with fifty taels of silver and asked her to buy some good jewelry.

Early the next morning, Ding Zhao went to the county seat with two paintings.

Ding Zhao came back in the afternoon and said that Linshui County had lost three little girls between the ages of three and six within a month. They were all beautiful, smart, and daughters of good families.

These are the ones that have been reported. I don’t know how many more have not been reported.

This is a crime committed by a gang. Last year, many beautiful girls were kidnapped in Northern Hebei Province. No one was arrested in Northern Hebei Province.

Magistrate He was busy trying to find ways to arrest people, and was very happy to see the portrait. He said not to alert the enemy for the time being, but to patrol secretly first. The Lantern Festival was coming soon, and the group would definitely take action. If this case is solved, Ding Zhao will be rewarded.

He also promised not to tell the Ding family.

Magistrate He was quite surprised by these two pictures, No painter in the government office can draw this well. Did you draw it?

Ding Zhao smiled and said, I did well in my studies when I was young. It was only because my father offended someone and was framed and there was no one to guarantee that I was forced to give up the scientific examination...

Magistrate He also heard about it. He was very sorry, Those blind old people have delayed your future and also cost the court a talent.

If the Ding family had not opened an iron shop, he would have recruited Ding Zhao into the yamen as a scribe.

On the tenth day of the first lunar month, the weather gets warmer.

On this day, Ding Lichun was leaving home to go to the military camp to pursue his future. The matter with his sister has not been resolved yet, so he wants to postpone his departure for a few days.

Ding Zhuang disagreed, You can't solve the problem if you stay at home. As long as your father and I are here, Xiangxiang will be fine.

At the end of the morning, the Dingshan family, Ding Li and Ding Youcai, as well as some close relatives and neighbors came to the second room of the Ding family. The group sent Ding Lichun, who was carrying his luggage, to the entrance of the village.

Ding Xiang and Zhang both cried.

The land of more than 600 miles was not that far in the previous life and could be reached by car in three hours. But in this day and age, we are far away, and it is normal not to see each other for a year or two.

Ding Lichun picked up Ding Xiang and wiped her tears. He knelt down and kowtowed to his elders. He touched the crotches of his two younger brothers and asked them to respect their elders and protect their sister. Then he turned around and strode away.

He did not want his father and Yang Hu to send him in an ox cart, but walked to Jiaozhou.

Walking during the day and resting at night, covering 80 to 100 miles a day, it can be reached in six to eight days.

The fourteen-year-old boy entered the workplace for the second time.

His steps were firm and brisk, and he rushed forward with his dreams in mind.

The tall and muscular figure got further and further away, disappearing into the morning glow in front of him.

Ding Xiang didn't want to give up, but was happy for her eldest brother. I had done this once in my previous life, on the day I left home to register for college.

The university is in this city, and my grandma and she took a taxi there.

When she went there, she was full of pride, as if the whole world belonged to her.

When I arrived at the dormitory, I saw other students. At least they were sent by their parents, and the most exaggerated ones were even grandparents, grandparents, aunts and uncles.

She would never forget the look of pity from an old lady who held her hand and praised her.

At that moment, her heart felt piercingly painful, and she hated her parents even more for their neglect of her.

In this life, the relatives of this family have made up for the love that was missing in the previous life.

The faces of my parents in my previous life are becoming increasingly blurred, and I no longer have any hatred or resentment towards them... Forgetting is the best relief and beginning.

On the morning of the 16th day of the first lunar month, Ding Zhao went to the county government again.

He went to find out if anyone was caught last night.

I came back in the afternoon looking excited.

Ding Zhuang asked, Did you really catch those people, so quickly?

Ding Zhao smiled and said, I really caught them. I heard people talking as soon as I entered the county. I went to the Yamen to know more details. They were arrested at the lantern festival yesterday. A total of eighteen people were arrested. The boss was the old woman, known as 'Jin' Auntie'. The second boss was the one with missing earlobe, and was known as 'Ji Laoer'. Unfortunately, Aunt Jin was cunning and ran away early after seeing the clues.

We interrogated all night yesterday. This is a major inter-provincial case. The top-notch kidnapped girls will be sold to several private shops in Yangzhou for a high price of one hundred to three hundred taels, and the lower ones will be sold for fifty to three hundred taels. Sold to a brothel for one hundred taels.

That gang was not caught committing crimes in Huizhou for more than a year, but they were caught here in one month. Although a big fish escaped, all the remaining people were captured. The five little girls were all rescued before they were sent away. .

Their family members ran to kowtow in front of the county government office and shouted for Mr. Qingtian. The county prince has made a great contribution this time, and maybe he can be promoted based on this achievement. He was very happy and rewarded me with ten taels of silver, saying that he would wait until the case is settled. There will also be rewards.”

Ding Zhao doesn't care about the little money. If Paihuazi, who misses his daughter, is brought to justice, her daughter will be safe. Although Aunt Jin ran away, her portrait was plastered everywhere. She definitely did not dare to stay in Linshui County, or even in Jiaodong Province.

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