Fragrance Returned

Chapter 146 Drawing Lots

It was even more inappropriate to hit Ding Liren this time. The little boy is only eleven years old. He is usually very sensible, respects his elders, is courteous to his younger brothers and sisters, and does everything well. This is a serious matter, so I can't explain it rationally.

Ding Xiang followed Ding Liren to the backyard and saw him squatting next to the chicken coop, holding his head and crying.

The little brother cried Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu sadly, his shoulders shook violently, and the chickens in the chicken coop clucked in fright.

He was sad not only because he didn't live in Shangbeiwu, but also because of the grievances he suffered.

The most beloved child of the elders in the family is Ding Xiang, and it is stipulated that her brothers must give way to her in everything. My brothers all gave in, and they gave in willingly.

They also felt that Ding Lilai was an orphan, a bit stupid and pitiful, and forced Ding Lichun and Ding Liren to do many things to him.

Ding Lichun was much older than them, and he didn't live at home all his life, so he just gave in.

Ding Liren is only two years older than Ding Lilai. They go to school in one place and rest in the other, and they spend the longest time together. He had already made up his mind to give in to everything, and even if he gave in, he would be unwilling to give in. This time, there was an explosion.

Ding Xiang felt that her grandfather said that he should treat Ding Lilai the same as he treated his other two grandchildren, and he could not let the tragedy of Ding Chi in Ding Shu's family happen again in his own family.

In fact, deep down in his heart, he still looked at Ding Lilai differently, but he just didn't know it.

Ding Lichun and Ding Liren were beaten countless times by their grandfather when they grew up, but Ding Lilai was beaten no more than ten times.

I have two lifetimes of memories, and no matter how much they pamper me, they still know how to behave. If she is a real little loli, she may not be spoiled.

Grandpa’s wife really has double standards, and my father also has double standards.

Don't talk about them, Ding Xiang feels that she treats Ding Li better than Ding Liren.

The main reason is that Ding Liren is smart and independent and doesn't need to worry about himself. Ding Lilai, on the other hand, likes to mess around and is simple. He can't handle many trivial matters in life well, so you need to care more about him.

Fortunately, Ding Lilai has a pure nature and has not been spoiled.

Thinking of this, Ding Xiang blamed herself and felt even more sorry for this little brother.

Ding Xiang walked over and squatted next to him, pulled his clothes and said, Second brother, in my heart, you are the most perfect brother.

She always remembered that her little brother had this wish when he was five years old and has been working hard for it.

This praise scratched Ding Liren's itch. He choked on his cry, raised his head and asked, Is my sister telling the truth? Am I really the most perfect?

Under the starlight, the little boy was crying, his round nose was red, and his eyes were filled with surprise and joy.

Ding Xiang nodded and answered with certainty, Of course I mean it. I always remember that when my brother gets something delicious and fun, the first thing he thinks of is me...

She listed all the kindness Ding Liren had shown her over the years.

Even Ding Xiang was a little embarrassed when the numbers came out. She was an adult, so she shouldn't take advantage of a child like this.

Ding Liren felt itchy in his heart. He felt that his sister's evaluation was the greatest affirmation for him, and it made him more satisfied than his husband praising him.

Ding Lilai, that selfish guy, couldn't be so kind to his sister. It wasn't that he didn't want to be kind to his sister, but that he didn't expect so much. Since my sister knows how good she is, it doesn't hurt to stay away from her. Besides, the distance is only a hall, which can be reached in a few steps.

He was relieved.

He wiped away his tears, sniffed, and said sheepishly, I let my sister see the joke. I am an elder brother, and I should not let my sister persuade me.

He stood up manly and shook his head.

The little boy has grown very tall, is white and thin, and has the charm of a small jade tree. Among all the boys in the Ding family, Ding Liren is the fairest and most elegant.

Ding Xiang took his hand and they walked to the front yard together.

When I walked to the corner, I saw Ding Lilai standing under the tree looking at them.

Ding Lilai asked resentfully, Second brother, sister, you are angry with me, aren't you?

Ding Liren snorted and ignored him.

Ding Xiang told the truth, Third brother, you can't always cry when something happens.

It means that if you cry to fight for benefits without martial virtue, your fight will not be considered a victory.

Ding Xiang did this not to attack Ding Liren. But I feel that Ding Lilai should be beaten hard, and he should not be allowed to always take advantage of other people's sympathy, which is detrimental to his growth.

Moreover, even if Ding Zhao didn't say anything, Zhang would definitely have something in mind. For a long time, Ding Lilai's relationship with his family had not been easy to get along with.

Ding Lilai lowered his head. He felt very sorry because he had allowed his second brother to be beaten. He also knew that his second brother usually gave way to him. But he was unwilling to give up his house.

Ding Xiang stepped forward and said, You all want to live in that house, and you all have your own reasons. I have an idea. You draw lots, and whoever wins the house will live in it. You are willing to admit defeat, and you are not allowed to cheat.

Ding Liren's eyes gleamed, this was indeed a good idea, fair and just.

Seeing that Ding Lilai didn't express his position, Ding Liren snorted coldly, Sister, forget it, he can't do anything except cry.

Ding Lilai blushed angrily, Who says I don't want to? Let's draw lots. If you lose, don't run out and cry again.

Ding Liren said harshly, You are the only one who can cry.

The three of them entered Ding Xiang's hut. Ding Xiang lit the oil lamp and wrote North on a piece of paper and South on another piece of paper.

She kneaded them together and changed them several times in her little hands, and said, Whoever you catch lives in which house, no one is allowed to cheat.

They each grabbed a piece of paper and opened it.

Ding Liren caught Nan and looked at his sister dejectedly.

Ding Li came to capture North.

He jumped happily, I got this by drawing lots, not by crying. He went over and took Ding Liren's hand and said, My bed is big. Second brother is welcome to live in my house anytime he wants.

Ding Liren didn't want to be angry with him anymore, so he said, You said this, don't bother me then.

Lilac was happy. Ding Lilai was quite thoughtful sometimes, and he could resolve the conflict between the two of them with just one sentence.

Mr. Zhang was sitting alone in the north room. She was a little frustrated. Her husband and she had been treating Li Lai as their own son, but in the end, it didn't end well...

I was extremely puzzled when I heard the three children talking and laughing.

She got up and walked over, opened the door and asked, What are you so happy about?

Ding Xiang held two paper balls and smiled, Second brother and third brother drew lots to redistribute the houses. Haha, second brother still caught the south room.

Ding Liren said, If a man is willing to admit defeat, the south room will be the south room.

Seeing that the children were reconciled as before, Ms. Zhang felt happy again.

On the third day of June, it was time to move. Ding Liren and Ding Li came to take a day off.

Yesterday they moved many things to the east courtyard. At night, Ding Xiang stood sentry outside the door, and Ding Zhuang and Ding Zhao made a secret cave in the underground corner of Ding Zhuang, Ding Zhao, and Ding Xiang's room to hide treasures.

Thank you lhrgxf, yl441350138, Xiaoqiqiqiqiqifei for your rewards, and thank you for your monthly votes.

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