Fragrance Returned

Chapter 193 Blood Buns

The mule cart arrived at the city gate and saw a group of people surrounding the city wall reading the notice.

I heard someone talking loudly, The execution will be carried out at the South Street vegetable market on September 28th, and it will be here in nine days. Ouch, we haven't beheaded anyone in our county in three years.

Jiang Da Bang also has this day, he deserves it.

Ding Xiang asked, Are you going to kill Jiang with a stick?

Li Maigao, who was driving the car, said with a smile, It must be so. The old shopkeeper has been looking forward to this day every day. He also said that he would invite many people to watch the execution, and he would treat them to wine. Then we will all go.

The major human trafficking case was settled in mid-July.

Aunt Jin was extremely guilty, not only of human trafficking, but also of several children who died in her hands. Because of the murder committed in Huizhou, he was escorted back to Huizhou for trial.

They said she would be sentenced to death.

The capital punishment in ancient times was not just mutilation, there were other punishments, and there were even more punishments for torturing women.

Although Lilac hated Aunt Jin, she still couldn't help but feel sick when she thought that she would die like that.

Jiang Dabang and Sun Datou were only guilty of harboring in that major case, but it was found out that they had other murder cases in their hands, or several lives.

The two skeletons at Qihe Mountain were made by them.

The two were businessmen and their concubines who came to Shuishui from a foreign country. Because they couldn't repay the high-interest loans they borrowed from Jiaozipu, they fled to Qihe Mountain and were overtaken and killed by the people from Jiaozipu.

Jiang Dabang and several serious criminals in Jiaozipu were sentenced to death and have been kept in prison.

In ancient times, there were few entertainment activities. You had to pay to watch a play, but you didn’t even need to pay to watch a murder. Many people watched it as fun.

Xie laughed and said, I heard from Xia Leizi that on the day he killed someone, he would take a wotou and dip it in blood for his tuberculosis son to eat. The head of the house was afraid that he wouldn't be able to get it, so he asked the executioner for money to help him dip some blood. I used to occasionally do it. There was a death row prisoner, one person at a time, and we never got that bit of blood.”

People here also believe that human blood steamed buns can cure diseases?

Ding Xiang felt nauseous for a moment, frowned and said, Isn't it bad to eat that thing?

Xie sighed, They all say it works, so I have to give it a try no matter what.

The mule cart first went to Ding's Clothing Village, and Xie and Ding Zhen got off.

Ding Qin and Mrs. Zhao came out and said with a smile, Second sister-in-law, Xiangxiang, we will have dinner here at noon today.

Mrs. Zhang smiled and said, No, I have a lot to do today. I have to go to Guo Shoubei's house and meet my aunt.

Several people made an appointment to come here in a mule cart at the end of the afternoon and return to the village together.

When they arrived at Jiulu Zhixiu Pavilion, Ding Sifu came out lame. He had grown taller and fatter again, and his eyes were bent into slits when he smiled.

Second Aunt, Xiangxiang, I've been gone for so long, I miss you.

Shopkeeper Gong came out of the back door of the shop and bowed his knees to greet Mrs. Zhang and Ding Xiang.

Ling'er ran over and hugged her arm, and said proudly, Mom, I went to Jiaozhou and took a warship, saw the cannons, and saw many generals...

Shopkeeper Gong smiled and said, You are lucky to be able to serve such a good master like my sister.

Several of them went to shopkeeper Gong's house to talk, and Ding Xiang went to Ding Sifu's house.

Lilac bought him a bag of candies, a small shell ornament, and a piece of navy blue Korean cloth.

Ding Sifu liked the Korean cloth very much. This cloth is thick and windproof. I will think about the style and make a winter coat for Xiangxiang.

Lilac said, I can't even finish my clothes. Make yourself a suit. This color is suitable for boys.

Ding Sifu looked at the color and found that it was indeed not suitable for making clothes for a little girl. Then he smiled and said, I'm learning to cut my own clothes and make clothes to wear during the New Year.

Ding Xiang asked, Can you make clothes?

Ding Sifu smiled proudly, My master has already asked me to help the embroiderer sew clothes, and he will also let me cut small things...

This child is only seven years old and is really a talented little tailor.

Before lunch, Ding Shuniang came with her daughter-in-law and two grandsons.

At the beginning of the Wei Dynasty, Ding Xiang and Zhang went to Guo Shoubei's house.

Mr. Zhang went to Jiaozhou to gain experience and was not as nervous as before when he saw Mrs. Guo.

Qin Hai wrote a letter to Guo Shoubei and sent two kilograms of dried sea cucumbers and two kilograms of dried abalone. The Ding family gave the Guo family a small coral ornament, a red gold pearl headdress for the mother-in-law and daughter-in-law, and several fusang dolls for the children.

The gifts were all very valuable, which made Mrs. Guo extremely satisfied. She left mother and daughter to sit there for a while, and even gave Lilac a pack of pine nut candies.

On September 28, Jiang Dabang and five others from Jiaozipu were executed.

There was drizzle in the sky, but it still couldn't stop Ding Zhuang and Ding Zhao from going to the county town to watch the murderers.

In addition to Ding Liren and Ding Lilai, they called all the men in the family to see it, as well as Ding Shan, Ding Li and his son, Xia Er and his son, several tribesmen, two old craftsmen and others.

After saying that they were treating guests at the restaurant.

Originally, only a dozen or so people were called. When the villagers heard that they could go to a restaurant to drink, more than forty people came with them, including Ding Youshou and Ding Sanfu.

Ding Zhuang did not refuse anyone who came, and led a large group of people to the county seat.

Let those evil men submit to the law, and Ding Xiang will be relieved.

The family calmed down, and Ding Xiang glanced at the sky and the mountains with resentment.

It's been ten days since she came back, and Feifei hasn't come to see her yet. She thought angrily that when it came, she would tie it to the waistband of her pants with a hemp rope and never let it leave again.

As soon as Ding Xiang entered the house, she heard familiar cooing sounds and Hei Ba's barking from outside.


Lilac yelled and ran out excitedly.

Feifei was standing in the yard, and Heiwa was leaning on it with his head. Feifei saw her little master and happily opened her wings and ran towards her.

Ding Xiang hugged it and screamed and laughed, but she didn't want it to rub its little head against her.

Ling'er ran out of the house and screamed loudly, Feifei, I miss you so much.

Zhang and He Hui from the west courtyard also ran over.

It was incredible to see a big eagle hugging its little master.

Ling'er fetched a basin of water, Zhang personally rinsed Feifei's mouth and wiped her fur, and then Dingxiang and Feifei started to get intimate.

After lunch, Ding Xiang closed the door and jumped out in a thin sweat, then took Feifei to bed.

Feifei cooed and placed his little head on Lilac with great satisfaction.

Lilac patted its little head,

Feifei is the best. Not only will he not hurt her, but he also knows how to bribe her with good things. Unlike that big fish who liked her but almost killed her.

Ding Xiang had an obsession before, hoping that her grandfather and father would allow her to go to Jitou Peak again. With the clothes on, she weighs less than fifty pounds now.

Feifei can carry her for a short distance. Let her grandfather and father wait for her in Rare Earth Mountain, and no one outside the mountain can see her.

She didn't want to get the honey balm and Ganoderma lucidum, but wanted to see if there was any ginseng left. According to Feifei's current intelligence, he could bring back honey balm and Ganoderma lucidum, but he couldn't dig up ginseng.

But after being hijacked by the big fish, Ding Xiang hesitated.

This is the fearlessness of the ignorant. If you have never been hurt, you don't know what danger is.

She was terrified.

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