Fragrance Returned

Chapter 220 Official status

Zhang Laozhang's hands were shaking with excitement.

He smiled and said, My ancestors showed up. I didn't expect that we can also wear satin. I have to go out and show off... No, I will save it for my sixtieth birthday.

Ding Zhuang laughed and said, Bring a few more pieces and wear them now, even for your sixtieth birthday.

After the meal, the three members of the Ding family hurried back.

When I got home at the end of the afternoon, Heizi came to greet me with his tail wagging.

Mrs. Zhang has already cooked millet porridge and chopped chicken meatballs.

She hugged Ding Xiang, feeling so distressed that her eyes were red.

Xiangxiang has suffered a lot. Mom made delicious food. Please give it a good refreshment. Mrs. Liu is a smart person, how could she make drunken shrimps for Xiangxiang to eat?

It's not my fault, it's my second sister-in-law, I insisted on eating it.

Zhang personally gave Ding Xiang a bath. After dinner, Ding Xiang returned to the house.

She took out the snake slough, put it with the purple gourd, and went to bed.

First she had diarrhea, then she lost weight, and then she lost weight, and then she lost weight. Her physical strength was severely exhausted.

Ding Zhao went to the small kitchen in the east courtyard alone and cooked ginseng and Ganoderma inside with the door closed. He didn't even come out to eat dinner.

As soon as Ding Zhuang got home, he ran to Tao Zhai to ask Butler Lu to buy beef.

Butler Lu smiled and said, What a coincidence, I just bought a pound today. I was going to make dumplings for the old lady. I kept half a pound and gave half a pound to Feifei.

Ding Zhuang wanted to give money, he waved his hand and said with a smile, This is my young master's explanation, it should be done.

Ding Xiang discovered the difference at home only after getting up.

The servants called Ding Zhuang Old Master, Ding Zhao as Master, Zhang as Mrs., Ding Liren brothers as Second Young Master and Third Young Master, and Ding Xiang as Miss or Sister.

Ding Zhuang chuckled and said, Your father said that since he is now an official, the rules in the family should be established.

Ding Xiang smiled and said, It's very appropriate.

The next day, Beiquan Village invited a flowing banquet, but Ding Xiang had a bad stomach and didn't go to eat.

Xia Lizheng was very polite and sent a table of noodles to her home, and also asked Xia He, Ding Zhen, and Xia Sanfen to eat with her.

This kind of treatment was only available to Xia foreigners before. Occasionally, there would be a flowing banquet for happy events in the village. If Xia Yuan was too pretentious and would not eat with the villagers, Xia Lizheng would thoughtfully send the banquet to his home.

Xia Lizheng knew that Ding Zhuang and his son had a quarrel with Xia Yuanwai. The officials came out to have fun with the villagers, so he couldn't do anything special for Xia Yuanwai.

Xia Yuanwai was so angry that he cursed at home, but he still shamelessly went out to have a flowing banquet with his children and grandchildren.

Ding Zhuang and his son, Ding Shan, Ding Li, Xia Lizheng, Mr. Li, Dr. Zhao, Lao Zu Xia, Xia Er and others sat at the main table in the middle.

Xia Yuan stood outside for a while but no one asked him to go to the main table, so he had to go to the table of children and grandchildren.

The villagers who felt they had a good reputation went to toast the Ding family and his son, shouting Old Master and Master Ding, which made Yuan Xia want to vomit blood.

He reluctantly took a few bites and left the table early due to poor health.

It was noisy outside, and several ladies were eating quietly in the small pavilion in the backyard of Ding's house.

Ding Zhen, Xia Sanfen and Xia He joked about Lilac, calling each other Miss Ding.

Ding Xiang smiled and said, Sister Zhen is my father's niece and a young lady.

She also called Xia Sanfen young lady, which made several people laugh. Xia Sanfen blushed and stamped her feet.

Xia He smiled, but felt bitter in his heart.

My parents said before that they would find a way to tell themselves to Ding Liren, even if Ding Liren became a scholar.

But now that Ding Zhao is an official and the Ding family is an official, this possibility is gone. I have long been behind the eyes, so I should have made a marriage decision when I was young...

At noon, Ding Zhao asked Zhang to stew a large pot of chicken soup with a few slices of Ganoderma lucidum in it.

Ding Liren sent a can to Dingshan's family, My father said that the soup is stewed with good tonics to replenish Uncle Wu's health. Drink a small bowl every day, which will last for three days.

This instruction meant that only Ding Qin would drink.

Master Dingshan was overjoyed and thanked him repeatedly, and immediately rode a mule cart to the county seat. The second brother told me so, the tonic inside must be good.

Ding Xiang took Ling'er carrying chicken soup to Tao's house again.

It happened that the Tao family bought mutton and gave Feifei some to satisfy his craving.

After breakfast on the 21st, Zhang and Yang Hu took Ding Liren to Fucheng. The government examinations are held for three days, namely April 16, 19 and 21.

Yang Hu and his wife had lived in Fucheng for several years when they were at their old master's house, and were relatively familiar with it.

It's nearly two hundred miles from here to Fucheng, and it takes a day and a half by mule cart.

Ding Zhao brought them two pieces of Ganoderma lucidum and asked Zhang to make soup to replenish his health before the big exam.

On the 22nd, the Ding family held a banquet at the second grandfather's house in Nanquan Village and invited all the relatives from the neighboring town. There were fifteen tables in total.

It was rare for the Ding family to gather together like this. Ding Zhuang, Ding Zhao, and Ding Li all came and went.

Ding Xiang had to go to class and didn't go.

In the evening, Ding Zhuang and Ding Zhao called Ding Xiang to the east chamber to discuss who should take care of Baotie when they were away.

Now, they habitually listen to Ding Xiang's opinion on all important matters at home.

Ding Zhao wanted Liang Zi to take charge of the business, Liang Zi is smart, quick-thinking, and knowledgeable. My father is old and I am often away. I want to promote him to be the manager. He will be fully responsible for us when we are gone.

Ding Zhuang wants Dingshan to take charge of it, 'Baotie' is getting bigger and bigger, so it's better to use outsiders than to use our own people. Dingshan is smart and knowledgeable. If he manages it well, let him help manage it in the future.

Dingshan is indeed good, but Dingxiang is still unwilling to let him interfere with Baotie. There are many disadvantages to family business, and it is even more troublesome when relatives get involved. If there is a conflict of interest between them, it will ruin the brotherhood.

Baotie is the foundation of the Ding family, and other brothers or relatives must not be allowed to interfere. In the future, when Ding Lichun and Ding Liren grow up, strict rules and regulations will have to be formulated to restrain them or their descendants.

Ding Sifu was placed in Jiulu Zhixiu Pavilion not only because he was kind and gentle, but also because Zhixiu Pavilion was just a side dish and could not shake the Ding family.

Liang Zishu is also good. He can be a temporary trustee, but he cannot be a long-term general manager. There are slaves in this era, why not let those who hold the slave contracts take care of them?

Ding Xiang said, Third Grandpa is already old and has to take care of his own business and is too busy. Uncle Liang is very good, but he is an outsider after all. 'Baotie' is the foundation of our family, so we must be cautious when choosing a big boss. Bai Bai Uncle, please transfer him over. He is capable. The whole family's slave contract is in our hands. Master and father will take good care of him. Uncle Liang can be the deputy in charge...

In the end, it was decided to let Liang Zi temporarily take care of it for the past two months. When Ding Zhuang and Ding Zhao came back, Bai Zihua would be transferred to take care of them. From now on, he would be the big boss of the Ding family's industry. I also need to buy a few more young and clever slaves to take cultural classes and go to Baotie to exercise...

On the twenty-fourth, the officials who went to Jiaozhou returned to Linshui County.

That night, Ding Zhao took his long follower Hu Chun to the county seat, stayed at the post station for one night, and took a boat to the capital together the next day.

Hu Chun was sixteen years old, handsome and fair, and could read a few words. He was a servant of the Zhu family.

Thank you Jane and Rose for your reward, and thank you for your monthly votes and all your support.

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