Fragrance Returned

Chapter 241 Return

Although there are a lot of rare crystalline earths in Dali, they are still subject to state control. Like iron ore, copper ore and other ores, they belong to the imperial court.

Mainly used for court smelting, private iron foundries and kilns can purchase it in limited quantities...

In the past, rare crystal earth was the same as ordinary loess, and people could take it as they wanted. Only the Ding family in Dali bought two mountains of rare crystal earth.

Some courtiers suggested that the court should recycle it. The emperor was kind and said that there were only two hills. If the people bought them, they would belong to the people. There was no reason to take them back.

Ding Zhao went back and thought about it for a night. The next day, he went to Jiang Shilang of the Ministry of Industry and proposed to donate Huangshi Mountain to the court. He also told about his family's construction of roads and bridges for the convenience of obtaining rare crystalline soil.

He, a common man, did not want to be the only member of the Li Dynasty. Besides, private foundries can also buy rare crystalline earth, and he can just spend money to buy it.

The emperor and the elder were very satisfied and felt that Ding Zhao was loyal and smart.

Jiang Shilang also hinted to Ding Zhao that he could build an ironworks manufacturing shop in the suburbs of Beijing. Currently, only the Ding family among private iron casting factories knows how to cast ductile iron. It is hoped that the high-quality agricultural tools, kitchen utensils and some high-quality machinery they produce can be provided to the capital and surrounding areas.

This is the reward given by the imperial court to the Ding family.

Ding Xiang secretly admired that her father was smart and could always see his position clearly.

First, Ding Zhuang felt a little distressed when he heard that Huangshi Mountain had been donated, and then he was overjoyed when he heard that his family could go to the suburbs of Beijing to build a railway construction company.

When the Dong family is rehabilitated, the official career of the grandsons will not be bad, and it is not necessarily necessary to live in the capital for a long time. It is just right to build an ironworks shop there.

Ding Zhao has already bought 70 acres of land in Shihe County, a western suburb more than 60 miles away from the capital, and plans to build a railway company there.

Ding Zhao smiled and said, Xiangxiang said, we need to get it done in one step. Dad bought so much land at once. Shihe County is close to Sanjin Province, where there are many black gold and iron ores.

Ding Xiang was overjoyed.

If the rare crystalline earth is under control, we will find a way to make steel.

In this era, electricity had not been invented yet, and the only way to make steel was by frying steel.

It is to smelt the pig iron first, then heat and melt the pig iron into a liquid state, and use a blower to blow the liquid metal while stirring the metal, allowing the oxygen in the air to chemically react with the carbon in the liquid pig iron to generate carbon dioxide, thereby achieving the purpose of decarbonization.

When the carbon content in the molten iron is less than about two percent, the iron becomes steel.

The strength, toughness and other mechanical properties of steel are better than those of ductile iron. The service life of steel knives, steel swords and gun barrels will be doubled.

Although this process can produce steel in large quantities and does not require rare earths, it is very costly and labor-intensive, and can only be used in the most high-end manufacturing.

Private factories cannot produce weapons, but can produce small quantities of high-quality kitchen utensils and agricultural tools, as well as some high-quality mechanical tools for craftsmen.

This factory will be called Baoqing Iron and Steel Manufacturing Co., Ltd. in the future. It makes both iron and steel, and is referred to as Baosteel.

Products are classified from low to high in terms of quality and cost, ordinary cast iron, cast iron treated by annealing process, ductile iron, and steel.

Generally, ironware is made of ordinary cast iron, slightly higher-end ones are made of annealed cast iron, still higher-end ones are made of ductile iron, and the highest-end ones are made of steel.

However, steelmaking is much more complicated than ductile iron and the annealing process. It also requires the manufacture of blowers and mixing equipment. It cannot be achieved by just dreaming. We will have to find suitable opportunities in the future.

Moreover, Dingxiang only knows the theory of fried steel, and it still requires craftsmen to experiment repeatedly, just like testing ductile iron.

First, open the Shihe Baoqing Iron Manufacturing Co., Ltd. and implement the modern management concept.

Ding Xiang said, The construction of the factory must be in place, and it cannot be the same as Baotie. The factory must be built according to the changed technology and procedures...well, the manufacturing sequence.

When she said factory, Ding Zhuang and his son thought it was factory.

Ding Zhao smiled and said, I think so too. After watching the large-scale weapons and staff games, I feel that the method mentioned before by Xiangxiang is better. I have thought of many ways to improve it and put together a complete set of casting and blacksmithing processes. Separate them. For example, there is a special molding workshop for making sand molds, a special melting workshop for making iron in a furnace, a heating workshop, a forging workshop, and specialized cleaning staff...

Ding Xiang put forward some suggestions for improvement based on her past life memories.

After lunch, the three future directors of Baosteel went to the east wing to continue discussing the construction of the factory. The discussion continued until dark, and then continued after dinner.

Ding Zhao drew the layout plan, and Ding Xiang asked him to clear a space next to the ironmaking room and said he would keep it for the time being.

This is used for steelmaking, and special blast furnaces, blowers and other equipment need to be built.

Today's meeting not only determined the factory construction plan, but also initially formed the future process flow and process plan of Bao Iron.

Ding Xiang suggested that Ding Zhao record these plans to form a formal document, and then carry out production according to this document, and then gradually improve it during the actual production process.

Ding Zhao still didn't know at this time how big a response the dozens of pieces of paper in his hand would cause in the future, and even change the handicraft industry and business model of the entire Dali Dynasty.

After next year, Ding Zhao will take a few people to Shihe County to do some preliminary work.

Ding Zhuang looked at Ding Xiang and smiled.

The prosperity of this family is brought by Xiangxiang.

Knowing that Ding Chi was still alive, he was even more grateful for his decision to separate the family.

The Dalian court should pay attention to the ironworks industry. The bigger the company, the more cautious it must be. There should not be any rashness or sloppiness. This belongs to Zhaozi's room and has nothing to do with the traitor.

He wants to die to make his own room.

Ding Zhao and Ding Zhuang still had something to discuss, and Ding Xiang went back to the house.

Ding Xiang was very excited. She did not expect that the prototype of Baosteel would be formed so quickly. The Ding family would become the number one steel house in Dali and it would be unstoppable.

However, the political struggle in the capital has become increasingly fierce.

She didn't know what kind of help Zhu Qian had in the court, but she knew that there must be one, and the power was not small.

Zhu Qian is very powerful, and being rich is also one aspect. Now Zhu Zhan and Qin Qian have gone to the capital again. Although they have small positions, they play a huge role.

With this head of the Dong family in charge, they will definitely turn around.

That Mr. Xun was completely led into a ditch by the cunning old witch Gu. Poor grandma Ruyi, why did she marry such a disgusting man?

I didn't know Gu's surname before, but Ding Xiang liked to call her Old Witch Xun, and from now on she called her Old Witch Gu.

She cannot represent the Xun family.

Princess Dongyang is also a stick, helping the enemy to raise his daughter, and also helping the enemy to seize the country. When Gao Feng became emperor and changed dynasties, the first thing to be destroyed was the Dali royal family, and the second thing to be destroyed was Dong Ruyi's descendants. She couldn't escape from either side of Dongyang.

And Xun Qiandai, who is already in his thirties, is still so playful.

Fortunately, there is Xun Qianli in the Xun family, who unswervingly implements the old man's instructions.

As for fake Xunxiang spending half of her time in Kunning Palace, she has enjoyed undeserved blessings in the past and will have to pay back later...

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