Fragrance Returned

Chapter 249 Three Robbery

Ding Zhuang couldn't bear to let his granddaughter feel sad and said, Tell Brother Hong that the Li brothers are too young. Pay him and Brother Hong to drive the car for us.

This time we will catch three cars in Jiaozhou. It was agreed before that Li Maigao would catch one, and Li Dalu and Li Xiaolu would catch one each.

Ding Zhao got up and went out.

After hearing this, Mr. Hong had a serious look on his face and hurried to Nanquan Village.

There are his people there.

There is light snow falling in the sky, and the cold wind is howling.

More than half an hour later, Ding Zhuang and his three grandchildren got into the carriage driven by Mr. Hong. In another carriage were Zhang, Granny Wei, and He Hui, and there was also a mule cart filled with things and the Li brothers, driven by Brother Hong and Li Maigao respectively.

There was a mattress on the car seat, several people's legs were covered with quilts, and Ding Xiang was holding Yu Pozi in her arms.

It doesn't feel cold either.

When Hei Wa saw Feifei, everyone followed him, except for himself. They all cried in anger and chased him all the way to Huiye Pavilion, but were stopped by Ding Zhao.

Heiwa's sobs could be heard by everyone in the car.

Ding Xiang couldn't bear it, Master, take Heiwa with you.

Ding Zhuang said, There are few people at home, so it has to look after the house.

Ding Xiang stopped talking when she thought about the many treasures hidden in her home.

Feifei lay on the quilt, his little head pressed tightly against Lilac. Even though she changed her clothes, Feifei was still obsessed with the lingering fragrance at night.

When we arrived at the county gate, ten sergeants were already waiting here. Qin Hai told Guo Shoubei that if Ding Xiang travels, Guo Shoubei must send someone to protect her.

Zhu Qian and Qin Hai trusted Guo Shoubei, and Ding Xiang felt relieved about the people he gave them.

These ten people were protected openly, and there were people protecting them in front of them, and there were people behind them.

When she went on a trip, it was quite a grand occasion.

I didn't sleep well last night. The carriage shook and Ding Xiang fell asleep in Ding Zhuang's arms.

Arrive at a post station before dark. With Guo Shoubei's letter, everyone went in to rest.

The road on the second day was easy, passing through towns and scattered villages. We rested in an inn at night.

On the third day, we have to walk on a mountain road. One section of the road is sparsely populated and is occasionally visited by bandits. Many people who want to pass by here will wait until there are other passers-by before going in together.

Before entering a forest, Mr. Hong reminded us, Brothers, keep your spirits up. It will be safe once you pass the road ahead.

After hearing this, Dingxiang raised Feifei's little head, hit her chest twice hard, and said, Be safe, don't run away.

Seeing his little master being beaten, Feifei let out an eagle chirp and opened his wings and mouth in anger.

It looked around and saw that its little master had been beaten, but it didn't know who to bite.

Ding Xiang looked at the tangled little thing. She had become a lot smarter, but she still couldn't react to slightly complicated things.

Lilac opened the curtain and let it out. Ding Liren stretched out the car window with half a bowl of raw meat and ate it as he flew.

This is to tell it that they are feeding it and that it is not allowed to fly away to find food on its own. Also, the little master was beaten, so he had to be more vigilant.

When Feifei was full, he hovered over them.

About an hour later, when Ding Xiang was drowsy, she suddenly heard an eagle chirping in the sky.


Feifei was extremely vigilant and his eyesight was sharp, so he sensed danger.

Ding Xiang suddenly woke up and said loudly, Uncle Hong, there is a situation.

Hong quickly tightened the horse's reins. Having been with the Ding family for a long time, he also knows Feifei's intelligence and ability.

The five people who passed by didn't notice anything happening ahead.

Hong looked around.

This is a wide canyon with steep cliffs on the left and right. Only the hillside 300 steps ahead and on the right can allow people to quickly run down. If there is an enemy hiding, it should be on that hillside.

Wait until your team of chariots and horses reaches the bottom of the hillside, first shoot arrows or smash stones, and then rush down to kill them.

They must be forced out.

Ten sergeants stopped their horses, and the other two carts also stopped.

Someone asked, What's wrong?

Big Hong said loudly, The old man said he has a stomachache and wants to go back to Baizhuang to see the doctor.

As everyone gathered around, he whispered the situation.

Five hundred steps behind them was a forest from which they had just come, luring the enemy to fight there.

Mr. Hong quickly drove his carriage back, followed by other carriages and horses.

Ding Liren opened the car curtain, put two fingers into his mouth and blew on it.

A loud whistle sounded and Feifei fell down.

He has now learned to whistle like this too.

There were more than twenty strong men climbing on the hillside. They were holding big rocks in their hands, waiting for the team of horses and carts to come down the mountain and push the rocks down.

Why did these people retreat suddenly?

A man is hiding in the bushes at the foot of the hillside, serving as a sentry. Seeing those people leaving, he quickly ran up the hillside and said, Boss, one of them is sick and wants to return to Baizhuang for medical treatment.

It's impossible for them to escape with the meat in their mouths.

The man who was called the leader said, Baizhuang is two miles outside the forest. We must snatch the girl before they leave the forest.

There are not many of them, otherwise I would just wait in the forest and kill them.

They rushed down the hillside with machetes and axes and ran toward the woods.

When they all ran into the woods, a bunch of red fireworks jumped into the sky from the woods.

Then, several people were shot by arrows from the trees, and those hiding behind the trees rushed out to fight. Another eagle rushed out, pecked one person's eyes, flew up the tree, and saw the right moment to peck another person's eyes.

Behind a big stone, Ding Xiang was held in Zhang's arms. Aunt Wei was blocking her on the other side, why would she be blocking Zhang. Next to them were Ding Liren and Ding Lilai, two young men holding axes in their hands.

If anyone dared to come and snatch their sister and mother-in-law (aunt), they would not agree.

Brother Hong held a bow and arrow in his hand, with a broadsword beside him. The three father and son of the Li family held an ax and squatted at the outermost edge.

Ding Zhuang was originally asked to hide here, but he didn't want to and had to go into battle to kill the enemy.

The sounds of fighting and screams in the distance were frightening. He Hui was so frightened that he covered his mouth and cried. Zhang's whole body was shaking.

Mrs. Zhang did not forget to comfort Ding Xiang, My daughter is not afraid, my mother is here.

Ding Xiang was much calmer, Well, I'm not afraid, and neither is my mother.

Aunt Wei was also calm, holding a sharp silver hairpin in her hand.

Ding Liren said viciously, My mother is not afraid, and my sister is not afraid. If they dare to come, I will chop them to death.

Ding Lilai was a little scared, and the hand holding the ax was shaking, but he still said, My sister is not afraid, and my second aunt is not afraid.

The fighting ended in about an hour, and there was no more shouting to kill.

Not long after, a man named Hong, whose clothes were stained red with blood, came over.

It's okay, come out.

The bandits were a ragtag group of only about twenty people. There were more than a dozen people on his side, plus the fifteen people who came later, and they were all wiped out without any effort.

Ding Zhuang came over covered in blood and said in a loud voice, Kill them all.

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