Fragrance Returned

Chapter 284 Mingqian Teahouse

Ding Pandi ignored him, and Zhu Zhan couldn't do anything either.

Then he asked, How can I see you again?

Ding Pandi subconsciously wanted to refuse to answer. I also thought that if there was no chance for massage in the future, I would have to find another time to meet.

Brother Ding Pan said, In addition to entering the palace on the 13th of every month, I can leave the palace twice a year. On April 15th and July 15th, I go to Zhuanhe Temple to offer incense to Zhuanhe, and sit with lotus flowers in the peach blossom pond. Pool hands.

Zhu Zhan still wanted to speak, but the girl's footsteps returned to the hall again.

The two of them didn't dare to speak anymore.

Seeing that Zhu Zhan's nose was pulled red, Ding Pandi regretted that he had used too much force and carefully massaged the area around his nose.

A set of footsteps walked into the upper room again.

The voice of the girl in the hall said, Sister Hongluo.

Sister Yuqing, my concubine asked me to come and see her bare hands.

Red walked into the side room.

She was still smiling at first, but when she saw that the person lying down was not Su Yi, her expression immediately turned evil.

Hong Luo said in a deep voice, Su Shou, didn't you agree to do it for my aunt and wife this afternoon? Why are you here? I don't think my aunt and wife can compare to the second master, but why can't I compare to a wild man who doesn't know where he came from? ?”

Su Shou stood up, lowered his head and said, Sister Hongluo, it's not me who came here, Brother Qingfeng brought me here. I thought I was doing it for the second master, but the second master asked me to do it for him. I can Is there any way?

The girl said domineeringly, Since the second master doesn't do it, go and do it for my aunt and wife.

Zhu Zhan sat up.

He had heard that Su Tu had a favorite concubine named Jin who was in her twenties and extremely beautiful.

In this mansion, she is the only one who dares to be arrogant and proud, even to the point of respecting her master.

He said, I am a servant, and neither the Second Master nor Aunt Jin dare to offend me...

No matter how reluctant Zhu Zhan was to let her go, he couldn't. The young woman was unhappy, but it was Ding Pandi who suffered.

He said, Go ahead, girl with bare hands. I'll explain to Mr. Su. I'm a grown man and don't need a massage. It's just that Mr. Su is too enthusiastic and I can't be timid with his hospitality.

Su Shou said in embarrassment, I have been massaging for so long, and my hands are not strong enough...

The main reason is that I am too excited and my movements will go out of shape.

Hongluo said, Go to our yard to rest and drink a bowl of tea before pressing the button.

After hearing this, Su Shou put on silk gloves, picked up the porcelain box and followed the girl.

The room suddenly emptied, and there was a sound of a pin dropping.

Zhu Zhan took a long breath. Before he came, he had predicted a lot of endings. Maybe the girl massaging was not Ding Pandi, maybe she was but she didn't dare to admit it, maybe she just confessed to him... Unexpectedly, he got the best result.

He touched his still sore nose and showed an almost imperceptible smile.

Ding Pandi is smarter than he imagined. He can determine the truth of his words in the shortest time. If it is confirmed that Ding Sifu is alive, he will help his side without fear of death.

She made herself swear to protect Ding Sifu, and she was preparing for the worst. It doesn't matter if she dies, but Ding Sifu must live.

After all, she is the little cousin's cousin. She is smart, tough, calm, affectionate and righteous, and she is willing to accept death.

Like a little cousin.

If it were an ordinary girl, she would probably be frightened.

Zhu Zhan rubbed his nose vigorously and seemed to be looking at the furnishings in the room.

I still felt a little regretful and only asked two questions... I still had to find a way to get another massage or meet her at Zhuanhe Temple.

Zhuanhe is the most beautiful goddess in ancient times. Many women will go to Zhuanhe Temple to worship Zhuanhe and wash flowers with water, hoping to become more beautiful.

And the six stones she mentioned, I don't know whether it is six stones, sixty, a place name, a number, or a code...

Not long after, Su Yi walked in.

Seeing Zhu Zhan was the only one in the room, his face sank.

What about Su Shou? Is that girl going to be lazy?

The girl in the hall followed and reported, He was picked up by Hongluo in front of Aunt Jin.

Su Yi was furious and silently cursed stinky bitch and said, Today it's my turn, I'll rob whenever she wants.

Zhu Zhan was very embarrassed, Why bother to offend people because of me if you make it difficult for Mr. Su. I'm a man, so just be ugly.

Su Yi said angrily, This young woman is too arrogant. Let's see how I deal with her in the future.

The boy advised, Second Master, be careful what you say. You can't offend that person.

Zhu Zhan smiled and said, It's my fault for making Mr. Su angry. I'll invite Mr. Su to drink some other time to make up for it.

Su Yi looked at Zhu Zhan's red nose and wondered, After the massage, your skin will become smooth and white. Why is your nose turning red?

Zhu Zhan touched his nose and said, The girl named Hongluo just shouted loudly, shook her hand, and touched my nose. That girl was so strong, with just a light touch, it felt like a heavy punch.

Su Yi laughed a few times and then stopped and said, Let her press it on you again another day. Press it carefully and don't make any mistakes.

Zhu Zhan left the house and visited several powder shops.

I felt that even if I had a tail, I had been thrown away, so I entered an alley.

In the second courtyard, Xun Qianli, Ding Zhao and Ding Lichun were waiting here.

Ding Zhao and Ding Lichun sighed when they heard that the girl was really Ding Pan's brother.

Ding Zhao sighed, Pandi grew up at home until she was twelve years old, and I barely heard her speak. Now that I think about it, she was abused since she was a child, and she kept the secret of how her biological mother tortured the four rich people, but she survived strong and did not grow crooked.

She feels guilty and kind to the fourth rich. She is a tough and smart child. Alas, it is also our fault that we were unwilling to pay more attention to Dafang's affairs before and did not help her in time.

A few people discussed for a while, and Xun Qianli hurriedly took the car back to report to the old man.

On the morning of February 13th, the weather was foggy and drizzle.

Shopkeeper Gong dressed up Ding Sifu well.

She didn't know what General Xiao Zhu and her uncle were taking the Fourth Rich to do, but they just told her to dress up nicely.

Dress him in a small brown soft satin embroidered robe, put on a silver collar, and comb his hair.

The young boy is fair and beautiful, but he has a slight limp.

Ding Sifu just heard last night that Brother Zhu said that he would take him to meet his sister Pan, and he was so excited that he cried.

He didn't know exactly what Sister Pan was doing or where she was, but he knew that she was in very danger now. They couldn't even meet up close, so they could only let her sit in the carriage and look at him from a distance.

I can't cry, scream, or wave.

Brother Zhu and Brother Lichun are trying their best to rescue her...

When they arrived at the Mingqian Teahouse, Ding Lichun helped Ding Sifu out of the carriage.

Ding Lichun and Zhu Zhan were both wearing casual clothes, and they walked into the teahouse with their heads lowered.

The teahouse had just opened at this time, and they were the first batch of guests.

The shopkeeper and the waiter nodded and said with a smile, Guest officer, please come in.

Ding Lichun said, In the private room on the second floor, serve a pot of Mingqian Longjing and a few plates of small snacks.

The waiter sang loudly, Okay! A pot of Mingqian Longjing...

The three of them entered a private room in that direction.

Zhu Zhan walked to the window, opened the small window and looked down.

Thank you to book friend 62650 and book friend Sai for the reward, and thank you for your monthly votes and all your support. As they were about to leave for the capital, Qingquan was a little reluctant and confused. . .

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