Fragrance Returned

Chapter 310 Ding Mansion

Dong Ping said, The case has been closed. Liang Tu and the Su family conspired to endanger the country and committed a heinous crime. Liang Tu was sentenced to beheaded and Su family was cut in half. They were executed on the seventh day of March. Gao Feng was so sad that he died of illness on the tenth day of the lunar month. The cave was also named after Fill it in as quickly as possible...

Although Dong Ping did not say it explicitly, Ding Zhao and others understood that the emperor must have known that Liang Tu and the Su family were related, and that Gao Feng was not the son of the dragon, but he was embarrassed to say it.

It was the first time in history that a woman of the emperor was sentenced to be cut in half. Gao Feng could not have died of illness, he must have been killed.

It can be seen that the emperor was very angry after being cuckolded.

Now, the only descendants of the Liang family are Gao Feng's three children.

The emperor will not let them live, and they will die of illness one after another in the near future. Maybe he's dead, but the news hasn't spread yet.

Da Chu was just wiped out.

Politics is bloody. The minor children of the Liang family were innocent, but thinking about the tragic situation of the descendants of the Dong family, Ding Xiang did not sympathize with them.

This era pays great attention to sitting together and also pursues cutting off the weeds and root causes.

So far, Ding Xiang still doesn't know the basis on which they concluded that Gao Feng is Liang Tu's son rather than the emperor's son. There is no DNA in this world.

Dong Ping also said that many courtiers are now asking to make the fourth prince Gao Yun the crown prince, and a few people are asking to make the eldest prince Gao Ming and the fifth prince Gao Cheng.

Even the eldest prince and fifth prince, who had been relatively unknown before, appeared.

The eldest prince has always been invisible because his biological mother had a low status and died young, and he himself was indecisive and incompetent. Those who support him on the pretext of having no direct descendants are either trying to stir up trouble or have bad intentions.

The Liang family's use of the prince to conspire made the emperor more wary, and he was unwilling to establish the prince prematurely, so he suppressed it.

The fourth prince's party was at odds with the prince and the Su family at first. The fourth prince was slightly injured when the water monster attacked. They all thought that the emperor would take pity on him and be somewhat frank about the matter of establishing the crown prince.

The emperor only gave a few words of verbal praise and some tonics, which made the fourth prince extremely disappointed...

Ding Xiang has heard that the emperor has a total of eight sons. The second and sixth sons are dead, the eighth is a monk, the seventh is still young, and the fourth, fifth, and eldest are all competing for the heirloom. Why is there no movement from the third?

She asked, Why didn't the third prince fight?

Dong Ping said, The third prince's biological mother is from Korea and has foreign blood.

I see.

Ding Lichun talked about Ding Pandi's condition again.

Perhaps the hurt she suffered was too unforgettable. Except for Ding Sifu and shopkeepers Dong Ping and Gong who had helped her, Ding Pandi was very repulsive to everyone else, including Ding Lichun and Ding Erfu.

She asked shopkeeper Gong to help sell the house given by Dong Yihe for 2,600 taels of silver, and spent more than 300 taels of silver to buy a second-entry house in Kaixian County. The same pair of old servants lived there and hardly left the house.

Ding Sifu often visited her and stayed one night. Ding Lichun and Ding Erfu went to see her, but she didn't even want to see them.

My health is also not good, mainly my hands. Dong Ping specially asked the imperial doctor to look at her. She has been taking medicine and applying medicine, but it has little effect.

Ding Xiang felt that her hand was considered a trauma and Zilong Slough should be able to treat it.

Ding Lichun said to Ding Xiang, That's a poor girl. It's a pity that I didn't pay attention to her when I was in my hometown. Mrs. Dong asked shopkeeper Gong to ask her what kind of husband she wanted. She said she would not marry and would groom herself after she was twenty.

I heard from the fourth rich that Pandi will always remember the good things about my sister. In the future, my sister will go visit her and learn more about her.

Lilac nodded.

Ding Pandi has been severely traumatized both mentally and physically. She really needs someone to care about her and enlighten her.

After breakfast the next day, Ding Zhuang's ancestors and grandson paid money to the second master Qian.

They have completed their mission here and have to rush back to Linshui County.

Ding Zhuang asked Master Qian Er to stay at home for two days and then visit his daughter's family.

The second master Qian smiled and said, The master is not here, so I have to rush back to take charge. Next time, I will bring the old lady with me.

Sun Yumu finally found a chance to talk to Ding Xiang.

When you go to my grandma's house for lessons, remember to take Feifei with you. I'll go back early to see it.

Dingxiang has made an agreement with Tao Weng that from next month, Dingxiang will go to Tao's house to study every Saturday.

Ding Xiang agreed and asked, Do you go home often now?

Nanda Camp is stationed not far outside Nantong Gate, making it easy to enter Beijing.

Sun Yumu smiled and said, My grandfather made the decision and divorced that woman. The old bastard can't get up anymore. I will go home now if nothing happens.

A group of chariots and horses rushed towards the gate of the capital.

Entered Nantong Gate at noon and separated from Tao Weng and others.

Dong Ping resigned from the Yamen. Now Dong Ping has been transferred from a military attache to a civilian officer and transferred to the Ministry of War, where he is appointed as the sixth-rank chief of the Department of Cleaning and Officials of the Arsenal.

There are four departments in the Ministry of War. In the eyes of ordinary people, the Arsenal, Cleaning and Officials Department has the least real power, and it is in charge of warehouses.

Looking at it clearly, it was Dong Yihe who asked his only son not to fight for it, but to wait for the future to inherit the title and have a leisurely meal.

But Lilac knew that this position was very useful to Dong Yihe. It's not about letting Dong Ping steal weapons, but having the most comprehensive understanding of weapons.

Hu Chun led ten female workers and four shopkeepers away. The former went to a yard on the edge of the city, which was a garment processing factory. The latter go to Jiulu Zhixiu Pavilion, and shopkeeper Gong will arrange accommodation for them.

Ding's house is in Nanju Hutong, northwest of the capital, and he arrived in the afternoon.

Several people got off the bus in front of the gate.

The main door is wide open, with Ding Mansion written on the door plaque.

Sixteen servants, including He Hui's father and mother, bowed in front of the door to greet their master.

Ding Zhuang took the lead, Ding Zhao came second, then Zhang came with his three children and Ding Li, and Ding Chi and Tang came last.

After entering the main entrance, there was a Zhaobi with landscapes carved in front of it. After walking around the Zhaobi, there was a large courtyard. Everyone went directly to the main hall.

Ding Zhuang sat on the seat, and Ding Zhao led everyone to kowtow to his father.

Ding Zhuang said, Build an ancestral hall here. Zhaozi will be the clan leader. Our family will be reorganized. Zhaozi will be the eldest son and Zhizi will be the second son...

Completely separated from the second and third bedrooms.

Afterwards, each went back to his own hospital.

Ding Chi and his wife are temporarily staying in the guest house. Ding Zhuang gave him one thousand taels of his private money, and Ding Chi added more to buy a yard nearby to settle down.

Ding Zhuang and his three grandsons lived in the outer courtyard, and beyond the second gate was the inner courtyard. There are five separate courtyards in the inner courtyard, as well as a back garden and small pond.

Except for the main courtyard, which is relatively large, and the second entrance, which also has a small cross-courtyard, the other four courtyards are relatively small.

Dingxiang's courtyard is the smallest, with only six rooms in the front and back, called Zixuan.

This small courtyard was given to her not because she was going to get married in the future, but because this small courtyard was close to the back door of the main courtyard, with a garden behind it, a few crabapple trees and plum trees planted on the right, and a corner of the pond on the left. It had a good view and a good location.

Especially now, the branches are covered with begonia flowers, a pink and tender red.

There are also four lilac trees planted in the yard, with some small purple flowers blooming here and there.

Other pots of roses are in full bloom.

Thank you to Jane, Rose and Duckweed in the Water for your tips. Thank you to everyone for your monthly votes and all your support.

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