Fragrance Returned

Chapter 425 Lost weight

Xunxiang gave her father-in-law a thumbs up in her heart. In feudal society, there were not many people with this kind of advanced consciousness.

She bought one more day to stay at Dong's house.

On the eighth day of the first lunar month, the Dong family invited relatives to have dinner at home. On the seventh day of the first lunar month, Xunxiang stayed with the Dong family for a day, and on the eighth day of the first lunar month, she went home with her father and brother.

She was afraid that Dongyang would be unhappy with the Ding family, but she was not afraid that Dongyang would be unhappy with the Dong family.

Because the Dong family is not afraid that Dongyang will be unhappy.

Xunxiang returned to Ding Mansion the next morning.

Not only did she bring gifts, Zhao Jialing also prepared gifts from the princess's mansion, including four jars of osmanthus honey made in the kitchen of the princess's mansion and two roast geese. As well as Princess Dongyang's personal reward, four sets of the four high-quality study treasures and a jade pillow.

The sun is shining brightly and the sky is blue.

Xunxiang's mood was as bright as the sun in the sky.

She came to the outer courtyard in a sedan chair. The carriage was ready and twenty guards stood there.

The leader of the guard is still General Xiao Jiang.

General Xiao Jiang is a seventh-grade military attache and a martial arts scholar. He is seventeen years old and has not yet been engaged.

He has wheat-colored muscles, a tall build, and good facial features. He is always smiling, speaks in a gentle tone, and he seems to have a good temper.

Because of his good looks and good temper, every time the little princess traveled, General Jian and Zhao Jialing would assign him to protect her.

Xunxiang had a very good impression of him and smiled brightly at him.

General Xiao Jiang was flattered and quickly bowed with his fists clasped, I have seen the princess before.

Xunxiang wanted to train him as a confidant, but she still had an idea in her mind, and she didn't know if it could be realized.

Yesterday, the Ding family got a notice from the Princess Mansion, and the whole family was extremely excited. In the early morning, brother Ding Lichun stood in front of the house waiting for his sister.

Today they wanted to make out with Xiangxiang as a family, but no one was invited.

Xunxiang got out of the car, as excited as a little bird, and said, Brother, second brother, I miss you.

The sounds were a little louder.

Ding Liren said, We miss you too. My mother was in tears on New Year's Eve.

I'm embarrassed to say that I want to cry too.

Ding Lichun bent down and took a closer look at Xun Xiang. His expression was not good, and he forced a smile and said, Sister, come in quickly, my parents are waiting anxiously.

The three brothers and sisters entered, and Ding Zhao and his wife stood in the corridor waiting.

Xunxiang greeted them, and each of them took his daughter by one hand to Zixuan in the backyard.

The escort was left in the front yard by Butler Li to entertain them.

As soon as the door was closed, Ding Zhao's face sank and he said angrily, Xiangxiang has lost weight, is she not doing well over there? Huh, the daughter we hold in our hands and feel so sad has lost weight in less than a month here. . If your father saw it, he might be very distressed. Didn’t they say that they would love you well and compensate you?

He was really angry. If his father is around, he will jump on his feet and curse others.

Ding Lichun also found that his sister had lost weight and was very angry. Zhang and Ding Liren didn't pay attention at first, but when they heard about it, they looked at Xun Xiang carefully and their faces changed.

Xunxiang also felt that she had lost a little weight, not much, about three or four pounds. She couldn't say that she didn't relax as much as in Ding Mansion at Princess Mansion. Her mood was not as good as in Ding Mansion, and she didn't eat as much as in Ding Mansion...

I could only say, Don't worry, I'm fine there, and they all love me. It's my own fault for losing weight. I think my grandfather, father, mother and brothers here can't sleep well thinking about it. Can’t eat well…”

The little mouth pursed.

Several people became sad.

Mrs. Zhang hurriedly said, You guys talk, I will cook some fragrant and delicious dishes with my own hands. I will make up for it in the past two days...

The family was chatting in Zixuan with the door closed, and all the food was brought here to eat.

Xunxiang handed the top-quality jade pendant to Ding Zhao and handed it to him when his grandfather came back.

Ding Zhao was so happy that he even wanted to take it to the ancestral hall as an offering.

Xun Xiang said, No need. I specially asked the emperor's grandfather to let him hang it on his body.

Grandpa has a bad temper and is afraid that he will cause trouble to the wrong people. Wearing this jade pendant awarded by the emperor can prevent many disasters.

The jade pillow was given to Ding Zhao's father. He had a bitter summer and sweated a lot when the weather was hot.

I didn't see Ding Zhen and Ding Sifu this time, but I still brought some gifts to them and Ding Pandi, all small things I got at the palace banquet. He also specially gave Ding Chi a jade Ruyi rewarded by the emperor.

At the end of the year, the Dong family and Ding Zhao each gave Ding Pandi two hundred taels of silver and one hundred taels of silver as gifts.

Ding Erfu and Ding Sifu spent the New Year in Ding Mansion, but they invited Ding Pandi and she didn't come. On the day of the second grade of junior high school, Ding Lichun and Ding Sifu went to Kaixian County to visit Ding Pandi. This time she finally let Ding Lichun into the house.

Ding Pandi's hand is much better, but only the middle finger and ring finger still have some pain and cannot bend freely...

There is also good news. Xue Tian's father has been appointed as the magistrate of He County, with a rank of six.

Although this official is at the same level as the previous Tongpan, He County is under the jurisdiction of Jingzhao Prefecture and will be easily promoted in the future. For a businessman, this shortcoming was hard-won.

The Xue family will move here after the new year.

Xunxiang was extremely happy, as she had another worthy handkerchief to give to her, and she was her future sister-in-law.

Ding Zhao and his son left just before resting in the evening. Mrs. Zhang and her daughter slept in the same bed.

It was still the same the next day.

Xunxiang really loves to miss Shu.

The happy time always passed quickly, and in the morning of the seventh day of the lunar month, Xunxiang was leaving for Dong Mansion.

Although I was reluctant to leave, I was not so sad thinking that it would be easy to meet again in the future.

As soon as they sent Xun Xiang to the door, they saw Ding Erfu coming here on horseback.

Seeing his hurried look, Xunxiang probably guessed what was going on.

Ding Erfu said to Ding Zhao, Brother Qizi from my hometown just sent a message that my father passed away on the 20th of the twelfth lunar month. The fourth rich man and I are going back to attend the funeral...

Ding Zhao and Zhang were startled.

Xunxiang said a few words of sorrow, got in the car and left.

Ding Erfu is decided by Ding Zhao and Zhang. They just decided on a daughter-in-law at the end of last year and will get married next year.

The girl's father is a fourth-grade military attache in the military camp and the leader of Ding Erfu.

The family was attracted by Ding Erfu, who was born in a farm family. Not only was Ding Erfu knowledgeable and capable, but also because his second grandfather was a sincere Bo Dingzhuang, and Princess Xiangxiang was his former cousin.

I heard that the girl has a good temper, but she is rather thick, and Ding Erfu likes her very much.

After the death of his grandfather, there is no need to observe mourning for three years, but only one year. It will not delay Ding Erchun from marrying his wife next year.

Dong Ping waited for Xun Xiang at the door of Jiaomen, and they went to the main courtyard together.

Mi Hongmian's belly is already a little pregnant. Xunxiang made another wish that she would hook up a beautiful little hat for her little nephew with her own hands.

Today, Mrs. Dong only applied a little makeup, making her look beautiful, gentle and much more refreshing.

Her face is slightly round, her eyes are not big, her eyes are double, her nose is small, her mouth is small, and her chin is slightly square...

Xunxiang was even more certain that Li Fei was somewhat similar to her.

It's just that Li Fei's gentleness is closer to restraint, and she is cautious at all times. Mrs. Dong's gentleness comes from the inside out, as is her nature.

Dong Yi smiled and said, In the past few days, it has been spread in the streets and alleys that Princess Xiangxiang is beautiful and talented, and she looks like the Prince Consort...

Xunxiang didn't know how to answer, so she giggled a few times. (End of chapter)

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