Fragrance Returned

Chapter 444 Palace fighting is not fun

Xun Xiang held Qiu Yuhan's little face and said with a smile, I have gained weight, I have grown taller, and my little mouth is even better at talking.

Qiu Wangzhi smiled and said, Since Han'er insists on eating yogurt every day, her health has been much better. My grandmother often says thank you to the princess. No wonder the emperor loves you so much.

Xun Xiang smiled and said, I don't dare to be greedy for this credit. It must be a coincidence. Han'er's health happened to be improved, and he took the yogurt to help him get better.

The two exchanged a few words, and Xun Xiang asked, Why haven't Master Mingyuan and Master Hong Xiaoyi come back yet?

Qiu Wangzhi said, There was an earthquake in Jiangzhou Prefecture, and an epidemic spread later. Master Mingyuan was compassionate and went there to save people.

Earthquakes are earthquakes. Xunxiang also heard that there was an earthquake in Jiangzhou Prefecture in the middle of the first month, and many people died.

It turns out that Master Mingyuan went to cure the epidemic.

Qiu Yuhan asked again, Cousin, when will Feifei come back? I miss her.

Xun Xiang smiled and said, It should be soon. When Feifei comes back, I will definitely invite my sister to play at home.

The three waiters took what Qiu Wangzhi ordered, and the trays were filled with various desserts, including matcha.

Immediately the sweet and milky aroma overflows.

Xunxiang personally pulled flowers for Qiu Wangzhi and the little girl, and they were very surprised to see them.

Qiu Yuhan liked the flowers in the cup very much. He hurriedly took a sip and said it tastes good.

Qiu Wangzhi took a sip, nodded, and said, It tastes good.

He was not interested in the previous tea paintings. He felt that the original flavor of tea had been lost and he preferred to brew it loosely. But this kind of matcha has a fresh and green fragrance, and it also has a milky aroma, which makes it have a unique taste.

Of course, this was invented by the little girl, and she brewed it herself, which makes it even more delicious.

Xun Xiang said, Master Hong Xiaoxiao has been gone for so long, and I miss him very much.

Qiu Wangzhi said, With such a delay, they will not be able to come back until the end of March or early April. I am also looking forward to them. My grandmother is not in good health during this time.

Xun Xiang said, Is the old lady feeling bad again?

Qiu Wangzhi nodded, looking lonely.

Xunxiang learned more about some of his family affairs.

His father was in poor health and spent most of the year lying in bed recuperating from his illness. He especially disliked his son, who knocked him, and the father and son could not see each other more than a few times a year.

In such a big family, the only relatives Qiu Wangzhi can talk to are his grandmother and daughter...

Logically speaking, the Qiu family is the residence of the Duke of Wei, the old lady is the princess, a rare high-ranking family, and Qiu Wangzhi is the only son or the heir apparent.

Girls who want to marry into the Qiu family should flock to her.

But because Qiu Wangzhi killed his grandfather and mother and became famous as a lone star of evil, no daughter from a good family was willing to marry him...

Especially after Qiu Yuhan's mother died, even fewer people said they were close to her, except those who wanted to exchange their daughter for wealth.

Maybe Qiu Wangzhi also knew his bad reputation, and rejected all the people who proposed marriage.

He is also clean and self-respecting and doesn't like looking for a wife. Currently he only has one daughter. Someone said before that his daughter was in poor health and might be killed at some point. Fortunately, starting from last winter, the little girl's health was getting better and better, so those who said such things shut up...

But Ding Chi said that he had a prosperous appearance, but his face was covered with a layer of evil spirit. Xunxiang seriously suspected that his father was the evil, and it was precisely because of Qiu Wangzhi's prosperity that the family was under cover...

For the third cup of matcha, Qiu Wangzhi took the milk from Xunxiang's hand and drew the flowers himself.

What he pulled was a milky-white little rabbit. It looked very similar to that, and he could tell that he had drawing skills at first glance.

After pulling it up, he pushed it in front of Xunxiang.

The princess has returned to her family, are you okay?

After so long, Qiu Wangzhi had the opportunity to ask this question.

His intuition will not be better than it was in the Ding family.

Xun Xiang took a sip of tea and said with a smile, Sometimes I wonder if I would have stayed in Ding's house if I hadn't asked Brother Qiu to help find flowers.

Qiu Wangzhi took the snack handed over by his daughter, ate it in his mouth, and said, Everyone should return to his own way and punish the evildoers, that's right. As for the road ahead, the princess is smart, and with the emperor and queen's heartache, she will definitely be able to move forward. The wider, the better.”

Xunxiang glanced at Qiu Wangzhi and found for the first time that this man was very good at talking.

There was plenty of sunlight in the afternoon, shining in through the small window and covering Qiu Wangzhi who was sitting by the window. His facial features in the shadow were a little softer, and I didn't think his nose was ugly. It had a slight hawk hook. personality.

Xun Xiang smiled unconsciously.

Qiu Wangzhi raised his eyebrows in confusion, meaning he was laughing.

Xunxiang straightened up quickly. The person in front of her was the cunning Agent Qiu. He can tell if his expression management isn't perfect at all.

Qiu Wangzhi asked, I heard that the Prince Consort invited several princes to come here for tea today?

Xun Xiang said, Well, King Qi and my father are still next door. Today is the second time I see King Duan. He is so timid. Before, in the countryside, I thought the prince and princess were so majestic, but King Duan... is not as expected. Same.

She smiled and shook her head.

Qiu Wangzhi said, I heard from my grandmother that Prince Duan's biological mother was a maid of Fu'an Palace and died after giving birth to her son...

I felt it was inappropriate to say these words to the little girl, so I stopped talking. He lowered his head and took a sip of tea to relieve his embarrassment.

Xunxiang didn't want to ask anymore. She didn't expect that King Duan was born lower than she thought before.

Looking at it this way, the emperor's grandfather was also a scumbag when he was young.

Prince Duan was the emperor's son before he ascended the throne. Fu'an Palace was where Empress Dowager Su lived, and the maid there was also the late emperor's woman. He actually dared to sleep with her and got her pregnant.

Logically, the palace maid should be executed as soon as she found out she was pregnant. She didn't die and was still able to give birth to the child. It should be the result of the palace fight.

Prince Duan was only half a year younger than Dongyang. When news broke out that his biological mother was pregnant, the queen's grandmother, who was the Crown Princess at the time, was about to give birth to a child.

Maybe Empress Dowager Su was angry with the queen's grandmother, or maybe it was for something else. However, the queen's grandmother did not have any more children after giving birth to Dongyang.

It would be strange for a child born like this to be treated like this.

There is also the queen's grandmother, the closest relatives in her family died protecting the emperor, but the emperor went to sleep with the palace maid when she was pregnant...

Her sadness and disappointment can be imagined, but she is still powerless.

Palace fights are really not fun at all.

Xun Xiang's face didn't look good.

Qiu Wangzhi asked again, What's wrong?

Xun Xiang sighed, I was thinking about the Queen's grandmother, and felt that it was... very difficult for her. Later, she realized that it was inappropriate for her to tell the Emperor's confidants about the Queen, and added, She is not in good health. I feel sorry for her.

Just as Qiu Wangzhi was about to speak, he saw Qiu Yuhan knocking on the door and pulling the wet nurse Shi's mother to say Greetings.

There is a guest room on the third floor.

Mother Shi walked out with her little master in her arms, and saw a beautiful girl of fifteen or sixteen passing by the door.

She first greeted Qiu Yuhan in surprise, Han'er, are you here too?

Qiu Yuhan greeted, Auntie. She seemed unwilling to talk to her more, and shouted, Pee. (End of Chapter)

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