Fragrance Returned

Chapter 471 Roots

Master Mingyuan pinched his fingers, with a look of joy on his face. He looked at the middle-aged man and said, Amitabha, that thing really appeared in Dali, and it's so close. The donor's life should not be cut off...

He took out a silver needle and gave it to the middle-aged man.

The man didn't even raise his eyelids, as if he was dead.

After an unknown amount of time, Feifei felt bored and flew to the door and screamed.

The old monk guessed that it was going out, so he walked out the door and said, Go ahead, come and visit us if you have nothing to do. This place will be more lively.

Feifei flew back and picked up a pendant on the stone table.

The old monk quickly took off the pendant and said with a smile, Haha, when you see a good thing, you want to take it back to the little donor? That's the Gu family. But this kind of thing is not good.

Feifei tapped the old monk with his wings, flew out of the hut, flew out of the cave, and soared in the snow-capped mountains, looking for prey.

At Haishi, Xunxiang was preparing to take a rest when he heard Jin'er's happy voice in the yard.

Feifei is back... You still know how to come back and make us anxious.


Feifei was so powerful that he tried to break away from Jin'er's arm.

Jin Kai hugged it tightly and went with Luo Er to the side room to wipe its fur and rinse its mouth.

No matter how angry Feifei was, he would not attack Jin'er and the others, and kept shouting with his mouth wide open. It opened its mouth wide, just in time for the girls to clean its mouth.

After cleaning it, I took it to the bedroom.

Xunxiang had already taken off her clothes and was sitting on the bedside. She quickly jumped on the bed and pointed at the window with one wing and screamed coo.

Xun Xiang was confused, What do you mean?


The big wings still pointed at the small window.

Xunxiang can read some of Feifei's body language, but the range is too large for her to understand.

The cuckoo sound turned into a quack sound, and finally the ouch sound, Xunxiang still didn't understand its meaning.

Feifei's little eyes circled around the room, then flew to stand on the fish tank, stretched her long pointed beak into the water, took out a red coral ornament and handed it to Xunxiang's hand.

This ornament was given to her by Sun Yumu.

Xunxiang said, Feifei said you just came back from Sun Mansion?

Feifei was speechless, choked, and fell straight down.

In the darkness, Feifei pointed his butt at Xunxiang to express his displeasure.

Xunxiang still didn't know what the little thing wanted to express, and wanted to ask Sun Yumu another day...

A few days later, rumors spread that the eighth prince in the Imperial Court was fake.

The emperor was very angry and scolded King Kang for forming a clique for personal gain, and even hit him with a tea bowl. He reprimanded Mr. Cai Hou for allowing his clan members to become corrupt and bend the law, and he was demoted from the Commander-in-Chief of the Central Military Governor's Office to the Commander-in-Chief Qianshi.

The emperor went to Kunning Palace again in the afternoon, and then Queen Ye issued an edict to punish Concubine Cai Shu, the Sixth Princess, and Cai Jiahui...

He reprimanded Concubine Cai Shu for being extravagant and jealous, and for having wrong words and deeds. She was banned for one year.

He reprimanded the sixth princess Gao Huajing for violating the taboo of speaking, and ordered her to copy the Girls' Precepts fifty times and was banned for half a year.

He scolded Cai Jiahui for stirring up trouble and being unbecoming, and ordered her to copy Women's Precepts a hundred times and be banned for one year.

The sixth princess is thirteen years old this year. She, Gao Shanzhu, Shen Ying, and Xun Xiang will attend classes until the end of this year. From next year, she will no longer need to study at Jingfangzhai.

With this, the Sixth Princess and Cai Jiahui's study career in Jingfangzhai ended prematurely.

The Cai family tried their best to get Cai Jiahui into the Four Beauties because they wanted her to marry a good family. When this incident came out, Cai Jiahui no longer wanted to find an ideal and good family.

Later, news came out that the eighth prince in the other courtyard was indeed a fake. The real eighth prince was seriously ill and could not stand the severe cold in the capital. The emperor felt sorry for him because he had suffered a lot since he was born, so he sent someone to send him to the warm south last year.

The Jiwang Party was extremely excited, and they wrote articles one after another to impeach King Kang and the Marquis of Zhenxi for forming a clique for personal gain, taking bribes and perverting the law, and disrupting the political agenda...

Gao Shanzhu and Shen Ying were also extremely happy. The former is happy that the sixth princess is unlucky, and the latter is happy that Cai Huijia is unlucky.

Xun Xiang secretly felt happy that King Kang and the Cai family were really annoying. Both sides wanted to bring them down, including herself.

The cause of the matter was also spread. When King Kang entered the palace, he heard two eunuchs secretly discussing that the real eighth prince was no longer in the other courtyard. He told Concubine Cai Shu, and the sixth princess happened to hear it.

When the Sixth Princess went to the Zhenxihou Mansion, she accidentally told Cai Jiahui, and was overheard by a little girl from the Cai family. The little girl went home and told her family, and the news spread.

The two eunuchs and the little girl were afraid, so one threw themselves into the river, the other hung himself, and the other fell into the well, and they all died.

This incident may seem like a rumor, but it hits the nail on the head: the eighth prince is indeed a lie.

Those words might be an excuse for King Kang and Cai Shufei not to tell the truth, or they might be being plotted against. But the conflict pointed at them. The emperor was unhappy that several princes were careless. The most unhappy was King Kang, so he punished them first.

After this blow, Kang Wang and his party will be honest for a while.

In the middle of this incident, Gao Shanzhu accidentally revealed to Xun Xiang.

Xunxiang guessed that they wanted to test their attitude.

Before she returned, Prince Consort Xun had always had a good relationship with King Qi, but once she returned, he kept his distance...

Entering the palace on the 22nd day, Xunxiang told Queen Ye very mysteriously, On the third day of the lunar month, I overheard Mingshan saying that Uncle Eighth Emperor was a fake. Later she said no, so I didn't take it to heart. It turns out that It’s true, and it’s such a big fuss…”

Saying it at this time means that she is hindsight and does not care about matters that are not her own business.

Xun Xiang looked at Eunuch Li who was standing behind Queen Ye out of the corner of her eye. Eunuch Li's waist was lowered.

Queen Ye said, Some people don't listen to greetings, and the emperor will take care of them... Alas, it's a pity that Concubine Meade was beautiful and gentle, and she was loved by the emperor when she was alive.

She died early, and I don't know if her son will grow up. Some women live not for themselves, but for their children or their parents' family...

Her eyes became empty, I still remember that day nine years ago, Concubine Meade gave birth. I went to watch for a long time before she gave birth, and then returned to Kunning Palace. The emperor came to ask about the situation, and stopped by at noon. Eat here.

The emperor is diligent and never takes a break, but that day he felt sleepy and rested for half an hour in Kunning Palace. After waking up, he said that he dreamed of a little dragon falling from the sky. Not long after, the news came that Concubine Meade had given birth to a son.

Not long after Gao Feng was established as the crown prince, I thought the emperor's dream was a good omen. Now that I think about it, the child's illness should have been caused by Liang Tu and the Su family. Alas, there was a spy from the old Su family in Kunning Palace. , and then it was cleaned up...

Xun Xiang understood that the root cause of Uncle Xiaoba's murder turned out to be here.

The old Su family has controlled the harem for decades, so it is easy to put a spy in Kunning Palace.

But Concubine Li actually has the ability to put spies here. She didn't dare to do too much in the palace. Many things should be done outside the palace...

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