Fragrance Returned

Chapter 509 Hai Yi

As soon as the emperor arrived, Hui Ren kowtowed and said, The poor monk pays homage to the emperor.

The bells rang melodiously, and amid the sound of chanting scriptures and wooden fish, the emperor led everyone to burn incense and pray for blessings.

I pray that Buddha and Bodhisattva will bless Dali for generations to come, bless the emperor and the dragon in good health, and bless Dali with good weather and good weather, and that the people will have enough food and clothing, and stay away from war...

The emperor drew lots from Hui Ren.

Hui Ren smiled and said, Congratulations, Your Majesty, it's your signature...

Afterwards, the emperor led everyone to the Zen Temple of Master Mingjue behind the palace.

In the Zen courtyard, Jin Wuwei has already inspected it in advance.

At the entrance of the Zen monastery, Master Mingyuan wearing a bright red cassock and a dozen disciples greeted him.

This was the first time for Xunxiang to see the old monk dressed in such formal clothes, and he felt even more fairy-like.

Master Mingyuan took two steps forward, bowed and said, Amitabha, I pay my respects to the Emperor.

The emperor clasped his hands together and said with a smile, After many years, the old immortal is still energetic and strong.

The two exchanged a few diplomatic words, and the emperor led Xunxiang and Master Mingyuan into the Zen courtyard.

Several princes and grandsons, Commander Jiang of the Royal Forest Army, Commander Xie of the Jinwu Guard, Sun Yumu and four other guards with swords, Qiu Wangzhi, and Eunuch Qin followed the Zen courtyard, while others stood waiting outside the courtyard.

When they came to the courtyard, everyone stood down.

Master Mingyuan made a gesture to the emperor, and the emperor led Xunxiang into the Zen room, followed closely by Master Mingyuan.

Xunxiang didn't want to follow him at all. He would die quickly if he knew too many secrets, but he was dragged in by the emperor.

The old monk asked the emperor to sit on the Arhat bed, and he sat on the side.

Xunxiang poured tea for them consciously.

The old monk first said a few words about the great rivers and mountains being prosperous, and then stood up and took two sandalwood Buddha statues from the high table and placed them on the coffee table.

Amitabha, these two Buddha statues were carved by Lao Na himself. The sandalwood was donated by the saintly monks of Tianzhu in the early years. They were soaked in medicinal water for eighty-eight sixty-four years and ninety-nine and eighty-one heavenly sutras were recited.

He picked up a larger Buddha statue and said, This Buddha is invited by the Holy One. Although the Buddha statue is good, not everyone can invite it. It is not that the real dragon emperor cannot afford it.

The emperor was overjoyed and stood up to take it solemnly.

Please give the emperor a statue of Tathagata Buddha, two inches high.

The old monk held up another one-inch-high statue of Guanyin Buddha and handed it to Xunxiang, Please give this to the little donor. The little donor has great love from the emperor and is a person with long blessings and longevity.

Please give Xunxiang the Avalokitesvara, one inch high.

Xunxiang was flattered and stood up and bowed to take it.

Xunxiang was very grateful to the old monk. Not only did he show in front of the emperor that he valued her very much, he also didn't say that she was extremely prosperous and a rare find in a hundred years.

The emperor asked, I heard that the old immortal has been observing the sky at night recently?

The old monk clasped his hands together and said, Amitabha, I have been watching the sky for days and nights. The Big Dipper is shining brightly, which indicates good fortune for the world in Dali, peace and prosperity for the country and the people. The emperor is wise and kind, his virtue is submissive to the world, and he is dedicated to the people. He is a blessing to the people of Dali. However, …”

The emperor listened happily with a smile on his face at first, but the last two words made his face stiffen, How is it?

The old monk said, Every day starting from the ugly hour, the starry sky in the southeast becomes dim, and the Canglong and Xuanwu flicker... I calculated that from July to October this year, there will be a sea overflow attack from the north of the South China Sea to Fusang...

Overflow is a tsunami.

Xunxiang looked at the old monk with admiration. He was really an old monk. He had even predicted that a tsunami would occur in half a year thousands of miles away.

Xunxiang fully believed that his calculations were more accurate than the instruments in his previous life. After all, he had even calculated such small things as having ice cream in his previous life, let alone such big things.

The time is just not exact. When is the four-month deadline?

Xunxiang felt that the old monk might have calculated the specific date, but he just didn't tell the truth to the emperor.

As soon as she thought about it, she realized that one of Dong Yihe's abilities was his ability to observe the sky, that is, he could read the weather.

In ancient times, many people were able to observe celestial phenomena, and the Qintian Prison was set up with many instruments for observing celestial phenomena.

Through thousands of years of practice, many proverbs about weather and natural phenomena have been compiled.

For example, ants move across the snake aisle, and rats come out of their holes and leap into the water. The red clouds rise in the morning and the rain falls in the evening. The red clouds rise in the evening and the fish will die. After a long period of rain, the southerly wind blows, and the weather will turn sunny...

But not many people have observed it in advance and seen it accurately. When a ship is operating on the sea, time is of the essence. If you detect disasters in advance, you can avoid losses as much as possible.

Dong Yihe was invincible in countless naval battles in his early years, and this ability played a big role.

No wonder the old monk said last time that even God was helping Dong Yihe...

The emperor frowned in thought.

After a while, the emperor said, Thanks to the old god for reminding me, I know what to do. Then he said to Xun Xiang, You can go and play by yourself. I want to tell the old god a secret.

He did not tell Xun Xiang not to tell anyone about this secret. He knew that Xunxiang was safe and would never say anything that shouldn't be said.

Xunxiang got up and went out.

She was still happy because she could predict the approximate time and direction of the tsunami. If she used strategies and tactics well, she would be able to defeat the maximum number of enemies with the minimum number of troops.

The emperor will definitely send the most capable person to fight against the Japanese pirates. With God's help, the Japanese pirates will pay the heaviest price so that they will not dare to commit another crime again.

With so much help, if Dong Yihe goes, he will definitely win a great victory and escape safely.

The old monk's voice came from behind, Little donor, please remember that it is best not to go out in the next two decades.

Xun Xiang paused, turned around and clasped his hands together, saying, Thank you, Master, for reminding me.

She knew that the old monk should have said that the little fairy would spit out pearls within two decades.

This is really good news.

The emperor became worried after hearing this, Master, do you mean that Xiangxiang is in danger?

The old monk said, It's not a big deal, it's better to be careful...

As soon as Xunxiang went out, everyone looked at her, trying to read something from her face. Especially King Kang, who was so anxious that he almost asked.

With such a quick temper, he is really unfit to be an emperor, not even as good as the fifteen-year-old seventh prince.

The most stable person was not King Qi. He looked uncertain, but his clenched fists showed that he was very anxious inside.

But King Duan was still stupid. He only glanced at Xunxiang, then rolled his eyelids and stared at the sky in a daze.

The King of Qi has been characterized by Xun Xiang as a traitor and a villain who seeks glory, commanding the southeast to stir up trouble. I don’t know what King Duan’s tricks are, or if he has any evil intentions. Is he pretending to be stupid for safety or to hide a big traitor?

Xunxiang blinked her big, innocent eyes and stood in the crowd. She heard nothing.

Two quarters of an hour later the emperor came out. His expression was calm, and people outside didn't know whether he had achieved his wish.

Everyone went to eat in the dining hall specially prepared for the emperor.

The emperor and Xun Xiang shared a table, the other princes and grandsons shared a table, and the others were dining in other rooms.

After lunch, we went to the cherry blossom garden to enjoy the flowers.

The cherry blossoms are in full bloom, and the pink flowers are scattered high and low with the ups and downs of the terrain, like the most brilliant colors in spring, so beautiful that it is intoxicating.

Looking at this sea of ​​flowers, Xun Xiang's eyes were filled with joy involuntarily.

Thank you 20230911215940209 for the reward, and thank you to GG, Still Sunny and other readers of Red Sleeve Bookstore. The monthly ticket is very powerful. . .

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