Chapter 137 135. Why are you acting like a big name?

In a small bar in Venice, the melodious blues turned the time into tranquility, and the dark beer in the draft beer glass exuded a rich and bitter malt aroma.

Chen Li'an took a big sip and felt that the more he drank, the more refreshing he felt. It’s almost as effective as black coffee.

"Your speech today was great." Ji Fa took a sip of beer and said with emotion: "You are now a mature artist and you have learned to package yourself."

Chen Li'an: "." Do mature artists know how to package themselves? Wouldn't that be too hasty?

"Do you know why many art critics have no works themselves, but they can still have a place in the art world?" Ji Fa asked pointedly.

"Mouthpiece? A spokesperson promoted by an art dealer?" Chen Li'an asked with a frown.

Ji Fa shook his head and said: "Of course, this is the main reason, but there is another reason, that is, art is never just works, concepts and cognition are also part of art. Without the appreciation of these art critics , how can the meaning represented by the artwork be spread to the public?"

Chen Li'an suddenly thought of his experience before he came into contact with art. When he was a child, he could not understand the so-called works of art, nor could he understand the so-called Fauvism. However, the history books said that Picasso was very powerful, so he naturally thought that those paintings were very good. Awesome, but where is the awesomeness?

I didn't see the meaning of what was written in the book, but I subconsciously thought that the painting meant that. I thought it was a very powerful painting and that the painter was a very powerful artist.

Combining this experience, it is easy to understand the meaning of the existence of art critics.

Ji Fa looked at Chen Li'an and said: "An artist can't just create, but also show his artistic accomplishment to others, so that others will think that your paintings are very powerful and thoughtful."

Chen Li'an rolled his eyes at Ji Fa and said unhappily: "It has meaning in the first place. It's as if my painting is completely a boast."

"But how many people can really understand your paintings?" Ji Fa asked for another glass of beer before saying: "So someone needs to tell them what the painting means, what its value is, and what its creator has. What artistic concept.”

Chen Li'an drank the beer in his glass and said, "It's very troublesome. I hope I can skip this stage quickly."

"Come on, this Biennale Art Exhibition has already spread your ideas." After Ji Fa explained, he turned to look at the door of the bar and said, "Why hasn't Bo Qing come back yet?"

"Maybe I'm lingering in some handicraft store." Chen Li'an said nonchalantly. Bai Qing had a special liking for Venetian masks and had bought no less than ten masks in the past few days.

Ji Fa raised her lips and smiled and said: "You are very excited every time she buys a new mask. Your hobbies are very unique. Maybe I should also buy a mask."

"This topic is not suitable for us, let's stop here." Chen Li'an said quickly.

Ji Fa looked into Chen Li'an's eyes, suddenly leaned forward and said, "Why are you resisting me so much?"

Chen Li'an looked into Ji Fa's beautiful blue eyes and said, "I just want to maintain a pure relationship. This will be good for our cooperation."

"Maybe it would be better to go deeper?" Ji Fa couldn't help but said.

Chen Li'an shook his head and said, "In that case, I won't be able to bargain with you."

"Haha, a very realistic answer." Ji Fa couldn't help laughing, and then said: "This is your shortcoming. You are too gentle and considerate to women, and you are very generous."

Chen Li'an retorted angrily: "Shouldn't this be an advantage?"

"It's an advantage if you are only with one woman, but obviously you are not." Ji Fa said while drinking beer: "You will definitely have bad luck because of women in the future."

Chen Li'an curled his lips, not thinking that he would fall into the hands of a woman unless someone could capture his heart!

It's just that he doesn't know when this person will appear. Chen Li'an sometimes wonders if he will fall passionately in love with a woman. If so, where is she? What kind of person would it be?

After a while, Ji Fa suddenly asked: "After you return to China tomorrow, how long will it take you to come back? I will also go back to France in a few days."

"In August, when the film festival starts, I have to go back to work tomorrow. I don't know why I am so busy." Chen Li'an said with a sigh.

"You are really busy. You have gone abroad twice this year to film two movies. Compared with you, I feel like a waste."

At the Beijing International Airport, Mr. Zhou, who came to pick him up, looked at Chen Li'an and said with some envy.

Chen Li'an got into the car, looked at the newly purchased Audi A6 and said, "The car is not bad. How was the result of your recent audition?"

"It's not good, there isn't even a supporting role." Mr. Zhou skillfully started the car, adjusted the air conditioner, and then said with some disappointment: "Am I not suitable for acting? Why is no one using me?"

Chen Li'an enjoyed the cold air from the air conditioner and said calmly: "It doesn't matter because you are not famous, and your acting skills are not good enough for the director to ignore the bonus brought by fame. You should take this opportunity to sign up for a class and learn acting systematically. .”

"Let me think about it." Mr. Zhou said with some confusion.

Chen Li'an was not originally worried about Mr. Zhou's future. He was just afraid that his appearance would flap the wings of butterflies and cause major deviations in her future life.

According to the normal trajectory, Mr. Zhou will have to wait until the movie Suzhou River to make his mark. Now I don’t know if he will have a chance.

Chen Li'an held his head and looked at the scenery outside the car window, and suddenly said: "If you don't want to learn acting, you can find a tutor to teach English. Anyway, don't let yourself be wasted."

"It's been abandoned. At worst, I'll let you raise me." Mr. Zhou suddenly said playfully.

"I can afford to support you, but can you be a canary?" Chen Li'an took out a cigarette from his pocket, lit it, and said slowly: "There is a song that says, you are a free bird."

Mr. Zhou had never heard of this song, but Chen Li'an's words touched her heart. How could she be a canary in a cage?

Ten minutes later, at the door of Beijing Film Studio, Chen Li'an opened the car door and paused, then looked back at Mr. Zhou and said, "You go back first. You don't need to pick me up tonight. I have a gift for you in my box. Go back and open it yourself." have a look."

"If you don't open it, I'll wait for you to come back and give it to me with your own hands." Mr. Zhou tilted his head and said, "It's too boring to open the gift by yourself. Come back early in the evening."

Chen Li'an smiled and said, "Okay, I'll go back when I'm done."

As for when Chen Li'an will be finished, he still doesn't know. Gong Li contacted him before he came back, saying that there were rumors that Chen Li'an forced Huo Jianqi to change the script.

When Chen Li'an found out, he was confused. He was just giving an opinion, so why did it become coercion? He hadn't become a powerful boss yet, so why did he become coercion when he just gave an opinion?

In a conference room at the Beijing Film Studio, Huo Jianqi looked at the watch on his wrist and was a little worried that Chen Li'an hadn't come back yet. Today was the first meeting of the main creative team of the film crew. He took it very seriously and was very nervous.

I'm nervous because he really changed the script, and everyone had mixed reactions after reading it. There's no conclusion yet on which version of the script to use.

Huo Jianqi needs to hear what Chen Li'an's opinion is. It was Chen Li'an who first suggested changing the script. He must have his own opinions, which may help him make up his mind.

Just as Huo Jianqi was smoking in annoyance, Chen Li'an opened the door and went in.

"I'm sorry, everyone, I'm late." Chen Li'an apologized proactively after he came in. Then his eyes swept over Ning Jing and Jin Qiaoqiao, then looked at Huo Jianqi and said, "Director, I'm sorry for wasting everyone's time."

"It's okay, we're here, just sit down quickly." Huo Jianqi shouted quickly, then handed the new script to Chen Li'an and said, "This is a new script, please take a look and give me some opinions."

Chen Li'an took the script, glanced at the only empty seat next to Jin Qiaoqiao, sat down and smiled at her, then opened the script and read it carefully.

Jin Qiaoqiao didn't give Chen Li'an any response just now, not to mention how unhappy she was with this belated actor.

In the original script, she had quite a lot of scenes, and she was still the second female lead, but in the new script, her scenes were cut a lot, and the person who started all this will naturally make people hate her.

Ning Jing also turned to look at Chen Li'an, feeling a little unhappy about him asking the director to change the script. But after seeing the new script today, she felt that the new script was much better than the original one, but her role was not as brilliant as before. .

Not all the actors in the conference room had objections to changing the script. At least the long-faced Wang Qianyuan thought it was great to change the script.

My role in the movie has been increased a lot, and I have changed from the third male lead to the second male lead.

The most important thing is that his character is also a disabled athlete. The changes in the script made the character more three-dimensional and fuller, no longer just a green foil.

Chen Li'an didn't pay attention to other people's reactions, and he didn't know who spread the news. To put it mildly, the actor asked the director to change the script, but what would people who don't know the situation think?

Playing a big role? Bullying a new director? Bullying others? Add drama to yourself?

Chen Li'an doesn't need to think about it to know what others will say about him, but he doesn't care. The entertainment industry is just that, living purely on gossip.

But it was very interesting to spread the news. Not many people knew about it, including Huo Jianqi, Gong Li, Han Shanping and Chen Li'an.

Chen Li'an certainly never said it himself, Gong Li would not cheat Chen Li'an like this, and Han Shanping would not say it out loud, otherwise people would think that he was supporting Chen Li'an.

So the answer is very simple. Our dear director Huo said it himself. Maybe he was really angry, or maybe he was worried that his reputation would collapse after the script was changed, and he wanted to use Chen Li'an as his backer.

No matter what the reason was, Chen Li'an didn't care very much. He only cared about how the script was changed now. If it wasn't corrected and he took the blame, it would be a big loss.

If the script is well revised, it doesn't matter if you take the blame yourself. A good reputation in the entertainment industry is of no use.

Chen Li'an looked at the script attentively. The script has been greatly changed, deleting a lot of love details and increasing the hero's persistence in the face of various difficulties.

At the same time, the relationship between the male protagonist and the female protagonist has also been adjusted. The male protagonist is no longer involved in other people's feelings, but it is still a love triangle, with two men liking the female protagonist at the same time.

One is a disabled athlete and the other is a wealthy boss. There is a certain gap between the two, but the male protagonist's inner quality and kindness deeply attract the female protagonist.

Although the male protagonist is physically handicapped, he is sounder than anyone else on the inside, with kindness, perseverance, hard work, optimism, humor, etc.

Even when faced with a rich and able-bodied love rival, the male protagonist still did not give in or feel inferior. Even if he was frustrated by the comments of people around him, he still pursued it bravely.

In contrast, the male protagonist is braver than those who are able-bodied. Even if he is disabled, he can still be active in sports. Even if he is disabled, he can still live an active life. Faced with setbacks and the strange sympathy of people around him, the male protagonist does not shrink back and accept it.

In his heart, he is a complete and sound person, just like everyone else. Soundness in personality is the real soundness.

In the revised script, the sentence that moved Chen Li'an the most was, I don't need sympathy. Sympathy is a strange kind of discrimination. I just hope you can treat me equally.

This sentence is very good. Most people will sympathize with disabled people when they see them, but most people's sympathy means pity, which psychologically puts disabled people in a weak position.

Treating each other as equals from the bottom of their hearts is what they really want.

After reading the script, Chen Li'an raised his head and looked at Huo Jianqi and said, "Director, I've finished reading. This change is great and worth it."

Worth it? Huo Jianqi was stunned for a moment. After thinking about it for a long time, he glanced at Chen Li'an and said, "That's good. Now that the script has been decided, let's discuss it together and try to start filming as soon as possible."

Director Huo spoke, and naturally the other people would not object. Not everyone is Chen Li'an and would boldly give advice to the director. The only person in the entire crew who is famous and capable of challenging the director is Ning Jing.

But Ning Jing doesn't know how to do this kind of thing. The revised script is indeed excellent. Although her role is reduced a lot, it is also much more exciting. At least the character is more likable.

Seeing that everyone had no objections, Huo Jianqi picked up the script and said, "Let's go through the script together. If we find any problems, we can correct them in time."

"No problem, let's go through it again." Chen Li'an opened the script and responded.

Everyone else obediently opened the script and began to read around.

During the reading, Chen Li'an also pointed out a few unreasonable parts of the lines. In fact, the problems with the lines were not big and had no impact on the plot, but Chen Li'an still pointed them out. In the eyes of everyone, it was like nitpicking. , just like deliberately causing trouble for the director.

Everyone watching was filled with envy. The artist really had a bad mind! I don’t know if it’s because I have confidence, or if I just don’t understand the ways of the world.

Ning Jing also looked sideways at Chen Li'an who was exchanging words with Huo Jianqi, and her impression of him was much better. People who are more sincere are better than people who are timid and dare not say anything.

"Director, if you change this sentence, I'll have no problem." Chen Li'an looked at Huo Jianqi, his eyes flashed slightly, and finally he closed the script and stopped talking.

Although what Huo Jianqi did was not very polite, it was just a small embarrassment. Everyone knew that they understood each other and could not go too far.

Chen Li'an was unhappy that Huo Jianqi let him take the blame, so he deliberately picked on him to show his attitude. If you do it too much, it will really look bad on everyone’s faces.

Director Huo is really interesting. He obviously wanted to change the script, but he also deliberately revealed the news because of Chen Li'an. If he hadn't seen that the script had been changed well, he would have been embarrassed! Let him know that Teacher Chen is not that easy to bully.

After the reading, Chen Li'an declined Huo Jianqi's invitation to have dinner together, saying that he had just gotten off the plane today and wanted to go back and rest early.

Huo Jianqi just thought that Chen Li'an was still angry, and after a few words of advice, he said nothing more.

Chen Li'an lit a cigarette at the entrance of Beijing Film Studio. He was a little worried about whether he could get a taxi home so late. If he couldn't get a taxi within five minutes, he would call Mr. Zhou and ask her to pick him up.

In a car not far away, Jiang Wen glanced at Chen Li'an who was smoking at the door, turned around and asked: "Is this guy the leading actor in your movie? Did you ask Lao Huo to change the script?"

Ning Jing hummed, raised her eyebrows and asked, "What? Are you going to stand up for your friend?"

"I have nothing to do. I read the script and found that there is nothing wrong with it." Jiang Wen started the car and said to Ning Jing: "But I really want to get to know him. It's really unusual for an artist to come to act."

Jiang Wen's car quickly stopped in front of Chen Li'an, rolled down the window and shouted to him: "Where are you going? Take my car and give you a ride."

Chen Li'an turned his head and looked at the arrogant Jiang Wen and Ning Jing sitting in the passenger seat. He felt a little puzzled, but he still said with a smile: "Thanks then."

After saying that, Chen Li'an opened the back seat door and got into the car. It was better not to take the bastard in the car than to let Mr. Zhou make another trip.

(The normal update time will resume today, and there are still 9,000 words left in the evening.)

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