Fringe artists in the entertainment industry

Chapter 344 343 A world in which only one person is injured is achieved

Chapter 344 343. A world in which only one person is injured is achieved

In the cold detention room, Chen Li'an was holding dry bread to replenish his strength. He had been locked up for more than ten hours and finally had a bite to eat.

Although it's just hard bread, it's not bad. At least there's no JC coming to torture or extort confessions.

At this time, the outside world was already noisy. In the morning, there were hundreds of graffiti all over London. You can see graffiti on every street. It seemed that London turned into a city of graffiti overnight.

The extra graffiti at night is nothing. Nowadays, many young people are imitating it. They graffiti on the street in broad daylight, run away when JC sees him, and come out to continue graffiti after JC leaves.

"Anonymous" seems to have become a kind of spiritual leader overnight. He is mysterious and powerful and dares to challenge the powerful. A combination of various factors has captured many young people.

London has always been a city of contradictions. The aristocratic men are gentle and polite, and the people who grew up on the streets are rebellious and rock 'n' roll. The favorite thing of young people is to rebel and pursue freedom, and want to break all powerful classes.

Why country Y's rock music has always led the world? It has the most nutritious land that can nourish the growth of those rebellious spirits.

This incident seems to be a rebellious carnival for young people, just like those male characters in comics.

Following the crowd and feeling independent are the biggest characteristics of young people.

There has never been a year when the people of country Y hated Wang Shi so much. The death of Princess Diana N this year took away the last goodwill of the people towards Wang Shi.

What is the Big Y Museum? It is not just a museum. It is also the last face of Wang Shi and a witness to the bloody history left by history. However, many people regard this place as a proof of nostalgia for the glory of the past.

In such a country that flaunts the freedom of the people, there are still existences like Wang Shi and the Big Y Museum. It is really the biggest mockery of the freedom of the people.

This year is the beginning of Wang Shi's complete fall from the altar. In the days to come, whether Wang Shi or Big Y will make the world lose patience and stop listening to their voices.

The young man's anger and rebellion against Wang Shi seemed to be awakened at this time, and he had to do something to vent his inner anger.

However, the older people of Country Y still hope that Wang Shi can continue to exist. This is a symbol of the glory of the empire on which the sun never sets. It is a pity that they will eventually be eliminated by the times.

What started as a small thing and developed to this point seems to be full of coincidences. Even the sunset ceremony of Xiangjiang's return and the left-wing worker becoming the official of the Big Y have invisibly affected the changes in the situation.

If it were another time, this matter would never develop like it is now. What is happening now is too wonderful and fast.

Chen Li'an in the detention room didn't know what was happening outside. He couldn't use the phone or read the news. Even the JC didn't come to interrogate him, as if he had forgotten.

Chen Li'an looked at the desk outside the detention room, with a newspaper placed on it. After groping in his pocket for a while, he took out more than four hundred pounds and said to JC who was looking at them: "Can you give me that newspaper?"


The JC turned to look at Chen Li'an and wanted to say a few more words to him, but he saw the color of banknotes in Chen Li'an's hand holding the iron fence, and Chen Li'an stretched out four fingers, and he suddenly understood.

JC coughed and picked up the newspaper, walked up to Chen Li'an naturally and blocked Chen Li'an's hand with the newspaper. After feeling him stuff the banknotes into his hand, he pretended to turn around and leave, but the newspaper in his hand fell on the ground. on the ground.

As soon as Chen Li'an knelt down to pick up the newspaper and opened it, people in the same detention room gathered around him. They were also worried about whether they could get out.

The latest news in newspapers can help them understand what is going on outside.

Chen Li'an ignored the people behind him and couldn't help laughing when he looked at the news headlines in the newspaper.

The title of "violence" in London is scary, but in fact it is definitely not that serious.

Chen Li'an did not immediately read the details of the report. He turned to the next page and saw that the following report stated that the "Anonymous" organization had once again taken action to paint London with a color of freedom.

The title is quite exaggerated, but the content of the report is very objective and does not contain any political views. None of the major mainstream newspapers in country Y has an obvious political leaning.

Well. Except for The Times after Murdoch took over.

Although it looked very objective, Chen Li'an could still tell that some of the words used in the newspaper were biased. For example, the word "illegal" appeared six times in the first report, and the word "sabotage" was used four times in the second report. ".

At first glance, it seems objective, but in fact it can still unconsciously affect the reader's judgment.

Chen Li'an didn't have any surprises. As for his local newspaper, it was already fine if he didn't directly spray the news.

It's just that Chen Li'an is now a little worried about when these students will be able to go out. It's not a problem if they are locked up for too long.

Not only Chen Li'an is worried, there are also many people outside who are worried. The only ones who are not worried may be those forces who want to take the opportunity to negotiate terms with YF.

They are really not in a hurry, even if the people being imprisoned are G citizens of their own country.

The longer the situation remains closed, the greater the public opinion will be. The international community is now turning its attention here, and foreign correspondents from many countries are conducting non-stop interviews and reports.

Ji Fa was still discussing with the lawyer what to do next, and Bai Qing also went to the Big S after taking a nap tiredly.

It's only 24 hours away, and there has to be an explanation.

Liu Tao, who had figured out the general situation, was calling back to China to report the situation here. Although he was scolded by Li Dabai and Gong Li, Liu Tao could only listen. She also knew that she The assistant is really unqualified.

To be precise, as an assistant, she is too inactive. She will not take the initiative unless Chen Li'an arranges tasks. Maybe it is because she is too young.

But after this time, the assistant was done. After Liu Tao made a phone call for more than half an hour, he sat in the corner of the sofa and thought about what he should do in the future.

As for Chen Li'an's safety, that was not her concern.

There are more and more graffiti on the streets of London, and more and more people are participating in demonstrations and protests. Workers D seems to turn a blind eye to this, and seems to want to tear off the last dignity of the nobility.

They have been advocating the abolition of the royal style, and always want to take action against the nobles in the House of Lords.

The current situation may not be guided by them, but who knows.

The situation is getting more and more complicated, and Chen Li'an and the others will not be released so soon.

However, Chen Li'an could feel that nothing would happen to his people, otherwise there would be no one to interrogate them.

Chen Li'an handed the newspapers to the students and sat in the corner thinking about life. At this time, he was very calm and calmly thinking about various possibilities in his heart.

Maybe this time we can really force the Big Y Museum to return some cultural relics. When everyone is attacking it, this sunset empire will have to bow its head, not to mention that there are enemies within.

Near noon, Ji Fa came again with his lawyer. This time Ji Fa also met Chen Li'an, chatted with him quietly for more than half an hour, and then left.

In the evening, the news about Chen Li'an in Bureau J appeared in newspapers and the media. Although it did not occupy much space, it was also a means of releasing security information to the outside world.

Everyone wants to release such news, otherwise the outside world will not know how to guess.

It's just that the information will be released but the people will not be released. There won't be a conclusion until forty-eight hours.

The big shots are busy negotiating, who cares about these people locked up in Bureau J.

At this time, the country also received news that Chen Li'an was safe in Bureau J, and many people breathed a sigh of relief.

Gong Li and Chen Meiren were originally planning to go to Country Y, but Ji Fa personally called them to tell them not to come and join in the fun, so they had no choice but to hold back.

But at this time, a handsome but extremely haggard man stepped off a plane from Shanghai in London.

Zhang Guorong looked at the hazy air in London and took a breath, scolding Chen Li'an countless times.

How silly and bold! Why are you involved in this kind of thing?

Can't you just be your artist?

Isn't it good to pick up beautiful girls and then be a scumbag?

If you have to be a hero, you are an artist and an actor. You really think of yourself as a super hero!

Soon Zhang Guorong contacted Ji Fa and went directly to the hotel. After arriving at the hotel, he wanted Ji Fa to take him to the J Bureau to see Chen Li'an.

But today's visit is over, and Zhang Guorong can only wait until tomorrow.

Zhang Guorong stood in front of the floor-to-ceiling window of the hotel, looking at the scene outside. For a moment, he doubted whether he had arrived in London, why was everything in such a mess.

On the way from the airport, he saw many young people painting graffiti on the streets with red triangles on their faces, looking like "terrorists".

Bai Qing came back from the Big S Hall at this time, and the sky was completely dark. After she talked to Ji Fa about the communication situation in the Big S Hall, she came behind Zhang Guorong.

"Mr. Zhang, long time no see. Thank you for coming to support Li'an."

Leslie Cheung turned to look at Bo Qing and said: "We are friends. He can go from Hong Kong to Argentina for me, and I can also come to London."

Bo Qing smiled and said: "Li'an will be very happy to have a friend like you, but you don't have to worry, he will be out tomorrow."

Zhang Guorong immediately asked seriously: "Are you sure?"

"I'm sure. It's just that the things here are too complicated. I'm not very clear about it. I just know that there are too many things involved. Li'an is the eye of the storm, but he will be fine."

After Bai Qing finished explaining, he looked at Zhang Guorong's haggard face and said, "Get a good rest tonight, otherwise he will scold you again when he comes out and sees you like this."

Zhang Guorong: "." Is this a friend or a father?

In the early morning in China, a group of people from the Film Association were wondering what to do with this year's Golden J Awards.

"Now it is certain that Chen Li'an will not come back. What should I do with the Best Actor? Should I replace him?"

"Let's change it. If it were the day after leaving LF, Peggy Liu would have done a good job."

"I don't agree with the substitution. He is bleeding abroad, so we are taking away the honor that should belong to him?"

"What about awarding awards? How can we award awards if no one comes!"

"Anyway, I don't agree!"

The conference room immediately started a heated discussion, but no one cared about this kind of thing now, not even the director Huo Jianqi.

Singer has been released, and the box office performance is not bad and will reach the 10 million threshold. It is not considered a success, but it has passed the test.

However, Huo Jianqi is not happy at all. He and Chen Li'an are very good friends. Chen Li'an helped him in both of his movies. Although Chen Li'an was a little picky about the script and had too many demands, he was indeed a loyal person. My friends never hesitate when spending money.

Now that something happened to Chen Li'an, he no longer cares about whether the movie can win awards.

I don't know how many people couldn't sleep because of this in the past two days, all because of Chen Li'an.

Soon London time came from late at night to eight o'clock in the morning the next day. Chen Li'an was still sleeping when he was called out alone.

The person who came was a man in a suit and leather shoes, with the calmness and ruthlessness of a politician. He looked at Chen Li'an and handed over several blurry photos and said, "Mr. Chen, is that you in the photos?"

Chen Li'an took a look and found that it was a surveillance photo of himself graffitiing at the entrance of the Big Y Museum. However, his face was not visible in the photo and it was very blurry. He shrugged and said, "So you are planning to frame me?"

The man opposite smiled and took back the photo and said, "I hope you will keep this statement in the future. You will release it today, but you must follow this speech and the reporter's explanation."

The man handed over another envelope. Chen Li'an opened it and looked at it. He couldn't help but raise his eyebrows. There was a pain in the injured eyebrow bone. However, this also made his thinking clearer. He looked at the contents on the paper and thought for a while. Will say: "No problem, but I would like to ask if the Big Y Museum will really return the cultural relics?"

"This is not what you need to know. You just need to follow my plan and face the reporters." After the man finished speaking, he stood up and said, "You still have half an hour. I hope you can remember everything."

After saying that, the man left. Chen Li'an couldn't help but curl his lips, "You think you are James Bond, pretending to be cool!"

However, Chen Li'an now understands what they mean. If he doesn't tell the reporter according to the content of the manuscript, the "anonymous person" will be directly blamed on him regardless of whether there is evidence or not.

Chen Li'an couldn't help but sigh. He looked at the contents of the manuscript and found nothing against it. It was almost what he wanted to say, but he didn't expect that these people would let him criticize Big Y Museum and Wang Shi.

Perhaps he wants to use himself to attract public opinion, and then put pressure on the nobles in exchange for benefits. Who makes him the eye of the storm now? "Anonymous" will not appear in the whole matter, and it has a certain topic and attention. I am the only insider who seems to be an outsider.

Thinking about it, it's really God's way of reincarnation. At first, Chen Li'an used others, but now he is being used by others.

After more than ten minutes, Chen Li'an wrote down the general content, thought for a moment, tore up the paper with a smile and threw it on the ground.

Chen Lian reached out and touched his brow bone. It was still hurting slightly, but the blood on his face had long since dried up. Chen Lian raised his hand and touched his brow bone.

Blood oozed from the originally scabbed wound. Chen Li'an wiped it randomly and sat there waiting for JC to take him out.

Not long after, the door was opened again, and the man just walked in, looked at Chen Li'an and asked, "Are you ready?"

"Okay." Chen Li'an said with a smile.

The man in a suit looked at the blood on Chen Li'an's brow, and his expression changed slightly, but he couldn't help but twitch the corner of his mouth when his eyes fell on the shredded paper on the floor.

He wanted to take the piece of paper away or burn it, but he didn't expect it to be torn into pieces by Chen Li'an.

Chen Li'an smiled and said: "I can wait until you finish cleaning up, Mr. James Bond."

The man was silent for a moment, then bent down to pick up the scraps of paper and put them into his pockets, then said, "I'm not James Bond. If I were you, I'd be lying down by now."

Chen Li'an spread his hands indifferently, "Who cares who you are, the outcome of the matter has been decided, how can you do anything to me!"

After a while, Chen Li'an was led out of J Bureau by JC. The outside was surrounded by reporters and protestors. When they saw Chen Li'an coming out, they all paused and then surrounded him.

Chen Li'an squinted at the ray of sunshine in the sky and couldn't help but laugh. After so long, it was finally over.

Chen Li'an lowered his head and looked at the large and small camera lenses and cameras. Immediately, reporters anxiously asked him whether he was acquitted now, whether he had been treated unfairly in the J Bureau, how he viewed this incident, etc.

Chen Li'an raised his hand and wiped his forehead and said: "The reason why such a thing happened is because this country with free sovereignty is still immersed in the democratic system of country Y.

This is backward and barbaric, and the Big Y Museum is the greatest embodiment of this bloody barbarism! The existence of those cultural relics reminds the world all the time what a brutal and bloody place this is!

The whole world is reminded all the time that the Big Y Museum has never been a symbol of civilization, but a shameless show off of robbers!

The existence of the King's style is the greatest irony of free masters, and the existence of the House of Lords is a symbol of powerful monopoly!

What the world needs is a free and equal Country Y, not a Country Y ruled by the old aristocrats hiding in the shadows. I am disappointed and saddened by all this.

I decided that until the light of freedom in the future breaks through the haze shrouding Country Y, I will never set foot on this land again! "

At this time, the reporters in the audience were stunned. They did not expect Chen Li'an to say such a thing, but the protesting crowd became excited and shouted loudly like free masters, like fanatical believers.

Chen Li'an's words were also broadcast live. Many people remembered this Easterner named Chen Li'an on this day, and for the first time they clearly felt the ridicule of the East for their empire on which the sun never sets.

Just like Big Y's ship D was driven away and the sunset ceremony in Xiangjiang a few months ago, Big Y's past glory was once again torn away.

At this time, Chen Li'an had already passed through the crowd and got on the bus under the protection of JC, leaving only the figures of these people leaving.

Half an hour after Chen Li'an left Bureau J, the Big Y Museum publicly stated that it would negotiate with various countries in the near future on the issue of the retention of lost cultural relics.

At this time, the government also came forward to appeal to the people not to continue to participate in the parade, but Wang Shi has not spoken out in this matter, and the rights of the House of Lords have been unknowingly taken away.

There was also constant laughter in several big S halls at this time.

Only Chen Li'an is being scolded so bloody, as if he is the only one injured in the world.

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