From Arms Dealer To King of War

Chapter 1058: entertainment campaign

  Chapter 1058 Entertainment campaign

  Hamandan didn't need to go into too much detail. With Boss Joe's political sensitivity, he instinctively realized something was wrong as soon as this guy said his crazy words.

  Arab royals reflect on women's empowerment and corruption, and it sounds okay.

   But speaking from the mouth of a prince, it is as ridiculous as capitalists and workers talking about 996 violating labor laws!

  Any Arab royal family talking about this topic is trying to win the support of the international community.

   But what circumstances would prompt these rich guys to do such a thing?

  Dubai is a very small emirate. They must have felt the pressure from the outside world for their sudden appearance, and it must have something to do with the royal family.

  Abu Dhabi's Tahnoni is at the resort, and he didn't show any abnormalities, which means that there is no big problem in the UAE itself.

  Hamandan mentioned Princess Emina and was interested in making a documentary film about her…

  Thinking about Princess Emina's ex-husband, Choja can guess something!

  There will be turmoil in the royal family of the Shah. Choja doesn’t know exactly what it is, but the turmoil in the royal family will have a chain reaction.

  After the internal regime changes, the new person in power will definitely adopt an attitude of embracing the world, and try not to give opportunities for outside powers to intervene.

  Looking at it this way, the key reason why the Shah spent a lot of money to hire P·B to go to Yemen has been found!

   They have no time to be distracted in Yemen at this stage!

  The little Salman, who was personally supported by the old king Salman to the throne of the crown prince, has always been a controversial figure. He has intervened strongly in the war in Yemen and has always stated that he will not give up evacuating from Yemen.

  It's a pity that the Shah's army is too weak, or the Shah's interior is not monolithic, and some people have been deliberately dragging its feet, which has caused the war to fail to progress.

   This situation is not surprising to Choja at all, because many members of the Shah’s royal family have a deep relationship with the American military-industrial complex, and some people in the Shah’s relationship with al-Qaeda are not even secrets.

   Make a dozen, procrastinate, and then buy, buy, buy.

   The result is that the military-industrial complex earns a lot of money, and the outside support that the princes seek, the al-Qaeda organization, which originated from the XN extremists, cannot be defeated no matter how they fight.

   Now it seems that the old king will do it within this year in order to completely clear the obstacles for the little Salman before his death.

  No matter what Choja thinks of himself, when he pulls up an alliance and prepares to enter Yemen, it will indirectly affect the Shah's situation.

  Because he takes over some of the pressure for Shah, the big fight will also divert everyone's attention.

   At this time, as long as the old king acts fast enough and ruthlessly enough, most of the problems can be solved at once.

  Hamandan did not come to P·B to discuss business, but to see the direction of the wind.

  Prince Dewali is probably from the camp of Salman Jr. It is not convenient for the Dubai royal family to express their position publicly, so they simply sent Crown Prince Hamandan.

  Tahnoni from Abu Dhabi and Al Thani from Qatar have not left, and they have always insisted on mixing with Dewali. This is probably the reason.

   This is a statement made by the GCC through an unobtrusive channel, even Qatar, which has a bad relationship with the Shah.

   This means that the GCC has long been dissatisfied with the problems within the Shah royal family.

  Choja has never had the time to pay attention to the movements of the Shah’s royal family. If they want to move, it is a secret operation, and only if they succeed will the outside world know.

  But he understands the core logic of the changes in the Shah’s royal family!

  A group of members of the royal family relying on the American government and the military-industrial complex has become a huge existence.

  When the old American energy group made it clear that they wanted to promote shale oil and natural gas exploration in the country, increase employment, and compete with the local tyrants in the international market at the same time, the foundation of everyone's cooperation was shaken.

  The Shah certainly dare not touch the US dollar payment system, but they can move their own people.

  Killing a prince is worth hundreds of millions of dollars, and it can also gather power. It can be done no matter how you look at it.

  First integrate its own strength to sort out domestic factions, then pull allies to take the lead in OPEC+, and then wrestle with the old US on energy projects.

   With unique geographical and energy price advantages, through political mediation, the Middle East region's international status is guaranteed.

  The new force represented by Salman Jr. has a very clear idea. They took advantage of Eric’s trip to the Middle East to stabilize the United States with a $100 billion pie.

   Then start tentatively throwing out reform proposals about women's empowerment and corruption...

  These are the prerequisite skills before the big cleanup!

  The purpose of untying women is to show their open image and at the same time gain some support from the international community.

  As long as the banner of anti-corruption is raised, it becomes reasonable for the knife to fall on any prince.

   This is the most typical political combo. People with dirty buttocks deserve it for their bad luck!

   But judging by Harmandan's posture, the Shah's royal turmoil this time will be very bloody.

   Once the internal confrontation of the Shah royal family begins, the situation in Yemen will change, and the pressure on P·B will increase.

   Qiaojia’s heart changes rapidly, and he can think clearly about things within a few minutes...

He didn't know the specific details, and he wasn't interested in knowing, but after the core logic was smoothed out, he let out a sigh of relief, and muttered to himself: "8 billion is a bit small, 18 billion dollars is a reasonable number. ..."

Speaking of which, Qiaojia came back to his senses, looked at Harmandan who had a ghostly expression on his face, he laughed and hugged the political rookie, and said with a smile: "Dude, thank you for bringing me a good job. information."

   As he said that, Choga glanced at the bewildered Said with contempt, and said, "Don't play with Tahnoni and the others in the future, those guys don't treat you as a brother..."

Said finally realized something at this time. He glanced at the embarrassed Harmandan with a wry smile, and then said to Qiaojia: "As a prince who does not get involved in politics, I have gained benefits, so I have to accept it." harm.

  I think the current situation is good. Looking at Harmandan, it is really not a good job to engage in politics. "

   Qiaojia likes Said's state very much. Originally, when the money is endless, it is really cool to be a prince with business ideals!

   Stretched out his fist and touched Said, Choja suddenly looked at Harmandan with a wicked smile, and said: "I heard that Salman is an openist, and he runs all the cinemas in Shah's country.

   Are you interested in directly investing in a movie, the most authentic scenes, the biggest actors, let's make a "Save the Princess Emina".

   Aren’t you going to focus on women’s empowerment, this is a great opportunity…”

   As he spoke, Qiaojia rubbed his chin excitedly, and said: "You **** want to use the topic to engage in political manipulation...

   No problem, this is a good thing!

  Anyway, it was a group of princes who died, and it would be a good thing if the situation of the girls could change even the slightest.

  I will start the project, and you guys are responsible for the investment. Heh, the amount of investment represents your determination to change.

  When the movie is released, you will be responsible for large-scale publicity and distribution. As long as the box office in the Middle East reaches 2 billion US dollars, you will be able to stand up and follow public opinion to loosen women.

   At that time, conservatives will definitely jump out. At that time, when the general trend is in hand, you can take advantage of the trend to announce the fight against corruption.

  FUCK, I'm really a genius!

  It’s May now, and with all the professionals, it’s enough to shoot a shootout film for three months.

  The hype started in June, it was released in September, it exploded in October, and little Salman will be able to do it in November.

   Harmandan, now it's your idea!

   Hurry up to negotiate with De Valli and the others. If the investment is less than 500 million US dollars, I will never make this movie! "

  Hamandan heard this, blinked his eyes and digested it, stood up excitedly and said: "Let me replace Said's role, and it would be best if Princess Emina landed in Central Africa in my private plane..."

   While talking, Harmandan spread his hands to the helpless Said, then looked at Qiaojia and said excitedly: "Jackal, this is a genius idea, you must count me in, I will be the producer!

   No no no, you are the producer, I will be the co-producer!

  We invited the most popular stars, the most professional team, and the biggest scene, and the shooting location was in Dubai.

   Let's make a film together that will remain in the history of the Middle East! "

Speaking of Harmandan slapping his forehead vigorously, he said to Qiaojia: "Jackal, my father originally wanted to cooperate with you to go to Myanmar to rescue a group of Rohingya refugees, and what is happening there now Humanitarian catastrophe.

   But it doesn’t seem necessary now, I will arrange for people to send some supplies to the refugee camps in Bangladesh, and we will concentrate on making movies..."

   Qiaojia was taken aback for a moment, then waved his hand and said: "You pay the money, and I will find someone to arrange the supplies.

   At that time, just send a representative from Dubai, and I guarantee that your exposure will be sufficient. "

   As he spoke, Choja shook his head and laughed a bit, looked at Harmandan and said: "The Rohingya have a bad reputation, and their separatist forces have caused the Burmese government a headache.

  Miss Aung San Suu Kyi is called Southeast Asia Mandela by some European and American media. She can't appease the Rohingya people. If you intervene, you may not necessarily gain benefits. "

  Hamandan said helplessly: "No way, there is no place in the world where we can intervene smoothly. The Rohingya are also MSL..."

  Chogga sneered and shook his head and said, "The Rohingya problem is a sin made by England. You dare not blame England. What's the point of making such a trivial matter?"

   As he spoke, Qiaojia was stunned for a moment, then looked at Harmandan and said, "FUCK, I heard that you came from England...

   Do you know an old man named Cleverly? "

  This time it was Harmandan's turn to be stunned. He subconsciously said: "Mr. Cleverly is the Queen's political advisor..."

   Talking about it, Harmandan looked at Qiaojia’s original expression, and he lamented, “Jackal, don’t tell me, we are still good friends!”

  (end of this chapter)

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