From Arms Dealer To King of War

Chapter 1078: Opportunity awaits those who are prepared

  Chapter 1078 Opportunities are always reserved for those who are prepared

  Bayer cast a glance at Kasimov, whose face was flickering, he smiled and spread his hands and said: "Boss, Yemen is very important to Iran...

  It is not surprising that their General Sumani approached Wagner to cooperate and tried to use them to interfere with our contract with the Shah. "

  Choga gave a thumbs up to the clever Baia, then smiled at Kasimov and said, "Sir, I will give you a chance to get to know P·B again.

   Believe it or not, the original intention of P·B to enter Yemen was to help some people, not for geopolitical interests.

  伱 Just know that I got Shah's funding, but why don't you think, if I am willing to fight Houthis, I can get more. "

   As he said that, Qiaojia suddenly realized something, and then shook his head in a funny way...

  Boss Pu of Great Russia is in full swing, but this old man’s attitude towards Iran in the past was based on the relationship between the United States and Iran...

  Many people don’t believe that when the relationship between the United States and Iran is good, the relationship between Russia and Iran is also good. When the relationship between the United States and Iran is bad, Russia will turn around and leave like a scumbag.

  Everyone always thinks that Russia and Iran are allies, because they are enemies of the United States...

   But once upon a time, the United States, Iran, and Israel were too good to wear a pair of pants...

   During the Pahlavi period in Iran, the United States could say that it gave Iran what it wanted. I would sell F-14 and F-16 if you wanted them, and I would give you whatever I equipped.

   At that time, the relationship between Great Russia and Iran was also good, but after the fall of the Pahlavi regime, Great Russia gave full play to its dog-licking style and turned to Iran with a cold face.

  Iran has repeatedly asked to buy anti-aircraft weapons, but when they were in the most difficult time, Great Russia never ignored them, and there was a record of reneging on debts.

  But whenever the relationship between the United States and Iran eases, Russia will lightly say that the S-300 or S-400 can be sold.

  A few years ago, when the relationship between Iran and the United States was the most tense due to the Iranian nuclear issue, the whole world thought that Boss Pu would treat him like an ally.

   As a result, when Boss Pu was facing the media, he said lightly, "Da Russia is not a firefighter", which completely cut off Iran's thoughts.

  Russia and Iran only have common interest demands on the Syrian issue, but when Israel bombs the Iranian military base in Syria, the Russian air defense missiles will always shut down in due course.

   To put it bluntly, Boss Pu has fully interpreted the saying 'Licking a dog will kill you'.

   He wants Iran to contain the United States, but also closely follows the political correctness of Europe and the United States. The complicated contradictions in it fully reflect his inner thoughts...

  I want to join the Western European family, but I am afraid that the big Russia will be wiped out, and I will be as badass as Ye Jiugui.

  Boss Pu also has difficulties, because he is pro-Western in his bones, and he believes in the Western financial and political structure.

  However, in order to integrate power, he hammered those old oligarchs to death, but single-handedly supported a new wave of oligarchs to form the Hiravik Group to manage Great Russia.

  The dragon slayer has become the dragon boss!

   On the one hand, this group of people suppressed the liberals and the Yellow Russian faction, but on the other hand, they took the interests of Great Russia and put them into their pockets like drawing blood.

  The mountain-top phenomenon brought about by oligarchy is simply unavoidable!

  That is to say, Boss Pu has enough prestige and can suppress those oligarchs, so there is no chaos in Great Russia.

   Now that Wagner suddenly cooperates with Sumani, Boss Joe realizes that Boss Pu must have suffered a lot in Europe and the United States.

   Dazui Tang has been in office for a while, his tax cut plan has been passed, and now is the time to be in full swing.

   In order to revive the American industry, this guy is biting around like a mad dog...

  The second pipeline that Germany received from Great Russia has not been ventilated yet, and Dazui Tang issued a threat of sanctions!

  The energy groups in the United States are making efforts, the Shah can feel it, and Russia must also feel it.

  Energy pipelines are the core key to linking Great Russia to export influence in Western Europe, they can't afford to lose!

  The history of the past ten years can explain many things...

   Whenever Lao Mei wants to protect her own interests, they can do anything.

  When the European Union was established, the euro rose and tried to challenge the status of the US dollar, a war broke out in the Yugoslavia, the core area of ​​east and west in Europe.

  The Yugoslav Federation was hammered and fell apart, and the European Union was also dragged to death by the war. The funds that fled to the United States in order to avoid danger caused the EU to suffer extremely heavy losses, and it has not recovered for a long time.

  Saddam just jumped back and forth between the dollar and the euro, and was finally hanged.

   Found no, apart from the dead, the biggest economic victim is actually the European Union.

  For many European countries, NATO's greatest significance is actually the U.S. nuclear umbrella in the face of the powerful Soviet Union.

Later, Great Russia replaced the Soviet Union as the villain. Those European countries compared the United States and Great Russia. The system and reputation of Great Russia were obviously worse, so in the end they had to choose the lesser of two evils, and were **** by the old United States. Chariot...

   Yugoslavia, Iraq, Afghan Khan, NATO members shed blood and sweat for America!

  The current situation is that Boss Pu’s many years of keeping a low profile has allowed him to finally use energy output to stabilize the surrounding situation, and even the relationship with Germany has reached a new historical high.

  For this reason, he even held back the harm caused by the Ukrainian KL color revolution, but let Wagner support the pro-Russian militia in East W to deal with the Ukrainian KL authorities.

  He has done so much to delay the time, so that Western Europe cannot get rid of its dependence on the energy of Great Russia, so as to completely stabilize the situation in Europe.

  It is impossible for the United States to just sit back and watch this situation develop. In addition, Dazui Tang took aim at Germany, and the energy group represented by Steven began to make efforts in shale oil and natural gas again. The situation faced by Boss Pu took a turn for the worse...

   Only then did Great Russia realize that he needed allies!

   Dazui Tang’s dislike of Iran is well known, and he is planning to tear up the Iran nuclear agreement and launch sanctions on Iran.

  In this case, Iran is the best ally!

  Yemen’s interests are actually not that great for Great Russia, and Wagner’s intervention will allow the income that should have belonged to the Great Russian government to flow into Wagner’s account.

  In the end, even if Wagner made some mistakes, the Russian government can clean it up.

  Under this background, this situation is too much fun for Boss Joe...

  Choga will definitely not really kick Da Ru away, because it does not conform to his identity and position.

  But he can keep Wagner out, and at the same time use this excuse to punish Iran, and then use his actions to force the General Sumani to take the initiative to negotiate with himself.

   This Kasimov jumped out so abruptly that Boss Joe even thought that this guy and Wagner were the chips that General Sumani used to put pressure on P·B.

  He wants to take the initiative, but Boss Joe will definitely not do what he wants.

  Boss Joe must tell that Sumani that it’s not okay to play dirty tricks on the Yemen issue, and come to me and talk to me openly if you want anything.

  The Shah gave 20 billion yuan to maintain peace in Yemen. If Iran wants to intervene, it is always right to pay some money.

  Boss Joe quickly figured out the situation, and now he sees Kasimov a bit pleasing to the eye...

   This guy jumped out and exposed a lot of things, but Sumani is secondary. It is the most important thing for Boss Qiao to grasp the thoughts of Boss Daopu keenly!

  Boss Pu seeks friendship with Iran because he feels pressure.

  But he is also a passive party, unable to respond before the old beauty attacks.

   While holding Iran back, Boss Pu will not stop trying to get closer to Western Europe.

  In this case, the situation is too cruel to the people of East W!

  Boss Joe is not a saint, and it is impossible to fill himself into the bottomless pit of East W, because he cannot solve the core contradiction in the game of great powers.

  But when he sorted out the situation and figured out the core appeal of the boss of Da Opu, he suddenly found that East W had something he wanted and could get.

  Those East W who have survived for many years and were disappointed with Great Russia have a lot of equipment, technology, and talents...

  Ukraine KL's heavy industry is in a mess, and 70% of military and heavy industries are concentrated in the east.

  Krivoy Rog Steel Plant produces rib steel, wire rod, pig iron, rolled products, coke, iron ore, manganese ore.

  Zaporozhye Steel Plant produces tinplate, hot and cold-rolled sheets, pig iron, special steel, alloy steel arc-shaped steel.

  Ilyich Steel Works produces thin coils, hot and cold rolled steel plates, steel billets, tinplate, and seamless steel pipes.

  Dnipropetrovsk Steel Works produces large-diameter steel pipes, sheets, coils, stainless steel, alloy steel, bearing steel, structural steel, special steel.

  Donek Steel Works produces pig iron, profiles, and bearing steel.

  Dnepr Pipe Rolling Plant produces steel rails and pipes.

  The technical equipment and manpower of these factories are almost tailor-made for Sangha Town.

   If these are not enough, there is also a military industry that accounts for 70% of Ukrainian KL...

   It is no exaggeration to say that if Ukrainian KL’s military manufacturing industry can function well, they will definitely rank among the top 5 in the world, because it used to be the military industrial base of the Soviet Union, and it contributed to the Soviet Union enough land combat weapons and large aircraft to cope with the world war.

  Why are the local militia so awesome?

   Under the circumstances that Boss Pu was timid and afraid to give support, they insisted on resisting the Ukrainian KL government army, and even once gained the upper hand.

   It is because they are all experienced, not only can fight, but also know where to get arms.

  In the later period, the East W militia could not stand up. The key reason was that there was no reliable support behind them. Their soldiers were very strong, but their economy and resources were not enough for the Ukrainian KL government army.

   Boss Pu, as long as he can be as tough as he was on the Crimea issue and provide sufficient support, there is no need for Great Russia to send troops. The East W militia may be able to hit Kiev.

   As a result, it dragged on for a few years, and Dong W was seriously injured, and the weak Ukrainian KL army was trained.

  But these have nothing to do with Boss Joe, he just saw the benefits...

  Boss Joe doesn’t think he has the ability to engage in a large-scale military industry, but the technicians in East W are very valuable.

  Boss Joe’s bullet production line bought from Germany and the cannonball production line sponsored by the old mother are already in place, but there are not enough skilled workers, so the progress has been delayed.

  As long as there are people, it is not a problem to make aircraft and tanks, but to make some rifles, mortars, bazookas, bullets, shells and so on.

   If these are not enough, there is also the world's largest fertilizer production base and a large number of chemical enterprises.

  Boss Qiao has the best water filtration equipment in the world, which can effectively prevent pollution, relying on the China-Africa oil and gas fields that have initially completed exploration, a chemical industry chain can be formed.

  Many people don’t know that the most important raw materials for the nitrogen fertilizers that consume the most in the world are natural gas and oil. Now Boss Qiao has both. As long as he finds the right people and equipment, he can produce nitrogen fertilizer that will never worry about selling.

  With a complete chemical system, all the remaining value of oil can be squeezed out!

   It can be said bluntly that apart from light industry, Ukrainian KL is at a relatively leading level in a series of industries such as metallurgy, mechanical design and processing, chemical industry, machine tools, energy, and military industry.

  They played a good hand to pieces, and the reason is no need to mention it again.

  But now Boss Joe sees an opportunity to become a fat man in one breath!

  Everything is cheap in war-torn areas, and people in war-torn areas yearn for stability. As long as Boss Joe is willing to pay a suitable salary, he can attract enough talents.

  Let Sangha Town develop by itself and upgrade the steel industry chain. I don’t know that it will be the Year of the Monkey, but if you go to East W to have a bite, Sangha Town will have sufficient technical reserves and technical talents in an instant.

  The reserves of oil and gas fields in Central Africa are not large, but there are super gas and oil fields that have been discovered in central Congo. As long as Boss Joe needs it, he can...

  The extreme pressure from the United States and the contradictory practices of the boss of the big Russian Pu objectively caused the people in East W to live in dire straits, and also gave Boss Qiao a chance.

  As long as Boss Fan Pu is firmer, Boss Qiao has no chance!

  But now Boss Joe is entirely possible to use Crete, which is about to be developed in Greece, as a springboard to frantically scoop up people, technology, and equipment from East W...

  Thinking of this, Choga tried hard to suppress the urge to call Aaron, he smiled at Kasimov, then looked at the crowd, and said: "I have some bad news, and some good news...

  We need to cooperate seriously and sing a good show to the onlookers all over the world!

  Starting next week, your jobs will be placed on my command ship.

  You can raise your opinions, but I will not listen.

  Whoever messes up my career, I will mess up his life!

   I'm done talking, you can raise your hands and agree! "

  (end of this chapter)

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