From Arms Dealer To King of War

Chapter 1085: Dimensionality reduction strike

  Chapter 1085 Dimensionality Reduction Strike

  Joga saw through the radar that the enemy convoy on the ground stretched for 3 kilometers and was slowly approaching a U-shaped curve on the road...

  Following the order of the headquarters, the four heavy Griffin loitering bombs on the wings of the two Su-27s flew out...

The 4-meter-long Griffin loitering missile spread its wings in the air, and after sliding for a certain distance, the rocket launcher at the tail was activated. The orange flame pushed the missile into a supersonic state quickly, and landed on the ground with an ear-piercing roar. The front, middle and rear positions of the enemy convoy were captured.

   "Boom, boom, boom..."

  The effect of the blockbuster bomb is not too noticeable for hitting road targets...

  After the violent explosion, all the armored vehicles and tanks within a radius of 100 meters stopped.

The moment the 4 cruise missiles hit, the convoy was paralyzed in place. The large pothole on the road made the reloading convoy disjointed. Some Humvees began to scurry around like headless chickens, trying to escape from the road to get rid of the danger that could happen at any time. The incoming bomb...

   "The 'Flying Sword' missile was launched, and the headquarters paid attention to the relay guidance..."

  As soon as Qiaojia finished speaking, all the 200kg Feijian missiles attached to the central pylon of the F-14’s belly were detached…

  The principle of them is similar to that of the Griffon missiles. They all spread their wings in the air to adjust their posture, and then they pounce on the enemy tanks under the guidance of the engine and the rear personnel...

   "Boom boom boom..."

  A series of orange explosion points spread out on the ground, and those Abrams tanks hadn't adjusted from the sudden attack, and they became targets themselves.

  Facing the attack of guided missiles, 14 tanks were blown to pieces without any suspense.

  16 missiles created a series of explosions in the panicked enemy group, completely paralyzing the convoy...

   "Boss, follow me and keep flying, let's have some excitement..."

   Just when Choga followed the Cobra and began to climb again at a high elevation angle, and made another circle to reach the front of the convoy, the two armored companies that had been waiting for a long time began to use mortars to bombard the enemy across the sand dunes.

   Then, under the **** of the armored vehicle, the 4 vehicle-mounted rocket launchers began to look forward to find a suitable strike angle.

  'Cobra' didn't mean to communicate with the ground troops at all. When he reached an altitude of 9,000 meters and turned his nose towards the direction of the convoy...

   "Looking good..."

  A company commander of the Northern Battalion kept urging the teammates in front to **** the rockets into the battle position. They needed to use the cover of the rockets to rush through a relatively narrow corner, and then launched an attack on the enemy...

   But after the initial confusion, the enemy will not do anything else, but shoot in the direction the enemy may be.

  With a distance of about 900 meters between the two sides, a series of large-caliber cannons kicked up the engine of a leading command vehicle.

   Just when the company commander wanted to call for air support again, a huge roar suddenly appeared in the sky.

  A gray-painted Su-27 swooped down like a preying goshawk, a huge sonic boom resounded through the surrounding airspace, and huge shocks spread outward around the machine.

   "What are they going to do?"

   When the ground synthesis battalion arrived in doubt, the cannon carried by the Su-27 opened fire.

  The light Su-27 still didn't end its dive when it was 1.5 kilometers above the ground, but a series of cannons swept along the convoy stranded on the road.

   Several terrorists who survived the bombing bravely raised their machine guns and pulled the trigger...

  It's a pity that the Su-27, which has already entered the supersonic state, doesn't care about the attacks of some small machine guns at all.

   Cobra suddenly leveled off at a height of 50 meters from the ground...

   "Bang bang bang bang..."

  A series of sonic booms were generated as the Su-27 was boosted. The terrifying sound waves produced by the cone-shaped sonic boom made the terrorists along the way scream and fall to the ground covering their ears...

  Several armored vehicle operators of the Northern Battalion saw the performance of Cobra. One of them stretched out his hand and made a cross on his chest, muttering to himself: "God bless, I am from P·B..."

   Speaking of the commander's yelling from his communicator...

   "Go up, go up, cover the rocket launcher and enter the attack position..."

  The operator of the armored vehicle who woke up from a dream suddenly stepped on the accelerator and rushed to the corner position. The smoothbore gun on the top began to turn the moment the vehicle stopped...

  4 armored vehicles formed a temporary position, covered two rocket vehicles and rushed into the desert near the corner...

   "Attention, the second fighter is starting to dive..."

  The armored vehicle operator, through the thick bulletproof armor, heard the roar from a very far distance behind...

A Su-27 accelerated from a distance by using its height and distance. It fired a series of cannons when it was one kilometer above the ground, and then leveled off at a position 100 meters above the ground. It pulled a sonic boom from the enemy convoy. Skim above.

  Scenes like this are rare in movies, let alone in reality...

   In terms of lethality, it can only be said to be okay, but the blow to the morale of the enemy is destructive.

  As the second Su-27 'passed by' with a sonic boom, the terrorists who were blocked on the highway fled.

  They abandoned the vehicle and opened the door and ran towards the desert and sand dunes on both sides, trying to spread out to avoid being wiped out by the enemy.

   Just when the company commander was about to order the rocket launcher to launch deep into the convoy, there was another sonic boom in the sky behind...

  A series of aerial bombs like steel whips did not hit farts, but the F-14, which cut in at a small angle, completed leveling at a height of 200 meters, and a series of sonic booms shook the passing bazooka a few times...

  Seeing a group of terrorists who fled not far into the desert cover their ears and roll uncomfortably on the ground, the company commander shouted loudly: "The rockets block the junction of the road and the desert...

  The gun carriages go out, the armored vehicles follow up, keep a distance from the enemy, and open fire freely..."

  Joga pulled the control lever vigorously, and the F-14 tilted its nose obediently and pierced into the sky.

  Finally feeling a little bit of excitement, Boss Qiao was thinking about whether to do it again, when an order from the headquarters sounded in the earphones...

   "This is 'Green Mountain', order the Flying Eagle Squad to leave the combat airspace and return. The Eagle Squad will take over your position in a minute and attack the enemy's ground armor..."

  Boss Qiao heard the order, and was full of pride and was held back. He replied "received" and controlled the plane to climb to an altitude of 5,000 meters. Finally, he couldn't hold back and said something...

   "What's the big deal, the bomb is still mine..."

  Boss Joe's complaints were heard by the nearby cobras, and he laughed and said: "Boss, the entire battlefield is yours!

  If you still feel dissatisfied, we can go back and hang up the bomb..."

Qiaojia had already seen four green light spots approaching the road quickly on the side and in front. Knowing that it was an Eagle Squad composed of four F-16s, he deliberately slowed down a little and turned his head to look at ground…

  The moment the Flying Eagle and the Eagle Team passed by, Choga saw six 800-kilogram cluster bombs under the belly of the F-16 being thrown in the direction of the road.

  The super aerial bomb with a guide system adjusted its attitude in the air, and then suddenly disintegrated at a height of 500 meters from the ground...

   24 cluster bombs exploded one after another over the 3 km road, and then a terrible thunderstorm rained on the heads of the heavy armored troops who had been beaten...

   "Bang bang bang bang bang..."

  The dense blasting looks like firecrackers during the Chinese New Year when seen from the sky...

  The heavily armed troops that were supposed to be extremely powerful were no longer visible at this time. The soaring smoke and dust were not too obvious at night, but the visibility in front and behind that section of the road had dropped to the lowest level...

   "The eagle team has completed the launch and will return immediately..."

  Hearing the voice on the radio, Choga suddenly sighed, and said, "Cobra, do you think Saddam Hussein was so desperate back then?"

   After a long silence, Cobra said: "Not only Saddam Hussein, but all countries facing the US attack were equally desperate at the beginning.

  At the beginning, many people thought that Yugoslavia could resist for a while, but it turned out...

   Boss, this is just the easiest part of war, as long as a country with the technical ability can do it.

   But in the future you will face a situation worse than that of Iraq. Fortunately, you are the best person to solve this kind of problem that you have ever seen!

  Boss, if I lose a war, I lose my whole life...

   You must win, keep winning! "

  (end of this chapter)

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