From Arms Dealer To King of War

Chapter 1093: collaboration

  Chapter 1093 Sincere cooperation

  On the desert plain in the north of Mukalla, a radar vehicle with S-300 anti-aircraft missile slowly unfolded.

   After the radar car opened, a few bearded men jumped off the vehicle and loudly directed the truck loaded with missiles to open the tarpaulin on it...

  A white radar soldier picked up the satellite phone and shouted loudly when the radar was powered on and started to rotate: "This is 'Catcher 105', the radar self-test is normal, and we are waiting for the missile vehicle to dock..."

   "Catcher 105, don't worry, turn on the drone in 15 minutes and illuminate the unmanned airship in the sky. If you have a chance, shoot it down..."

  The white radar soldier listened and shouted loudly: "No problem, but after this mission, you have to settle the bill with me. There are fighter jets and anti-radiation missiles on the opposite side. I want to leave this terrible place..."

   "Catcher 105, act as ordered, money is not an issue, but only if we win you will have a chance to leave Yemen safely..."


  Catcher 105 let out a morose curse, and then after the missile vehicle had finished parking and warming up, it turned on the radar and activated the automatic attack system...

  Then this guy jumped out of the radar car and rushed into a pickup truck behind, started the vehicle under the strange eyes of a group of bearded beards, quickly turned around and ran away...

   A group of bearded men despised Catcher 105's behavior, but they didn't know that this guy was the real understanding person...

  As long as the anti-aircraft missile is launched, there will be drones looking for it, and there will be no chance to escape.

  However, Catcher 105 obviously underestimated the performance of the unmanned airship...

   When the vehicle radar was scanning, the bottom of the unmanned airship hovering at an altitude of 5,000 meters suddenly cracked...

  4 PL-16 anti-radiation missiles that Boss Joe knocked off were dropped...

  These missiles quickly adjusted their direction during the free fall and flew in 4 directions...


  In the command room, Qingshan looked at the familiar combat mode and flight trajectory of those missiles, and he turned his head to look at the unmanned airship control team of P·B...

  No one could have imagined that P·B has developed the unmanned airship to such an extent...

   Equipped with anti-radiation missiles, they cannot actually deal with countries or organizations with powerful air forces and long-range air defense firepower...

  But anti-radiation missiles have the ability to find targets autonomously. As long as the unmanned airship is equipped with a radar warning system, it can activate and use this missile.

   The most interesting thing is that this missile is also effective against fighter radars.

  PL-16 missile has a range of 80 kilometers, which is just a little more than the range of most medium-range air defense missiles in the world.

  This also means that the survivability of the P·B unmanned airship is enough to make 80% of the countries in the world helpless.

  This is P·B’s typical dislocation style of play. Those who are stronger than me are not as flexible as I am, and the strike ability that is more flexible than me is not as strong as mine...

   4 anti-radiation missiles produced by Boss Qiao, divided into four directions, spanning a distance of tens of kilometers, and accurately hit 4 radar vehicles of different models...

  Qingshan was stunned for a while, he looked at the location of the explosion on the electronic map, picked up the radio and said loudly: "Call Eagle's Nest, this is Qingshan, Su-25, Xiaolong battle takes off...

  We will send you the location and destroy the enemy's hidden air defense positions with cruise bombs..."

   After speaking, Qingshan glanced at Donahue on the other side, and said, "All the synthetic camps are on alert, the enemy's large-scale offensive is coming soon..."

  Donahue nodded slightly, then raised his hand and said: "I will arrange a synthetic battalion to move from the east to the southern dock area of ​​Mukalla, blocking the terrorists' action space in the city.

   Their main purpose must be the dock area and the airport area..."

  Major General France has been keeping a low profile because of his weak background, but this does not mean that he does not understand military affairs.

   Facing this situation, the French major general raised his hand and shouted: "Italian synthetic battalion is defending the west side, and the French battalion is marching towards Mukalla. We want to put pressure on them..."

  It is difficult for ordinary people to imagine that several command groups that are not at odds at all can form a joint force.

   Qingshan used his keen sense of smell to get the command of the opening, and the Northern Battalion and Yugo Yinbo Battalion quickly mobilized to deploy defenses around the airport.

   Then Donahue followed up and mobilized the Stryker Armored Battalion in the General Synthetic Battalion to the dock area for support.

  The British Pickland Armored Battalion blocked in place to prevent terrorists and mercenaries from escaping from the east highway.

   Immediately after the French major general made a bold decision, he let the French synthetic battalion in the west march towards Mukalla.

  Once the enemy mobilizes troops to intercept them, the pressure on the north and south will decrease.

  Once the enemy puts the main force on either side of the south or north and insists on attacking, the French Battalion can easily take an area outside the city of Mukalla as a forward base.

  Everyone is using an upright conspiracy!

  The benefits of Boss Joe’s insistence on consolidating the docks and airports are reflected at this time. The enemy can only attack in these two directions if they want to attack.

  These high-level commanders did not need to deliberately communicate, but used the synthetic battalion to complete a defensive counterattack arrangement.


   Just when the people in the headquarters completed the arrangement, the military airport in the north was bombarded by large-caliber artillery...

  Two of the three major 122mm artillery shells fell on the periphery of the airport, and one hit the grass on the side of the airport runway.

  The airport is full of veterans. The Cerberus of the Sharp Knife Squad saw that the situation was wrong. He sounded the alarm and pressed the communicator, and shouted: "This is the No. 2 brood. We have encountered enemy shelling and asked for air force support..."

   As he spoke, the Cerberus glanced around, and he yelled loudly: "The ground crew goes to the underground bunker...

  Lion company, let the armored vehicles move to the periphery to block the front highway...

  Goat Hammer to the east for cover, Ser Ferryman to the west, Night Tiger and Dagger to the south, all with switchblades...

  FUCK, **** bless the shells don't land on our heads. "

  When the Cerberus was talking, three more shells landed on the airport. This time they obviously adjusted, and the three shells hit the runway of the airport precisely...

The smoke from the explosion covered a large area in a single piece. A C-130 that was unloading was hit by shrapnel. The hangar ran past...

  The disadvantages of multi-faceted alliances appeared at this time...

  The cargo plane being unloaded belongs to the Italians. These guys rushed into the hangar in panic, pulling busy soldiers everywhere to ask for help, making the already tense situation a little more urgent...

  'Monkey' rushed up and knocked down a **** pilot with the **** of his gun, and then shouted at his comrades: "If you don't withdraw after two rounds, the artillery of these people must be finished.

   Loach inspects the wounded, others pay attention to the surrounding highlands and sky...

  Bombardment needs guidance, find out the opponent's eyes..."

  The Cerberus glanced at the monkey and shouted loudly: "The Avengers air defense system didn't respond, there must be soldiers on the periphery guiding the shells to fall...

  Go out in the command vehicle, there's a ground-scanning radar on it..."

  'Monkey' heard it, and said decisively: "You guys go, we don't know how to use it!"

   Said 'monkey', looked at the sky, and muttered to himself: "3 minutes, it's been 3 minutes..."

   When the 'Monkey' was speaking, there was a sharp whistling sound from the sky, and then a series of huge muffled noises occurred out of the line of sight to the south...


  When Qiaojia walked into the headquarters, it was already a little boiling...

  The unmanned airship sent the shell data back to the headquarters, and then the Nora self-propelled artillery on the Bathtub fired for the first time under the guidance of a special person...

   The sound insulation effect of the Bathtub is hard to describe in words. After the huge roar, all the people in the headquarters involuntarily raised their voices...

  "The enemy's pickup truck team appeared in the town north of the No. 2 Brood Nest. Their team was wide open, and they approached the No. 2 Brood Nest after about 30 minutes...

  It is recommended to dispatch drones to attack the enemy's advancing vehicles..."

  "A large number of enemies have appeared to the south of Mukalla. They have heavy firepower. The 4 tanks will bring the dock area into the attack range in ten minutes.

  It is suggested to establish an anti-tank position to intercept them, and the Griffon fleet is dispatched..."

   "The defense on the west side of the city is empty, we need infantry to fight together, 40 minutes, give us 40 minutes, we can take down a community in the west..."

  Boss Joe can generally understand the battle choices of these commanders, but he thinks differently from these people...

Glancing at the busy command center that looked like a vegetable market, Qiaojia picked up an electronic pen and used the red dot to draw on the electronic map, then picked up the microphone and said loudly: "Empty areas from B2346 to B2394 …

   The rocket launcher unit is ready to fire immediately, and divide the battlefield for me! "

   What Qiao added made many commanders stunned...

  Boss Joe’s order is very general, but the location is clearly marked...

  The area he drew was a blank buffer zone with a width of 1 kilometer and a length of 6 kilometers established by P·B soldiers in the past month or so.

  The people in that area have been relocated, and the rest is a dilapidated suburban community...

  In the past more than a month, most of the counterattacks in the city of Mukalla will be launched from there...

   Terrorists and mercenaries tried to pull P·B into the quagmire of street fighting through guerrillas, but Boss Joe never looked at them...

  When the enemy's attack is officially launched, that area becomes the enemy's main launch point.

   All of you present are commanders from major powers, but the war dominated by the US for so many years has made the mode of public security warfare deeply rooted in the hearts of the people...

  Boss Joe has been emphasizing that the follow-up will be the most difficult battle to deal with. These high-level commanders subconsciously brought into the thinking of security warfare, thus ignoring their own advantages.

  Even Qingshan, who is the most sober-minded, did not include the low-precision rocket launcher in the combat sequence...

  Joga looked at the command center that was quiet for a few seconds, he spread his hands and said with a smile: "I managed to get all the people there...

  In the future, I will build a fishery market in that area, and it will be too laborious to dismantle it manually..."

  Qing Shan and many colleagues looked at each other, and then decisively picked up the radio...

   "All aircraft combat take off, UAV control group directs Zumwalt to attack freely...

  Synthesis Battalion slow down a bit, wait for the rocket launch to complete..."

  (end of this chapter)

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