From Arms Dealer To King of War

Chapter 1110: amazing people and great company

  Chapter 1110 Amazing people and great companies

  Boss Joe’s plan is very ambitious, but to be honest, the combined transaction volume of several big bad countries is not enough to reach a fraction of the international trade of the giants...

  He is focusing on those corners that business giants are unwilling to go to, using modern and advanced computer software technology to integrate valuable commodities from those rotten countries.

   It is estimated that it will take many years to make large-scale profits by doing this, but this model can naturally stimulate the development desire of those bad countries.

  Somalia's total annual export volume is about 400 million US dollars, and the main export countries are Yemen, Oman, and the United Arab Emirates in the Middle East.

  As long as Bosousa can be won, Boss Joe can use advanced software technology to help the Federal Republic of Somalia unleash their export potential.

  Once they make money, and feel the benefits of stabilizing trade channels, seeing the hope of reversing the perennial trade deficit and repaying international bank debts, they will naturally choose to expand production...

   This is a simple positive economic cycle after the expansion of the demand side!

  Since Boss Joe accepted the mission in Yemen, he has been thinking about how to make Mukalla work and make the people there self-sufficient.

  Providing export channels and convenient settlement channels for their products is to guide locals in disguise to promote the development of the supply side.

  Construction and development is the last word!

  Boss Joe wants to provide them with opportunities, instead of taking Shah’s 20 billion and raising so many people with the support of major sponsors!

  P·B can't get mineral resources income in Yemen, and the Shah alone can't fight a protracted war with 20 billion yuan, so he planned a long time ago to bring Mukalla into the trade network to make them self-sufficient.

   Fishing, animal husbandry, port services, the combination of various industries, it is impossible to feed the whole of Yemen, but it is still possible to feed Mukalla and surrounding cities.

  However, this kind of transaction volume cannot satisfy the appetite of Jialiang Trade at all, so Boss Joe decided to bring Bososa into the trade network.

   These two cities located in the north and south of the Gulf of Aden can radiate two countries, and they can make up enough cargo to fill the Jialiang trade cargo ship.

  As long as two-way transactions can be realized, not only the logistics cost will be greatly reduced, but also the trade volume will be expanded. Everyone will make money and everyone will be happy.

   And most importantly, this form of trade is naturally closed. An internal electronic trading system allows the euro to penetrate into the financial systems of these countries.

  The most bizarre thing is that this kind of trade and financial system is actually formed by relying on the vast amount of materials in Huaguo.

  Boss Joe’s oil from the Middle East and North Africa was settled in US dollars at Huaguo Bank, and after it was exchanged into goods, it entered the market and after the exchange, it actually produced euro trade...

  While Boss Qiao maintained the petrodollar, he actually used the Internet to expand the influence of the euro and found a market for Chinese products.

  As soon as P·B falls, this bizarre trade network will immediately collapse...

   This is absolutely unacceptable to either Europe or the United States!

  Once this trade network is formed, the EU, the United States, and China will form a tripartite check. The greater the transaction volume of this trade network, the stronger the position of P·B will be!

  Because once Boss Qiao falls down, Huaguo will definitely take over the Jialiang trade, and then the exchange of oil for materials will skip the dollar link, causing Laomei to lose a huge amount of seigniorage, and even cause fluctuations in the dollar market.

If Hua Guo immediately takes advantage of the inertia of material sales and relies on its strong industrial capabilities to take over this closed trade network, once they use the convenient electronic trading system for local currency settlement, then the EU will suffer a big loss of tens of billions every year !

   It is necessary to know that the internal trading system is actually a barter model in essence, and the financial link can only be carried out with P·B.

  P·B no longer exists, Huaguo only needs to convert the trade surplus of these countries into the currency they need and give them to them, and the financial transactions of tens of billions of euros will disappear.

  The current P·B is actually working for the United States, the European Union, and China. Once something happens to Boss Joe, the wage earner, the balance will be broken immediately.

  Boss Joe is going to use the Yemen war to make a gorgeous turn!

  He wants to use the excuse that he has no income from crude oil from the mine, but he wants to stick to the development concept of P·B, and under the eyes of several big brothers, he will improve this trade network in the name of humanitarianism.

  The interior of Yemen is too chaotic, and Mukalla's size is too small, so Boss Joe took Bosossa into his sight from the very beginning.

   It took Somalia 14 years to complete the presidential election, and the warlords of the various melees finally sat down to delineate the territory, and then formed the Somali Federation under the mediation of the United Nations.

  The industry in this rotten country is completely stagnant, and the people are even poorer. However, after a long period of chaos, they will think about governance. As long as the conditions are sufficient, their export potential can be easily stimulated.

  Somalia is different from Yemen. Now the civil war in Somalia has basically stopped fighting, and the only trouble is the terrorists of the al-Shabaab.

  The African Union has been stationed in the Somali Federation for a long time, assisting them in fighting the Al-Shabaab, but with little success, and occasionally being beaten to death by the Al-Shabaab.

  When P·B is willing to intervene in Somalia, it is something the African Union can't wait for!

  Because Boss Joe’s knives always have built-in integration functions and the asking price is very low, so now the military contract of the African Union is fully open to P·B.

  It’s just that Somalia was of no value to Boss Joe in the past, and he went all the way to fight in Somalia, and the logistics alone would make him burnt out, so he had no interest in the contract there.

  But the situation is different now. The Yemen contract will allow P·B to gain a firm foothold in Mukalla. By then, a few Griffin-1s will be able to quickly cross the Gulf of Aden and enter Somalia for air support.

  The right time, the right place, the right people, and the fact that Boss Joe is on his side now, he has no reason to reject the AU contract.

  In fact, the AU contract was sent to Boss Joe very early, and he has been secretly mobilizing since he took over.

  5,000 al-Shabab crossed the sea to support al-Qaeda in Yemen, which he secretly promoted through Aaron.

   This wave of people went to Yemen for money, and now they are still trapped there and cannot return home. Sooner or later, they will be slowly eaten by P·B.

  Now sending people to be invited to Bossosa to set up a military base near the port to assist the government forces in combating the al-Shabab is as simple as eating and drinking for P·B.

  P·B's reputation in Afika makes them naturally trustworthy!

  As long as the prestige is established and a firm foothold is established, P·B can use its powerful military capabilities, as well as high-quality resource input and digestion capabilities, to establish a solid connection with the Somali authorities, and it will not take long for it to become a trading point.

  The pillar industry of the Somali Federation is animal husbandry. They are the country that raises the most camels in the world, and their main export target is the Middle East. Boss Joe’s trade network happens to be an important stop in the Middle East.

  Besides, Somalia also has a large number of cattle and sheep, and their domestic animal husbandry still has potential to be tapped.

  In addition to animal husbandry, this unlucky country also has the longest coastline among all the countries in Afika, but it is limited by the backwardness of fishing methods, so the income from fishing has been unable to increase.

  Boss Joe asked his younger brother to order 500 fishing boats, not just for Mukalla, the pier there simply cannot accommodate 500 fishing boats.

  Boss Joe wants to use fishing boats as a breakthrough and fishery development as a gift to gain a firm foothold in Somalia.

  The Somali Federation cannot refuse such help. As long as they are sensible, they will respect Boss Joe.

  The current president of the Somali Federation is recognized by the United Nations. If he wants to maintain his status and do something for the development of Somalia, he must hold on to Boss Joe's thigh.

  As for those warlords who are de facto separatist regimes, after offending Boss Joe, their fate may not be very good!

  Aaron, who was far away in the United States, was one of the first to know about Boss Joe's plan!

  If in the past Aaron was envious and jealous of Boss Joe, but now he can no longer feel jealous.

Because he knows Boss Joe better than anyone else, and knows that although P·B seems to have done a lot of things and fought a lot of battles, all their actions outside of Afica are carried out around the "humanitarian channel" .

  Boss Joe has maximized the social, political, economic, and even military influence of the humanitarian channel...

  He adhered to the humanitarian values ​​established in Europe and the United States, and used more direct means to occupy the upper reaches of morality. While drawing support from all walks of life, he developed the company to a terrifying level.

  What amazes and admires Aaron the most is that Boss Joe is trying his best to feed back Central Africa with the resources harvested from the outside world. He not only established a steel industry chain out of nothing there, but also promotes the sustainable development of the industry there.

  While everyone's attention is on Yemen, the railway restoration project south of Sangha town has started.

  At the same time, the first batch of talents dug from East W has arrived in Crete, and they will go to Central Africa to work after a short stopover.

   There are a large number of professionals in electric power, chemical industry, and heavy industry!

  These people enter Central Africa to work, which will soon promote the secondary development of the industries around Sangha Town.

   And according to the news that Aaron got, the talent headhunters formed by the intelligence officer named Thompson are organizing the second batch of East W talent transfer.

  Aaron doesn’t really approve of Boss Joe’s actions in Central Africa because it doesn’t conform to economic laws, but Boss Joe’s strategic vision and mediation ability on the humanitarian channel really convinced Aaron.

   They all thought that Boss Joe got his fortune by accepting the task by chance. In fact, when he took the task, he had already thought about the next step, and built an influence network that belonged exclusively to P·B step by step.

  While Aaron is still trying to establish his own influence, Boss Joe is using the logic and practice of constantly doing the right things to make himself gradually important to the world!

  There is no way to talk about this, everyone walks in a different way, even if Aaron gritted his teeth in jealousy, he had to hold his nose and put his thumb up and boast, "You are a powerful bastard"!

  Choga chatted with Alkin for a long time. He confided his thoughts on the Somali Federation, and then, with a surprised expression, Alkin sincerely begged him to help operate the humanitarian project of the Somali Federation to P·B.

  At the same time, Boss Qiao also invited people from the Humanitarian Affairs Coordination Office to go to Somalia with the people of P·B to supervise and guide the humanitarian affairs there in the future, and to help the Somali people get out of poverty together!

  It’s almost like feeding influence and honor to the mouth of the head of UN humanitarian affairs…

  Alkin was immersed in Joe's boss' plan and couldn't calm down for a long time...

  He looked at Choga who was sitting by the window with half of his body bathed in sunlight, and said with a long sigh: "Jackal, you are an amazing person!

  P·B will be a great company! "

  (end of this chapter)

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