From Arms Dealer To King of War

Chapter 1198: trade monster

Chapter 1198 Trade Monster

“Yes, Luna’s **** is now bigger than a frying pan. If she doesn’t leave, she will become a fat woman…”

Monica appeared on the balcony radiantly. She stretched out her hand and pinched the kitten's thickened arm, and said disgustedly: "No, it should be fat and strong.

 Hurry up and leave. I don’t want too many people to know that the boss of Andrea’s company is a fat woman. "

Looking at the kitten jumping up excitedly and starting a scolding battle with Monica...

 Qiao Jia didn't know whether Monica did it on purpose or if it was just the way the sisters got along with each other. They seemed to be showing off their teeth and claws, but in the end they could always make up with each other in a few words.

And the strange thing is that every time after the quarrel between the kitten and Monica, the mood seems to get much better.

After they had finished arguing, Qiao Jia avoided Monica’s half-smiling eyes and said, “Hurry up and urge the technical center to send over the registration data and the like.

 After confirming that there are no problems, I will leave Brazil...

I am still a wounded person, so I can’t be too high-profile! "

As he spoke, Qiao Jia glanced at Ika who was getting up not far away. He frowned at Monica and said, "Why is Ika still here? Shouldn't she have left yesterday?"

Monica was in a great mood, she walked up behind Boss Joe, hugged his neck, lowered her head and kissed him, and then said with a smile: "Ika had a fight with his husband, and they had a fierce fight on the phone.

  I think as a good sister, I should keep her in for a few more days.

 Persuading her to divorce the **** as soon as possible is the duty of a good best friend! "

Qiao Jia looked at this ghost woman, shook his head and said helplessly: "Then don't go too far...

 Stephen resigned, and we had a breakup with Big Mouth Tang!

You and Ika getting together may easily lead to misjudgment among some of the people we need to win over. "

As he spoke, Qiao Jia looked at the plain-faced Ika, who couldn't even find any coffee and was holding a water cup at the sink to collect water. He shook his head and said with a smile: "Whatever you want, anyway, the New Jersey branch has been listed on the stock market." It’s basically confirmed, just don’t go too far..."

Monica grinned her white teeth and said proudly: "It's just a listing. The leadership of the company is still in our hands. If those people want to take away the leadership, it depends on whether I am willing."

 Qiao Jia looked at Monica’s confident look, and he shook his head slightly...

This is an extremely aggressive and beautiful snake, a natural animal for fame and fortune.

 Money is no longer the most important thing to her now. What she enjoys is the aura brought by her status and the excitement of professional struggle.

Being a New York socialite is no longer enough for Monica, she wants to try her hand at competing with those big guys.

Boss Qiao never requires everyone to live according to his ideas and requirements. Respecting the ideas of every outstanding person is an important factor in Boss Qiao's success.

The same is true for P·B Company, and the same is true for his small family...

 Otherwise, he would not dare to imagine what would happen if he kept a woman like Monica by his side for a long time...

 “It’s up to you, remember not to take any chances…”

As he spoke, Boss Qiao looked at Ika's pitiful look. He stretched out his foot to kick Dorian and said, "Hurry up and see when breakfast will arrive. Didn't you see that the American eldest princess is hungry?"

Dorian sighed and picked up the phone and took a look at it. Before he could speak, he heard the radio ringing...

“Mr. Forrester and the two food servers are here. Do you want to let them in?”

Dorian stood up with difficulty, pressed the radio and said: "Let them come in, just go to the restaurant..."

Qiaojia also stood up and said: "That **** Forrester is here, I guess the statistics are out.

 Let’s take a walk and have breakfast. We’ll fly back to Afika in the afternoon…”

When passing by Ika, Qiao Jia invited her to have dinner with her...

Ika's mood was much worse than the others. With a devilish best friend like Monica, it was basically impossible to maintain harmony between the couple.

Ika has been quarreling with Kushner almost every day these days. Yesterday, she had already arrived at the airport, but she had a big argument with Kushner on the phone, which made her give up her plan to go home.

Looking at the harmonious appearance of Boss Qiao's family, Ika is inevitably a little depressed.

 So much so that she still hasn’t noticed that Boss Qiao faked his injury. She only thought that the injury he sustained in Germany was not that serious...

When he walked into the small restaurant, Ika was surprised to find that the people who came to deliver the food were actually Rocinha's new boss Anderson and Rio Congressman Jorge Andres.

Two old men, wearing bright yellow overalls and slightly funny bumblebee-style helmets on their heads, were diligently setting up the dining table.

The food is simple coffee and donuts, as well as some extra special breakfast items they purchased.

 Qiaojia looked at Anderson and Jorge who were busy, and he said with a smile: "It seems that they have no training. They are all working like you. The delivery boy can only deliver a few orders a day."

Forrest probably didn't like the two people's flattery. He took the initiative to help distribute the coffee, and then said with a smile: "Boss, the statistics of the past three days are out...

 The number of registrations for the errand running software has reached 1.85 million, and it is expected to continue to rise in the next few days. It is estimated that it will not be a problem to exceed 2 million. "

Chaojia comes from a country with a large population, and he doesn’t care at all about the millions of registrations...

Looking at Boss Qiao’s lack of interest, Forrester said with a smile: “The number of registrations for the shopping software ‘Civet APP’ bundled with the errand running software has also reached the same number...

 Boss, you must not believe how much our trading volume has reached in the past three days...

The transaction volume of restaurants, shops and convenience stores that have signed contracts with us has reached 430 million reais in the past three days. Takeaway projects and carnivals have not only extended the business hours of many restaurants and convenience stores, but the number of customer orders has also increased by 60 %about.

 There will definitely be a comedown after the party, but this is a great start! "

Joga nodded slightly after hearing this. 430 million reais is about 130 million U.S. dollars at the current exchange rate.

 The transaction volume Forrester refers to is not the entire income of those restaurants, because the dine-in expenses are not charged through the errand software.

This US$130 million is the volume of wine and takeaway transactions through errand software.

 After deducting the RMB 60 million investment in drinks, there is still US$70 million in turnover, of which 5% belongs to the company and 10% belongs to the errand boy.

  In other words, in the past three days, each of Andrea's company's 30,000 errand boys earned an average of US$233.

Of course, this is just an ideal number. After all, Rio is not so lively every day, and the boss of each station has to get more.

 You also need to consider motorcycle fuel consumption, accidents, overtime compensation, etc...

However, even if they only earn a quarter of their daily income in the future, it will be enough for these errand boys to support their families.

The number of 30,000 errand boys sounds very exaggerated, but in fact their work is not limited to delivering food and running errands.

  Various convenience stores, flower shops, and shops are their service targets, and the business generated by the most important online shopping software for low-cost goods, ‘Civet Mao’, also requires them to deliver.

Jialiang Trading’s Rio super warehouse has been completed a long time ago. It has been conducting market research and carrying out targeted distribution for a long time.

Three days ago, with the promotion of errand running software, Civet was launched along with the bundle... 9.9 reals, 19.9 reals, 29.9 reals... 99.9 reals, 199.9 reals, 599.9 reals, 799.9 reals you.

 It has everything from a hairpin to a washing machine, refrigerator, and LCD TV.

  799.9 reais is the highest price of goods on the website, because Brazilians in the slums can receive 400 reais in relief every month.

 And now the money is distributed through P·B Bank, and it is no longer the food stamps and other things of the past.

 In other words, even people living in the slums can buy a large appliance for their home by saving two months of relief.

It is difficult for ordinary people to understand how much the poor people of Rocinia long for an LCD TV.

 In gangs’ dens for selling stolen goods, LCD TVs will always be hard currency!

Now Boss Qiao is ready to use ultra-low prices to make everyone happy...

Forrester probably knew what Boss Qiao cared about. He smiled and said: "In the past three days, the transaction volume of the Civet website has reached 37.5 million reais, and when I came in the morning, the people in the technical department said that this number was still there. Rapid growth.

 The people in Rio are too greedy. Although I don’t know how to make money with something worth ninety-nine yuan, boss, P·B Bank will definitely be the big winner this time! "

Jorge on the side took off his funny helmet, looked at Boss Qiao with a sigh, and said: "Jackal, you win, in the past three days, nearly 20,000 LCD TVs have been purchased in Civet by the slums.

I didn’t expect that the slums actually have such spending power, and I don’t know how you can make money at a price of 799.9 reais, but...”

 Qiao Jia raised the coffee with a smile and said: "But all the errand boys in Andrea's company have been raised, right..."

Jorge nodded heavily after hearing this and said: "Yes, Jackal, you have provided jobs for nearly 35,000 people, and Rio has been the safest city in the world in the past three days.

I am preparing to draft a subsidy bill. As long as the Rio state government passes it, Andrea Company will be able to receive tax incentives of up to 200 million reais per year. "

 Speaking, Jorge looked at Joga with a little worry and said, "Jackal, when are you going to launch the same project in Sao Paulo State?

 Several of my parliamentary friends have been waiting. They have seen the data of Andrea's company in the past three days. Sao Paulo state is much richer than Rio state, and they are definitely willing to provide more subsidies than Rio state. "

Qiao Jia was stunned for a moment. Seeing Jorge's worried look, he suddenly laughed and said, "You are worried that I will lose money and run away, right?"

Jorge was silent for a moment and said, "Jackal, the share you give to those errand boys is too high.

My financial advisor told me that according to your current approach, unless you fill in the bank's liquidity or choose to go public for financing, this company will not be able to survive at all..."

Qiao Jia sneered and said, "I won't give you a sufficient share. Those gangsters can't support their families by running errands. How can they be obedient?"

 Speaking, Qiao Jia shook his head and said: "Man, you have underestimated Andrea Company, especially Civet...

But keep your current thoughts, because I still want the subsidy!

Tell your friends that the project in Sao Paulo will start soon, and I hope to see the subsidy bill passed within a year of the project starting. "

Jorge nodded with a strange expression, and then said: "I will contact them. Sao Paulo is much larger than Rio. If there are 50,000 to 80,000 more jobs, the cost of public security management will be saved. A lot of money, they’ll be happy to do it.”

Jojia is happy to see that Jorge always treats Andrea's company as a charity company. The more everyone thinks so, the less pressure this company will have to survive.

With enough manpower tied up, Andrea Company can become a significant political vote bank, and sooner or later, this game will be able to earn huge profits.

And Qiao Jia has never told others that the products on the Lingmao platform may not seem very profitable, but in fact they are quite profitable.

 Take a TV set costing 799.9 reais as an example...

800 reals converted into RMB is about 1,600 yuan, and the purchase price of a 32-inch LCD TV in China will never exceed 800 yuan.

Moreover, Jialiang Trading enjoys the export tax rebate policy, and as sales volume increases, there will be a series of subsidy policies.

 In 2008, during the global financial crisis, overall demand in Europe and the United States decreased, and Chinese electrical appliances were backlogged in coastal warehouses.

In order to clear inventories and save factories, export taxes were converted into subsidies and used to send electrical appliances to the countryside, which completely stimulated the consumption power of rural areas.

 The inventory caused by foreign trade defaults was cleared, and at the same time, the factories in danger were saved and a wave of unemployment was avoided.

Farmers have proven that they are not completely broke. They want to see if they buy things cheaply enough!

The same is true for the Rocinha slums…

  Civet shopping website has a large number of cheap products, which can fully meet the needs of slums...

Anywhere that wants to open up sales, starting with ‘low prices’ is the easiest way to pry open the market.

A T-shirt for 9.9, a beautiful skirt for 29.9, and sturdy jeans for 39.9. These things are not expensive even in the Rocinha slums.

When Civet proves its service capabilities through the Ronisia slums, these things can pry open the market for ordinary people in Rio.

Jialiang Trade is already a monster!

 As long as he can get the market, he can get the subsidized price of any commodity from China...

 How can this not make money?

Chaojia even optimistically estimates that within two years at most, Rio’s low-end consumer goods market will be dominated by civets.

 In the past, the trade between Brazil and China was not very smooth...

 China purchases agricultural products such as minerals, soybeans, and beef from Brazil. Even before 2008, China’s trade with Brazil was in deficit.

 Because Brazil has conducted anti-dumping investigations on hundreds of Chinese products in the past decade or so, the export of small commodities and electrical appliances from China has not been very smooth in Brazil.

Although the Brazilian market was developed intermittently in the future, most of the products that came over were products with relatively high added value.

Now Jialiang Trade has bypassed the supervision of the Brazilian Ministry of Trade and entered the Rio market with cheap goods, and will soon open the Sao Paulo market...

 What is this concept?

Until China completes its industrial transformation and finds a way out for those employed in low-end processing industries, Jialiang trade can be supported by subsidies.

 Not to mention making money, the profit is not low!

  The Cingmao Shopping Station has great potential. As long as the market is opened, each of its subdivided projects can start a new website...

  Clothing, daily chemical products, electrical appliances, etc. can each be taken out separately to establish a subsidiary...

If necessary, establish your own product design company, and then depending on the situation, find a local factory or go to China to place an order.

These are good projects that can stimulate employment and boost the economy!

Andrea Company and Jialiang Trading please both sides to benefit from each other, making money is just the most basic...

After listening to the data reported by Forrester, Joga didn’t want to stay in Rio for a minute anymore...

Forrest actually still has many things to report, such as the operation status of the training camp, the investment situation in Amazonas State, etc...

But Boss Qiao no longer wants to hear it!

P·B's business in Brazil is actually all about hard-earned money. In the end, as long as it can be responsible for its own profits and losses, use the redundant funds to establish enough political influence, and then maintain it for a long time, it will be enough!

 Besides, these are things that managers should worry about, but Boss Qiao really doesn’t want to spend more time here!

The climate here is excellent and the people are friendly, but Boss Qiao’s body really can’t bear it!

 After finishing a takeaway breakfast, Qiao Jia put his arm around Mao Mao’s waist, slapped the table and said, “Go home and leave in the afternoon!”

After speaking, Qiao Jia lowered his head and looked at Monica's foot that stretched out to rub his calf. He gritted his teeth and said, "Go back to your room to pack your things. We will meet in an hour..."

 (End of this chapter)

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