From Arms Dealer To King of War

Chapter 1238: Suddenly I found myself so important

Chapter 1238 Suddenly found myself so important

"You're welcome!"

After Qiao Jia said this, he took two kind-hearted girls and wanted to take a detour...

 It’s not that he has no sympathy, but he doesn’t like this form.

To a certain extent, the Rohingya are the pawns used by Britain to influence the situation in Burma, similar to the way the United States uses the Kurds.

 The civilians among them are pitiful, but the extremists have also done a lot of bad things.

 Chaojia has confirmed the location of the meteorite, and the trip to Myanmar has been put on the agenda.

The location of P·B’s camp in Rakhine State is very critical, and dealing with the Rohingyas is unavoidable, but this does not mean that Boss Qiao has to follow their lead.

This Kasu uses conspiracy, which means selling miserably!

Even if Qiao Jia had the intention, he would not be able to talk nonsense to her at this time. This would definitely encourage her petty thoughts...

However, Boss Qiao still underestimated Cassu's determination. She followed their footsteps to the door of the guarded house. Looking at the kitten with a big belly, she wailed: "Mr. Jackal, we need help.

There are countless pregnant women and children in refugee camps located on the border between Bangladesh and Myanmar, who cannot even get basic food...

I have heard a lot about you and the many people you have helped in the Middle East through Afika. I hope you can go there and have a look. "

 Qiao Jia held the kitten's hand, waved his hand and patted the winking Tong Tong on the head, then looked at Cassu and said, "Did Poison Wolf tell you that cleverness is of no use to me?"

Cassu's left eye was so swollen that she couldn't open it. She tried her best to straighten her body and looked at Boss Qiao, and said: "I said it, but I know better that if I don't think of a way, I won't even have a chance to talk to you. No.

Mr., someone from the United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs told me that only when trusted military forces intervene can they effectively assess the situation on the ground and then allocate humanitarian supplies to alleviate the situation there.


As he spoke, Cassu bravely looked up at Boss Qiao and said: "They said that Yemen takes up a large part of the funds and manpower. If we want to obtain more assistance, we must get your consent..."

 Boss Qiao laughed angrily at Cassu's words...

The United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs is now considered half of its own people, and their main force is indeed working as a weakling in Yemen and Somalia.

But when did the United Nations aid somewhere require the nod of a private company boss?

Kasu actually took such an obvious prevarication seriously!

Qiao Jia looked at Kasu's pig-headed face with seriousness and pleading. He frowned and shook his head and said, "You actually believe what they said?

Should I call you naive or stupid?

 Do you think P·B can decide where the United Nations humanitarian funds go? "

Qiao Jia said and wanted to avoid this woman, but Cassu showed great resilience. She backed away and said: "I talked to them, and they told me that the United Nations Refugee Agency wants to build a new green supply chain, and Not only do you have nearly 30% of the funds in your hands, but you also have suppliers...

 Sir, we really can’t wait any longer. The Myandian government has blocked our access to food, and many of our people are hungry.

 Now we only have one channel: Burmese stores and Bangladesh border refugee camps...

I know that doing this will appear very utilitarian, but sir, please believe me, this is not my intention, but if I don't do this, no one will pay attention to us at all. "

Qiao Jia was stunned for a moment, and then was pulled to a stop by the kitten...

At this time, he somewhat realized that Sangha Town had become a "propaganda venue". Some organizations or individuals who had no voice in the international community used this place as a place to gain traffic.

  P·B's video website is now more lively than during the Olympics, because there are no serious press conferences and no formulaic interviews.

The top figures in the Congolese provinces compete in conference rooms rather than on the playing field. The only people who are truly determined to win are arms dealers...

The people recruited by arms dealers must be very angry, and their words and actions must be very outrageous, which will naturally attract a large number of online users to watch.

 Coupled with the fact that the P·B website is very large and can put everything on it, it naturally attracts huge traffic.

And this group of traffic who is interested in military affairs is likely to pay attention to international politics!

 There is nothing wrong with Cassel's approach...

 Mao Mao was probably pregnant and about to give birth, and her whole person was filled with a maternal aura. She couldn't bear to see a woman like Cassu being bullied, so she took Boss Qiao's hand and said, "Listen to what she says?"

Tong Tong and Ana grabbed Boss Qiao's other arm with four hands, nodded repeatedly and said: "Yes, yes, listen to what she said..."

Qiaojia looked at the smiling kitten, shook his head and said, "I came out to play with you..."

Mao Mao said nonchalantly: "You can walk and talk at the same time without wasting time. I like the way you think about how to help others. You are very handsome then!"

After hearing this, Qiao Jia shook his head in a funny way. As he walked forward, he waved to Cassu who seemed a little excited and said, "Go find an ice pack and apply it. I will call the United Nations Refugee Agency to find out what happened." What means?

 I don’t promise you anything, because P·B is doing business in Myanmar store, and so far I don’t see any possibility of providing me with any feedback there!

But if I really have a say in humanitarian issues at the United Nations, I would be happy to remind them not to forget you Rohingyas. "

After hearing this, Kasu followed the kitten excitedly and said in an extremely humble manner: "Sir, Rakhine State has a long coastline. As long as peace and tranquility can be obtained there, whether it is the development of tourism or agriculture, it will be very good. Nice place.

Moreover, China has built ports and oil and gas pipelines there, and they have always had the idea of ​​expanding them, as long as they can..."

Qiaojia waved his hands quickly when he heard this. He now understood that Kasu was a political novice. How could the Rohingya people like them get involved in energy projects?

They themselves are the pawns of the British to disrupt the Burmese shop. Their own butts are not clean. They also want to use China's giant project as a bargaining chip. They really don't know how to die!

Hold up his index finger and tell Cassu to shut up. Qiaojia took out his satellite phone and dialed the Finnish Altin from the Humanitarian Coordination Office...

This guy is now a living Buddha in Yemen and Somalia, because under the protection of P·B, he smoothly distributed the materials to most people in need, instead of leaving them to the warlords for distribution.

This actually eased the growth of warlords, because those warlords had no material supplies and simply could not afford to support so many people, and it was the same for ordinary people in any country. As long as there was a way to survive, they would rarely take risks and get involved with lawless warlords.

This guy is now a big star in the United Nations, and has developed a large number of volunteers who are willing to serve backward areas. At the same time, he has also won the support of the International Red Cross, the Women's and Children's Fund, the UN Refugee Agency, and key secretariats.

After connecting the phone, Altin on the other end said in a very loud voice: "Sir, how are you doing recently? You should come to Yemen to see the situation here. The situation is very good..."

Qiaojia had no time to be polite to Altin. He said with disgust: "I don't think there is anything good about a place where people need to eat grass to survive their hunger. The war situation around Mukalla has just stabilized, but that is not Yemen at all. Core question.    But that has nothing to do with me, I want to know why there are rumors outside that P·B controls part of the funds of the humanitarian relief department and the UNHCR?”

Alkin was stunned for a moment and said curiously: "Sir, don't you know?

The new director of the Office of Humanitarian Coordination is Ms. Gemma Alexander. At the meeting, he proposed to rectify all humanitarian-related projects and use UNHCR as a breakthrough point because the operational efficiency of UNHCR in the past was not as high as P ·B is half as high.

Ms. Gemma Alexander proposed the ‘Humanitarian Green Supply Chain’ project and listed a series of requirements.

 She is preparing to conduct a series of tenders, and P·B is her designated security supplier and her number one choice for tender material projects.

Now that part of the work of the UNHCR has been stopped, their current main work is to prepare bidding documents and lobby countries to increase investment in the UNHCR. "

Qiao Jia was stunned for a moment and said in disbelief: "FUCK, when did Gemma go to the United Nations? I thought she was going to the International Red Cross!"

Hearing this, Altin smiled bitterly and said: "Sir, don't you know that your brother Liang has been pursuing the International Red Cross for the past two years?

He is still obsessed with the virus crisis in Central Africa and Congo. International investigative organizations and private detectives have been collecting evidence. Many people in the International Red Cross have been ruined because of this.

It's a quagmire right now, and they want Ms. Gemma Alexander to take charge of the overall situation, but she is obviously unwilling...

 She requested the Humanitarian Coordination Office on her own initiative! "

Upon hearing this, Qiao Jia was amazed and said, "What else do I not know?"

Alkin hesitated and said: "Sir, the Somali government forces have obtained a large amount of arms and are fighting fiercely with Al-Shabaab. I think you should restrain them...

 You know, those people in Somalia fight without rules and lack the necessary rationality!

 I think there is a need for a peacekeeping team there to ensure the safety of civilians when necessary...

And as long as there is a proposal from any of the five permanent members, the dispatch of peacekeeping troops can easily be passed by the Security Council.

I know that the commission for the peacekeeping force is very low, but P·B can provide 100 people and then hire 900 local militiamen...

 With your prestige in Somalia, 100 PB soldiers are enough! "

When Qiao Jia heard this, he was amazed and said: "Brother, you are teaching me to eat free money. You are a bad example!"

Alkin said helplessly: “I have received news that some people in the Secretariat are trying to persuade the Security Council to increase the remuneration of peacekeeping troops, but I think the chance of success is not high.

 But I feel that humanitarian affairs are inseparable from the support of P·B, so...

 sir, although this may still not make any money, it is the best workaround we can think of!

I simply can’t imagine what would happen if P.B left Yemen..."

After hearing this, Qiao Jia shook his head in amusement and helplessness...

He wants to cling to the United Nations brand, but it is really difficult to make money reasonably and legally by cooperating with the United Nations...

The United Nations sounds nice, but it is actually an organization similar to a neighborhood committee formed by a few big households and a group of small brothers...

Today there was a fight between Lao Zhang’s family and Lao Wang’s family, and the neighborhood committee went to mediate it. Tomorrow, Lao Wang slept with his neighbor’s wife, and the neighborhood committee went to make peace...

Honestly speaking, from the perspective of a neighborhood committee, how can we not hope that the community will be safe and happy?

But you can’t resist the different ideas of people in the community. There will always be big households who won’t listen and will corrupt the people within the neighborhood committee and drag them along to damage the interests of other residents in the community.

 Without sufficient funds and power, if they want to do something practical, they have to look at other people's faces.

The reforms proposed by Gemma and handing over security services to P.B., including peacekeeping business, sound like a good business. In fact, the United Nations has clear standards in this regard...

Soldiers participating in this kind of project receive US$1,000 per person per month. The regular army and the state provide equipment and logistics, but P·B has to pay for it himself.

According to Altin’s idea, in fact, even if 1,000 people of P·B eat 900 free wages, this is still a loss-making business!

 But this thing, it is a precondition!

If Boss Qiao disagrees, Gemma’s plan will not go forward, and the so-called green supply chain project that really makes money will not be able to win.

You must know that in today's world, according to European and American standards, as long as the word "green" is used, cooperation with any official company is a profitable business!

Gemma has been in Central Africa for so many years and has had too many interactions with international organizations. She saw through the humanitarian dilemma of the United Nations at a glance. The unnecessary losses and chaotic fund flows have caused a series of problems.

 So she directly proposed to break the past practice and kick out unqualified suppliers.

 While reorganizing order, as long as she can hold the right to tender, this girl will be instantly popular!

Qiao Jia seriously suspected that Gemma's mother was giving her advice behind her back, because this approach was too tough and cruel, and tied her too deeply to P.B. This was not in line with Qiao Jia's past treatment of Gemma. know.

This old and beautiful Minister of Justice probably won’t be able to sit still for long, so she just has some free time...

Qiaojia thought about the plight of the refugee camp on the border between Bangladesh and Myanmar. He really had his own reasons for it. He looked at Kasu with an expectant face and suddenly felt a little want to laugh...

  He rubbed his face vigorously to prevent Kasu from seeing the inappropriate smile on his face. After Qiao Jia confirmed that he was fine, he looked at Kasu with a sad face...

“As I roughly understand the situation, the UNHCR is also in a difficult situation right now, but I will try my best.

 The opening ceremony of the sports meeting will be in two days. I will invite you to watch the ceremony. There should be a rough plan by then.

  Don’t worry, although I don’t like the extremists among the Rohingyas, I’m even less happy to see ordinary people starve.

 No one should have to suffer from hunger, especially women and children! "

 (End of this chapter)

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