From Arms Dealer To King of War

Chapter 1329: Take advantage of your strength

Chapter 1329: Leverage your strength

Chaojia has never had much to do with organizations like the ‘Ladder of Light’ and ‘Ndrangheta’…

 Because such organizations have a strict organizational structure, the entire organization will never be hit just because one person makes a mistake.

 They will not fight you head-on, their leaders will always be hidden in the dark, and their identities are very secret...

For example, the whole of Europe has been tormented by the 'Ndrangheta, but it has been unable to do anything about the 'Ndrangheta for more than ten years, which is enough to explain a lot of problems.

 Aaron could contact Moussa Suleiman of the ‘Ndrangheta through the network of international intermediaries, but he didn’t know what this guy looked like.

 In the past, Boss Qiao has always adhered to the attitude of soldiers coming to block the water and the earth covering it up, but this time because of Dorian's injury, he felt that he had to do something to prove his ability to destroy such a high-end organization.

 The boss behind the ‘Stairway of Light’ is the Ravenston family of the Edward Foundation.

When the Gwell family, which is also part of the Edward Foundation, worked to integrate their forces to encircle and suppress P·B, the emergence of the "Stairway of Light" proved that the families within the Edward Foundation began to unite and exert their efforts.

 In the past, when Boss Qiao attacked the Taran family and beat the Ravi family to death, these people were not united.

 The only explanation is that what Boss Qiao did in Gaza touched their core interests.

Trapping Boss Qiao in Gaza and then implementing the stigmatization strategy was decided by the American establishment. As a result, P·B’s series of actions in Gaza earned Boss Qiao countless praises and lawsuits, and at the same time, it also made Boss Qiao The column suffered an unprecedented blow!

 A virus crisis disrupted everyone’s plans and gave Israel a chance to breathe.

At the same time, it also gave the Gwell family, who were good at political mediation, the opportunity to unite most of the forces hostile to Boss Joe to encircle and suppress him.

 Because Boss Qiao made too much in the past year, and those people lost too much, taking advantage of those people's eagerness to make up for their losses, they can easily mobilize their resources.

 Being able to persuade a vice president and two governors in Brazil to cooperate is a reflection of Boss Joe’s hostile network capabilities.

This time, Boss Qiao has really met his opponent, and he could easily capsize if he is not careful!

But Boss Qiao has a very good habit, or thinking mode...

That is, when faced with a problem, his thinking is divergent, but the way to solve the problem is always based on point-cutting.

 In the past, what he was good at was leveraging most of the interest communities through one point. Now when he faces a problem, his first thought is to find a breakthrough by attacking one point.

 There is nothing more politically correct than fighting the ‘Stairway of Light’!

The captured woman was not tortured. Medical Officer Bird treated her carefully, and then someone from the Rio police recorded a statement for her.

Although the woman didn't say a word, the person responsible for recording the confession wrote a "confession" of tens of thousands of words. Then a terrifying-looking female warrior grabbed the female prisoner's hand and wrote on the "confession". Pressed the fingerprint.

The very next day, several leaders of the Brazilian far-right organization that incited protests against Civet were collectively imprisoned for "suspected of running a killer organization."

Of course this is a false accusation and it is illegal, but the Rio police are quite busy and everyone can understand that the investigation and prosecution will take a long time.

 In other words, Boss Joe’s enemies in Brazil are almost dead. Otherwise, with a so-called ‘confession’, he would be able to send his enemies to prison and lock them up first when he gains the political upper hand.

However, Boss Qiao was not restricted by Brazil. He sent his "confession" to Interpol and the FBI, and then when interviewed by the media, he said in an extremely horrifying tone...

“I couldn’t believe what I saw. I just caught a killer who assassinated me, and then I suddenly discovered that many so-called ‘mysterious cases’ in the world were planned.

The person who assassinated me came from an assassin organization called the "Ladder of Light". They are a high-end political assassination organization led by the "Ravenston" family, a Jewish family.

I talked with the prisoner and she told me that Mr. Kennedy and President Sadat of Egypt died at the hands of the Stairway of Light killers.

I can't believe that the FBI didn't catch the real murderer, but put a mentally ill person in the hospital.

 What makes me even more unbelievable is that the murderers who assassinated President Sadat were not arranged by the Palestinian organization at all, but by the "Ladder of Light"...

I don’t know if what the prisoner said is true, but in my opinion, everything has a reasonable explanation.

 After Mr. Kennedy's death, no one in the United States raised the issue of giving the government the power to issue currency.

 After Sadat's death, Egypt fell out with Palestine, and then the Palestinian area became an isolated island in the Arab world, allowing Israel to do whatever it wanted.

 According to the confessions of the prisoners, the "Stairway of Light" is related to many celebrity murders. It is said that our big-mouthed Mr. Tang has also been in contact with this organization...



Boss Qiao talked nonsense in front of the media, but it caused an uproar in the public opinion circle...

Big Mouth Tang is in the final stage of the general election. This guy never imagined that Boss Qiao, who is far away in Brazil, would use this method to defeat him. This gave the establishment, which has greater control over the media, an opportunity. Several families who had business disputes with the Dazuitang family and had family members die in accidents suddenly jumped out and demanded an investigation into Dazuitang.

It was not Boss Qiao’s original intention to add insult to injury. What he wanted was that the media controlled by the establishment would not suppress the stories he made up at this time.

The American election represents the core of trillions of dollars of interests. At this time, as long as it can increase the chance of winning, the establishment's hatred of Boss Joe can be temporarily put aside, and the big-mouthed Tang will be killed first.

In the story told by Boss Qiao, apart from pointing out that Ravenston is a member of the Jewish family, there is no mention of the Jews in the rest of the story, but there is no mention of the Jews...

 At this stage, Boss Qiao is a standard traffic superstar, and his unfounded ‘stories’ have set off a wave of discussion on the Internet.

 Because it is really reasonable, and there is a prisoner to support his unfounded ‘stories’!

The American Jewish Association was the first to jump out and refute Boss Qiao's "story", but the fact that there was no silver in this place only deepened people's suspicion.

 ‘Having the rich’ is human nature!

The wealth held by the Jews makes people jealous, but they cleverly used the aura of World War II to label themselves as victims, making people unable to attack.

Now that Boss Qiao has created an emotional outlet for people, he can easily mobilize those self-media who are keen on conspiracy theories and promote them spontaneously.

It was originally a story made up by Boss Qiao, and it has happened for many years. It is impossible to use this as evidence to convict the Ravenston family.

But it doesn’t matter to Boss Qiao, just throw dirty water. Either you jump out to prove your innocence and let me know where to start the killing, or you just endure it silently.

When Boss Qiao decided to use the ‘Ladder of Light’ as a breakthrough, it was destined that this organization would bear all the pressure.

The funny thing is that the "Stairway of Light" may not be the real murderer of Kennedy's assassination, but they must be related to many political murders and commercial murders.

By naming this organization, Boss Qiao is using his influence and public opinion to force European and American investigation agencies to publicly investigate them...

Whoever stops him at this time is a suspect, and Boss Qiao will never be stingy about naming these people in the media.

There is a very funny phenomenon now, that is, Boss Qiao is much cleaner than his opponent. He is not afraid of checking at all, but his opponent is different!

Just when Boss Qiao was watching Big Mouth Tang’s joke, FBI’s Cooper called his cell phone...

“Jackal, what are you going to do?”

Joja was sitting on a deck chair on his terrace. He glanced at the two women sitting next to him, smiled on the phone and said: "Cooper, what are you talking about? What did I do?"

Cooper on the other end of the phone said in a tired tone: "Jackal, Big Mouth Don is in big trouble, he's gone crazy now!

He issued a presidential order requiring the FBI to investigate the "Stairway of Light" and asked his lawyers to prepare materials to prosecute you.

 Why do you want to get involved in the general election at this time?

 Have you reconciled with the establishment people? "

Upon hearing this, Qiao Jia smiled and said: "These people have tricked me so many times and never gave me an explanation. How can I possibly reconcile with them?

This bastard, Big Mouth Tang, is a typical white-eyed wolf. I helped him so much back then, but what happened...

 Steven was so humiliated by him that he resigned, and Alicia didn't last a few years. His son-in-law also made trouble for me several times.

I just broke the news that I heard. What did I do wrong? "

After hearing this, Cooper smiled bitterly and said: "Jackal, your goal is the 'Stairway of Light', right?

In order to deal with a killer organization, you did not hesitate to offend the Jewish chaebol and the big-mouthed Tang Dynasty to death. Do you think it was worth it?

 Now that I have received the order, I will send a team to Brazil to interrogate the prisoners in your hands...

 Jackal, don't let the prisoners die, I want to take them back to America.

In exchange, I will hand over to you all the information about the "Stairway of Light" that the FBI has.

 You win, this is what you want..."

Qiaojia sneered and said: "Did I win?

 Cooper, you underestimate the power of the Ravenston family...

But I don’t care. If you ask someone to bring me the information on the ‘Stairway of Light’, I will let your people take the prisoners away...

I remind you that the process of transporting a prisoner will be very dangerous, because the prisoner 'knows' too much...

 So I will take the people to Tobruk, and then you can use the Italian military base for transshipment, which can reduce your risks! "

Cooper was stunned for a moment. He didn't realize what was wrong with Italy. Faced with Boss Joe's instructions, he sincerely said, "Thank you"...

 (End of this chapter)

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