From Arms Dealer To King of War

Chapter 1332: Get moving

 Chapter 1332 Get moving

“After I defeated the Afika drug route of the ‘Ndrangheta, I felt that there was not much point in killing that guy…”

Joja stood at the port of Tobruk, watching workers loading the arms requested on Aaron's list onto a barge...

"Every time I attack the 'Ndrangheta, the outside world will know what P·B is doing. In fact, I don't mind having a few more enemies like this!"

 After speaking, Qiao Jia turned around and hugged Devil Bird, who had brought people to support him, and said with a smile: "Our business is to sell 'security'. Without an organization like the 'Ndrangheta, our business will not be established."

But the situation is different this time. If there is a chance, we'd better kill Moussa Suleiman.

In fact, the ‘Ndrangheta’ does not necessarily have to be led by Moussa Suleiman. This brand, just like Isis, can always attract people who can be attacked by us. "

Niss shook his head indifferently and said: "You don't need to explain this to me. If killing someone is beneficial to your plan, then go ahead and kill him."

 Speaking, Ness looked into Qiao Jia's eyes and said: "Actually, what troubles us is not killing the target, but finding the target.

 I always feel that you have been too gentle recently..."

Qiao Jia listened to Nice's slightly perceptive tone and said: "That's because everyone has increased their vigilance!

 When we have reached the current level, simply killing anyone can no longer solve the problem.

Moreover, the big figures in the United States are now surrounded by a large number of defense forces. It is a huge challenge for our people to break through the defenses, kill the opponent and then evacuate safely.

An attack regardless of the cost can still achieve the goal, but an attack without an evacuation plan is not much different from sending people to death.

 It is impossible for me to use this method unless it is a last resort. "

Qiao Jia sighed as he spoke and said: "I miss the time when we were at the beginning, when we just needed to kill the enemy and everything was fine!

 Not only is it harder to kill enemies now, but the effects that can be achieved after killing them are also different from those in the past. "

Niss frowned and said: "That means you haven't found the enemy's key point...

I have always felt that it is inappropriate for you to use the intelligence officer as the president. Maybe you should consider changing the situation of P·B’s intelligence department.

If we can get accurate intelligence and find the enemy's key points every time, the deterrence of P·B will be increased by several levels! "

Qiao Jia shook his head slightly and said: "The increased deterrence means that others will be extra wary of you.

Having really driven away those undercover agents, P·B will face tighter containment, because we are a company, and sometimes it is a 'fault' for big countries to feel dangerous!

 This problem can be avoided by correcting one's stance and limiting the struggle to individuals and organizations. "

Qiaojia looked at Niss's noncommittal expression and said with a smile: "I guess you won't listen, but it doesn't matter. You are responsible for a happy life, and I will solve the rest of the problems.

 I was born to do this! "

With that said, Qiao Jia took out the phone, looked at the number on it, and said with a smile: "Let the dock workers speed up a little bit, the FBI people are here..."

Nice turned around and found Hassan. After whispering a few words to him, Hassan began to yell at the dock workers loudly, asking them to speed up...

Antal, who came to Tobruk with Nice, walked up to Boss Qiao with a tablet and said: "Boss, there is news from Iraq..."

Choga took the computer and took a look. The ‘Jackal’ who had been staying at the military base on the flank of the Syrian safe zone was leading a team of retired Russian special forces to search an Iraqi mountain village...

Looking at the women and children appearing on the screen, Qiaojia frowned and said: "Moussa Suleiman himself was a popular drinker in France, but he left his wife and children in Iraq...

There is something wrong with this guy! "

Antar shook his head and said: "No, maybe it's because this guy is an extremist and he cannot allow his family to do things that violate the teachings.

 In the minds of some people, only in this extremely difficult environment can the most devout faith be born.

The boss, Moussa Suleiman, may not be a simple drug dealer..."

Joga watched the 'Jackal' put the women and children into the car. He thrust the computer back into Antar's hand and said: "In my eyes, it doesn't matter what this Musa is!

Isis has been defeated by me. The 'Ndrangheta wants to join forces with Isis and seek to establish influence in the YSL world. In my opinion, it is almost like courting death.

This guy is definitely not a simple terrorist, he just wants to use Isis as a bargaining chip...

 At some critical moment, I wouldn’t be surprised if he packed up Isis’ people and sold them. "

As he spoke, Qiaojia rubbed his nose and said: "Inform that Amal and ask him to go to Iraq to take over Moussa's family.

Hmm, I feel a bit like a villain in a movie right now..."

Antar shook his head slightly and said: "When Moussa kidnapped other people's family members, he should have thought that this day would come.

 This may be why drug dealers and terrorists are not welcome anywhere, because they have no bottom line! "

Qiaojia smiled and nodded and said: "So I always thought that Kaman was a philosopher. The old guy didn't even go to school, but he knew that controlled violence is an effective method...

Those drug dealers and terrorists will never understand, because the vulnerability of civilians makes them misunderstand their own capabilities! "As he spoke, Qiao Jia looked at a yacht on the sea not far away that was slowly approaching the dock. He smiled at Antal and said, "So, the world still needs some people like us, right? "

Antar looked at her old acquaintance FBI agent Ressler standing on the deck of the yacht. She shook her head and said with a smile: "It seems that the FBI has not realized what it will face..."

 Qiao Jia waved his hand to greet Ressler in the distance, and said with a smile: "FBI's Cooper is an old fox.

  Alicia has already left her position in the Department of Justice. The fact that he can still run the FBI under the power of Big Mouth Don shows a lot of problems.

It is impossible for the FBI to know nothing about the ‘Stairway of Light’, yet it has taken no action at all for so many years…

 I have to find a way to give them a push! "

 Speaking of this, the moment Qiao Jia docked the yacht, he pressed the communicator and said: "Bring 'Starscream' here..."

Soon a truck drove from a distance near Joga. Several black soldiers from the Lion Company were in the state of handing over to Hannibal, wearing restraints on their bodies, leather masks on their mouths, and their hands and feet. The shackled 'Starscream' was escorted from the truck to the edge of the dock...

Lessler and his partner Victoria saw this situation, they looked at each other and suddenly became nervous.

After the dock workers **** the cables of the yacht, Ressler got off the yacht and walked to Boss Qiao. He smiled reluctantly and said, "Sir, it's a pleasure to work with you again!"

Jojia looked at Ressler, who was obviously more of a leader. He smiled and said: "It looks like you have been promoted...

But what Cooper has assigned you this time is not a good job...

This ‘Starscream’ is very dangerous. We don’t know what the people of the Stairway of Light will do in order to silence them. "

As he spoke, Qiao Jia looked at a team of HRTs that appeared on the yacht. He shook his head and said, "You have too few manpower. Do you need me to arrange another team of security guards for you?"

After hearing this, Resler shook his head decisively and said, "Thank you, no need!"

This is not far from Sicily. A US military transport plane will land in Catania soon. As long as we get there, we will be safe. "

As he spoke, Ressler took out a palm-sized mobile hard drive from his pocket and handed it to Boss Qiao, and said: "Sir, this is the information the FBI has about the killer organization "Stairway to Light"..."

 After Qiao Jia took it, he handed it to Antal for her to verify...

 In fact, he couldn't tell whether this information was all the FBI had, but it didn't matter to him at the moment.

Seeing several HRTs taking over Starscream like a beast, Qiao Jia stretched out his hand and shook Ressler hard and said: "I don't think you can ask anything from Starscream's mouth, but I believe that our positions are definitely consistent on the issue of combating the Stairway of Light.

I will arrange for a Seahawk-43 to **** you along the way to Catania...

 Be careful on the road! "


 In an abandoned warehouse near the docks of Catania…

 Jack Heinz finished reading the report in his hand, stood up and clapped his hands vigorously, causing a group of very capable-looking guys to focus their attention on him...

“Listen, everyone, our target will disembark at the pier at 8 o’clock tonight, and they will take a bus to Catania International Airport.

 We need to intercept them on the road...

This time our opponents are 20 HRT players, and I want you to brace yourself up. "

As Jack Heinz looked at a group of unruly mercenaries, he grinned and said: "You are all good players, but I still want to emphasize...

This mission is very important. If you make any mistakes and cause the mission to fail, you will face very bad consequences. "

Jack Heinz’s partner, the Bald Bone Crusher, stood up and sneered: “If you want to make big money, you always face risks...

‘Stairway to Light’ has set a price of 50 million for that woman, and I will kill anyone who makes a mistake...”

As soon as Bone Crusher finished speaking, several of the mercenaries looked at each other with flashing eyes...

 Jack Heinz didn't understand the exchange of glances between these people, turned around and began to sketch out tonight's action plan on a whiteboard...


Garthy was holding a cup of coffee and looking at Sergey, who was like a wild boar, eating seafood risotto. He frowned and said, "What are you doing here?"

 Sergei spread his hands and said: "That Aaron man paid me a lot of money...

 So I came here with the ‘Golden Eagle’!

 I don’t trust Aaron’s people, so I came to you…”

 (End of this chapter)

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