From Arms Dealer To King of War

Chapter 1343: follow up

 Chapter 1343 Follow-up

"Shan Ying" had a good idea, but when the elevator entered the underground, he found that it was really difficult to conduct a surprise attack.

There is a safety window above the elevator car, which can only be opened from above. This is very beneficial to Shan Ying and the others.

 But once the safety window is opened, the elevator will instantly lose power. If you get off, the elevator door will not open.

In this situation, once someone discovers something abnormal in the elevator, being stuck in the elevator is the only way out.

After thinking for a long time, 'Mountain Eagle' said to 'Tom': "I'll go down, and you're responsible for closing the safety window and energizing the elevator. I'll open the elevator door and give you the signal to get down again."

 ‘Tom’ ​​did not nod directly, but said seriously: “The other party has at least 10 gunmen and two hostages. We don’t know the situation in the underground laboratory. Are you sure?”

‘Mountain Eagle’ looked up and said, “Then let’s climb up?”

"Tom" shook his head and said: "No, what I mean is that if you die, my salary will be lost. If you are not sure, it is best to let me take the lead. You listen to my signal...

The work we do is very dangerous, and you can ask for payment from Italy through that jackal while you are still alive. "

 ‘Shan Ying’ was stunned for a moment, he looked at ‘Tom’ ​​and said: “Do you care about me or do you care more about money?

 I hope it’s the former, it will make me feel better…”

‘Tom’ ​​looked at ‘Mountain Eagle’ and spread his hands and said: “If you are in a better mood, will you ask for more reward from that jackal?

I think this kind of work is worth at least 100,000 RMB, no, US dollars, preferably Euros...

 After making this money, we will return to Thailand. I will buy a piece of land on Mani Island and build a big house. "

After hearing this, Shanying said with a smile: "I think Pattaya is very good. Elk mortgaged the shooting range to raise funds for us. This time I want to redeem the shooting range when I go back."

 You are Thai, and when the time comes you apply for a gun license, and we will be able to obtain weapons legally. "

 ‘Tom’ ​​looked at ‘Mountain Eagle’ with a puzzled expression and said, “Do you still need this?”

‘Shan Ying’ put his ear against the car, listening to what was going on below, and said: “I have my own channels, but the prices of those things are too high…

The Ruger I gave you cost $28,000, and the VSS I gave you cost me $170,000. "

‘Tom’ ​​was a Grandet type. He pulled out the Ruger silencer pistol given to him by ‘Mountain Eagle’ and said in disbelief: “This gun costs twenty-eight thousand dollars?”

‘Shan Ying’ glanced at ‘Tom’ ​​and said, “The price will fluctuate, but it will only be more, not less.”

‘Tom’ ​​raised the gun and put it under his nose and smelled it, then stuck out his tongue and licked it, and said: “Is the gun seller crazy, or are you crazy?

It’s not that expensive to make a gun out of gold..."

‘Shan Ying’ raised his hand to signal ‘Tom’ ​​not to get excited, and he whispered: “The gun is not made of gold, but the parts of this gun are made of rare metal alloys, some of which are more expensive than gold.

 Twenty-eight thousand is the price of the materials, and I guarantee it is worth the price! "

After hearing this, ‘Tom’ ​​stared and said, “What the **** are you doing out here with such an expensive gun?”

 ‘Shan Ying’ smiled awkwardly and said, “Of course you have to use the best for what you use…

 Who can be like you, who took a job at an international agency, worked as a CIA field agent for 12 times for 50,000 yuan, and was eventually arrested in a black jail...

Let’s not talk about the past. Let me tell you, Arctic Fox used to be a top-notch mercenary group. Each mission started with a 7-figure starting price. Let’s kill Iblis and get back the Arctic Fox brand to attract business again. .

 Don’t you just want to make money? Let’s go make a lot of money in the future…”

‘Tom’ ​​looked at ‘Shan Ying’ with his ear against the car, he shook his head and laughed, and said: “We have been working in the Burmese shop for almost a year, and I haven’t seen you make a lot of money...”

‘Shanying’ whispered helplessly: “Let’s not talk about money. Old Du Zhanshan is the king and has to subsidize the mountain people. Funds are also tight, and those who were deceived are pitiful.

Our mission is not particularly dangerous, and the commission is too high for me to open my mouth.

But it will definitely be different in the future. When we earn money from European and American foreigners, we will definitely have to die for the commission. "

 ‘Tom’ ​​looked at ‘Mountain Eagle’’s handsome face, he shook his head and said: “You are just a conscientious bastard, I don’t know when I will be able to buy a house, a car or a boat even if I work with you...

 I'll go down first later. If I die, you can give me the money to hit my grandpa..."

‘Shan Ying’ suddenly waved his hand, pulled the handle of the safety window forcefully, and then slid in with his head and feet...

As soon as ‘Tom’ ​​saw the movements of ‘Mountain Eagle’, he cursed, covered the safety window, re-energized the elevator, and then grabbed the handle with his hand, ready to go down and fight side by side with his boss at any time...

‘Mountain Eagle’ slid into the elevator and landed gently on the ground. After listening for a few seconds against the elevator door, the moment the elevator was powered on, he pressed the door-open button...

When the elevator door slowly opened, a terrorist guarding the door turned his head with a gloomy expression to see what was going on...

One bullet hit the terrorist between the eyebrows, and then the 'Mountain Eagle' rushed out of the elevator and grabbed the terrorist's collar with his left hand. The Luger with his right hand fired again to the right, guarding the terrorist in the other elevator. Got hit in the temple…

'Mountain Eagle' grabbed the terrorist in his hand, put away his pistol as he sprinted sideways, reached out to grab the other terrorist, and placed the two of them gently on the ground to prevent excessive movement from disturbing those who had already entered the experiment. Terrorist inside the room…

The sound of the Ruger silent pistol when used with .22 subsonic bullets is so small that even in a closed space, through a corner or a door, it is difficult to hear clearly under the cover of the white noise of the air-conditioning exhaust at the top. .

After finishing dealing with the two terrorists, 'Mountain Eagle' turned around and held down the elevator door, and used the radio to notify 'Tom'...

‘Tom’ ​​quickly opened the safety window and entered the elevator. He didn’t talk nonsense to ‘Mountain Eagle’. When he saw the two terrorists on the ground, he gave a thumbs up to express his admiration, and then went up to search...

These two terrorists are relatively well-equipped. They are not using the AK74 that is on the market, but the CZ805 rifle made in the Czech Republic that is very similar to the SCAR in appearance.

'Tom' collected the two rifles and magazines, handed one to 'Mountain Eagle', and said: "With this, the firepower is more important!" As he spoke, 'Tom' unzipped his white coat and hung the gun belt on shoulder, then hold the rifle against the outside of your thigh...

 With the white coats put together, it is really difficult to see the problem from a distance without looking carefully.

‘Shan Ying’ put away his rifle in the same manner, then pulled a smoke grenade from the corpse and put it in the pocket of his white coat. Then he said to ‘Tom’ ​​who was picking up the grenade: “Let’s go up...

Capture that Aiden alive, and we will have an important hostage! "

‘Tom’ ​​had his left and right hands in the pockets of his white coat, holding a grenade in his left hand, and the grip of the rifle in his right hand. He nodded and said: “This time I will take the lead…”


 “Don’t get in the **** way…”

Joga pushed away a hurried Marsala port official and said to Ressler: "Let your people keep an eye on the drugs and wait for the people we choose to come and receive them.

You and the courier come with me, the Italians can’t handle the trouble at the CDC in Catania...

 I have a friend inside, and I have to cooperate with him to rescue the people inside! "

Lessler is now in awe of Qiao Jia who already admires him...

  In one hour, 84 gang gunmen and 15 drug escorts were all killed...

The methods were violent and unreasonable, and not even a single person was left alive...

This is an unacceptable violent action in any country governed by the rule of law, but 5 tons of methamphetamine and approximately 150,000 ecstasy tablets were seized at one time.

The Italian police went crazy. The two senior Sicilian officials Leisler was dealing with left their colleagues in Catania and took a helicopter to rush to the port of Marsala.

The police here have been notified. Instead of surrounding the pier with great fanfare, they sent several groups of patrol officers over in a low-key manner.

 Just wait for the high-ranking police officials from Marsala to come and share the profits...

 Compared to 5 tons of methamphetamine and 15 ecstasy tablets, what are a bunch of dead scum?

They are still wasting judicial resources while they are alive, and their deaths are all the result of the hard work of the police force and the leather hoods...

  Quickly explaining what his men should do next, Ressler followed in the footsteps of Boss Joe and boarded a somewhat old transport helicopter...

Soon, three transport helicopters carrying the dock massacre makers took off and flew quickly to the Catania area.

On the plane, Ressler looked curiously at Boss Qiao, who looked unhappy, and said, "Sir, we won, why do you seem to be in a bad mood..."

Boss Qiao glanced at Ressler, shook his head and said: "The cost of methamphetamine and ecstasy is very low, intercepting these things is not a big deal for the 'Ndrangheta.

I have a hunch that the drug industry will undergo a major reshuffle in the future, and natural drugs may gradually withdraw from the market to make way for these cheap chemical drugs.

 When drug dealers get rid of the problem of drug costs, they will invest more money and strength in channels.

 It is too easy to build these things, the market, the future market is the key...

 Drug traffickers will do whatever it takes for the sake of the market! "

As he spoke, Boss Qiao took out his mobile phone, took a look at it, and said: "In order to open up the market, the 'Ndrangheta did not hesitate to bring Isis in to create terrorist attacks...

 If this matter is not handled well, they will use similar means to continue to expand the market.

 A powerful ‘Ndrangheta’ is not what I want to see! "

Lessler didn't expect that Boss Joe was thinking about something more profound. Now that his mind was enlightened, he immediately realized that this kind of 'guessing' could also be used as a bargaining chip in negotiations with the Italians...

He looked at Boss Qiao in amazement and said: "Sir, you said you have friends at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention...

 Are they the people in the Chinese medical aid team? "

Qiao Jia shook his head and said: "No, they are some very powerful guys...

Musa of the 'Ndrangheta probably never imagined that Iblis could provide him with military assistance, but at the same time he would attract a group of powerful mercenaries who wanted revenge.

 Now they have two people sneaking into the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, and it is confirmed that the terrorists inside are trying to obtain other infectious viruses. "

When Ressler heard this, he said in horror: "The Italians will go crazy!"

Jorgia looked at Ressler and said: "So you have to bear the FBI's brand and be responsible for stabilizing them. Just say that the people inside are very important FBI agents and they must not be allowed to mess around.

 When they can't think of anything, you suggest that they come to me to talk...

 The higher my asking price is, the more secure the Italians will be...

 This will give me enough authority and time to solve the problem! "

Lessler looked at Boss Qiao like a **** and said, "So the FBI can also play a decisive role in this matter?"

Boss Qiao nodded and said: "Congratulations, you have learned how to integrate organizational gains...

 As long as the final result is good and you can convince those mercenaries to cooperate with you, then everything is possible! "

 (End of this chapter)

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