From Arms Dealer To King of War

Chapter 1373: Finding bargaining chips by exploiting every opportunity

Chapter 1373: Taking advantage of every opportunity to find bargaining chips

 With Aaron as a young man, Boss Qiao knew that he would probably have to make a trip this time.

But things have to be done, but how to do it depends on the situation.

 The issues of women’s rights and drug problems in Afghanistan are an endless cycle with no solution.

  In fact, the issue of women's rights is not simply due to reasons such as religion or tradition. The bottom line is poverty. The poor have no vacant positions for women, so they can only engage in housework and lighter agricultural labor.

How to explain this matter?

Those so-called female leaders in Afghanistan do not consider this, they just stretch their necks to be fair.

The slogan is not wrong, but with Ah Qiong Khan’s muddy appearance, should men be allowed to go home and lie down while giving their jobs to women?

Aqionghan has a lot of vacant land, why don’t you go and plant it? Why do you always focus on media or government positions?

 A man has to make money to support his family, can an Arab woman do it?

Leaving aside the issue of religion, this kind of thing in poor countries is not an issue of male and female rights at all, but an arithmetic problem.

 For the same position, there may indeed be women who are better, but giving the position to men can protect the life of a family.

 In most cases, if you can stabilize one man, you can stabilize a family of three to five or even seven or eight people!

 You are the ruler, how do you choose?

Of course, there are some extremely outstanding women, but these extremely outstanding ones, firstly, have no shortage of opportunities to come forward, and secondly, they cannot change the stable social structure because of them.

 Because managing a country should not focus on a few people, but on the interests of the majority.

 When a country's productivity reaches a certain level and sufficient job demand is generated, women will naturally get opportunities, and then it is time to discuss women's rights.

The essence of women’s rights is to subvert the traditional social structure of the past thousands of years, allowing women to gain power while assuming responsibilities and obligations, and at the same time, men can be liberated from the heavy pressure of responsibilities.

 It’s just that this kind of subversion is a destabilizing factor for most countries, and then some people secretly change the concept for the sake of profit, shifting the cost of women’s demands to men.

 For example, gentlemanly manners, ladies first...

 For example, the default role of men is the provider in the relationship between the sexes...

 For example, in judicial practice, the law has some obvious bias towards women...

These are just the most basic, and they were also the default of the entire society in the past, a kind of compensation for women’s social role.

 It’s just that after the economy developed, the prevalence of consumerism changed everything.

When a house is worth 10 million, and one person gets half of it after divorce, and when cheating on bride price makes more money than working...

 The evil part of human nature is inspired by economic interests...

 This is human nature, and it is also an inevitable problem that will arise after society develops to a certain stage, and these problems will obviously lead to changes in the overall social structure.

 Then the economy has become a key indicator to determine whether a country is stable!

When the economy keeps going up, everything is fine, but once the economy goes into trouble, all kinds of weird and bad things will happen one after another.

 This is human nature!

If the Nine-Yin Scripture of Feminism is read incorrectly, a group of extreme egoists will be born, and then there will be the birth of freaks who call their biological parents "biological father" and "biological mother."

A group of new-age women in Aqionghan have not reached this level yet, but the demands they raised when the common people in this country did not even have a change of pants seemed to Boss Qiao to be incomprehensible.

To put it inappropriately, the good and bad of various religions are different for different people. In the eyes of many people, religions have countless problems. Even Boss Qiao thinks that some of the habits among the MSL group are simply unbelievable and bastard-like, but it can indeed work. To a certain extent, it stabilizes the social structure of an impoverished country.

Once NATO withdraws, Afghanistan will immediately lose aid from the outside world, and the overall economic situation of Afghanistan will collapse instantly.

Under this situation, compared to the current Afghan government, the Taliban are at least better in terms of their determination to manage the country and their ability to mediate the ideas of various ethnic groups.

  Their victory is only a matter of time, so they are the key to Boss Qiao’s mediation!

As an old feminist, Boss Qiao cannot do anything to make trouble after eating the rice bowl of women's rights.

Although he knows everything well, he must find a solution to the problem in this unfavorable situation and respond to the call of the ladies.

  That is to say, we must do something that can be recognized by the international community within the scope acceptable to the domestic forces in Afghanistan.

 In the end, everything comes back to the starting point, which is the ‘safe zone’!

 A safe zone whose internal social order is recognized by the international community.

The difficulty for Boss Qiao in getting this safe zone is not recognition from the outside world, because he has countless ways to use political correctness to force NATO to pay and submit.

If you dare to say "no", or if you default on payment for one day, I will use a cargo ship to take you to your home.

 The hardest part is actually convincing Taban to accept that there is a relatively prosperous place in Afghanistan that is not in line with their teachings.

This is very difficult, because if the balance is not good, the foundation of Taban's rule will be shaken.

The word "L class" means "student", and they are also highly educated, so it is impossible for them to be what they say.

 Can L class, like their old mother, use their broad mind and super strong art of united front to accept a place like Hong Kong Island that is completely different from its own system?

 Compared to the issue of women’s rights, the drug problem in Afghanistan is more **** up…

 As the world's largest producer of heroin, 60% of Afghanistan's economy at its peak was created by drugs.

The CIA has a big responsibility for the drug problem... In the 1990s, in order to pursue its own geopolitical interests, the United States sent people to Afghanistan with durable seeds and technology, allowing those warlords and extremist organizations to rely on drug trafficking to raise their own military expenses. This time to fight against the great Russian influence to this place...

 The famous Al Qaeda, the East Asian Movement, etc. were basically born in this context.

It is a pity that the United States underestimated the capabilities of these terrorist organizations and the wisdom of these people. Then it not only suffered the consequences of 911, but also brought a series of problems to the world.

At that time, the war in Afghanistan was approved by the Security Council. As a neighbor of Afghanistan, my old mother did not vote against it. One can imagine how disgusted she was with the endless terrorism and drug problems.

As a result, after NATO entered Afghanistan, it not only failed to solve the problem of al-Qaeda, but intensified the contradictions, not only spawning a more extreme YSL organization, but also causing a huge explosion in the drug trade in Afghanistan.

What is particularly funny is that no matter how high the drug production in Afghanistan is, the United States itself will consume at least 60%, and then Europe will consume about 25%. More than half of this share in Europe gave birth to the 'Ndrangheta. organize.

 It can be said that the common people in Europe and the United States have used their own drug purchasing power to support the Afghan common people in the Golden Crescent area.

The situation in Afghanistan is similar to that in Mexico. The fight against drugs is to fight against local farmers and warlords. If you don’t give people a way to survive, they will fight you to death. How can this be any good?

However, compared to establishing a safe zone, Boss Qiao is more confident in combating the drug problem...

 Because it is always easier to destroy than to build!

And since he was involved, he has asked people to conduct a series of investigations into the Afghan drug economy.

 Then he discovered that Taban's so-called "drug ban" might not be a lie...

 Because only about 10% of Taban's funds come from the drug trade, and the way they collect these funds is to collect taxes from farmers and warlords who grow and process drugs.

Tabans have a strong desire to build bridges of communication with the outside world, and drug control is the best way for them to show their determination...

This gives Boss Qiao a certain bargaining chip, because P·B is the best bridge, and if Aqiong Khan wants to get out of trouble, the most inescapable place is his mother's house.

The old mother has a close political connection with Pakistan, and although Atta and Bata do not belong to the same organization, they still have some connections. In addition, Ta'an class is also involved with the East Turkistan Islamic Movement, which makes the relationship between the two parties more difficult. There are clear barriers to communication.

The relationship between Pakistan and Afghanistan is not good. It is impossible for the old mother to choose between Afghanistan and Pakistan. Instead, she uses pressure to force Atta to make a choice, which is more conducive to stabilizing the relationship between Pakistan and Afghanistan. situation, and then mediate to open up the markets of the two countries in one fell swoop.

There is a very complicated game here, but Boss Qiao has the ability to bypass the most complicated political parts and bring the most important initial assistance to the down-and-out Tower L class.

This is the bargaining chip!

Boss Qiao was not sure whether he could repeat the miracle in the unlucky place of Aqionghan, but when he changed his mind and started to devote himself to it, he soon found the "fun".


 “Why should I be anxious? It’s the NATO people who should be anxious…”

Chauga sat on a fishing boat and smiled at Devali who was sitting next to him: "You have finished talking to the Houthi armed forces, why haven't you left yet?

 Is there something about Somalia, a poor place, that attracts you? "

 Prince Devali is now the Shah's big shot and his drone army is now the Shah's trump card.

 The Rainbow 2 UAV production line and the Blue Sword missile production line that he introduced through Boss Qiao have been in operation for some time, and the overall effect has satisfied the Shah internally.

Facing Boss Qiao’s question, Devali threw away the expensive fishing rod that always failed to catch fish and said with a smile: “The Houthi armed people have not left either. They want to use the power of the media to promote themselves.

The Gulf Alliance’s original expectations for this negotiation were actually low, but the attitude of the Houthis made us feel that we can deepen the negotiation. "

 Speaking, Devali looked at Boss Qiao who looked indifferent and said, "It's all thanks to you. Maybe this time we can really find the key to solving the Yemen problem."

Qiaojia waved his hand and said: "This is really not my fault. The Houthi armed forces gave me face, but the main reason is the old mother's effort...

 In fact, we all know that if we want to solve the Yemen problem, it is useless to talk to the Houthis. Only if Iran nods, the war will finally stop.

The current situation in Iran is not very good, and they will not give up the bargaining chip of Yemen in the short term.

But I heard that Iran has bowed to the old mother. I guess if I want to solve the problem between you, the rest is just a matter of time. "

After hearing this, Devali nodded with a smile and said: "There has been a lot of progress recently, so our Crown Prince asked me to bring you a message...

 He said you will always be the Shah’s friend! "

Upon hearing this, Qiao Jia smiled and said: "As my eternal friends, can you help me contact the people in Class L of Aqionghan Tower? I want to talk to them..."

When Devali heard this, he was surprised and said: "Are you going to step into the quagmire of Aqionghan?"

 Qiao Jia spread his hands helplessly and said: "There is no way, I was born to eat this bowl of rice...

  Recently, the United States has been printing money and oil prices have been rising. You are working harder to push oil prices higher to put some pressure on Europe.

 I am going to go to the European NATO headquarters to talk to them in the next two days...

This group of people unanimously put me on the fire to roast him, and there must be a price to pay. "

 (End of this chapter)

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