From Arms Dealer To King of War

Chapter 1404: The turmoil begins

Chapter 1404 The turmoil begins

This Rashid, who impressed Boss Qiao very much, apart from his bright eyes, overall looked like a local who had worked in the mountains of Afghanistan for many years.

 But he is actually a ‘prince’ in the Northern Alliance, that is, the son of the tribal leader.

 Most of the Northern Alliance is Tajik, so its native language is localized Tajik with a strong accent.

 But he is also an overseas student...

 In the early cooperative relationship between the Northern Alliance and the United States, tribal bosses with some status were always willing to give away their children.

 Rashid is one of them, and he went to Columbia University in New York with a full scholarship.

These are not particularly unusual things. What surprised Boss Qiao was that Rashid was diagnosed with "low-risk depression"...

 Theoretically, "low-risk depression" is a kind of mental illness. For ordinary people, this disease is a dangerous disease that can lead to schizophrenia.

 But for some geniuses, “low-risk depression” is like opening the door to a new world.

 Geniuses suffering from "low-risk depression" are characterized by being completely self-centered in their youth and having a strong ability to analyze things.

In many film and television works, geniuses always sneer at the ordinary people around them and think they are naive. In fact, this is not a figment of imagination, but a real reaction of geniuses with low-risk depression.

 It’s just that geniuses who suffer from low-risk depression in reality don’t even want to express disdain in their youth because they are too busy...

 They only care about what they care about and are obsessed with thinking.

When ordinary people see beans, they think about how to make them more delicious. What they think about is how beans are formed, what elements are contained in them, and what kind of environment do beans need to grow...

 One bean can cause them thousands of problems!

 Extremely expanded self-awareness, thinking creativity, and spatial combination abilities…

 Ordinary patients will suffer from mental breakdown or even schizophrenia at this stage due to the tremendous physical and psychological pressure.

 But genius will completely abandon the influence of the outside world at this stage and build a huge spiritual world that is not understood by mortals.

This kind of people are generally considered to be arrogant freaks, but in fact, this kind of people are very sensitive inside. At the same time, because they can feel many things that ordinary people cannot sense, their external characteristics are often different from theirs. His heart is contradictory.

 Because excessive rational thinking and self-protection consciousness will cause them to suffer from cognitive dissonance...

For example, they know that eating ice cream is a very pleasant and harmless thing, but they show that they don't care or don't agree with it.

Small things are just a spoiler, but big things are more troublesome!

This is what people often call a genius disease, and this kind of patient generally does not become a bad person, because making money may be the simplest thing for such people, and doing bad things to gain benefits and pleasure is an unnecessary waste of energy. .

There was once an American TV series called "Prison Break", in which the protagonist Schofield suffered from this disease.

Qiao Jia once searched for information and researched it, wanting to know what the disease was that was so serious!

 Some psychiatry experts once put together a more mythical statement, which is that ordinary people's ability to suppress the subconscious is 7 to 10 times that of patients with this kind of genius disease.

 Because studies have shown that basically all creators, that is, artists, inventors and the like, have a relatively low level of suppressing their subconscious mind.

 The ability to suppress the subconscious mind is like the "gene lock" in the novel. Ordinary people have very strong suppression abilities, because instinct tells ordinary people that if they open the subconscious mind, they will collapse, while geniuses will awaken a certain ability after opening it.

This Rashid has a "genius disease". Judging from the fact that he handwritten two large volumes of laws with the characteristics of Afghanistan, this guy put his talents into the construction of laws...

 The most interesting thing is that such geniuses are generally atheists.

 Because the people who wrote religious classics back then must not have had as much knowledge reserves as they did due to the limitations of the times, and they may not even be smarter than these geniuses.

 This made Boss Qiao very interested...

It’s not that he wants to study Rashid’s laws, but he feels that the laws compiled by people like Rashid may indeed meet Kandahar’s current needs.

 Because P·B is a scale, and now one end of the scale is the Taliban and the other is the international community.

The most beneficial thing for Boss Joe is to maintain a limited balance, and Rashid can be his bargaining chip to balance external pressure.

 A talented judge with a background in the United States, a group of Afghan civilians who are pro-European and American, a team that can check and balance the Taliban's extreme ideas...

Ideally, the combination of these three can allow Boss Qiao to easily leverage the assistance of the international community to implement his Kandahar plan.

As for the specific content of the law compiled by Rashid, Boss Qiao doesn’t even want to read it...

It’s not that he looks down on Rashid, but that he thinks Rashid is too naive...

 A country's constitution, as the foundation of the country, is there anything that you, a genius, can do?

 Under the general framework of modern civilization, with its own tradition as the core, we should think about, learn from, and integrate foreign laws.

 These things, if the "genius disease" is really that awesome, it is possible to solve it.

But in fact, except for those laws that have universal value, such as killing people to pay debts and repaying money... other laws about organizational structure, power change, human rights, property rights, etc., do not go through many people for a long time. Discussion is impossible.

 Because these are fundamentally political issues!

What's more, the Taliban is a religious-led organization, and it is fatal to challenge religious laws that are regarded as norms.

The emergence of Rashid is not so much an effort by the Taliban to break through the blockade, but rather an expression of goodwill to the outside world and an internal test.

 In other words, they acquiesced to what they had discussed with Boss Qiao before, so they pushed Rashid, who they considered to be "too advanced," to Kandahar.

 Rashid is from the Northern Alliance. If this guy does his job well, Kandahar's functions will be fully utilized, which will be beneficial to the entire Afghanistan.

 But if he does something that goes against his ancestors and causes internal problems, the Taliban can push back without having to bear too much pressure.

 Rashid is passionate, but the fact is that it is still politics!

Boss Qiao looked at Rashid at this time and couldn't help but feel some sympathy.

 Because no matter what he did was good or bad, his final outcome must be bad.

 If he didn’t do a good job, the international community scolded him and made him a scapegoat.

 If he does a good job and the international community praises him, the conservative forces within the Taliban will harass him.

Looking at the serious-looking genius in front of him, Qiaojia hesitated for a moment and said in a gentle tone: "I will ask someone to prepare an office for you in Kandahar. The people you bring need to be divided into two teams to receive our basic knowledge in batches. training.

 At least give them new uniforms and weapons. Using AKs and RPGs for law enforcement is too exaggerated. "

As he spoke, Qiao Jia patted the heavy 'book' in his hand and said seriously: "I personally believe in your ability and integrity, but there are some things I said that are of no use and need to be confirmed by others.

I will contact the United Nations and legal and security experts will come soon to review and train you.

 Brother, I roughly understand your situation...

I don’t understand the law, but as long as your laws support my views on human rights, women’s rights, and drug control, I will fully support you in Kandahar. "

 Rashid probably did not expect that Boss Qiao would suddenly become easy to talk to. He was stunned for a moment and said: "We will issue an announcement in a week, and what you said will be implemented in the announcement..."

After hearing this, Qiaojia smiled and waved his hands and said: "Issuing an announcement is useless. It is just a way for the Taliban to undermine the will of the government forces. If the contents of the announcement are not implemented in place, your credibility will be severely damaged again.

I don’t know what you think. Anyway, I think the situation in other places except Kandahar is not optimistic. "

As he spoke, Qiao Jia looked at Rashid, who was a little confused. He smiled and said: "Geniuses are all partial to science. You are not a political person. Even if I tell you, you won't understand.

 You can do the things in front of you first anyway, which will be the greatest help to the Taliban! "

While Choga was speaking, some commotion suddenly occurred among the NATO soldiers watching in the distance. Then these soldiers seemed eager to know something and began to return to their stations in groups...

Just when Qiao Jia wanted to ask what happened, ‘Three Yellow Chickens’ suddenly walked up to him and whispered: “Boss, the American withdrawal caused riots in Kabul…

 The NATO people are in our command room and they want you to make a statement..."

"What's the meaning?"

Qiao Jia frowned and thought for a few seconds, then turned to look at Rashid, who was frowning slightly. After opening his arms and hugging him, he said, "I'm optimistic about you," and then asked someone to take over the tasks of these Taliban security personnel. After receiving the question, I turned around and walked into the building...

 Before reaching the command room on the second floor, I heard a series of exclamations coming from inside...

Boss Qiao strode in and saw a quite horrifying scene on the big screen...

 A large number of people rushed onto the runway and chased a C-17 that was taking off...

This is more like a documentary zombie movie. Those people rushed to the landing gear as if they were desperate, grabbing any place on the outside of the plane that could be used for leverage, and desperately trying to follow the US military away.

 Then when the C-17 took off, those people fell on the airport runway from a height of hundreds of meters like ripe fruits, and fell into a puddle of rotten fruits with sauce.

  “FUCK, these people are crazy…”

While Qiaojia was sighing with emotion, the British Major General from Kandahar came to his side and said in a deep voice: "Jackal, it's time for P·B to play its role.

ˆ NATO and the United States have encountered tremendous pressure, and Afghan civilians have begun to block soldiers from the outside who want to approach Kabul.

 At present, some of the evacuating soldiers have turned to the direction of Kanbul. They lack supplies and cover. You need to arrange for the air force to pick them up.

At the same time, there is a more important thing. Kabul's evacuation is blocked. You need to establish a safe channel in advance to give those desperate people an escape route. Otherwise, something we don't want to see will happen. "

 (End of this chapter)

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