From Arms Dealer To King of War

Chapter 1415: air cover

Chapter 1415 Air Cover

 “Don’t panic, don’t panic, put them closer and then hit them...”

After saying that, 'Radar' leaned behind a boulder, tightened the bandage on his arm, and shouted to 'Donkey': "'Donkey,' let's go up to the clouds to explode bombs, and give them a shot first..."

‘Donkey’ huddled in the gap between two rocks. The flying bullets hit the ground beside him, and the flying gravel made him scream in pain...

 “Fuck, these people are like **** dog skin plasters...”

As he spoke, ‘Donkey’ put down his backpack, took out a launcher, and then loaded a cloud bomb into it...

 “Attention all…”

The moment ‘Donkey’ shouted the warning, he suddenly straightened up and fired a cloud bomb towards a hillside about 400 meters to the west.

 The flight trajectory of the rocket is basically invisible to the naked eye, and with the sound of ‘whoosh’…

On the hillside 400 meters away from the position, the rocket disintegrated with a bang, and a large amount of cloud explosive was sprayed out. Then there was a slight explosion in the center of the cloud explosive, and then a fire appeared above the hillside. rain…

The huge rain of fire hit the hillside like an iron fist, igniting several running militants. At the same time, the splash of flames ignited the dry shrubs, creating a temporary isolation belt, slowing down the pursuit of the opponent. down.

“Pay attention to the north, there are people coming up, about 40 of them…”

The sniper of the Huya team lay on the ground and fired a shot towards the north. The special bullet fired by the classic M24 sniper rifle accurately hit a running militant, causing him to roll down the hillside with his **** thighs.

The mountainous terrain is very complex. The Huya team is located in a rugged hilly area, which is a series of hills connected one after another.

From the air, the distance between them and the enemy is only four to five hundred meters, but in fact the opponent still has a long way to go if they want to catch up with them.

However, the significance of modern weapons is to deal with opponents from a distance. You can shoot at others from 400 meters away, and others can also shoot at you.

The sniper's shooting attracted a large number of machine gun bullets for him. Seven or eight machine gunners found bunkers on the spot and began to suppress the Huya team, covering other militants' forward assault.

The ammunition fired by the Russian-made RPK hit the rocks around the Huya team and splashed rubble. The intense firepower suppressed the Huya team for a while, stopping the Huya team's counterattack.

 Fortunately, the attacking enemy had to go through a hillside process after rushing down the hillside, which gave the Huya team enough breathing space.

Faced with the risk of being hit by a stray bullet from the machine gun, the 'radar' quickly checked with the probe, recorded the location of the machine gunner, and then quickly filled out the 9-line briefing on the tactical computer on his wrist...

 Su-27 carries powerful missiles. Now the distance between the two sides is too close, so we must be cautious when seeking air cover.

  Quickly sending out the coordinates for bombing, the 'Radar' pressed the communicator and shouted: "This is the Huya Team, calling the Bully Team..."

“The bully team is in place, the Huya team needs to stay hidden...”

“Double cluster bombs, fire~”

‘Radar’ was stunned for a moment. Just as he was about to confirm whether he heard correctly, he heard two familiar disintegration explosions in the sky...

“Grass is a cluster bomb, concealed, concealed…”

As ‘Radar’ was speaking, a series of dense explosions rang out from the west and north sides of the position...

Then two Su-27s passed by at low altitude from the south and east respectively. The aircraft cannons on the two planes dropped fatal bullets towards the position of the machine gunner as the plane dived.

 Then they turned sharply out of position like light swallows, and then began to climb at a high angle of attack...

 In fact, the last aerial cannons were redundant. The cluster bombs covered the valley slopes on both sides of the Huya Squadron to the west and north, including all the pursuing militants.

The 500-kilogram cluster bomb created two death zones. A total of nearly 100 enemies on the west and north sides were blown up to the point where even the bodies could not be found. Huge smoke and dust instantly filled the entire battlefield.


 ‘Donkey’ patted his face with a trembling voice, then suddenly pressed the communicator and cursed: “Are you **** crazy?”

After scolding, 'Donkey' glanced at several comrades who were also scared next to him. He said to 'Radar' who had a wry smile on his face: "Boss, who can withstand this kind of cover? If they are a little bit crooked, we will The explanation is here…”

After hearing this, ‘Radar’ smiled bitterly and said, “What do you think they should use?

Jet fighters cannot use Hellfire and Blue Sword 7. They use the old aerial bombs of the US military. I am worried that they will fall on our heads...

 Maverick or Storm Shadow?

If that one-ton missile exploded nearby, our entire mountain might collapse. "

 Speaking of "Radar", he pressed his chest which was still beating wildly, and said helplessly: "Don't worry, P·B's cluster bombs are all guided, and there is no record of killing one of our own people so far.

Damn it, where did these Afghans get their anti-aircraft weapons? "

Just as the 'radar' was talking, two Su-27s that had not flown far were actually attacked by medium-range anti-aircraft missiles... Two Russian-made Buk missiles were launched from the desert near Iran in the west and flew in the air After walking for a while, two Su-27s were found.

This kind of old-fashioned ballistics is certainly not a problem for the modified Su-27. The two pilots of the bully team flew side by side, dropping a large number of interference bombs at the same time, and then separated on the left and right at the moment when the missile approached...

When they were about to release the second wave of infection bombs, two beech bombs seemed to have hit a rock and exploded among the flying interference bombs.

This attack alarmed everyone...


In the command center, Tony looked at the alarm that lit up on the screen in front of him. He subconsciously activated the airship's countermeasures system, and then shouted loudly: "Beech M1, the unmanned airship launches anti-radiation missiles, and turns on the unmanned airship radar interference. model…

 Attention all transport aircraft, avoid the airspace on the west side of the battlefield..."

As Tony yelled, the bottom of the unmanned airship that had been hovering over the battlefield cracked, and two anti-radiation missiles were fired at the frontline air defense position that used radar to illuminate the unmanned airship...

 As an explosion occurred in the desert, the opponent's Beech was destroyed before it had time to launch its radar vehicle.

‘Qingshan’ frowned and picked up the radio and said: “The special forces parachuted in from the south side of the battlefield, and the twin-tailed scorpions took off in an emergency to provide cover for the special forces…”

 Speaking of "Qingshan", he turned to "Three Yellow Chickens" and said: "Why do the enemies have anti-aircraft weapons? In the past 20 years, Tower L has not used them against NATO troops..."

‘Three Yellow Chickens’ was stunned for a moment, shook his head and said: “There is no Taliban at all, but those extremist organizations supported by Russia and Iran don’t know about it…”

‘Qingshan’ nodded, turned around and looked at Boss Qiao, who was walking over with his son in his arms, and said: “Boss, the opponent not only has portable anti-aircraft missiles, but also medium-range anti-aircraft missiles.

 We need to know who our opponents are and then attack them in a targeted manner, otherwise it will be difficult for us to provide sustained and effective cover for the special forces. "

 Speaking of "Qingshan", he hesitated and said: "We only have 4 Scorpion drones. I suggest you urge the people in AVIC.

If there were more drones, we would have more choices, and the safety of soldiers on the front line would be better. "

   "青山" means something vague, but it actually means that the current style of play is too wasteful.

The cluster bombs carried by the Su-27 are not only dangerous, but also cost US$2 million per bomb.

In the situation just now, if it was a Pterosaur 3, one might be able to solve the problem and assist the Huya team to deal with the pursuing enemies.

How much does it cost to buy Winged Dragon 3 with full Blue Sword 7?

 ‘Qingshan’ is not stingy, but cluster bombs do have uncontrollable risks in this kind of battle...

Of course, Qiao Jia could hear the subtext of "Qingshan", but he did not emphasize that those cluster bombs were absolutely reliable, but said helplessly: "Then what do you think we should do?

The Mavericks left by the US military are also very useful. How about letting the F-14 fly with the Mavericks? "

As soon as Qiao Jia finished speaking, a voice came from behind...

 “Are you all idiots?

 The opponent has no fighter jets and has not even found the opponent's high-value targets. Why is the Su-27 allowed to perform cruise cover? "

The 'Cobra' who rushed to Kandahar in person strode to Boss Qiao's side, frowned and looked at 'Qingshan', then looked at Boss Qiao and said: "What did I tell you?

 A pilot can not only fly, but he can also die if necessary!

 Why was the Super Tucano grounded? "

Qiao Jia glanced at Qingshan, who looked unhappy. He sent the lively Igor to Cobra to calm him down, and then said helplessly: "The enemy has portable air defense, and now it proves that the opponent also has front-line air defense. We cannot guarantee the safety of the Super Tucano."

‘Cobra’ laughed angrily at Boss Joe’s words. He raised his chin to avoid Igor’s hand, and then said: “So you let the Super Tucano be used as a highway patrol plane?

 You need precise covering firepower. The range of the Hellfire is not enough. Isn’t the range of the Feijian cruise missile of more than 150 kilometers not enough?

 Is it difficult to relay guidance between an unmanned airship and ground personnel? "

Saying 'Cobra', he took out an exquisite airplane model from his pocket and stuffed it into Igor's hand. He comforted the energetic boy, then looked at Boss Qiao and said: "Order the ground crew to give the super giant The Beak Birds were equipped with Feijian missiles, allowing them to take off in batches of four.

 In this way, you can ensure that 20 rounds of 250kg precision guided bombs are on standby 24 hours a day on the periphery of the battlefield.

 Don’t you like artillery? You use the Super Tucano as a turret!

The enemy's medium-range anti-aircraft missiles have a very limited range, and the Super Tucano is safe as long as it does not approach the western border with Iran..."

 The command center suddenly became quiet...

Igor, who was in the arms of ‘Cobra’, pointed the small airplane model at his father, making a ‘bang bang’ bombing sound from his mouth, and then gave himself a big blow...

 (End of this chapter)

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