From Arms Dealer To King of War

Chapter 1434: One call and one hundred responses

Chapter 1434: One call and hundreds of responses

The private transfer of the Eagle Brigade soon reached the ears of Boss Qiao...

Boss Qiao, who was organizing a meeting, heard the news and suddenly laughed a few times...

Looking at the 'Three Yellow Chickens' who came to ask about the situation, he smiled and said: "The 'Eagle Brigade' itself is the army prepared by the Devil Bird for Igor, and Igor has the right to mobilize them.

 ‘Eagle Brigade’ has two light composite battalions and one artillery battalion…

The situation of the combined battalion in the west is very good now, the artillery battalion has also been deployed, the situation around Kandahar is relatively stable, and there is no need to put a combined battalion around.

What's the problem with Igor wanting his own team? "

As he spoke, Qiao Jia stretched out his hand and patted the "Three Yellow Chicken" on the arm, and said with a smile: "Except money, Igor will give him everything he wants.

The Eagle Brigade was indeed raised by Devil Bird with his own money. We use them to fight and it is reasonable to pay a small fee.

If you have any opinions, please go to Igor for consultation..."

Seeing that Boss Qiao was very happy, 'Three Yellow Chickens' said hesitantly: "Boss, it's okay for the little boss to want manpower, but at this stage, if they are allowed to enter the border of Pakistan and cause chaos, there will be trouble. .”

Boss Qiao waved his hands indifferently and said: "It is only natural for a father to wipe his son's butt...

 Just a few light synthetic companies, how much trouble can they cause? "

‘Three Yellow Chicken’ said helplessly: “The little boss is less than five years old, you want him to go to war?”

After hearing this, Qiao Jia shook his head seriously and said, "He won't go by himself, and the dragon lizard won't allow it. What he needs to learn now is how to find the right enemy!

 As long as you go the right way, it doesn’t really matter what the final result is! "


Boss Qiao nodded, and part of P·B’s system began to revolve around Igor...

Although Nice’s mother’s ideas are not very good, she is definitely good at talking and can mobilize a lot of resources.

Igor was too young. He was only thinking about making a lot of money to feed people. He had not yet realized that the resources he mobilized, if converted into money, would be enough to keep the children around Kandahar well-fed until adulthood.

 All adults knew it, but all the adults remained silent and allowed the little lion to ‘fight’ with all its teeth and claws.

 Then with the tacit cooperation of everyone, P·B’s resources began to pour into Igor.

Rick and Phil, who stayed in Sangha Town, took two anteaters and a large number of new gadgets invented by Hexagon and boarded the plane to Aqionghan.

 Boss Qiao has to pay attention to costs when doing things in Afghanistan, but now Igor has no such problem at all.

 All idle resources are pouring into him!



 ‘Cobra’ reported to Igor with a group of helicopter pilots…

The old man doesn't fly much anymore. When the battle in the west entered a stalemate, the command center no longer needed his help. Now he has no interest there. Instead, Igor suddenly jumped out and asked the old man to help. The guy rekindled his old passion…

Now P·B's use of combat helicopters has dropped to a purely auxiliary state, and sometimes the helicopters are even not dispatched at all.

There are a large number of rockets piled up in Kandahar warehouses, but they are scorned by fixed-wing pilots who are accustomed to high-precision weapons.

In fact, the ‘Cobra’ was not particularly satisfied with the status quo, so a large number of combat helicopter pilots arrived in Kandahar on transport planes from Sangha Town.

At present, there are nearly 80 Black Hawk helicopters and Mi-24 Hind armed helicopters in Kandahar.

They are not needed in the western battlefield for the time being. It is better to let them operate than to let them idle, so that their prince can show his prestige, and also let the helicopter pilots who have not participated in large-scale battles for a long time get some actual combat training.

Following the movements of the "Cobra", Hassan, who was far away in Tobruk, sent two companies of elite soldiers from the "Sand Lizard Battalion" over by plane to support his nephew.

 Hassan has never officially recognized Nice, but this former North African aristocratic prince regards Igor as his real heir. Even in Hassan's heart, Igor is more important and more legal than Nice, because he hopes that Igor will not only inherit P·B, but also inherit the rule of the area around Tobruk!

As personnel, equipment, and materials gradually arrived, the vitality of the Kandahar base greatly increased!

 Compared to other people participating in the fierce battle, the new P·B people are more energetic!

 ‘Shovel’ and ‘Potato’ replaced the less cooperative Kandahar cooking squad and brought a new group of cooking squad soldiers to cook the stove for their master.

It’s just about feeding people, as long as the supplies are in place, that’s not a problem!

While this silly boy Igor didn't know anything, a team that was not affiliated with the original team in Kandahar gradually took shape.

Everyone has a tacit understanding of "no money"...

However, Princess Emina sent Igor a "charity experience", telling Igor how to take care of those war orphans, and how to protect the light in the eyes of children who have families but are struggling to survive.

And Igor's old uncle Qiao Liang simply said, "Don't you have some people? I not only handed over the security contract for the warehouse near Kandahar to you, but also handed over the security contract for the transportation line from Gwadar Port to Kandahar for Jialiang Trade." You, as a reward, you can ask for money or materials.

Lao Zhu from the giant infrastructure company did something even more outrageous. This guy rushed to the dog farm, hugged Igor and cried about his hardships. He wrote a big check and asked to hire people and dogs from the "dog farm" to help clean up the construction site. possible safety hazards, and at the same time, the safety of the later projects must be maintained.

Talibans as far away as Kabul are going crazy...

The first official letter they received from P·B was not to discuss political issues, but to ask them to search and collect NATO military and police dogs left in Afghanistan and send them to Kandahar as quickly as possible.

The Animal Welfare Organization may be the most lawless organization in the world. When Igor's outrageous request to press fingerprints was exposed, some crazy people actually responded to the call and came to Kandahar at their own expense to help P.B.'s little prince save those animals. Poor dog.

 In order to meet the requirements of these volunteers and facilitate their safe arrival, Kandahar Airport has opened a route to Dubai.

 Animal protection organizations are just side dishes, while feminist organizations and major arms dealers are the giants!

Igor said, ‘I want them to be fed’, and this innocent and simple wish immediately moved the eyes of those old white leftist feminist saints to their eyes.

 Following this, a large number of "fundraising dinners" began to appear across Europe and the United States. Every day, tens of millions of charity funds entered the charity funds controlled by Emina and Charlene.

But it was agreed that ‘no money would be given’, so no one informed Igor.

 Compared to that, there are really many arms companies...

Igor is also a child who grew up under everyone's nose. Photos of him wearing advertising diapers are still circulating on the Internet, and now Igor still has an endorsement contract with HK Company.

The Germans missed the window for the war in Yemen and missed a lot of business...

These people have figured it out now...

The best place to prove the value of weapons is the battlefield, and currently only P.B. can openly use the battlefield as a propaganda position in the world.

When his spokesperson wants to do big things, the stingy German guy is uncharacteristically uncharacteristic.

Led by HK Company, Germany's Rheinmetall sent Igor six of the world's most expensive top-of-the-line "Boxer Dog" armored vehicles, saying that Igor would be able to travel around and provide an endorsement contract worth 300,000 yuan.

As long as Igor takes a few photos, he will be able to drive it whenever he goes out in Afghanistan.

HK Company was more straightforward. They directly transferred advertising mercenaries from Yemen and stuffed them into the "dog farm" in Kandahar.

This kind of movement made Princess Charlene's eyes red with jealousy...

They are both sons, but one is biological and the other is ‘godson’, but the difference in treatment between Jacques and Igor is really huge!

Her son still had to find his own solution. Albert II was a businessman. In order to prevent Jacques from being wasted in a Monaco aristocratic school, Charlene chose a very outrageous approach...

The warlord princess hesitated for a long time, and finally decided to take her son out of the aristocratic school in Monaco, and let the two newly-renovated 056 'Lion King' and 'Eagle' sail directly to the sea off Monaco. His son picked him up and sailed to the Persian Gulf from the sea.

The big machine P·B started running and set off huge waves...

Asma, who is in the huge waves, feels that she has been dreaming recently...

 She couldn’t tell whether this was a dream or a nightmare...


  Tomorrow is probably still at 8pm, please bear with me!

 (End of this chapter)

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