From Arms Dealer To King of War

Chapter 1441: The beginning of chaos

Chapter 1441 The Beginning of the Chaos

 Chauga has actually been paying attention to the situation in the United States...

There is no need to ask Thompson and others to collect intelligence, as long as they sort out the news every day, they will know.

  After President Bayer took office, NATO held many military exercises near Northern Europe, and it is not news that the Azov Battalion and the local militia started fighting on the Uzbek side.

However, there is relatively cold information, that is, the United Nations Human Rights Investigation Organization believes that the Azov Battalion is a modern Nazi organization, because they themselves have publicly admitted it and have made no secret of the atrocities they committed in Ukraine.

 But when these people were running amok in Wudang, the media in Europe and the United States shut up collectively as if they had taken dumb pills.

 It is not that no one has discussed it, but Russia set an extremely bad precedent in Crimea in 2014.

 Annexing the territory of a legitimate country in a manner that violates international law is a stain that cannot be circumvented.

 No matter how arrogant and domineering the United States is, they only support agents to carry out wars in order to seek political and profit benefits.

They did not blatantly annex the territory of any country after World War II. Instead, they urged the colonial countries to spit out all their colonies.

This stick crippled several European colonial powers, and also beat the British to such a degree that they never recovered from the situation, turning from the leader into a loyal younger brother.

 At any time in the past, the old saints in Europe would have jumped out to condemn the Azov camp, but things always have priorities...

Bayer has been building momentum...

Faced with the fact that Germany and France had acted as intermediaries to mediate the signing of the Minsk Agreement between Ukraine and Russia a few years ago, Bayer was not in a position to insult Ms. Mo, so he chose to keep putting pressure on Russia. …

On the one hand, he ordered Zelens to launch a large-scale army into Ukraine and carry out unrestricted attacks on the Russians there. On the other hand, he blocked the news about Ukraine and continued to predict the "Russian invasion" through various official channels. time.

After Ukraine intensified its offensive, Russia's only option was to conduct military exercises on the border with deterrence.

This itself is a common practice, but now it has been constantly hyped by various officials and media, and has been amplified into a prelude to the Russian invasion.

Now the whole world is paying attention to the news about Ukraine, France and Germany are the most anxious, and Xiao Ma even calls Boss Pu every few days to try to mediate.

Most people don’t realize that this is a war that Old Bayer wants, and there is no room for mediation.

 The warm-up in the early stage is just to hype, and then to create political correctness and force public opinion to take sides.

 A small number of people like Xiao Ma are aware of the risks involved, so they keep trying to make Boss Pu bow his head and admit his mistakes like he did in the past, and withstand the spit of the whole world, so that everyone can continue to do business.

Europe has not found an energy plan B yet, and the consequences of going to war would be too serious!

It is a pity that politicians like Old Bayer who came from the Cold War era can clearly see that the confrontation between China and the United States has reached a fever pitch.

 What he has to do at this time is not to blindly start wars in various fields like a mad dog, but to first force Europe to unite with the United States again.

 There is no easier way to achieve this goal than using Da Er.

There has always been a point of view within the United States, which is to use the geopolitical issues between Russia and China to stir up the situation there.

Tazuitang is a supporter of this point of view, so he has publicly admitted that Boss Pu is his idol more than once, and in the end he was even disgraced by others who took advantage of this.

But the real American elites absolutely do not agree with this view!

 Because integrating Russia into the existing alliance system will make Europe an iron plate.

 Imagine if Russia joins the EU, then those Eastern European countries affected by Russia will soon follow.

Ignoring the question of who is in charge, once Europe gains reliance on key projects such as energy, resources, cheap labor, and markets, the European trade circle will expand to a terrifying extent.

If Europe challenges the status of the United States in finance, industry and other fields, the consequences will be many times more dire than the threat from China.

 Daer is even more threatening in terms of race and geography!

 Once Great Russia integrates into Europe, American rule will be shaken to its roots!

Beixi 1H has already put the United States in a chokehold. In the eyes of the United States, Beixi 2H is Russia’s tentacle extending into Europe.

 Whether it is for economic or political interests, this is intolerable!

Chaojia has long known that the war between Uzbekistan and D is bound to break out, and has warned his friends many times.

 The information revealed by Devali now means that Shah is already making preparations...

In order to negotiate with the Houthi armed forces, the Shah not only went to Somalia through the Houthi armed forces to reach the first round of negotiations, but also spent a lot of money to get his old mother to come forward to facilitate their meeting with Iran.

 Because they know very well that just talking to the Houthis is of no use at all. They must talk to the boss behind them in order to make decisive progress.

Boss Joe didn’t know the specific content of the negotiations, but just by replacing the Blackhawks with Apache, Joega judged that Shah wanted to build a new deep strike team.

The Shahs definitely don’t want to fight, so what they do is to gain leverage.

 Because if the threat from the Houthis cannot be balanced, their negotiations with Iran will suffer.

 At this point, it means that their negotiations have entered into some details, because if they cannot agree on the general direction, both parties will not even have room to sit down.

Now it’s about who has more chips, who will be able to take advantage in subsequent negotiations!

The Shah Crown Prince was very discerning. He smelled the smell and immediately followed the trend and used the problem of the Houthi armed forces to find a solution to his old mother. Once the Uk L changes, energy prices will immediately skyrocket. If the money cannot be spent, it will depreciate due to inflation.

At this time, as an oil-producing country, it will definitely invest money in development without hesitation.

 Once the Shah and Iran join hands, the Middle East will immediately enter a stage of rapid development, and the Persian Gulf will surely become the busiest trade route in the world.

This kind of thing is beneficial to the Shah, Iran, and the old mother!

The Shah wants to prosper, Iran wants to reduce pressure and accelerate internal development, and the old mother wants to earn huge amounts of money from the Gulf Alliance by exporting materials and technology.

And the influence demonstrated through this kind of thing will have a profound impact on the situation in the entire Middle East and even the entire world.

As soon as this is started, it means that the old mother's reaching out to the Middle East is legal!

 This is something that everyone can win!

However, if the Shah and Iran really reconcile, once Ukraine starts a war and once the war is delayed, Europe will definitely not be able to withstand it for long. At that time, going to the Middle East to provoke the United States will be their best choice.

This world is like a multi-sided matryoshka game. Everyone has their own calculations. When the United States loses its dominance, it will press the gourd and lift the ladle.

 Once American politicians lose their minds, the balance of power may shift!

However, the old Bayer's move to engage Russia is really vicious. By tightening the reins around Europe's neck, it can always maintain its political advantage. Even if the world develops into a confrontational model again, the United States will continue to be the leader. Keep

Of course Chauga doesn’t know what will happen in the future, but that doesn’t stop him from congratulating Shah and Devali, who are bound to make a fortune.

 “Brother, there will definitely be a war in the east and west, and you are going to get rich.

Now your eldest nephew is fighting drugs in Aqionghan. He likes Apaches, and you probably won’t have much use for them anyway. Give him a few more fights.

Don’t worry, the Black Hawk helicopter will definitely take care of it! "

Devali was amused by Boss Joe's tone. He laughed and said, "Igor is a good boy, I think highly of him.

My eldest daughter Deniya seems a bit older, but my third daughter is also in Sangha Town, and she is also a beautiful little girl..."

After hearing this, Qiao Jia shook his head decisively and said, "It's useless for you to tell me this. What happens in the future depends on Igor himself."

After hearing this, Devali said with some disbelief: "You don't care?"

Qiaojia sneered and said, "Of course I don't care, that's my son. He has to nod what kind of girl he wants to marry."

 “That’s fine…”

Devali didn’t seem to mind Boss Qiao’s less polite attitude. He said with a smile: “I believe we will still have feelings when we grow up together!”

Qiao Jia said helplessly after hearing this: "Can we talk about something that is not so far away?

I have several Scorpions being used here. Are you interested in sending someone over to take a look?

If you are interested, I can talk to someone from AVIC, and we can also talk about the production line..."

After hearing this, Devali smiled and said, "Do you still care about that little money?

You have mentioned again and again the production of offshore gas fields in the Mediterranean. As soon as Ukraine starts a war, that gas field will become a gold mine. "

Qiao Jia said angrily: "I have been working at a loss for so many years, why can't I live a good life for a few days?

What does this have to do with me making money selling arms? "

Devali was choked for a moment, he shook his head and said: "Jackal, you know where the core of the future conflict will be...

And you should understand that as long as Iran relaxes, too many arms will not have much effect on us.

 I actually have thoughts in this regard, but now our crown prince feels that it is actually more beneficial to wait for some things. "

 Qiao Jia sighed after hearing this...

These wealthy men of the Shah have really figured out this thing about "purchasing power deriving power"!

 The old mother still has a long way to go if she wants to be deeply involved in the situation in the Middle East!

The Shah of the Two-tailed Scorpion definitely wants it, but the Shah is basically out of trouble now, and it has become a buyer's market. If you want to make money from the Shah's wealthy men, you have to meet some of their requirements.

 You see, the world is such a reality!

Jojia was not in the mood to talk nonsense with Devali. He watched the number suddenly pop up on the satellite phone. He frowned and said goodbye to Devali and answered the call...

 “Hello ‘Professor’, what can I do?”

 (End of this chapter)

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